Sara-Jayne Terp aca100b364 framework and page updates
Framework updates:
- TA08 added text "Used for preparation before broader release, and as message honing."
- TA10 change name from "Go Physical" to "Drive Offline Activity"
- T0004 change name from "Competing Narratives" to "Devise Competing Narratives"
- T0005 convert into a tactic stage, TA13.  Change name from "Center of Gravity Analysis" to "Conduct Center of Gravity Analysis"
- T0006 rename from "Create Master Narratives" to "Develop Narrative Concepts".  nb narratology: can't create master narratives - can only latch onto them
- T0011 change name from "Hijack legitimate account" to "Compromise legitimate account"
- T0065. Create new technique "use physical broadcast capabilities" under TA04
- T0014. Rename from "Create funding campaigns" to "Prepare fundraising campaigns".  Exited text to reflect that this new name allows the possibility of either creating a new one, or revitalizing an existing one.
- T0015 rename from "Create hashtag" to "Create hashtags".  Change text to mention hashtag groups.
- T0017 rename from "Promote online funding" to "Conduct Fundraising Campaigns"
- T0018 rename from "Paid targeted ads" to "Purchase advertisements"
- T0026 rename from "Create fake research" to "create pseudoscientific or disingenuous research"

Page and file updates:
- Added MITRE, FIU, and SPICE to DISARM's history
- reran github page generator
- reran sqlite generator
2022-02-02 10:57:17 -05:00

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1.3 KiB

# Incident I00002: #VaccinateUS
* **Summary:** use both pro- and anti- topic messaging to create an artificial argument online.
* **incident type**: campaign
* **Year started:** 2014
* **Countries:** Russia , World
* **Found via:**
* **Date added:** 2019-02-24
| Technique | Description given for this incident |
| --------- | ------------------------- |
| [T0017 Conduct Fundraising Campaigns](../generated_pages/techniques/ | IT00000002 Promote "funding" campaign |
| [T0018 Purchase advertisements](../generated_pages/techniques/ | IT00000001 buy FB targeted ads |
| [T0019 Generate information pollution](../generated_pages/techniques/ | IT00000003 create web-site - information pollution |
| [T0046 Search Engine Optimization](../generated_pages/techniques/ | IT00000005 SEO optimisation/manipulation ("key words") |
| [T0056 Dedicated channels disseminate information pollution](../generated_pages/techniques/ | IT00000004 create web-site - information pollution |
| [T0058 Legacy web content](../generated_pages/techniques/ | IT00000006 legacy web content |
| [T0058 Legacy web content](../generated_pages/techniques/ | IT00000007 hard to remove content and/or campaign/exploit TOS |