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Bitsquare is a P2P Fiat-BTC Exchange, extensible to a generic P2P trading platform (include commodities and cryptocurrencies)

The project use Java 8 and Maven. We use the bitcoinj library and TomP2P for DHT and messaging.

If you want to use the RegTest mode you need to set regtest=1 in the bitcoin.config file inside the bitcoin data directory (https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Running_Bitcoin). Then you can generate coins on demand with the Bitcoin qt client with that command in the console: setgenerate true 101 (101 only for the first start because the coin maturity of 100 blocks). See: https://bitcoinj.github.io/testing You can change the network mode in the guice module: BitSquareModule.java

We use a fork of the actual TomP2P master branch: https://github.com/ManfredKarrer/TomP2P You need to check that out as well and deploy it to the local maven repository: mvn clean install -DskipTests


Screenshots of basic the use cases:

Transactions of a test trade on main net: