This application is a lightly modified [create-react-app]( with typescript using [envoy proxy]( and [grpc-web]( to use Haveno's gRPC API.
1. [Run a local Haveno test network](, running Alice as a daemon with `make alice-daemon`.
1. [Run a local Haveno test network](, running Alice and Bob as daemons with `make alice-daemon` and `make bob-daemon`.
5. Start and fund an instance of monero-wallet-rpc at port 38084. This wallet will be used to fund the test instances of Alice and Bob.<br>For example: `cd ~/git/haveno/.localnet/ && ./monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-address http://localhost:38081 --daemon-login superuser:abctesting123 --stagenet --rpc-bind-port 38084 --rpc-login rpc_user:abc123 --wallet-dir ./ --rpc-access-control-origins http://localhost:8080`
6. Modify test config as needed in [HavenoDaemon.test.tsx](./src/HavenoDaemon.test.tsx).<br>The tests need to know the port of Alice's wallet, which is printed to Alice's console. Currently the port needs to be manually copied to the test configuration.
1. Copy grpc.proto and pb.proto from Haveno's [protobuf definitions]( to ./config.