2.2 KiB

Technique T0023: Distort Facts

  • Summary: Change, twist, or exaggerate existing facts to construct a narrative that differs from reality. Examples: images and ideas can be distorted by being placed in an improper content

  • Belongs to tactic stage: TA06

Incident Descriptions given for this incident
I00047 Sea of Azov (Distort) Kremlin-controlled RT cited Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov suggesting that Ukraine deliberately provoked Russia in hopes of gaining additional support from the United States and Europe.
I00053 China Huawei CFO Arrest Distorted, saccharine “news” about the Chinese State and Party
Counters Response types
C00017 Repair broken social connections D03
C00019 Reduce effect of division-enablers D03
C00021 Encourage in-person communication D04
C00022 Innoculate. Positive campaign to promote feeling of safety D04
C00024 Promote healthy narratives D04
C00027 Create culture of civility D07
C00046 Marginalise and discredit extremist groups D04
C00072 Remove non-relevant content from special interest groups - not recommended D02
C00073 Inoculate populations through media literacy training D02
C00081 Highlight flooding and noise, and explain motivations D03
C00082 Ground truthing as automated response to pollution D03
C00092 Establish a truth teller reputation score for influencers D07
C00096 Strengthen institutions that are always truth tellers D07