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Tortures, humiliations, electronic harassment.
This image is taken from the scandal in the war in Iraq [1] about the Abu Ghraib [2] torture and prisoner abuse [3]. Where United States Army [4] and the Central Intelligence Agency [5] commit a series of human right violations [6].
Here in Spain, in my beloved country, I suffered the same but less physical violations but all in remote in the neural monitoring network. This facility is used by Guardia Civil [7], the Spanish National Intelligence Center [8] and the military forces. Obviously also nobility has got access to it. The infrastructure that I've perfectly described is opened and is from the Franco dictatorship.
But remember that I live in Catalunya and those state forces here are present but there are also others that pertain to the Generalitat de Catalunya [9].
What I've suffered has been visualized by almost all the people that I've known in my life. But no one help me, nor who I've been considered my parents. They was thinking that I will commit suicide or I will go crazy. I'm in perfect health and mental state. God bless you.
Now on 2020 they are playing with my internal organs to produce cancer and others dysfunctions.
This is how I can describe the electronic tortures that I've lived, 2018 was a very bad year next the decrease the power of the tortures and now they are trying to debilitate me.
But this will not happen.
Those are the tortures that I've suffered:
- Subliminal messages direct to the head.
- Auditive and visual cortex injection.
- Sex violence in the network.
- Involuntary vocalization.
- Gas lighting.
- Gang stalking.
- Public humiliation.
- Persecution.
- Public humiliation in radio.
- Slavery.
Also my ex girlfriend has suffered various tremendous tortures for what I know physically and in radio:
- Sexual harassment.
- Physical forced prostitution.
- Forced prostitution as an hologram.
- Forced prostitution in transposition.
- Forced to do pain to her loves.
My best friend, Massimo, is also an enormous victim of the noble network, he suffered from when he was an adolescent various crimes like:
- Forced prostitution in radio.
- Sexual harassment.
- Sleep deprivation.
- Forced to do pain to his friends.
- Loose of his work and company.
And I even don't know what else because he and she has fear to speak because this is a monarchy and the principle rule is to not speak about this network and the Machine.
But I really deeply appreciate themselves. I know that they cannot fight in public because they've got child and those criminals forced them to do those horrible crimes to themselves and, remember, not to others, so they are absolutely not criminals. Look above, those that are the two most important persons for me here in Barcelona in reality have not suffered exactly what could be classified as torture but as to be targets individuals, like me that had suffered also electronic torture. I want to help them to be free from the chain of this absurdity in the democratic Europe. Because just I love them. Nothing more nothing less. And I receive continuously death threats in radio just because I do.
Have no fear sweetie and dude. No fear. We're going to act in this absurd circus but in reality we have to fight for our rights. You, the twos, are not totally conscious on what are your right in democracy. Your rights are constitutional no one, nor the monarchy, could break them. No one. Nor the church. No one.
Call me guys. Call me. We've to fight together not loosing time in stupidity but doing what I'm doing, I know that you've not the technological culture to do this but I will do it for you. Just come here and speak about your life and the Machine without any problem.
The machine is a crime. Is a monster. Is what is changing our Europe. And you have child. Don't loose time trying to fight with those enormous titanic selling drug or selling yourself. At the question how we will live? It's simple. Working. Monarchy could not destroy your legal work. This is a full stop. I'm not a stupid and the king of this country know it.
Full stop.
Logbook of tortures which Riccardo Giuntoli is subjected
I'm under continuous electronic tortures from November 2017, electronic tortures in ELF frequencies that are interferences in my five senses. In all the dreams always people speak about to sell drugs. Francesca want that I become a drug seller.
From June 2020 I start to log every type of torture that I received in radio:
- Sleep deprivation [10] at 3:10 AM 12/06/2020.
- Dream injection, sleep deprivation and electronic sexual violence at 3:20 AM 15/06/2020.
- With an advanced military technology all my body is surrounded by wireless direct current, liquid inside my stomach are moving and I suffered of diarrhea [11] attaches from 04:00 to 06:30 AM 15/06/2020.
- Dream injection, sleep deprivation and threats in the night of 19/06/2020. Dream injection is a streaming of a video in our cortex with a lot of neural excitation, this is something absolutely dangerous for a brain cancer.
- Extreme pain in the auditive system with blood spill after a first sleep. Dream injection also 20/06/2020. Extreme neural excitation on the frontal lobe.
- As soon as I went to bed they make me sick and they don't let me sleep 21/06/2020.
- Before sleep direct current applied directly on the eardrum [12] of the right ear and at 4:14 very high v2k messages and dream injection. 25/06/2020.
- Electronic sexual violence at 5:26 25/06/2020.
- Sleep deprivation and extreme sexual violence with an horse at 3:00 of 27/06/2020.
- Sleep deprivation and dream injection all night long of 28/06/2020.
- Sleep deprivation on 29/06/2020. As you know sleep deprivation is a torture and this kind of human crime could put in jail whatever surname.
- Sleep deprivation and dream injection on 1/07/2020. Francesca say that her work is induct to suicide people. This girl never sleep, a simple drug test will underline that she is a complete drug addicted.
- On the night of 3/7/2020 the shape of my mother, that is my mother because of the street where I live, start to touch my earth with near direct current and do sexual violence to me. Remember that this is the traffic network, the B-side network, and in Genoa the address is totally clear.
- Extreme dream injection with enormous video streamed in my cortex visualizing me ciclying like a child and a man that I know. In the dream the person that produce it think that I'm a little child or something like this. Narcissist abuse. Nothing more. 00:44 AM. Sexual violence always from my mother. "Se piensa de venir en casa mia a montar antenas". 4/7/2020.
- Dream injection where a friend of mine and my ex girlfriend affirm that they have got sex and sold video of mine doing sex with her in my old house in Canyelles at 3:18 AM 4/7/2020. After that continuous sleep deprivation torture using voice to skull messages. A crime against humanity.
- Going to sleep, the voice of my mother in voice to skull service say that she doesn't want that I continue to live in Barcelona, the city that I'm love to. She do sexual violence to me with wireless brain machine interface mounted in the Collserola tower by the marquees living in Genoa. Those who are fascist. The Spanish crown should help me to eliminate this cancer from the road of Barcelona. Sorry if I speak about you, but I really respect your family but I don't respect nothing fascism. Good night 5/07/2020.
- At 2:30 AM of 9/7/2020 I cannot sleep because of voice to skull torture. My family is guilty.
- 6:00 AM of 10/7/2020 dream injection about people that I know in Genoa, they speak about be part of a group, betting, sexual violence and orgies that they have done with all my ex girlfriends. Theoretically for them was pleasure but in reality it is an order by Francesca that is the real chief.
- All the day long of 12/7/2020 I was extremely tortured by electronic harassment with muscles pains, temblors, heavy stomach pains, electronic weapons over the penis, and I also shit on myself. What I'm living is worst than tortures in Guantanamo prison. I'm living tortures like a terrorist in front of the eyes of every one in Spain and no one say nothing. A tremendous scandal.
- On the morning of 13/7/2020 sexual harassment with holograms of my mother, she say that I''ve to return to Genova and go to live in the house of my old mother at via Era. Era in Italian mean was. This woman is absolutely guilty about all what I've passed. She is a mental hill person and probably with this technology she has also killed her parents. She works without any doubt with Francesca, works in the suicide business and kills youth. Or it can be an hologram like a dress used by Francesca or Andreu.
- 13/7/2020 at 15:49 one important person present in this network, the traffic one, told me that my destiny will be suicide. On 16:21 he speaks with Francesca about to kill me.
- 13/7/2020 at 20:20 another important person this time from audiovisual industry say that he wants to kill me.
- 14/7/2020 01:00 dream injection and sleep deprivation. The dream is about my ex girlfriend in an orgy tortured by friends of mine under a bridge in the sea. They speak about an old friend of mine that is strictly connected with the audiovisual industry. Another say to me when I weak up in subliminal messages that she has done a lot of pornography about her and then he fucks with her in Barcelona for one year. What happen to them? She is victim of brainwashing by television stuff at the age of 37 years old. She was used in pornography perhaps also in Liguria. After I can't go back to sleep because Francesca says: "torturing him because he has to die knows too many names".
- 15/7/2020 01:48 an horror film streamed directly to my visual cortex doing a dream injection. Saray love horror. I cannot sleep again because of sexual harassment with the voice of my mother. In reality is the Francesca crew. Until 5 of clock those idiots follow with dream injections and speak about violence. Are Italians that want to destroy Barcelona with little Mafia rules. They have only destroy our beloved city.
- 15/7/2020 17:00 just during the "siesta" with dream injection they say to me that I'm not accepted in the drug scene, who question this?, and I see my mother doing me sexual violence as usual.
- 15/7/2020 21:36 a very important person say that he will kill me.
- 15/7/2020 23:50 the same person say to me another time if I want to die.
- 16/7/2020 00:30 the wife of this important person call me slave. And I'm an Italian citizen in Spain.
- 16/7/2020 18:30 my mother do sexual violence to me saying "vattene dal computer". That I've to go out from the personal computer.
- 16/7/2020 20:27 Francesca say to me that I'll going to die.
- 16/7/2020 21:00 Andreu say that Saray have to suck a dick to give the drug market to a man. Saray is a sexual slave of this man from I don't know how many years. She was fucked in radio and physically from I don't even know how many persons from when she go out from our house in Canyelles. All the people here in radio have do sexual violence to her. She needs help.
- 18/7/2020 10:17 With the voice of my mother and shape they say: "You have to die, you cannot work in Spain" doing sexual violence to me and humiliations. I've collected more than forty videos where you can appreciate holograms doing sexual violence to me. In the gangstalking routine it's normal to give to parents the blame. The reality is that yes they are present in the remote monitoring network and this is totally sufficient to have them tried in a court of law; and yes my mother takes a lot of psychotropic drugs these nobles probably took advantage of his mental illnesses to build this absurd story and this suicide game since I was a kid. My father recently also start to take psychotropic drugs practically resigned in that the son died, which does not happen and will not happen. So yes, they are guilty of not realizing that these corrupt nobles had destroyed their lives and that they would use them for a game of suicide of their son. Competition for the purpose of being assassinated with premeditation is the crime. This is not a game, this is a tremendous and huge genocide trial.
- 20/7/2020 00:30 continuous voice to skull subliminal voices, always my parents speaking without doing sexual harassment to me. I cannot sleep because of sleep deprivation torture. I'm very tired of this stupidity. To work and to rejoin the society I need to sleep without interference. Please help King of Spain. I'm a telecommunication business man and first of all I'm writing thousand of pages to public denunciate an horrible Mafia that is working in Catalunya, a territory of your dear sir, secondly writing doesn't permit to me to focus in my work, thirdly it's not possible that police doesn't understand that this Mafia has to be shutdown. Many womans in Catalunya act because of sexual and electronic harassment. Many that I know and they are all moms, they are all good womens, Saray also. Please help.
- 20/7/2020 03:48 dream injection with death menace where I try to escape from my father jumping in structures in the void hiding from him. In the neuronal network my father is one of the stalkers. A Catalan nobleman named Andreu. I wake up with a sense of fear, I smoke a cigarette and see you in court shitty stalker. My father is a good person not a drug seller or a king of a drug cartel, the red one. This cartel is from the the dead father of the Ligurian noble family, named Renzo and who did not descend so much in peace. These motherfuckers are corrupted nobles, putting parents in the middle is part of stalking. Son of bitches. But yes he is present in this network, so yes, he is guilty to doesn't help his son to do a great complaint against those two nobles families, the Catalan and the Frances living in Liguria. He says to me that I've got to work, incredible.
- 20/7/2020 12:58 A person that perhaps is the boyfriend of Saray say to me that I'm gonna die.
- 20/7/2020 22:11 my mother, or her voice, applying me radio frequency in my left eardrum. It's seems to be that they want to break the twos eardrum. After that I loose all my airs, and they destroy the nerves of my tooths. This monsters have destroyed my life, they play suicide with probably them sons, because his son is a play card game, like Alessandro, the brother of Francesca, was. And he was dead, in an accident. Like Christian, and he was dead, committing suicide. This is probably child trafficking with the goal of suicide game. Slavery. This monsters have to be condemned to be judged. "Tu ti rendi conto che sei una carta da gioco, le carte muoiono. " The voice of an old destroyed woman.
- 21/7/2020 3:49 my parents, and yes they are, do stalk to me and I cannot sleep. I will put them in jail. Full stop. Aurora Buzzo also present. 90KHz signal registered. Francesca, the chief of a drug cartel called the red one, said that I've got to go in Italy because she has bet over the fact that I live or minus in Spain. This situation it's absurd, my family and the family of Francesca play with sons in suicide game.
- 22/7/2020 All night long stalking and sexual tortures. Saray violated in radio and I don't have blood pressure. Torture of sleep deprivation today I want to go ahead with my work but now I've to go to sleep because to work in good way sleep is necessary. Sleep deprivation is a crime against humanity. I've got all the names and surnames, if you don't stop I've got to put your names in public and send to ATP or other against tortures organizations. STOP NOW it's three years that I'm tortured every day in front of the neural screen application of a lot of Catalan and Spanish persons.
- 22/7/2020 Francesca a stalker that work for Jesuits a shit of woman that Work with Common and Liberation and work in the suicide business say "I want that he return to Genoa to kill him with the Catholic Church, with some fanatic". She is a terrorist and she has destroyed all the people that I've known in my life. She is a fascist. Someone have to delete this family from Genoa. This family are not heroes. Are terrorist.
- 23/7/2020 20:20 The voice of my mother: it was a game see you committing suicide.
- 26/7/2020 00:22 Francesca doing sexual electronic violence to me dressing the hologram of my mother in front of a child of nine years. In this network, that is the slavery network if a person doesn't have access or better saying is a target individual there are child that are obliged to see sex of them parents and others people in the neural television application. This network when a person got access is like the matrix game all injected to visual and auditory cortex. In Japan people speak about. But here in Spain is used to create slavery, with the target individual program. And this is the true. Japan is also full of target individuals the similarity between the twos countries is that are crowns. So it's very common that in crowns those networks are used like traffic networks, black market but also humans.
- 26/7/2020 12:45 Aurora, an engineer that work indirectly for Francesca speak about a plot where all the nobility have been participated. I'm very sorry because she was a friend of mine and now she is the girlfriend of one of the best person that I've known in my life. But she just said: "you've got to die".
- 26/7/2020 like I've to present a commercial offer those telecommunication mafias today that is Sunday only do my stalk in neural network. Those, all, work for the great telecommunication firms. Stupidity rules Europe. They do business mobbing to me. Multi millionaires that use girls to destroy little entrepreneurs like me. Europe need a face wash not brain wash. Nobility have to be put in his place. The oblivion.
- 31/7/2020 Today is the worldwide day against electronic tortures. #StopElectronicTorture. I'm living in Spain where technocrazy is a reality. In my neural application a lot of people that I've known in my life do continuous stalk to me and sexual electronic violence all the day long. This is in front of the higher aristocracy representatives of this country. This is a total scandal. Two nobles families one from France and the other Catalan are the terrorists that are changing our united Europe.
- 1/8/2020 03:31 dream injection doing a death thread.
- 2/8/2020 05:30 dream injection, sleep deprivation and voice to skull. I cannot sleep again.
Videos about electronic violations
On 27 of June of 2020 I was violated by the wireless brain machine interface, a shell that someone has hacked in the military remote neural monitoring network in Barcelona by a crew without any doubt contracted by the Catalan big noble family to magnify the suicide business. The security analysis [13] is public and it's done by the Murcia university.
External Links
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agency
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights#Violations
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Guard_(Spain)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Intelligence_Centre
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalitat_de_Catalunya
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_deprivation
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diarrhea
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eardrum
- http://telecomlobby.com/RNMnetwork/ES/catalan_technological_system.htm