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Business Research and Trade Intelligence [TRADINT]

General Business Search

  • OpenCorporates
    Claims to be the largest open database of companies and corporations in the world.
  • aiHit Company Database
    A great tool that allows you to search over 15 million companies. Provides a large amount of information per company.
  • Craft
    Search for a company and receive a wealth of information, analytics, financials, and locations.
  • LEI Search
    Search for a legal entity identifier (LEI) and find other associated companies.
  • Effect International
    Find business information for corporate risk, B2B marketing and sales. Explore data on over 170 million companies across 200 different countries. Requires a paid subscription.
  • BizDirLib
    A large business directory sorted by country.
  • BizEurope
    A directory of European businesses, sorted by category.
  • Panjiva
    Provides supply chain intelligence for global trade companies. Requires a paid subscription.

Patents and Trademarks

Business Registries

Worldwide Registries

  • EBRA Worldwide Registers
    A large directory of business registries from all over the world.
  • Around The World Company Registration
    Similar directory of worldwide company registries, they also offer many other great company research tools. Click here for a German to English translation.
  • OpenOwnership
    A company search tool that provides a wealth of data. Search by company name, beneficial owner. They also offer their data sets for download.

Country and Region Specific Registries


South Africa


  • North Data
    Provides easily understandable company information that is publicly available for European companies. Obtained from sources such as trade registers, yearly reports, funding registers, trademark registers, patent registers and others.

North America


  • Canada Business Registries Search
    Search through the official registries of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and Corporations Canada. This service lets you search across these registries at one time. Information from these registries may be updated on a daily or monthly basis.

Shipping and International Trade

  • ImportYeti
    Search over 70 Million U.S. Customs sea shipment records. Displays plenty of import information, analytics and company information.
  • Tradint.io
    Using TRADINT intelligence, they have gathered the best resources, and created tools to make locating trade information simple.
  • 52WMB
    International trade data service platform that provides customs data, a buyer and supplier directory, B/L, industry reports, and more. Requires registration.

4,286 characters in 527 words.