* Use 4 vcpu instances by default * Remove 2 vcpu instance type option Signed-off-by: Daniel Weiße <dw@edgeless.systems>
7.3 KiB
Actions & Workflows
Manual Trigger (workflow_dispatch)
It is currently not possible to run a workflow_dispatch
based workflow on a specific branch, while it is not yet available in main
branch, from the WebUI. If you would like to test your pipeline changes on a branch, use the GitHub CLI:
gh workflow run e2e-test-manual.yml \
--ref feat/e2e_pipeline \ # On your specific branch!
-F autoscale=false -F cloudProvider=gcp \ # With your ...
-F controlNodesCount=1 -F workerNodesCount=2 \ # ... settings
-F machineType=n2d-standard-4
E2E Test Suites
Here are some examples for test suits you might want to run. Values for sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd
--mode quick
- Runs a set of tests that are known to be quick to execute! (<1 min)
--e2e-focus "Services should be able to create a functioning NodePort service"
- Runs a specific test
--mode certified-conformance
- For K8s conformance certification test suite
Check Sonobuoy docs for more examples.
When using --mode
be aware that --e2e-focus
and e2e-skip
will be overwritten. Check in the source code what the different modes do.
Local Development
Using nektos/act you can run GitHub actions locally.
Specific Jobs
act -j e2e-test-gcp
Simulate a workflow_dispatch
Create a new JSON file to describe the event (relevant issue, there are no further information about structure of this file):
"action": "workflow_dispatch",
"inputs": {
"workerNodesCount": "2",
"controlNodesCount": "1",
"autoscale": false,
"cloudProvider": "gcp",
"machineType": "n2d-standard-4",
"sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd": "--mode quick"
Then run act with the event as input:
act -j e2e-test-manual --eventpath event.json
Authorizing GCP
For creating Kubernetes clusters in GCP a local copy of the service account secret is required.
- Create a new service account key
- Create a compact (one line) JSON representation of the file
jq -c
- Store in GitHub Action Secret or create a local secret file for act to consume:
$ cat secrets.env
GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT={"type":"service_account", ... }
$ act --secret-file secrets.env
Authorizing Azure
Create a new service principal:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "github-actions-e2e-tests" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/0d202bbb-4fa7-4af8-8125-58c269a05435 --sdk-auth
az role assignment create --role "User Access Administrator" --scope /subscriptions/0d202bbb-4fa7-4af8-8125-58c269a05435 --assignee <SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID>
Next, add API permissions to Managed Identity
Store output of az ad sp ...
in GitHub Action Secret or create a local secret file for act to consume.
Image versions
The build-coreos workflow can be used to trigger an image build.
The workflow can be used to build debug or release images.
A debug image uses debugd
as its bootstrapper binary, while release images use the actual bootstrapper
Workflows for the main branch will always build debug images.
The image will be named and categorized depending on the branch the build is triggered from.
In the following, Release refers to non debug images build from a release branch, e.g. release/v1.4.0
Debug refers to debug images build from either main or a release branch,
and Branch refers to any image build from a branch that is not main or a release branch.
Non debug images built from main follow the Branch image naming scheme.
Type | Image Family | Image Name |
Release | constellation | constellation-v<major>-<minor>-<patch> |
Debug | constellation-debug-v<major>-<minor>-<patch> | constellation-<commit-timestamp> |
Branch | constellation-<branch-name> | constellation-<commit-timestamp> |
Type | Image Family | Image Name | List command |
Release | constellation | constellation-v1-5-0 | gcloud compute images list --filter="family~'^constellation$'" --sort-by=creationTimestamp --project constellation-images --uri | sed 's#https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/##' |
Debug | constellation-debug-v1-5-0 | constellation-20220912123456 | gcloud compute images list --filter="family~'constellation-debug-v.+'" --sort-by=creationTimestamp --project constellation-images --uri | sed 's#https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/##' |
Branch | constellation-ref-cli | constellation-20220912123456 | gcloud compute images list --filter="family~'constellation-$(go run $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/hack/pseudo-version/pseudo-version.go -print-branch)'" --sort-by=creationTimestamp --project constellation-images --uri | sed 's#https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/##' |
Type | Gallery | Image Definition | Image Version |
Release | Constellation | constellation | <major>.<minor>.<patch> |
Debug | Constellation_Debug | v<major>.<minor>.<patch> | <commit-timestamp> |
Branch | Constellation_Testing | <branch-name> | <commit-timestamp> |
Type | Gallery | Image Definition | Image Version | List command | Community list command |
Release | Constellation | constellation | 1.5.0 | az sig image-version list --resource-group constellation-images --gallery-name Constellation_CVM --gallery-image-definition constellation --query "sort_by([], &publishingProfile.publishedDate)[].id" -o table |
az sig image-version list-community --public-gallery-name ConstellationCVM-b3782fa0-0df7-4f2f-963e-fc7fc42663df --gallery-image-definition constellation --location northeurope |
Debug | Constellation_Debug | v1.5.0 | 2022.0912.123456 | az sig image-version list --resource-group constellation-images --gallery-name Constellation_Debug_CVM --gallery-image-definition v1.5.0 --query "sort_by([], &publishingProfile.publishedDate)[].id" -o table |
az sig image-version list-community --public-gallery-name ConstellationCVM-d1905bb0-a66c-497e-a9e6-4410ca7e3701 --gallery-image-definition v1.5.0 --location northeurope |
Branch | Constellation_Testing | ref-cli | 2022.0912.123456 | az sig image-version list --resource-group constellation-images --gallery-name Constellation_Testing_CVM --gallery-image-definition $(go run $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/hack/pseudo-version/pseudo-version.go -print-branch) --query "sort_by([], &publishingProfile.publishedDate)[].id" -o table |
az sig image-version list-community --public-gallery-name ConstellationCVM-d1905bb0-a66c-497e-a9e6-4410ca7e3701 --gallery-image-definition $(go run $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/hack/pseudo-version/pseudo-version.go -print-branch) --location northeurope |