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# Actions & Workflows
## Manual Trigger (workflow_dispatch)
It is currently not possible to run a `workflow_dispatch` based workflow on a specific branch, while it is not yet available in `main` branch, from the WebUI. If you would like to test your pipeline changes on a branch, use the [GitHub CLI](https://github.com/cli/cli):
gh workflow run e2e-test.yml \
--ref feat/e2e_pipeline \ # On your specific branch!
-F autoscale=false -F cloudProvider=gcp \ # With your ...
-F controlNodesCount=1 -F workerNodesCount=2 \ # ... settings
-F machineType=n2d-standard-2
### E2E Test Suites
Here are some examples for test suits you might want to run. Values for `sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd`:
* `--mode quick`
* Runs a set of tests that are known to be quick to execute! (<1 min)
* `--e2e-focus "Services should be able to create a functioning NodePort service"`
* Runs a specific test
* `--mode certified-conformance`
* For K8s conformance certification test suite
Check [Sonobuoy docs](https://sonobuoy.io/docs/latest/e2eplugin/) for more examples.
## Local Development
Using [nektos/act](https://github.com/nektos/act) you can run GitHub actions locally.
### Specific Jobs
act -j e2e-test
### Simulate a `workflow_dispatch` event
Create a new JSON file to describe the event ([relevant issue](https://github.com/nektos/act/issues/332), there are [no further information about structure of this file](https://github.com/nektos/act/blob/master/pkg/model/github_context.go#L11)):
"action": "workflow_dispatch",
"inputs": {
"workerNodesCount": "2",
"controlNodesCount": "1",
"autoscale": false,
"cloudProvider": "gcp",
"machineType": "n2d-standard-2",
"sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd": "--mode quick"
Then run act with the event as input:
act -j e2e-test --eventpath event.json
### Wireguard
When running actions that use Wireguard, you need to provide privileged capabilities to Docker:
act --privileged
Make sure there is no wg0 interface configured on your machine, else this will fail inside container.
### Authorizing GCP
For creating Kubernetes clusters in GCP a local copy of the service account secret is required.
1. [Create a new service account key](https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts/details/112741463528383500960/keys?authuser=0&project=constellation-331613&supportedpurview=project)
2. Create a compact (one line) JSON representation of the file `jq -c`
3. Store in [GitHub Action Secret](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/settings/secrets/actions) or create a local secret file for act to consume:
$ cat secrets.env
GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT={"type":"service_account", ... }
$ act --secret-file secrets.env
### Authorizing Azure
Create a new service principal:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "github-actions-e2e-tests" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/0d202bbb-4fa7-4af8-8125-58c269a05435 --sdk-auth
az role assignment create --role "User Access Administrator" --scope /subscriptions/0d202bbb-4fa7-4af8-8125-58c269a05435 --assignee <SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID>
Next, [add API permissions to Managed Identity](https://github.com/edgelesssys/wiki/blob/master/other_tech/azure.md#adding-api-permission-to-managed-identity)
Store output of `az ad sp ...` in [GitHub Action Secret](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/settings/secrets/actions) or create a local secret file for act to consume.