
4.1 KiB

layout title author date amount milestones payouts
cp el00ruobuob: JANUARY TO MARCH (PART TIME FOR A NEW QUARTER) el00ruobuob February 3, 2019 45
name funds done status
January 33.33% (XMR 15) January 31, 2019 completed
name funds done status
February 33.33% (XMR 15) February 28, 2019 completed
name funds done status
March 33.33% (XMR 15) March 31, 2019 completed
date amount
April 3, 2019 15
date amount
April 3, 2019 15
date amount
April 3, 2019 15


Hi there,

El00ruobuob again, asking if you want to support my work for the current quarter.

Report since last quarter

I have been missing a bunch of report lately, and i've not done as much as i expected (but still respecting my minimum devoted time), but here's what i did:

Current work list

  1. Hangout Page

I started working a few month ago to a new hangout page.
It had been discuss in community meeting a while ago, and an issue is opened since here
I made a few tests and think about "what should be the best", and come with a solution:

  • The hangout page should highlight a support section on the right (as it is actually for StackExchange), and adding the r/MoneroSupport along with the MRW website in this section.
  • The hangout page must let user choose where to join the discussion, based on the tools he use, or based on the things he wanted to do. So i replaced the left side panes with a dynamic section where you can choose "By Platform" (listing all channels/groups/sites on all platforms, including IRC, Mattermost, Reddit, Taiga, Telegram, external website & ressources), or "By WorkGroup" (listing all the workgroups with their respectives places.
    This is still an ongoing work, as i try to figure out how to best handle this at code (html/liquid/.yml) level, but you can see and test it on my own branch.
  1. Research Lab & Dev Meetings reports

A few weeks ago, dEBRUYNE asked me if i may be able to add the Research Lab meetings & Dev meetings logs to the blog.
I accept the task and started with the Research Lab Meeting backlog (10 meetings' logs in a merge request atm.)

  1. GUI guide update to 0.14

With the upcoming upgrade, i proposed to help Erciccione with the updates on the GUI Guide.
I haven't started yet but offers to work on this in the next days.

  1. MMS guide translation

I started to tranlate this just before the GUI call for translator.
It is a huge user-guide and will requires more time than i suspected.

  1. Miscellaneous

Other small activities always needs time every now and then.
There are new strings for Monerujo i haven't translate to French yet (or even look at).
I continue to post the Community Meeting logs and do any stuff i can to help anyone asking for (as long as it doesn't requires me to lengthen a day's 24h)

It's not about the money money money

But, still...

For this new Quarter, in this obviously Bear market, i am asking for 1.25XMR per hour, on a 3 hours a week basis.
That's a 15XMR a month, so 45XMR total.

My milestone will be monthly-based:

  • January: 15XMR
  • February: 15XMR
  • March: 15XMR

Anyway, feels welcome to give your thoughts, or ask for emergency work from me.

See you soon!