Sara-Jayne Terp aca100b364 framework and page updates
Framework updates:
- TA08 added text "Used for preparation before broader release, and as message honing."
- TA10 change name from "Go Physical" to "Drive Offline Activity"
- T0004 change name from "Competing Narratives" to "Devise Competing Narratives"
- T0005 convert into a tactic stage, TA13.  Change name from "Center of Gravity Analysis" to "Conduct Center of Gravity Analysis"
- T0006 rename from "Create Master Narratives" to "Develop Narrative Concepts".  nb narratology: can't create master narratives - can only latch onto them
- T0011 change name from "Hijack legitimate account" to "Compromise legitimate account"
- T0065. Create new technique "use physical broadcast capabilities" under TA04
- T0014. Rename from "Create funding campaigns" to "Prepare fundraising campaigns".  Exited text to reflect that this new name allows the possibility of either creating a new one, or revitalizing an existing one.
- T0015 rename from "Create hashtag" to "Create hashtags".  Change text to mention hashtag groups.
- T0017 rename from "Promote online funding" to "Conduct Fundraising Campaigns"
- T0018 rename from "Paid targeted ads" to "Purchase advertisements"
- T0026 rename from "Create fake research" to "create pseudoscientific or disingenuous research"

Page and file updates:
- Added MITRE, FIU, and SPICE to DISARM's history
- reran github page generator
- reran sqlite generator
2022-02-02 10:57:17 -05:00

914 B

Counter C00129: Use banking to cut off access

  • Summary: fiscal sanctions; parallel to counter terrorism

  • Playbooks:

  • Metatechnique: M014 - reduce resources

  • Resources needed:

  • Belongs to tactic stage: TA09

Actor types Sectors
Counters these Tactics
Counters these Techniques
T0057 Organise remote rallies and events
T0061 Sell merchandising
T0014 Prepare fundraising campaigns
T0017 Conduct Fundraising Campaigns
T0018 Purchase advertisements
Seen in incidents