* master:
back to dev version number
commit for beta release
this should fix travis build?
fix tests
update brozzler-easy for current warcprox api
simpleclicks for minutes PDF
avoids this kind of error:
wbgrp-svc294 2018-01-19 21:04:43,973 648 ERROR BrozzlingThread:39295 youtube_dl.to_stderr(YoutubeDL.py:514) ERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error no host given> (caused by URLError('no host given',))
wbgrp-svc294 2018-01-19 21:04:43,973 648 ERROR BrozzlingThread:39295 root.brozzle_site(worker.py:521) proxy error (site.proxy=wbgrp-svc400.us.archive.org:8002), will try to choose a healthy instance next time site is brozzled: youtube-dl hit apparent proxy error from https:/www.laphil.com/press1718
--warcprox-auto distribute assigned sites evenly
When running with --warcprox-auto, choose the instance of warcprox with
the least number of assigned sites, instead of the lowest load in the
service registry. In practice we often start brozzling a whole bunch of
sites at approximately the same time, and because it takes time for that
to affect the "load" reported by warcprox instances, sites end up being
distributed very unevenly.
The ``self._home_tmpdir.cleanup()`` cmd is not always executed when
stopping Chrome. As a result, a large number of ``/tmp/tmpXXX`` dirs are
created in production.
The reason is that ``Chrome.stop()`` execution can stop in the ``return``
statement in the following line:
and ``cleanup()`` does not run.
Moving the ``cleanup()`` in the ``finally`` part of the
``try/catch/finally`` block makes it run always in the end of
``Chrome.stop()`` and cleans up the tmp directory in any case.
Chromium browser docs describe this as follows:
Disable several subsystems which run network requests in the
background. This is for use when doing network performance testing to
avoid noise in the measurements.
Testing indicates that irrelevant HTTP requests like the following stop
with this imporvement.
HEAD http://ugfgntuqva/ HTTP/1.1
Brozzler has hard-coded the JS templates logic in ``brozzler/behaviors.yaml``
and ``brozzler/js-templates/`` locations. With this change, you can use
the optional ``behaviors_dir`` ``browser.browse_page`` parameter to set a
custom location and use any potential JS behaviors.