The code is not elegant as this version of the API will be soon obsolete
but it offer a bunch of channels functionalities, comments and votes
are not implemented yet
/channels/list_channels get all visibile channels
/channels/get_channel get content of a subscribed channel
/channels/toggle_subscribe subscribe/unsubscribe to a channel
/channels/toggle_auto_download set/unset auto-download for files attached
to posts in a channel
/channels/toggle_read mark a post as read
/channels/create_channel create a new channel
/channels/create_post create a new post in given channel, group_id
paramenter renamed to channel_id for consistence
mChannels use reference instead of pointer as it must be valid
for the whole lifetime of the object
RsGxsCommentService and derivatives use proper types for parameter, avoid
reference when unneeded
Abstract serialization concept to pure virtaul class RsSerializable
from which every other serializable class must inherit from
Use RapidJSON for JSON manipulation
Add TO_JSON and FROM_JSON SerializeJob
Deprecate unused SerializationFormat
Remove some unused old piece of code
Adjust many lines to max 80 columns for better readability on little
Clean up documentation and code, remove old cruft
Add copyright notice on edited files that miss it
/libretroshare/src/retroshare/rswire.h:111: warning:
Cppcheck(noExplicitConstructor): Class 'RsWire' has a constructor with 1
argument that is not explicit.
/libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsservicecontrol.h:46: warning:
Cppcheck(passedByValue): Function parameter 'service_name' should be
passed by reference.
/libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsposted.h:81: warning:
Cppcheck(noExplicitConstructor): Class 'RsPosted' has a constructor with
1 argument that is not explicit.
/libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsidentity.h:269: warning:
Cppcheck(noExplicitConstructor): Class 'RsIdentity' has a constructor
with 1 argument that is not explicit.
/libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsgxsforums.h:66: warning:
Cppcheck(noExplicitConstructor): Class 'RsGxsForums' has a constructor
with 1 argument that is not explicit.
/libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsphoto.h:162: warning:
Cppcheck(noExplicitConstructor): Class 'RsPhotoComment' has a
constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit.
/libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsgxschannels.h:82: warning:
Cppcheck(noExplicitConstructor): Class 'RsGxsChannels' has a constructor
with 1 argument that is not explicit.