This application is a lightly modified [create-react-app]( with typescript using [envoy proxy]( and [grpc-web]( to use Haveno's gRPC API.
1. [Run a local Haveno test network](, running Alice as a daemon with `make alice-daemon`.
3. In a new terminal, start envoy with the config in haveno-ui-poc/config/envoy.yaml (change absolute path for your system): `docker run --rm --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway -it -v ~/git/haveno-ui-poc/config/envoy.yaml:/envoy.yaml -p 8080:8080 envoyproxy/envoy-dev:8a2143613d43d17d1eb35a24b4a4a4c432215606 -c /envoy.yaml`
4.`cd haveno-ui-poc`
5.`npm install`
6.`npm start` to open http://localhost:3000 in a browser
7. Confirm that the Haveno daemon version is displayed (1.6.2)
1. [Run a local Haveno test network](, running Alice and Bob as daemons with `make alice-daemon` and `make bob-daemon`.
3. In a new terminal, start envoy with the config in haveno-ui-poc/config/envoy.test.yaml (change absolute path for your system): `docker run --rm --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway -it -v ~/git/haveno-ui-poc/config/envoy.test.yaml:/envoy.test.yaml -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 envoyproxy/envoy-dev:8a2143613d43d17d1eb35a24b4a4a4c432215606 -c /envoy.test.yaml`
4. In a new terminal, start an instance of monero-wallet-rpc at port 38084. This wallet will be automatically funded in order to fund Alice and Bob during the tests.<br>For example: `cd ~/git/haveno/.localnet/ && ./monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-address http://localhost:38081 --daemon-login superuser:abctesting123 --stagenet --rpc-bind-port 38084 --rpc-login rpc_user:abc123 --wallet-dir ./ --rpc-access-control-origins http://localhost:8080`
1. Copy grpc.proto and pb.proto from Haveno's [protobuf definitions]( to ./config.