We, as in any Qubes-Community users, collaborators, members and owners, expect that anyone using anything produced, uploaded, adviced or otherwise, that comes out of the Qubes Community, to be meet with a healthy amount of skepticism. Please be careful about running any scripts, following wiki's, doc's or guide's, which you don't understand what do. We take no responsibility for any damage or losses. We do however wish to keep the reliability, as well as security and privacy, at the best quality possible, but we are not accountable for not meeting our goals.
All doc's here have the potential to one day become an official Qubes doc. Be mindful that they are still not perfect, and you must be careful when using them.
These are extensive works which incorporate multiple of inter-connected scripts and coding, problems which also may require their own issue tracking lists, as well as a larger collaboration of community developers. Community project's hold a repository on their own.
Guides are not doc's which has the potential to reach the official Qubes doc's page. Instead guides are meant for more pure community oirentated how-to's. For example how to style your system to make it look better, or suggestions for how you can help contribute to the Qubes Community.