Otto Bittner 07f02a442c
Refactor Helm deployments (#341)
* Wrap KMS deployment in one main chart that
deploys all other services. Other services will follow.
* Use .tgz via helm-package as serialization format
* Change Release type to carry chart as byte slice
* Remove KMSConfig
* Use json-schema to validate values
* Extend to mention updating helm charts
2022-10-21 12:01:28 +02:00

7.4 KiB

Release Checklist

This checklist will prepare v1.3.0 from v1.2.0. Adjust your version numbers accordingly.

  1. Merge ready PRs

  2. Create docs release (new major or minor release)

    cd docs
    npm install
    npm run docusaurus docs:version 1.3
    # push upstream via PR
  3. Create a new branch release/v1.3 (new minor version) or use the existing one (new patch version)

  4. On this branch, prepare the following things:

    1. (new patch version) cherry-pick (only) the required commits from main

    2. Use Build micro-service manual and run the pipeline once for each micro-service with the following parameters:

      • branch: release/v1.3
      • Container image tag: v1.3.0
      • Version of the image to build: 1.3.0
      minor=$(echo $ver | cut -d '.' -f 1,2)
      gcpVer=$(echo $ver | tr "." "-")
      echo $minor # should be 1.3
      echo $gcpVer # should be 1-3-0
      gh workflow run build-micro-service-manual.yml --ref release/v$minor -F microService=access-manager -F imageTag=v$ver -F version=$ver --repo edgelesssys/constellation
      gh workflow run build-micro-service-manual.yml --ref release/v$minor -F microService=join-service -F imageTag=v$ver -F version=$ver --repo edgelesssys/constellation
      gh workflow run build-micro-service-manual.yml --ref release/v$minor -F microService=kmsserver -F imageTag=v$ver -F version=$ver --repo edgelesssys/constellation
      gh workflow run build-micro-service-manual.yml --ref release/v$minor -F microService=verification-service -F imageTag=v$ver -F version=$ver --repo edgelesssys/constellation
    3. Use Build operator manual and run the pipeline once with the following parameters:

      • branch: release/v1.3
      • Container image tag: v1.3.0
      # Alternative from CLI
      gh workflow run build-operator-manual.yml --ref release/v$minor -F imageTag=v$ver --repo edgelesssys/constellation
    4. Review and update changelog with all changes since last release. GitHub's diff view helps a lot!

      1. Rename the "Unreleased" heading to "[v1.3.0] - YYYY-MM-DD" and link the version to the upcoming release tag.
      2. Create a new block for unreleased changes
    5. Update project version in CMakeLists.txt to 1.3.0 (without v).

    6. Update the version key in constellation-services/Chart.yaml. Also update the version key for all subcharts, e.g. Chart.yaml. Lastly, update the dependencies.*.version key for all dependencies in the main chart constellation-services/Chart.yaml.

    7. When the microservice builds are finished update versions in versions.go to v1.3.0, add the container hashes and push your changes.

    8. Create a production coreOS image

      gh workflow run build-os-image.yml --ref release/v$minor -F debug=false -F imageVersion=v$ver
    9. Update default images in config

    10. Run manual E2E tests using Linux and macOS to confirm functionality and stability.

      sono='--plugin e2e --plugin-env e2e.E2E_FOCUS="\[Conformance\]" --plugin-env e2e.E2E_SKIP="for service with type clusterIP|HostPort validates that there is no conflict between pods with same hostPort but different hostIP and protocol" --plugin --plugin'
      gh workflow run e2e-test-manual.yml --ref release/v$minor -F cloudProvider=azure -F machineType=Standard_DC4as_v5 -F sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd="$sono" -F osImage=/CommunityGalleries/ConstellationCVM-b3782fa0-0df7-4f2f-963e-fc7fc42663df/Images/constellation/Versions/$ver -F isDebugImage=false
      gh workflow run e2e-test-manual-macos.yml --ref release/v$minor -F cloudProvider=azure -F machineType=Standard_DC4as_v5 -F sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd="$sono" -F osImage=/CommunityGalleries/ConstellationCVM-b3782fa0-0df7-4f2f-963e-fc7fc42663df/Images/constellation/Versions/$ver -F isDebugImage=false
      gh workflow run e2e-test-manual.yml --ref release/v$minor -F cloudProvider=gcp -F machineType=n2d-standard-4 -F sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd="$sono" -F osImage=projects/constellation-images/global/images/constellation-v$gcpVer -F isDebugImage=false
      gh workflow run e2e-test-manual-macos.yml --ref release/v$minor -F cloudProvider=gcp -F machineType=n2d-standard-4 -F sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd="$sono" -F osImage=projects/constellation-images/global/images/constellation-v$gcpVer -F isDebugImage=false
    11. Generate measurements for the images on each CSP.

         gh workflow run generate-measurements.yml --ref release/v$minor -F cloudProvider=azure -F osImage=/CommunityGalleries/ConstellationCVM-b3782fa0-0df7-4f2f-963e-fc7fc42663df/Images/constellation/Versions/$ver -F isDebugImage=false
         gh workflow run generate-measurements.yml --ref release/v$minor -F cloudProvider=gcp -F osImage=projects/constellation-images/global/images/constellation-v$gcpVer -F isDebugImage=false
    12. Create a new tag on this release branch

      git tag v$ver
      git tags --push
      gh workflow run release-cli.yml --ref v$ver
      • The previous step will create a draft release. Check build output for link to draft release. Review & approve.
  5. Follow export flow (INTERNAL) to make image available in S3 for trusted launch users.

  6. To bring updated version numbers and other changes (if any) to main, create a new branch feat/release from release/v1.3, rebase it onto main, and create a PR to main

  7. Milestones management

    1. Create a new milestone for the next release
    2. Add the next release manager and an approximate release date to the milestone description
    3. Close the milestone for the release
    4. Move open issues and PRs from closed milestone to next milestone
  8. If the release is a minor version release, create an empty commit on main and tag it as the start of the next pre-release phase.

    nextMinorVer=$(echo $ver | awk -F. -v OFS=. '{$2 += 1 ; print}')
    git checkout main
    git pull
    git commit --allow-empty -m "Start v$nextMinorVer-pre"
    git tag v$nextMinorVer-pre
    git push origin main v$nextMinorVer-pre