mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 19:36:09 -04:00
update after removing dao, tests passing
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This application is a lightly modified [create-react-app](https://github.com/fac
## Run in a Browser
1. [Run a local Haveno test network](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/installing.md) except replace `./haveno-desktop` with `./haveno-daemon` when starting Alice at port 9999.
1. [Run a local Haveno test network](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/installing.md), running Alice as a daemon with `make alice-daemon`.
2. `git clone https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-ui-poc`
4. Start envoy with the config in ./config/envoy.yaml<br>
Example: `docker run --rm -it -v ~/git/haveno-ui-poc/config/envoy.yaml:/envoy.yaml -p 8080:8080 envoyproxy/envoy-dev:8a2143613d43d17d1eb35a24b4a4a4c432215606 -c /envoy.yaml`
@ -24,14 +24,13 @@ Running the [top-level API tests](./src/HavenoDaemon.test.tsx) is a great way to
[`HavenoDaemon`](./src/HavenoDaemon.tsx) provides the interface to the Haveno daemon's gRPC API.
1. [Run a local Haveno test network](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/installing.md) except replace `./haveno-desktop` with `./haveno-daemon` when starting Alice at port 9999 and Bob at port 10000.
1. [Run a local Haveno test network](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/installing.md), running Alice and Bob as daemons with `make alice-daemon` and `make bob-daemon`.
2. `git clone https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-ui-poc`
4. Start envoy with the test config in ./config/envoy.test.yaml.<br>
Example: `docker run --rm -it -v ~/git/haveno-ui-poc/config/envoy.test.yaml:/envoy.test.yaml -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 envoyproxy/envoy-dev:8a2143613d43d17d1eb35a24b4a4a4c432215606 -c /envoy.test.yaml`
5. `npm install`
6. Modify test config as needed in [HavenoDaemon.test.tsx](./src/HavenoDaemon.test.tsx).
7. `npm test`
8. Run all tests: `a`
## How to Update the Protobuf Client
@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ message CreateOfferRequest {
double buyer_security_deposit = 8;
uint64 trigger_price = 9 [jstype = JS_STRING];
string payment_account_id = 10;
string maker_fee_currency_code = 11;
message CreateOfferReply {
@ -147,18 +146,17 @@ message OfferInfo {
uint64 min_volume = 9;
uint64 buyer_security_deposit = 10;
uint64 trigger_price = 11;
bool is_currency_for_maker_fee_btc = 12;
string payment_account_id = 13;
string payment_method_id = 14;
string payment_method_short_name = 15;
string base_currency_code = 16;
string counter_currency_code = 17;
uint64 date = 18;
string state = 19;
uint64 seller_security_deposit = 20;
string offer_fee_payment_tx_id = 21;
uint64 tx_fee = 22;
uint64 maker_fee = 23;
string payment_account_id = 12;
string payment_method_id = 13;
string payment_method_short_name = 14;
string base_currency_code = 15;
string counter_currency_code = 16;
uint64 date = 17;
string state = 18;
uint64 seller_security_deposit = 19;
string offer_fee_payment_tx_id = 20;
uint64 tx_fee = 21;
uint64 maker_fee = 22;
message AvailabilityResultWithDescription {
@ -303,7 +301,6 @@ service Trades {
message TakeOfferRequest {
string offer_id = 1;
string payment_account_id = 2;
string taker_fee_currency_code = 3;
message TakeOfferReply {
@ -435,14 +432,8 @@ service Wallets {
rpc GetAddressBalance (GetAddressBalanceRequest) returns (GetAddressBalanceReply) {
rpc GetUnusedBsqAddress (GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest) returns (GetUnusedBsqAddressReply) {
rpc SendBsq (SendBsqRequest) returns (SendBsqReply) {
rpc SendBtc (SendBtcRequest) returns (SendBtcReply) {
rpc VerifyBsqSentToAddress (VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest) returns (VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply) {
rpc GetTxFeeRate (GetTxFeeRateRequest) returns (GetTxFeeRateReply) {
rpc SetTxFeeRatePreference (SetTxFeeRatePreferenceRequest) returns (SetTxFeeRatePreferenceReply) {
@ -486,23 +477,6 @@ message GetAddressBalanceReply {
AddressBalanceInfo address_balance_info = 1;
message GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest {
message GetUnusedBsqAddressReply {
string address = 1;
message SendBsqRequest {
string address = 1;
string amount = 2;
string tx_fee_rate = 3;
message SendBsqReply {
TxInfo tx_info = 1;
message SendBtcRequest {
string address = 1;
string amount = 2;
@ -514,15 +488,6 @@ message SendBtcReply {
TxInfo tx_info = 1;
message VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest {
string address = 1;
string amount = 2;
message VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply {
bool is_amount_received = 1;
message GetTxFeeRateRequest {
@ -593,18 +558,8 @@ message BalancesInfo {
// Field names are shortened for readability's sake, i.e.,
// balancesInfo.getBtc().getAvailableBalance() is cleaner than
// balancesInfo.getBtcBalanceInfo().getAvailableBalance().
BsqBalanceInfo bsq = 1;
BtcBalanceInfo btc = 2;
XmrBalanceInfo xmr = 3;
message BsqBalanceInfo {
uint64 available_confirmed_balance = 1;
uint64 unverified_balance = 2;
uint64 unconfirmed_change_balance = 3;
uint64 locked_for_voting_balance = 4;
uint64 lockup_bonds_balance = 5;
uint64 unlocking_bonds_balance = 6;
BtcBalanceInfo btc = 1;
XmrBalanceInfo xmr = 2;
message BtcBalanceInfo {
@ -50,37 +50,23 @@ message NetworkEnvelope {
PrivateNotificationMessage private_notification_message = 27;
GetBlocksRequest get_blocks_request = 28;
GetBlocksResponse get_blocks_response = 29;
NewBlockBroadcastMessage new_block_broadcast_message = 30;
AddPersistableNetworkPayloadMessage add_persistable_network_payload_message = 28;
AckMessage ack_message = 29;
AddPersistableNetworkPayloadMessage add_persistable_network_payload_message = 31;
AckMessage ack_message = 32;
RepublishGovernanceDataRequest republish_governance_data_request = 33;
NewDaoStateHashMessage new_dao_state_hash_message = 34;
GetDaoStateHashesRequest get_dao_state_hashes_request = 35;
GetDaoStateHashesResponse get_dao_state_hashes_response = 36;
NewProposalStateHashMessage new_proposal_state_hash_message = 37;
GetProposalStateHashesRequest get_proposal_state_hashes_request = 38;
GetProposalStateHashesResponse get_proposal_state_hashes_response = 39;
NewBlindVoteStateHashMessage new_blind_vote_state_hash_message = 40;
GetBlindVoteStateHashesRequest get_blind_vote_state_hashes_request = 41;
GetBlindVoteStateHashesResponse get_blind_vote_state_hashes_response = 42;
BundleOfEnvelopes bundle_of_envelopes = 30;
MediatedPayoutTxSignatureMessage mediated_payout_tx_signature_message = 31;
MediatedPayoutTxPublishedMessage mediated_payout_tx_published_message = 32;
BundleOfEnvelopes bundle_of_envelopes = 43;
MediatedPayoutTxSignatureMessage mediated_payout_tx_signature_message = 44;
MediatedPayoutTxPublishedMessage mediated_payout_tx_published_message = 45;
DelayedPayoutTxSignatureRequest delayed_payout_tx_signature_request = 33;
DelayedPayoutTxSignatureResponse delayed_payout_tx_signature_response = 34;
DepositTxAndDelayedPayoutTxMessage deposit_tx_and_delayed_payout_tx_message = 35;
PeerPublishedDelayedPayoutTxMessage peer_published_delayed_payout_tx_message = 36;
DelayedPayoutTxSignatureRequest delayed_payout_tx_signature_request = 46;
DelayedPayoutTxSignatureResponse delayed_payout_tx_signature_response = 47;
DepositTxAndDelayedPayoutTxMessage deposit_tx_and_delayed_payout_tx_message = 48;
PeerPublishedDelayedPayoutTxMessage peer_published_delayed_payout_tx_message = 49;
RefreshTradeStateRequest refresh_trade_state_request = 37 [deprecated = true];
TraderSignedWitnessMessage trader_signed_witness_message = 38 [deprecated = true];
RefreshTradeStateRequest refresh_trade_state_request = 50 [deprecated = true];
TraderSignedWitnessMessage trader_signed_witness_message = 51 [deprecated = true];
GetInventoryRequest get_inventory_request = 52;
GetInventoryResponse get_inventory_response = 53;
GetInventoryRequest get_inventory_request = 39;
GetInventoryResponse get_inventory_response = 40;
SignOfferRequest sign_offer_request = 1001;
SignOfferResponse sign_offer_response = 1002;
@ -264,25 +250,24 @@ message InputsForDepositTxRequest {
int64 trade_price = 4;
int64 tx_fee = 5;
int64 taker_fee = 6;
bool is_currency_for_taker_fee_btc = 7;
repeated RawTransactionInput raw_transaction_inputs = 8;
int64 change_output_value = 9;
string change_output_address = 10;
bytes taker_multi_sig_pub_key = 11;
string taker_payout_address_string = 12;
PubKeyRing taker_pub_key_ring = 13;
PaymentAccountPayload taker_payment_account_payload = 14;
string taker_account_id = 15;
string taker_fee_tx_id = 16;
repeated NodeAddress accepted_arbitrator_node_addresses = 17;
repeated NodeAddress accepted_mediator_node_addresses = 18;
NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 19;
NodeAddress mediator_node_address = 20;
string uid = 21;
bytes account_age_witness_signature_of_offer_id = 22;
int64 current_date = 23;
repeated NodeAddress accepted_refund_agent_node_addresses = 24;
NodeAddress refund_agent_node_address = 25;
repeated RawTransactionInput raw_transaction_inputs = 7;
int64 change_output_value = 8;
string change_output_address = 9;
bytes taker_multi_sig_pub_key = 10;
string taker_payout_address_string = 11;
PubKeyRing taker_pub_key_ring = 12;
PaymentAccountPayload taker_payment_account_payload = 13;
string taker_account_id = 14;
string taker_fee_tx_id = 15;
repeated NodeAddress accepted_arbitrator_node_addresses = 16;
repeated NodeAddress accepted_mediator_node_addresses = 17;
NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 18;
NodeAddress mediator_node_address = 29;
string uid = 20;
bytes account_age_witness_signature_of_offer_id = 21;
int64 current_date = 22;
repeated NodeAddress accepted_refund_agent_node_addresses = 23;
NodeAddress refund_agent_node_address = 24;
message InputsForDepositTxResponse {
@ -580,71 +565,6 @@ message PrivateNotificationMessage {
PrivateNotificationPayload private_notification_payload = 3;
// DAO
message GetBlocksRequest {
int32 from_block_height = 1;
int32 nonce = 2;
NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3;
repeated int32 supported_capabilities = 4;
message GetBlocksResponse {
// Because of the way how PB implements inheritance we need to use the super class as type
repeated BaseBlock raw_blocks = 1;
int32 request_nonce = 2;
message NewBlockBroadcastMessage {
// Because of the way how PB implements inheritance we need to use the super class as type
BaseBlock raw_block = 1;
message RepublishGovernanceDataRequest {
message NewDaoStateHashMessage {
DaoStateHash state_hash = 1;
message NewProposalStateHashMessage {
ProposalStateHash state_hash = 1;
message NewBlindVoteStateHashMessage {
BlindVoteStateHash state_hash = 1;
message GetDaoStateHashesRequest {
int32 height = 1;
int32 nonce = 2;
message GetProposalStateHashesRequest {
int32 height = 1;
int32 nonce = 2;
message GetBlindVoteStateHashesRequest {
int32 height = 1;
int32 nonce = 2;
message GetDaoStateHashesResponse {
repeated DaoStateHash state_hashes = 1;
int32 request_nonce = 2;
message GetProposalStateHashesResponse {
repeated ProposalStateHash state_hashes = 1;
int32 request_nonce = 2;
message GetBlindVoteStateHashesResponse {
repeated BlindVoteStateHash state_hashes = 1;
int32 request_nonce = 2;
// Payload
@ -688,8 +608,7 @@ message StoragePayload {
MailboxStoragePayload mailbox_storage_payload = 6;
OfferPayload offer_payload = 7;
TempProposalPayload temp_proposal_payload = 8;
RefundAgent refund_agent = 9;
RefundAgent refund_agent = 8;
@ -697,10 +616,8 @@ message PersistableNetworkPayload {
oneof message {
AccountAgeWitness account_age_witness = 1;
TradeStatistics2 trade_statistics2 = 2 [deprecated = true];
ProposalPayload proposal_payload = 3;
BlindVotePayload blind_vote_payload = 4;
SignedWitness signed_witness = 5;
TradeStatistics3 trade_statistics3 = 6;
SignedWitness signed_witness = 3;
TradeStatistics3 trade_statistics3 = 4;
@ -833,21 +750,19 @@ message Filter {
repeated string price_relay_nodes = 11;
bool prevent_public_btc_network = 12;
repeated string btc_nodes = 13;
bool disable_dao = 14;
string disable_dao_below_version = 15;
string disable_trade_below_version = 16;
repeated string mediators = 17;
repeated string refundAgents = 18;
repeated string bannedSignerPubKeys = 19;
repeated string btc_fee_receiver_addresses = 20;
int64 creation_date = 21;
string signer_pub_key_as_hex = 22;
repeated string bannedPrivilegedDevPubKeys = 23;
bool disable_auto_conf = 24;
repeated string banned_auto_conf_explorers = 25;
repeated string node_addresses_banned_from_network = 26;
bool disable_api = 27;
bool disable_mempool_validation = 28;
string disable_trade_below_version = 14;
repeated string mediators = 15;
repeated string refundAgents = 16;
repeated string bannedSignerPubKeys = 17;
repeated string btc_fee_receiver_addresses = 18;
int64 creation_date = 19;
string signer_pub_key_as_hex = 20;
repeated string bannedPrivilegedDevPubKeys = 21;
bool disable_auto_conf = 22;
repeated string banned_auto_conf_explorers = 23;
repeated string node_addresses_banned_from_network = 24;
bool disable_api = 25;
bool disable_mempool_validation = 26;
// Deprecated
@ -882,7 +797,7 @@ message TradeStatistics3 {
reserved 7; // was string refund_agent = 7;
bytes hash = 8;
map<string, string> extra_data = 9;
string arbitrator = 100;
string maker_deposit_tx_id = 101;
string taker_deposit_tx_id = 102;
@ -925,20 +840,19 @@ message OfferPayload {
int64 block_height_at_offer_creation = 21;
int64 tx_fee = 22;
int64 maker_fee = 23;
bool is_currency_for_maker_fee_btc = 24;
int64 buyer_security_deposit = 25;
int64 seller_security_deposit = 26;
int64 max_trade_limit = 27;
int64 max_trade_period = 28;
bool use_auto_close = 29;
bool use_re_open_after_auto_close = 30;
int64 lower_close_price = 31;
int64 upper_close_price = 32;
bool is_private_offer = 33;
string hash_of_challenge = 34;
map<string, string> extra_data = 35;
int32 protocol_version = 36;
int64 buyer_security_deposit = 24;
int64 seller_security_deposit = 25;
int64 max_trade_limit = 26;
int64 max_trade_period = 27;
bool use_auto_close = 28;
bool use_re_open_after_auto_close = 29;
int64 lower_close_price = 30;
int64 upper_close_price = 31;
bool is_private_offer = 32;
string hash_of_challenge = 33;
map<string, string> extra_data = 34;
int32 protocol_version = 35;
NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 1001;
string arbitrator_signature = 1002;
repeated string reserve_tx_key_images = 1003;
@ -1392,34 +1306,19 @@ message PersistableEnvelope {
UserPayload user_payload = 10;
PaymentAccountList payment_account_list = 11;
// deprecated
// BsqState bsq_state = 12; // not used but as other non-dao data have a higher index number we leave it to make clear that we cannot change following indexes
AccountAgeWitnessStore account_age_witness_store = 12;
TradeStatistics2Store trade_statistics2_store = 13 [deprecated = true];
AccountAgeWitnessStore account_age_witness_store = 13;
TradeStatistics2Store trade_statistics2_store = 14 [deprecated = true];
// PersistableNetworkPayloadList persistable_network_payload_list = 14; // long deprecated & migration away from it is already done
// PersistableNetworkPayloadList persistable_network_payload_list = 15; // long deprecated & migration away from it is already done
SignedWitnessStore signed_witness_store = 15;
MediationDisputeList mediation_dispute_list = 16;
RefundDisputeList refund_dispute_list = 17;
TradeStatistics3Store trade_statistics3_store = 18;
MailboxMessageList mailbox_message_list = 19;
IgnoredMailboxMap ignored_mailbox_map = 20;
RemovedPayloadsMap removed_payloads_map = 21;
ProposalStore proposal_store = 16;
TempProposalStore temp_proposal_store = 17;
BlindVoteStore blind_vote_store = 18;
MyProposalList my_proposal_list = 19;
BallotList ballot_list = 20;
MyVoteList my_vote_list = 21;
MyBlindVoteList my_blind_vote_list = 22;
// MeritList merit_list = 23; // was not used here, but its class used to implement PersistableEnvelope via its super
DaoStateStore dao_state_store = 24;
MyReputationList my_reputation_list = 25;
MyProofOfBurnList my_proof_of_burn_list = 26;
UnconfirmedBsqChangeOutputList unconfirmed_bsq_change_output_list = 27;
SignedWitnessStore signed_witness_store = 28;
MediationDisputeList mediation_dispute_list = 29;
RefundDisputeList refund_dispute_list = 30;
TradeStatistics3Store trade_statistics3_store = 31;
MailboxMessageList mailbox_message_list = 32;
IgnoredMailboxMap ignored_mailbox_map = 33;
RemovedPayloadsMap removed_payloads_map = 34;
XmrAddressEntryList xmr_address_entry_list = 1001;
SignedOfferList signed_offer_list = 1002;
@ -1586,7 +1485,7 @@ message Tradable {
SellerAsMakerTrade seller_as_maker_trade = 4;
SellerAsTakerTrade seller_as_taker_trade = 5;
ArbitratorTrade arbitrator_trade = 6;
SignedOffer signed_offer = 1001;
@ -1669,34 +1568,33 @@ message Trade {
int64 tx_fee_as_long = 7;
int64 taker_fee_as_long = 8;
int64 take_offer_date = 9;
bool is_currency_for_taker_fee_btc = 10;
int64 trade_price = 11;
State state = 13;
DisputeState dispute_state = 14;
TradePeriodState trade_period_state = 15;
Contract contract = 16;
string contract_as_json = 17;
bytes contract_hash = 18;
NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 19;
NodeAddress mediator_node_address = 20;
bytes arbitrator_btc_pub_key = 21;
string taker_payment_account_id = 22;
string error_message = 23;
PubKeyRing arbitrator_pub_key_ring = 24;
PubKeyRing mediator_pub_key_ring = 25;
string counter_currency_tx_id = 26;
repeated ChatMessage chat_message = 27;
MediationResultState mediation_result_state = 28;
int64 lock_time = 29;
bytes delayed_payout_tx_bytes = 30;
NodeAddress refund_agent_node_address = 31;
PubKeyRing refund_agent_pub_key_ring = 32;
RefundResultState refund_result_state = 33;
int64 last_refresh_request_date = 34 [deprecated = true];
string counter_currency_extra_data = 35;
string asset_tx_proof_result = 36; // name of AssetTxProofResult enum
string uid = 37;
int64 trade_price = 10;
State state = 11;
DisputeState dispute_state = 12;
TradePeriodState trade_period_state = 13;
Contract contract = 14;
string contract_as_json = 15;
bytes contract_hash = 16;
NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 17;
NodeAddress mediator_node_address = 18;
bytes arbitrator_btc_pub_key = 19;
string taker_payment_account_id = 20;
string error_message = 21;
PubKeyRing arbitrator_pub_key_ring = 22;
PubKeyRing mediator_pub_key_ring = 23;
string counter_currency_tx_id = 24;
repeated ChatMessage chat_message = 25;
MediationResultState mediation_result_state = 26;
int64 lock_time = 27;
bytes delayed_payout_tx_bytes = 28;
NodeAddress refund_agent_node_address = 29;
PubKeyRing refund_agent_pub_key_ring = 30;
RefundResultState refund_result_state = 31;
int64 last_refresh_request_date = 32 [deprecated = true];
string counter_currency_extra_data = 33;
string asset_tx_proof_result = 34; // name of AssetTxProofResult enum
string uid = 35;
NodeAddress maker_node_address = 100; // TODO (woodser): move these into TradingPeer
NodeAddress taker_node_address = 101;
PubKeyRing taker_pub_key_ring = 102;
@ -1744,7 +1642,7 @@ message ProcessModel {
bytes mediated_payout_tx_signature = 18;
int64 buyer_payout_amount_from_mediation = 19;
int64 seller_payout_amount_from_mediation = 20;
string maker_signature = 1001;
NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 1002;
TradingPeer maker = 1003;
@ -1779,7 +1677,7 @@ message TradingPeer {
bytes account_age_witness_signature = 16;
int64 current_date = 17;
bytes mediated_payout_tx_signature = 18;
string reserve_tx_hash = 1001;
string reserve_tx_hex = 1002;
string reserve_tx_key = 1003;
@ -1843,61 +1741,57 @@ message PreferencesPayload {
repeated TradeCurrency crypto_currencies = 4;
BlockChainExplorer block_chain_explorer_main_net = 5;
BlockChainExplorer block_chain_explorer_test_net = 6;
BlockChainExplorer bsq_block_chain_explorer = 7;
string backup_directory = 8;
bool auto_select_arbitrators = 9;
map<string, bool> dont_show_again_map = 10;
bool tac_accepted = 11;
bool use_tor_for_bitcoin_j = 12;
bool show_own_offers_in_offer_book = 13;
TradeCurrency preferred_trade_currency = 14;
int64 withdrawal_tx_fee_in_vbytes = 15;
bool use_custom_withdrawal_tx_fee = 16;
double max_price_distance_in_percent = 17;
string offer_book_chart_screen_currency_code = 18;
string trade_charts_screen_currency_code = 19;
string buy_screen_currency_code = 20;
string sell_screen_currency_code = 21;
int32 trade_statistics_tick_unit_index = 22;
bool resync_Spv_requested = 23;
bool sort_market_currencies_numerically = 24;
bool use_percentage_based_price = 25;
map<string, string> peer_tag_map = 26;
string bitcoin_nodes = 27;
repeated string ignore_traders_list = 28;
string directory_chooser_path = 29;
int64 buyer_security_deposit_as_long = 30 [deprecated = true]; // Superseded by buyerSecurityDepositAsPercent
bool use_animations = 31;
PaymentAccount selectedPayment_account_for_createOffer = 32;
bool pay_fee_in_Btc = 33;
repeated string bridge_addresses = 34;
int32 bridge_option_ordinal = 35;
int32 tor_transport_ordinal = 36;
string custom_bridges = 37;
int32 bitcoin_nodes_option_ordinal = 38;
string referral_id = 39;
string phone_key_and_token = 40;
bool use_sound_for_mobile_notifications = 41;
bool use_trade_notifications = 42;
bool use_market_notifications = 43;
bool use_price_notifications = 44;
bool use_standby_mode = 45;
bool is_dao_full_node = 46;
string rpc_user = 47;
string rpc_pw = 48;
string take_offer_selected_payment_account_id = 49;
double buyer_security_deposit_as_percent = 50;
int32 ignore_dust_threshold = 51;
double buyer_security_deposit_as_percent_for_crypto = 52;
int32 block_notify_port = 53;
int32 css_theme = 54;
bool tac_accepted_v120 = 55;
repeated AutoConfirmSettings auto_confirm_settings = 56;
double bsq_average_trim_threshold = 57;
bool hide_non_account_payment_methods = 58;
bool show_offers_matching_my_accounts = 59;
bool deny_api_taker = 60;
bool notify_on_pre_release = 61;
string backup_directory = 7;
bool auto_select_arbitrators = 8;
map<string, bool> dont_show_again_map = 9;
bool tac_accepted = 10;
bool use_tor_for_bitcoin_j = 11;
bool show_own_offers_in_offer_book = 12;
TradeCurrency preferred_trade_currency = 13;
int64 withdrawal_tx_fee_in_vbytes = 14;
bool use_custom_withdrawal_tx_fee = 15;
double max_price_distance_in_percent = 16;
string offer_book_chart_screen_currency_code = 17;
string trade_charts_screen_currency_code = 18;
string buy_screen_currency_code = 19;
string sell_screen_currency_code = 20;
int32 trade_statistics_tick_unit_index = 21;
bool resync_Spv_requested = 22;
bool sort_market_currencies_numerically = 23;
bool use_percentage_based_price = 24;
map<string, string> peer_tag_map = 25;
string bitcoin_nodes = 26;
repeated string ignore_traders_list = 27;
string directory_chooser_path = 28;
int64 buyer_security_deposit_as_long = 29 [deprecated = true]; // Superseded by buyerSecurityDepositAsPercent
bool use_animations = 30;
PaymentAccount selectedPayment_account_for_createOffer = 31;
repeated string bridge_addresses = 32;
int32 bridge_option_ordinal = 33;
int32 tor_transport_ordinal = 34;
string custom_bridges = 35;
int32 bitcoin_nodes_option_ordinal = 36;
string referral_id = 37;
string phone_key_and_token = 38;
bool use_sound_for_mobile_notifications = 39;
bool use_trade_notifications = 40;
bool use_market_notifications = 41;
bool use_price_notifications = 42;
bool use_standby_mode = 43;
string rpc_user = 44;
string rpc_pw = 45;
string take_offer_selected_payment_account_id = 46;
double buyer_security_deposit_as_percent = 47;
int32 ignore_dust_threshold = 48;
double buyer_security_deposit_as_percent_for_crypto = 49;
int32 block_notify_port = 50;
int32 css_theme = 51;
bool tac_accepted_v120 = 52;
repeated AutoConfirmSettings auto_confirm_settings = 53;
bool hide_non_account_payment_methods = 54;
bool show_offers_matching_my_accounts = 55;
bool deny_api_taker = 56;
bool notify_on_pre_release = 57;
message AutoConfirmSettings {
@ -1931,426 +1825,6 @@ message UserPayload {
map<string, string> cookie = 16;
// DAO
// blockchain
message BaseBlock {
int32 height = 1;
int64 time = 2;
string hash = 3;
string previous_block_hash = 4;
oneof message {
RawBlock raw_block = 5;
Block block = 6;
message RawBlock {
// Because of the way how PB implements inheritance we need to use the super class as type
repeated BaseTx raw_txs = 1;
message Block {
// Because of the way how PB implements inheritance we need to use the super class as type
repeated BaseTx txs = 1;
message BaseTx {
string tx_version = 1;
string id = 2;
int32 block_height = 3;
string block_hash = 4;
int64 time = 5;
repeated TxInput tx_inputs = 6;
oneof message {
RawTx raw_tx = 7;
Tx tx = 8;
message RawTx {
// Because of the way how PB implements inheritance we need to use the super class as type
repeated BaseTxOutput raw_tx_outputs = 1;
message Tx {
// Because of the way how PB implements inheritance we need to use the super class as type
repeated BaseTxOutput tx_outputs = 1;
TxType txType = 2;
int64 burnt_bsq = 3;
enum TxType {
LOCKUP = 12;
UNLOCK = 13;
message TxInput {
string connected_tx_output_tx_id = 1;
int32 connected_tx_output_index = 2;
string pub_key = 3;
message BaseTxOutput {
int32 index = 1;
int64 value = 2;
string tx_id = 3;
PubKeyScript pub_key_script = 4;
string address = 5;
bytes op_return_data = 6;
int32 block_height = 7;
oneof message {
RawTxOutput raw_tx_output = 8;
TxOutput tx_output = 9;
message UnconfirmedTxOutput {
int32 index = 1;
int64 value = 2;
string tx_id = 3;
message RawTxOutput {
message TxOutput {
TxOutputType tx_output_type = 1;
int32 lock_time = 2;
int32 unlock_block_height = 3;
enum TxOutputType {
message SpentInfo {
int64 block_height = 1;
string tx_id = 2;
int32 input_index = 3;
enum ScriptType {
PUB_KEY = 1;
message PubKeyScript {
int32 req_sigs = 1;
ScriptType script_type = 2;
repeated string addresses = 3;
string asm = 4;
string hex = 5;
// dao data
message DaoPhase {
int32 phase_ordinal = 1;
int32 duration = 2;
message Cycle {
int32 height_of_first_lock = 1;
repeated DaoPhase dao_phase = 2;
message DaoState {
int32 chain_height = 1;
// Because of the way how PB implements inheritance we need to use the super class as type
repeated BaseBlock blocks = 2;
repeated Cycle cycles = 3;
// Because of the way how PB implements inheritance we need to use the super class as type
map<string, BaseTxOutput> unspent_tx_output_map = 4;
map<string, Issuance> issuance_map = 5;
repeated string confiscated_lockup_tx_list = 6;
map<string, SpentInfo> spent_info_map = 7;
repeated ParamChange param_change_list = 8;
repeated EvaluatedProposal evaluated_proposal_list = 9;
repeated DecryptedBallotsWithMerits decrypted_ballots_with_merits_list = 10;
message Issuance {
string tx_id = 1;
int32 chain_height = 2;
int64 amount = 3;
string pub_key = 4;
string issuance_type = 5;
message Proposal {
string name = 1;
string link = 2;
uint32 version = 3;
int64 creation_date = 4;
string tx_id = 5;
oneof message {
CompensationProposal compensation_proposal = 6;
ReimbursementProposal reimbursement_proposal = 7;
ChangeParamProposal change_param_proposal = 8;
RoleProposal role_proposal = 9;
ConfiscateBondProposal confiscate_bond_proposal = 10;
GenericProposal generic_proposal = 11;
RemoveAssetProposal remove_asset_proposal = 12;
// We leave some index space here in case we add more subclasses
map<string, string> extra_data = 20;
message CompensationProposal {
int64 requested_bsq = 1;
string bsq_address = 2;
message ReimbursementProposal {
int64 requested_bsq = 1;
string bsq_address = 2;
message ChangeParamProposal {
string param = 1; // name of enum
string param_value = 2;
message RoleProposal {
Role role = 1;
int64 required_bond_unit = 2;
int32 unlock_time = 3;
message ConfiscateBondProposal {
string lockup_tx_id = 1;
message GenericProposal {
message RemoveAssetProposal {
string ticker_symbol = 1;
message Role {
string uid = 1;
string name = 2;
string link = 3;
string bonded_role_type = 4; // name of BondedRoleType enum
message MyReputation {
string uid = 1;
bytes salt = 2;
message MyReputationList {
repeated MyReputation my_reputation = 1;
message MyProofOfBurn {
string tx_id = 1;
string pre_image = 2;
message MyProofOfBurnList {
repeated MyProofOfBurn my_proof_of_burn = 1;
message UnconfirmedBsqChangeOutputList {
repeated UnconfirmedTxOutput unconfirmed_tx_output = 1;
message TempProposalPayload {
Proposal proposal = 1;
bytes owner_pub_key_encoded = 2;
map<string, string> extra_data = 3;
message ProposalPayload {
Proposal proposal = 1;
bytes hash = 2;
message ProposalStore {
repeated ProposalPayload items = 1;
message TempProposalStore {
repeated ProtectedStorageEntry items = 1;
message Ballot {
Proposal proposal = 1;
Vote vote = 2;
message MyProposalList {
repeated Proposal proposal = 1;
message BallotList {
repeated Ballot ballot = 1;
message ParamChange {
string param_name = 1;
string param_value = 2;
int32 activation_height = 3;
message ConfiscateBond {
string lockup_tx_id = 1;
message MyVote {
int32 height = 1;
BallotList ballot_list = 2;
bytes secret_key_encoded = 3;
BlindVote blind_vote = 4;
int64 date = 5;
string reveal_tx_id = 6;
message MyVoteList {
repeated MyVote my_vote = 1;
message VoteWithProposalTxId {
string proposal_tx_id = 1;
Vote vote = 2;
message VoteWithProposalTxIdList {
repeated VoteWithProposalTxId item = 1;
message BlindVote {
bytes encrypted_votes = 1;
string tx_id = 2;
int64 stake = 3;
bytes encrypted_merit_list = 4;
int64 date = 5;
map<string, string> extra_data = 6;
message MyBlindVoteList {
repeated BlindVote blind_vote = 1;
message BlindVoteStore {
repeated BlindVotePayload items = 1;
message BlindVotePayload {
BlindVote blind_vote = 1;
bytes hash = 2;
message Vote {
bool accepted = 1;
message Merit {
Issuance issuance = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
message MeritList {
repeated Merit merit = 1;
message ProposalVoteResult {
Proposal proposal = 1;
int64 stake_of_Accepted_votes = 2;
int64 stake_of_Rejected_votes = 3;
int32 num_accepted_votes = 4;
int32 num_rejected_votes = 5;
int32 num_ignored_votes = 6;
message EvaluatedProposal {
bool is_accepted = 1;
ProposalVoteResult proposal_vote_result = 2;
message DecryptedBallotsWithMerits {
bytes hash_of_blind_vote_list = 1;
string blind_vote_tx_id = 2;
string vote_reveal_tx_id = 3;
int64 stake = 4;
BallotList ballot_list = 5;
MeritList merit_list = 6;
message DaoStateStore {
DaoState dao_state = 1;
repeated DaoStateHash dao_state_hash = 2;
message DaoStateHash {
int32 height = 1;
bytes hash = 2;
bytes prev_hash = 3;
message ProposalStateHash {
int32 height = 1;
bytes hash = 2;
bytes prev_hash = 3;
int32 num_proposals = 4;
message BlindVoteStateHash {
int32 height = 1;
bytes hash = 2;
bytes prev_hash = 3;
int32 num_blind_votes = 4;
// Misc
@ -16,10 +16,9 @@ const havenoVersion = "1.6.2";
const aliceDaemonUrl = "http://localhost:8080";
const aliceDaemonPassword = "apitest";
const alice: HavenoDaemon = new HavenoDaemon(aliceDaemonUrl, aliceDaemonPassword);
const aliceWalletUrl = ""; // alice's internal haveno wallet for direct testing // TODO (woodser): make configurable rather than randomly generated
const aliceWalletUrl = ""; // alice's internal haveno wallet for direct testing // TODO (woodser): make configurable rather than randomly generated
const aliceWalletUsername = "rpc_user";
const aliceWalletPassword = "abc123";
const aliceWalletSyncPeriod = 5000;
let aliceWallet: any;
// bob config
@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ const bob: HavenoDaemon = new HavenoDaemon(bobDaemonUrl, bobDaemonPassword);
const moneroDaemonUrl = "http://localhost:38081"
const moneroDaemonUsername = "superuser";
const moneroDaemonPassword = "abctesting123";
const miningAddress = "59M2dSSmrKiimFavjWQ8zFGWe6ziHr9XUjhHcMVEj9ut4EdkcmcqawfgMrtEERipUJA8iNzU65eaELoFYcor1c4jK4FRj1N";
let monerod: any;
// source funding wallet
@ -41,14 +39,16 @@ const fundingWalletPassword = "abc123";
let fundingWallet: any;
// other test config
const WALLET_SYNC_PERIOD = 5000;
const MAX_TIME_PEER_NOTICE = 3000;
beforeAll(async () => {
// initialize clients of wallet and daemon rpc
aliceWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc(aliceWalletUrl, aliceWalletUsername, aliceWalletPassword);
fundingWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc(fundingWalletUrl, fundingWalletUsername, fundingWalletPassword);
// initialize clients of daemon and wallet rpc
monerod = await monerojs.connectToDaemonRpc(moneroDaemonUrl, moneroDaemonUsername, moneroDaemonPassword);
fundingWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc(fundingWalletUrl, fundingWalletUsername, fundingWalletPassword);
aliceWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc(aliceWalletUrl, aliceWalletUsername, aliceWalletPassword);
await aliceWallet.startSyncing(WALLET_SYNC_PERIOD);
// debug tools
//for (let offer of await alice.getMyOffers("BUY")) await alice.removeOffer(offer.getId());
@ -93,15 +93,32 @@ test("Can get payment accounts", async () => {
test("Can create a crypto payment account", async () => {
const ethAddress = "0xdBdAb835Acd6fC84cF5F9aDD3c0B5a1E25fbd99f";
let ethPaymentAccount: PaymentAccount = await alice.createCryptoPaymentAccount(
"my eth account",
let found = false;
for (let paymentAccount of await alice.getPaymentAccounts()) {
if (paymentAccount.getId() === ethPaymentAccount.getId()) {
found = true;
ethPaymentAccount = paymentAccount;
if (!found) throw new Error("Payment account not found after being added");
expect(ethPaymentAccount.getAccountName()).toEqual("my eth account");
//expect(ethPaymentAccount.getSelectedTradeCurrency()!.getCode()).toEqual("ETH"); // TODO: selected trade currency missing or interferes with other tests
test("Can post and remove an offer", async () => {
// wait for alice and bob to have unlocked balance for trade
let tradeAmount: bigint = BigInt("250000000000");
await waitForUnlockedBalance(tradeAmount, alice, bob);
// get unlocked balance before reserving funds for offer
let unlockedBalanceBefore: bigint = BigInt((await alice.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance());
@ -121,6 +138,10 @@ test("Can post and remove an offer", async () => {
test("Invalidates offers when reserved funds are spent", async () => {
// wait for alice and bob to have unlocked balance for trade
let tradeAmount: bigint = BigInt("250000000000");
await waitForUnlockedBalance(tradeAmount, alice, bob);
// get frozen key images before posting offer
let frozenKeyImagesBefore = [];
@ -139,7 +160,7 @@ test("Invalidates offers when reserved funds are spent", async () => {
// offer is available to peers
await wait(WALLET_SYNC_PERIOD * 2);
if (!getOffer(await bob.getOffers("buy"), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was not found in peer's offers after posting");
// spend one of offer's reserved outputs
@ -149,7 +170,7 @@ test("Invalidates offers when reserved funds are spent", async () => {
await monerod.submitTxHex(tx.getFullHex(), true);
// wait for spend to be seen
await wait(aliceWalletSyncPeriod * 2); // TODO (woodser): need place for common test utilities
await wait(WALLET_SYNC_PERIOD * 2); // TODO (woodser): need place for common test utilities
// offer is removed from peer offers
if (getOffer(await bob.getOffers("buy"), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in peer's offers after reserved funds spent");
@ -172,22 +193,13 @@ test("Invalidates offers when reserved funds are spent", async () => {
test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
console.log("Alice balances: " + getBalancesStr(await alice.getBalances()));
// wait for alice and bob to have unlocked balance for trade
let tradeAmount: bigint = BigInt("250000000000");
await waitForUnlockedBalance(tradeAmount, alice, bob);
// alice posts offer to buy xmr
console.log("Alice posting offer");
let offer: OfferInfo = await postOffer();
console.log("Alice done posting offer");
// bob sees offer
// get bob's ethereum payment account
let ethPaymentAccount: PaymentAccount | undefined;
console.log("Getting bob's payment accounts");
for (let paymentAccount of await bob.getPaymentAccounts()) {
if (paymentAccount.getSelectedTradeCurrency()?.getCode() === "ETH") {
ethPaymentAccount = paymentAccount;
@ -196,11 +208,20 @@ test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
if (!ethPaymentAccount) throw new Error("Bob must have ethereum payment account to take offer");
// alice posts offer to buy xmr
console.log("Alice posting offer");
let offer: OfferInfo = await postOffer();
console.log("Alice done posting offer");
// bob sees offer
await wait(WALLET_SYNC_PERIOD * 2);
if (!getOffer(await bob.getOffers("buy"), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was not found in peer's offers after posting");
// bob takes offer
let startTime = Date.now();
let bobBalancesBefore: XmrBalanceInfo = await bob.getBalances();
console.log("Bob taking offer");
let trade: TradeInfo = await bob.takeOffer(offer.getId(), ethPaymentAccount.getId()); // TODO (woodser): this returns before trade is fully initialized
let trade: TradeInfo = await bob.takeOffer(offer.getId(), ethPaymentAccount.getId()); // TODO (woodser): this returns before trade is fully initialized. this fails with bad error message if trade is not yet seen by peer
console.log("Bob done taking offer in " + (Date.now() - startTime) + " ms");
// bob can get trade
@ -226,7 +247,7 @@ test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
console.log("Done mining to unlock deposit txs");
// alice notified to send payment
await wait(5000);
// alice indicates payment is sent
await alice.confirmPaymentStarted(trade.getTradeId());
@ -287,7 +308,7 @@ async function postOffer() { // TODO (woodser): postOffer(maker, peer)
// unlocked balance has decreased
let unlockedBalanceAfter: bigint = BigInt((await alice.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance());
if (unlockedBalanceAfter === unlockedBalanceBefore) throw new Error("unlocked balance did not change after posting offer");
// offer is included in my offers only
if (!getOffer(await alice.getMyOffers("buy"), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was not found in my offers");
@ -320,7 +341,7 @@ async function wait(durationMs: number) {
async function startMining() {
try {
await monerod.startMining(miningAddress, 1);
await monerod.startMining(await fundingWallet.getPrimaryAddress(), 1);
} catch (err) {
if (err.message !== "Already mining") throw err;
@ -346,7 +367,7 @@ async function waitForUnlockedBalance(amount: bigint, ...clients: HavenoDaemon[]
if (!miningNeeded) return;
// wait for funds to unlock
console.log("Mining for unlocked trader balances")
console.log("Mining for unlocked trader balances of " + amount);
await startMining();
let promises: Promise<void>[] = []
for (let client of clients) {
@ -189,8 +189,7 @@ class HavenoDaemon {
if (triggerPrice) request.setTriggerPrice(BigInt(triggerPrice.toString()).toString());
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
that._offersClient.createOffer(request, {password: that._password}, function(err: grpcWeb.Error, response: CreateOfferReply) {
@ -226,8 +225,7 @@ class HavenoDaemon {
let that = this;
let request = new TakeOfferRequest()
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
that._tradesClient.takeOffer(request, {password: that._password}, function(err: grpcWeb.Error, response: TakeOfferReply) {
if (err) reject(err);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -266,9 +266,6 @@ export class CreateOfferRequest extends jspb.Message {
getPaymentAccountId(): string;
setPaymentAccountId(value: string): CreateOfferRequest;
getMakerFeeCurrencyCode(): string;
setMakerFeeCurrencyCode(value: string): CreateOfferRequest;
serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): CreateOfferRequest.AsObject;
static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: CreateOfferRequest): CreateOfferRequest.AsObject;
@ -289,7 +286,6 @@ export namespace CreateOfferRequest {
buyerSecurityDeposit: number,
triggerPrice: string,
paymentAccountId: string,
makerFeeCurrencyCode: string,
@ -379,9 +375,6 @@ export class OfferInfo extends jspb.Message {
getTriggerPrice(): number;
setTriggerPrice(value: number): OfferInfo;
getIsCurrencyForMakerFeeBtc(): boolean;
setIsCurrencyForMakerFeeBtc(value: boolean): OfferInfo;
getPaymentAccountId(): string;
setPaymentAccountId(value: string): OfferInfo;
@ -436,7 +429,6 @@ export namespace OfferInfo {
minVolume: number,
buyerSecurityDeposit: number,
triggerPrice: number,
isCurrencyForMakerFeeBtc: boolean,
paymentAccountId: string,
paymentMethodId: string,
paymentMethodShortName: string,
@ -804,9 +796,6 @@ export class TakeOfferRequest extends jspb.Message {
getPaymentAccountId(): string;
setPaymentAccountId(value: string): TakeOfferRequest;
getTakerFeeCurrencyCode(): string;
setTakerFeeCurrencyCode(value: string): TakeOfferRequest;
serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): TakeOfferRequest.AsObject;
static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: TakeOfferRequest): TakeOfferRequest.AsObject;
@ -819,7 +808,6 @@ export namespace TakeOfferRequest {
export type AsObject = {
offerId: string,
paymentAccountId: string,
takerFeeCurrencyCode: string,
@ -1413,84 +1401,6 @@ export namespace GetAddressBalanceReply {
export class GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest extends jspb.Message {
serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest.AsObject;
static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest): GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest.AsObject;
static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest;
static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest;
export namespace GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest {
export type AsObject = {
export class GetUnusedBsqAddressReply extends jspb.Message {
getAddress(): string;
setAddress(value: string): GetUnusedBsqAddressReply;
serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): GetUnusedBsqAddressReply.AsObject;
static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: GetUnusedBsqAddressReply): GetUnusedBsqAddressReply.AsObject;
static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: GetUnusedBsqAddressReply, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): GetUnusedBsqAddressReply;
static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: GetUnusedBsqAddressReply, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): GetUnusedBsqAddressReply;
export namespace GetUnusedBsqAddressReply {
export type AsObject = {
address: string,
export class SendBsqRequest extends jspb.Message {
getAddress(): string;
setAddress(value: string): SendBsqRequest;
getAmount(): string;
setAmount(value: string): SendBsqRequest;
getTxFeeRate(): string;
setTxFeeRate(value: string): SendBsqRequest;
serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): SendBsqRequest.AsObject;
static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: SendBsqRequest): SendBsqRequest.AsObject;
static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: SendBsqRequest, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): SendBsqRequest;
static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: SendBsqRequest, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): SendBsqRequest;
export namespace SendBsqRequest {
export type AsObject = {
address: string,
amount: string,
txFeeRate: string,
export class SendBsqReply extends jspb.Message {
getTxInfo(): TxInfo | undefined;
setTxInfo(value?: TxInfo): SendBsqReply;
hasTxInfo(): boolean;
clearTxInfo(): SendBsqReply;
serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): SendBsqReply.AsObject;
static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: SendBsqReply): SendBsqReply.AsObject;
static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: SendBsqReply, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): SendBsqReply;
static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: SendBsqReply, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): SendBsqReply;
export namespace SendBsqReply {
export type AsObject = {
txInfo?: TxInfo.AsObject,
export class SendBtcRequest extends jspb.Message {
getAddress(): string;
setAddress(value: string): SendBtcRequest;
@ -1541,46 +1451,6 @@ export namespace SendBtcReply {
export class VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest extends jspb.Message {
getAddress(): string;
setAddress(value: string): VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest;
getAmount(): string;
setAmount(value: string): VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest;
serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest.AsObject;
static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest): VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest.AsObject;
static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest;
static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest;
export namespace VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest {
export type AsObject = {
address: string,
amount: string,
export class VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply extends jspb.Message {
getIsAmountReceived(): boolean;
setIsAmountReceived(value: boolean): VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply;
serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply.AsObject;
static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply): VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply.AsObject;
static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply;
static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply;
export namespace VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply {
export type AsObject = {
isAmountReceived: boolean,
export class GetTxFeeRateRequest extends jspb.Message {
serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): GetTxFeeRateRequest.AsObject;
@ -1892,11 +1762,6 @@ export namespace UnlockWalletReply {
export class BalancesInfo extends jspb.Message {
getBsq(): BsqBalanceInfo | undefined;
setBsq(value?: BsqBalanceInfo): BalancesInfo;
hasBsq(): boolean;
clearBsq(): BalancesInfo;
getBtc(): BtcBalanceInfo | undefined;
setBtc(value?: BtcBalanceInfo): BalancesInfo;
hasBtc(): boolean;
@ -1917,50 +1782,11 @@ export class BalancesInfo extends jspb.Message {
export namespace BalancesInfo {
export type AsObject = {
bsq?: BsqBalanceInfo.AsObject,
btc?: BtcBalanceInfo.AsObject,
xmr?: XmrBalanceInfo.AsObject,
export class BsqBalanceInfo extends jspb.Message {
getAvailableConfirmedBalance(): number;
setAvailableConfirmedBalance(value: number): BsqBalanceInfo;
getUnverifiedBalance(): number;
setUnverifiedBalance(value: number): BsqBalanceInfo;
getUnconfirmedChangeBalance(): number;
setUnconfirmedChangeBalance(value: number): BsqBalanceInfo;
getLockedForVotingBalance(): number;
setLockedForVotingBalance(value: number): BsqBalanceInfo;
getLockupBondsBalance(): number;
setLockupBondsBalance(value: number): BsqBalanceInfo;
getUnlockingBondsBalance(): number;
setUnlockingBondsBalance(value: number): BsqBalanceInfo;
serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): BsqBalanceInfo.AsObject;
static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: BsqBalanceInfo): BsqBalanceInfo.AsObject;
static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: BsqBalanceInfo, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): BsqBalanceInfo;
static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: BsqBalanceInfo, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): BsqBalanceInfo;
export namespace BsqBalanceInfo {
export type AsObject = {
availableConfirmedBalance: number,
unverifiedBalance: number,
unconfirmedChangeBalance: number,
lockedForVotingBalance: number,
lockupBondsBalance: number,
unlockingBondsBalance: number,
export class BtcBalanceInfo extends jspb.Message {
getAvailableBalance(): number;
setAvailableBalance(value: number): BtcBalanceInfo;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user