2023-04-19 22:12:14 -04:00

120 lines
5.5 KiB

# **[Anonymousland](** v1.10
Our VPS provider- 1984 deleted the entire VPS without notice.
All data regarding **ALL** of our services is gone.
Only the Git mirrors remain.
> Hosing publicly usable services which provides benefits to anonymity are a great way to help the community. Unfortunately, these become difficult to manage & maintain. Many services including our Tor node and Matrix server were prone to being abused. To effectively combat abuse, this would require us to use privacy-invasive measures. Our hosting provider - 1984, the host we used for everything, decided to delete the entire VPS without notice. We received no emails or alerts on such actions. There could be a number of reasons for this - primarily being abuse. Our Tor exit node hosted on Njalla was shutdown after malicious user(s) conducted several brute-force attacks. Njalla has become ridiculously expensive to operate with, providing no real upgrades, and you are limited to a small amount of storage. While hosting services is great, it's even more difficult to do such with little to no donations, and a wide variety of malicious actors conducting abuse on such services. Services may be available in the future, but for now we best stick with this website, and this website only.
> Anonymity, Privacy, Security
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[![Anonymousland logo](/assets/img/anonymousland_logo.png "Anonymousland logo")](
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![Security Headers](
![GitHub contributors](
![GitHub commit activity](
![GitHub Repo stars](
![GitHub release (latest by date)](
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[![Monero wallet](](
## Mirrors
Here are the place where you can view and contribute to our repositories:
- [Main (Self-hosted Gitea)](
- [GitHub mirror](
- [Codeberg mirror](
*All of the mirrors are both read and write and you can contribute on either place.*
## Contributing
**Thank you very much for reading this.** Contributions are very welcome, to contribute, just fork the repository, do the changes and open a pull request.
You can contribute either on our own [Git]( or on any other mirror listed above.
If you do not know where to start, take a look at the [issues]( for this repository, you can also take a look at our *site-wide* [issues list](
## Donations
Running these services and properly maintaining them takes time and money. *We would be extremely grateful to get donations*, we only ask for 5$, that's all.
To donate, you can visit our [donation page](, contribute directly to our [Monero]( wallet or by scanning the folowing QR Code:
<div align="center">
|![](/assets/img/xmr_donation_wallet.svg) |
| **Monero (XMR)** |
_Monero wallet address:_ `47teQv7uWPv9EALRDv9je6ckC83UYJiisHpmhNKHyPPTXinPJNRtvW8PcpEoLxex9ierqWvD89v9mVyGf77uLtS3RnGUk8K`
## Building
To build this Jekyll website you can use the following commands:
bundle install
jekyll build
Building with docker:
Ensure `docker` is installed, then execute ``
**Make sure to be at the root of the repository.**
The built site files ready to host will be located at the `_site` directory.
## Hosting
To host this site, we use nginx, you can check our config at our [infrastructure repository]( But this should do:
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
gzip on;
location / {
root /config/www;
index index.html;
try_files $uri $uri.html $uri/ =404;
## License
![CC0 Logo](
All content produced by us is licensed under *public domain* using the [CC0 license](
## Contact
Click [here]( to join our main Matrix *chatroom* and [here]( to join our Matrix *space.*