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Laws violated by this system
How to hit hard the pyramid of "Illuminati"
All the girls start the "rise" of this fraud being a sexual slave. What does it mean? That they have to prostitute all the days, they don't gain money, and all the money is divided depending on the position in the pyramid of the different criminals.
Mi ex girlfriend was a slave. I love you sweetie.
This is like people trafficking [1]. But this is also procuring [2]. All the criminals that are up then the first level of the sexual pyramid, the number four in Barcelona, have to respond before the law.
But remember, those people that have started being a slave in the first step of the pyramid and suffer brain washing or others techniques and simply believe that "Illuminati" are the new order in a democratic state like Spain have, in my point of view, must be compensated from the state. They are doing a crime but many are coerced by radio frequency threats about their family. Women are threatened with their children.
The theme is very complex and we've to build an association of cold cuts. To protect who have to be protect in front of the law. An association with good lawyers prepared in this special and vast theme. The fight against a new type of pseudo dictatorship.
In Spain codigo penal [3] is the criminal code [4] operative in the State. Those are the crimes:
All of them are horribles crimes that destroy human rights [8]. Especially of women and child. And my ex girlfriend is a victim of.
I love you.
How to hit every network of neural control
Like we've already said one of the tower of democracy is without any doubt privacy. In Spain, the country where i live there's a lot of laws protecting this fundamental right of the citizen. Spain is Europe Union [9].
- In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [10] of 1948 privacy was defended and guaranteed. It says that everyone got the right to protect his intimacy [11], family, home, reputation [12].
- In the article 18 of the Spanish Constitution [13] the right of honor [14], intimacy and personal image.
- Organic law [15] 11982 [16]
- General Data Protection Regulation [17] from 25 of May 2018
- Organic law 15/1999 [18] of December 13 of protection of personal data [19]
- Law 9/2014 [20] of telecommunications that dictate the facilities of the sector. It give to them public service character and it give them the fundamental background about client's rights.
This laws if violated could represent fines and penalties and also jail defined by the article 197 [21] of the penal code [22].
So like our visual cortex and auditory cortex and much more brain parts are totally under control in a remote neural control network this laws, those above are the Spanish ones, have to be held en front of a penal judgment [23].