Use the following to run KeePassXC with the icons from the
source code, ignoring the operating system's Qt icon theme:
The patch further adds a script `` that re-creates KeePassXC
icons from the Material Design icon set and can be used for easily
updating icons in the future. Instructions are in the script.
- Use proper model for database and session in settings page
- Fix button text (unlock/lock) not changed according to the database locking status
- Fix button icons not present on icon themes other than Breeze
- Fix the disconnect button may got clipped when new session opens
Rename 'k' to 'f' because 'k' is already used to specify the key for the target database of the merge
* Remove short -f option from keepassxc-cli.1
* Remove -f option from keepassxc-cli merge
* Add test cases covering cli options for merge
* Add functional test for merge with keys
* Fix#3609 - Request screen reader permission by faking a 1px screenshot. Thanks to MacPass for this idea.
* Fix#3578 - Remove duplicate sandbox entitlement
* Fix#3270 - Use executable path reference for libquazip
Added new page "Statistics" to the Database Settings dialog that shows information like number of groups and entries, number of unique and re-used passwords, average password length, etc.
Show warnings for problematic values with explainations for the user in tooltips.
Database statistics icon:
Downloaded from:
Original source:
* Add demo kdbx file (password is `secret`)
The demo.kdbx password safe contains a number of realistically looking
but imaginary accounts for popular web services (Amazon, eBay, Google,
etc.) The owner's name is supposed to be John Doe, his e-mail address
The intended use of this file is:
* To try out features (like the upcoming Paper Backup, #3277) without
using one's own database.
* To have a more-or-less realistic database file. The other kdbx files
in the tests/data directory all have some peculiarity or another.
* To have a password database from which one can take screenshots in
order to demonstrate bugs or new features. So, the recommendation
"don't include screen shots of your database" can be changed to
"include screen shots of the demo database".
* To have something you can mess around with without being afraid to
mess up your own database. If you mess up too bad, use git to revert
your changes.
The location of the demo database is `tests/data/demo.kdbx`. The
password is `secret`.
So far, the demo database is in the source tree only, to be used
by developers. Someone else may decide whether it could be placed in the
distribution, or maybe even made available for download from the KeePassXC
web site so that new users have something to play around with.
* Add more sophistication to the demo database
Add a second group that contais more sophisticated items:
Attachments, attributes, notes, expiration.
Note that the "ssh key" is completely imaginary and cannot
be used for anything realistic. For example, the public and
private keys don't fit together, the pass phrase and finger
print don't match, etc. It's just for demo purposes, like
anything in this file.
* Fixes#3145
The system tray menu used to have three items (toggle window,
lock database, quit) of which only two had an icon, which
looked strange and unintended. This commit adds an icon for
the "Toggle window" menu item.
* Use a padlock icon for the "Lock DB" tray menu item
Originally, icon `document-encryt.png` was used, however theming seems
to be getting in the way by sometimes displaying a plain "document"
icon instead. Copied the icon files to `database-lock.png` and used
that one for the "lock database" tray menu item instead.
* In Database Settings, use the "security-high" icon for "Security"
Previously, the "document-encrypt" icon was used, which should be
something like a padlock but which, due to theming, somethings
fell back to a generic document icon (page of paper).
The "document-encrypt" icon is no longer used and was removed.
This plugin implements the Secret Storage specification version 0.2.
While running KeePassXC, it acts as a Secret Service server, registered
on DBus, so clients like seahorse, python-secretstorage, or other
implementations can connect and access the exposed database in KeePassXC.
Squashed commits:
- Initial code
- Add SessionAdaptor and fix build
- The skeletons for all dbus objects are in place
- Implement collection creation and deletion
- Emit collectionChanged signal
- Implement app-wise settings page
- Implement error message on GUI
- Implement settings
- Fix uuid to dbus path
- Implement app level settings
- Add freedesktop logo
- Implement database settings page
- Change database settings to a treeview
- Move all settings read/write to one place
- Rename SecretServiceOptionsPage to SettingsWidgetFdoSecrets
- Fix selected group can not be saved if the user hasn't click on the item
- Show selected group per database in app settings
- Disable editing of various readonly widgets
- Remove unused warning about non exposed database
- Fix method signature on dbus adaptors
- Fix type derived from DBusObject not recognized as QDBusContext
- Resolve a few TODOs around error handling
- Remove const when passing DBus exposed objects
- Move dismiss to PromptBase
- Implement per collection locking/unlocking
- Fix const correctness on Item::setSecret
- Implement SecretService::getSecrets
- Rework the signal connections around collections.
- Remove generateId from DBusObject
- Per spec, use encoded label as DBus object path for collections
- Fix some corner cases around collection name changes
- Implement alias
- Fix wrong alias dbus path
- Implement encryption per spec
- Cleanup SessionCipher
- Implement searchItems for SecretService
- Use Tools::uuidToHex
- Implement Item attributes and delete
- Implement createItem
- Always check if the database is unlocked before perform any operation
- Add missing ReadAlias/SetAlias on service
- Reorganize and fix OpenSession always returning empty output
- Overhaul error handling
- Make sure default alias is always present
- Remove collection aliases early in doDelete
- Handles all content types, fix setProperties not working
- Fix sometimes there is an extraneous leading zero when converting from MPI
- Fix session encryption negotiation
- Do not expose recycle bin
- Protect against the methods not called from DBus
- Also emit collectionChanged signal when lock state changes
- Show notification when entry secret is requested
- Add a README file
- Actually close session when client disconnects
- Gracefully return alternative label when collection is locked
- Reorganize, rename secretservice to fdosecrets
- Fix issues reported by clazy
- Unify UI strings and fix icon
- Implement a setting to skip confirmation when deleting entries from DBus
- Remove some unused debugging log
- Simply ignore errors when DBus context is not available. QtDBus won't set QDBusContext when deliver property get/set, and there is no way to get a QDBusMessage in property getter/setter.
- Simplify GcryptMPI using std::unique_ptr and add unit test
- Format code in fdosecrets
- Move DBusReturnImpl to details namespace
- Fix crash when locking a database: don't modify exposedGroup setting in customData when database is deleted
- Make sure Collection::searchItems works, whether it's locked or not
- Fix FdoSecrets::Collection becomes empty after a database reload
- Fix crash when looping while modifying the list
* Fix#1846, kdbx is registered to KeePassXC with
an icon (locked database icon)
* Fix#2489, OpenSSL and Crypto libraries are packaged
to support https connections
* Fix minor typo in KeeShare (missing "?")
When WITH_XC_NETWORKING is defined, create a QToolButton beside the Edit Entry -> Entry -> URL, which when pressed, acts as though the Edit Entry -> Icon -> Download Favicon button is pressed. This button is disabled (grayed-out) when the URL text is empty, and enabled when the text is present.
* Add favicon download button
* Remove the progress dialog that appears when
downloading an entry's URL's favicon since (when working correctly) it disappears before it can be read. When downloading icons from the button
located next to the URL text box, display a message panel that confirms the download was a success.
* Do not show successful icon download msg if icon alread exists