I don't think we need a 4 yr old article to explain the concept of `.min` (or `.max`), it's pretty self explanatory (and SSL 3 is obsolete). Three lines of text culled, and one of the remaining http links eliminated as a bonus. Enjoy the saved bytes and mouse-scrolling.
De-duplicates many lines because the -ESR and -RFPalts options require too much boilerplate garbage. The script was unreadable enough without repeating code.
I don't think these changes deserve opening yet another PR, but please let me know if you disagree.
- no need to enforce defaults (except the second cross-origin) = less items in prefs and about:support
- simplify header info
- add in that you need an extension for real control: i.e for most people, e.g I use uMatrix and have never can to whitelist anything. Kolanich has been on settings of 2 for years and only found one broken site: these are anecdotal and don;t reflect the real world: which is why the settings are pretty relaxed
- move the broken info out of header and onto the pref in a setup tag
- reference: https://github.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/issues/716#issuecomment-488527274
- thanks Kolanich and 🐈
- the two reportURLs required the user to actively opt to send a report
- the other five reporting URLs use Mozilla domains, which is not a problem. Not entirely sure if they get used or how, don't care
- the dataSharingURL is not needed, the corresponding .enabled pref is sufficent
- 0910 same as default for desktop. Android is the opposite, must be for a reason. Android is not really my concern.
- 1005: always been inactive: one less warning to deal with
- 1008: always been inactive. defaults are 60, 60