When selecting another attribute in the advanced tab, do not mark the entry as modified
(nothing was changed). Also do not mark as modified when the notes checkbox is
checked/unchecked (doesn't change entry). Fixes#3013.
This is useful when keepassxc is minimized/hidden to the tray, and all
the plumbing is already in place from the lock icon button in the main
window UI.
In case of a modified group, pressing cancel in the confirmation dialog
of cancel led to discarding the changes instead of returning to the edit widget.
This implements support for SHA-256 and SHA-512 hash algorithms when
generating TOTP codes. These algorithms are specified by RFC6238. The
implementation is compatible with Google's OTP URL format, as well as
with the KeeOTP plugin for KeePass.
The implementation is not wired into the GUI, as the main project
developer expressed strong negative sentiment about adding more
options there. It is possible to configure codes by putting the
appropriate string into the entry's otp property, or using another
program with a less opinionated UI and a compatible on-disk format.
* Keys that were previously added do not show an error message (they are most likely still in the agent)
* Shifted to using the KeeAgentSettings class to guide behavior of addIdentity function
* Fixes#2902
* Reduce initial update check notification to 500 ms to prevent inappropriately stealing focus from user
* Add build flag WITH_XC_UPDATECHECK which defaults to ON
* Update checks are resolved every 7 days instead of every time the application is started
* Better checks for beta builds; ignore snapshots
* Increase test cases
* Don't show apply button when creating new entries or groups (Fix#2191)
* Don't mark entry/group as dirty when first creating a new one (prevents unnecessary discard dialog on cancel)
* Properly enable/disable apply button when changes are made to entries and groups
* Don't show discard change warning when locking database unless their are actual changes made
NOTE: Extra pages in the group edit widget are not watched for changes yet. Requires a major refactor.
* Mark database dirty if saving fails
* Restore database file from backup if unsafe save fails between deleting database file and copying temporary file into place
* Improve error message display for opening and saving database files
* Do not automatically retry saving after failure. This prevents deletion of the backup database file and improves user awareness of issues.
This is useful when keepassxc is minimized/hidden to the tray, and all
the plumbing is already in place from the lock icon button in the main
window UI.
* When removing portions of the master key, the key is marked dirty for saving
* Properly clear password and other fields in edit entry widget and password widgets
* Fix#2877 - password is unchecked by default
* Smarter activation of key components based on contents of text entry fields
* Prevent multiple copies of the same database from opening when the canonicalFileName != fileName
* Order of previously open databases are preserved when closing the application
* The active database on closing remains active after startup
* Nested open previous databases and remember key files under the remember previously open databases setting
* Fix#1675
Adding debug info to the CLI and the general option
of the main Qt app. Also took time to:
* use `EXIT_SUCCESS`/`EXIT_FAILURE` constants
for main.cpp (this is what is used in `src/cli`);
* fixed `m_initalized` typo;
* added info on debugging mode being disabled
or not;
* regrouped Qt related stuff in the debug output.
/var/tmp/portage/app-admin/keepassxc-2.4.0/work/keepassxc-2.4.0/src/gui/DatabaseWidget.cpp: In member function ‘void DatabaseWidget::search(const QString&)’:
/var/tmp/portage/app-admin/keepassxc-2.4.0/work/keepassxc-2.4.0/src/gui/DatabaseWidget.cpp:1115:5: error: ‘m_shareLabel’ was not declared in this scope
/var/tmp/portage/app-admin/keepassxc-2.4.0/work/keepassxc-2.4.0/src/gui/DatabaseWidget.cpp:1115:5: note: suggested alternative: ‘m_searchingLabel’
* The warning about not having a password is now properly shown (previously it did not let you continue at all)
* General cleanup of the master key editing workflow
Fixes stuck "Download favicon" button on icon download attempts for IP
address hosts by skipping attempts to get 2nd level domain resources
(which resulted in calls to 0.0.0.<rightmost octet of original IP>).
Fixes some cases when DuckDuckGo fallback fails to find icon of >2-level
domains, by adding a request to a DDG URL based on entry's 2nd level
Repurposes EditWidgetIcons' private fetchCanceled slot (which as of #2439,
is unused by any code) into public abortRequests slot, which is
connected to the entry edit widget's accepted and rejected signals (in
other words, Ok or Cancel was pressed).
* Fix problem with export from newly saved database
Newly created/saved databases (or used with DatabaseWidget::saveAs)
were not exported/imported correctly.
Fixed the problem by reinitializing the ShareObserver on
* Introduce warnings and prevent conflicting shares
Introduced several warnings and errors to indicate improper settings.
Prevent export when a path is used multiple times (only the file path is
checked - may ignore multiple similar ways to reference a share).
* Improve KeeShare integration in DatabaseWidget
Moved initial KeeShare association to constructor.
Introduced Q_UNUSED to indicate need for assignment statement.
* When viewing a shared group, the sharing state is indicated by a label
similar to the search label.
* Banner shows on children of shared groups
* When searching, share banner is hidden
* Fixed issue where group/entry information was not updated after change
* Fixed unending timer in BulkFileWatcher causing high CPU usage after first save
* Fix multiple SIGNAL connections found with GammaRay
* Remove horizontal scrollbar from EditWidget due to ghosting (maybe Qt bug)
The database master key settings widget does not actually
need to (re-)transform the master key, it only needs to update
the Key object on the database. Transformation can be deferred
until the Database is persisted to disk. This avoids delays
and unnecessary user interaction with challenge-response
dongles by eliminating redundant key transformations.
* Minor code quality fixes found by Codacy
* Fix unused variables when WITH_XC_NETWORKING is OFF
* Fix#2684, resolve entry references from the root group
* Fix#2697 and Fix#2699, listen specifically for
Windows to gracefully shutdown KeePassXC
* Cleanup proxy code and add explicit closure for
shutdown messages
* otp setting is properly loaded and saved (Fix#2671)
* Removing the key from TOTP Setup clears all TOTP
settings for entry
* Santize TOTP key prior to storing in OTP format