We, as in any Qubes-Community users, collaborators, members and owners, expect that anyone using anything produced, uploaded, adviced or otherwise, that comes out of the Qubes Community, to be met with a healthy amount of skepticism. Please be careful about running any scripts, following wiki's, doc's or guide's, which you don't understand what do. We take no responsibility for any damage or losses. We do however wish to keep the reliability, as well as security and privacy, at the best quality possible, but we are not accountable for not meeting our goals.
All doc's here have the potential to one day become an official Qubes doc. Be mindful that they are still not perfect, and you must be careful when using them.
Here you can find the community scripts. Their states will be listed, put into three categories, these are Alpha, Beta, & Stable. Alpha state means it's untested, not finished, or requires reviews. All scripts will always start out as Alpha state. Stable means it's been tested, reviewed, and is deemed safe to use, however, the above disclaimer at the top of this page still applies. Beta is somewhere in-between, it's getting there, but is not deemed quite stable yet either.
- Here you find our collection of smaller scripts, which are too small or too unqiue to be listed on this main page. There might be something useful in here though, so feel free to take a look once in a while as our collection grows and expands.
- This script is helpful to help set up a minimal template and turn it into a small appVM for sys-net and sys-firewall. The script can be modified to include other similar use-cases as well.
- Here you can find our growing collection of sound control scripts.
- They're typical ideal to keybind.
- [Qubes - Move files to dom0](/scripts/qvm-copy-to-dom0)
- Moving files to dom0 is dangerous and discouraged, but if you must then here is a script to ease the process. If you know what you're doing, then this might be helpful.
- This script is designed to be a part guide, part script. Essentially it guides you through the commands to create a new Win7 VM. Please use the script as it was intended as a mixed guide/script.
- This script can update dom0 and all templates in a single click or keybind, starting from one end, automatically working itself through all your templaes and dom0 updates. The -y attribute option is not included, because it's seen as dangerous to auto-accept new updates without review, so it's expected for users to manually accept new updates. The script will continue automatically if no new updates are found. It can be modified to include extra templates, as well as changing between stable and current-testing. This script is also intended to ensure syncronization and avoid the fedora 48 hour cache issues, as well as to help keep repositories aligned across the whole Qubes system.
These are extensive works which incorporate multiple of inter-connected scripts and coding, problems which also may require their own issue tracking lists, as well as a larger collaboration of community developers. Community project's hold a repository on their own.
- [Qubes-A.I. ](https://github.com/Qubes-Community/Qubes-A.I.) - Offline & Open Source, initially Voice Control only. Project is fresh and require hands to speed it up.
More projects to come as volunteers start them up. A project must go beyond the complexity of a script/guide, and involve complexity of inter-connected scripts, issue tracking, long-term development and updates, or other reasons that justifies it to become a project.
Guides are not doc's which has the potential to reach the official Qubes doc's page. Instead guides are meant for more pure community oirentated how-to's. For example how to style your system to make it look better, or suggestions for how you can help contribute to the Qubes Community.