Sara-Jayne Terp 1bc8d88b63 moved to datasets as CSVs
Changed from data held in excelfiles to data held in CSV files.  This gives us a better view of what's changed in the datasets when we push them to git.
2022-08-25 09:50:52 -04:00

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Raw Blame History

1MASTER COPY OF DISARM TTPSUnnamed: 1Unnamed: 2Unnamed: 3
62019-11-15 00:00:00ALL"Blue Team" workshop, Washington DC 15-16 Nov 2019
72019-12-05 00:00:00SJTcopied all wall post-its into spreadsheet
82019-12-06 00:00:00SJTTook copy for cleaning
92019-12-06 00:00:00SJTPut notes here if you spot something unusual or do something you want crosschecking
102019-12-06 00:00:00SJTFirst task: look for the techniques for each row in the spreadsheet, and add them to the "techniques" column. A list of Technique numbers is best; if it applies to all techniques in a tactic, put the tactic number; if it applies to all techniques, put “all”.
112019-12-21 00:00:00Eric D.I am unsure to what extent content dissemination is included in the "Develop" phases or Channel Selection, compared to belonging more or less solely within Pump Priming, Exposure, Go Physical and Persistence.
122020-01-07 00:00:00SJTContent dissemination is generally right of boom, but might be needed as part of eg. creating convincing sockpuppets or groups in a channel
132020-01-10 00:00:00SJTNew copy of spreadsheet. Going to put all counters in here, as a playbook
142020-01-12 00:00:00SJTIncluded post-it notes from 2019-11 workshop. Included incident-counters from 2019-11 preparation worksheet. Included general-counters from 2019-11 preparation worksheet. Added References worksheet, to hold URLs to references (excel only allows 1 URL per cell, which wipes data if we're not careful)
152020-01-13 00:00:00SJTIncluded counters and playbooks from teams 1,2,3,4,D
162020-01-14 00:00:00SJTTook copy of spreadsheet, so we have a snapshot of all the inputs into it. Now it's time to get cleaning!
172020-01-20 00:00:00SJTStarted the cleanup. First, gave every counter an id.
182020-01-31 00:00:00SJTSplit output report into two: "finding ways to counter disinformation campaigns" and "Disinformation counters" so we can publish the first part faster
192020-02-10 00:00:00Roger J.Add "Measure of Effectiveness" and "Measure of Performance" sheet. This is a requirement for effective data pollution where the objective is to degrade the adversary's ability to measure their affect.
202020-05-14 00:00:00SJTClean up tactic and response names in countermeasures sheet, so they dont mess up the generators
25DateSuggested bySuggested TaskComments
26SJTAdd links to references with each counter in, to the rows for those counters. Add each document to the REFERENCES tab, and its [ref] to the column "References" in the Countermeasures sheet.
27SJTCheck through spreadsheet for duplicate counters, and counters at the wrong level of details (e.g. work out what should be at the counter level, and what should be at the playbook level). Clean up accordingly.
28SJTCreate code similar to the DISARM github code, that creates: a page for each technique, listing the counters relevant to that technique; a page for each tactic, listing the counters relevant to that tactic, by response type then alphabetically; a COA grid with the number of responses for each tactic/response combination done
29SJTCreate a chapter in the summary document for each tactic, describing the types of counter relevant at that tactic stage. Done
30SJTWrite a document chapter on viewing disinformation as an ecosystem and potential solution space to be explored.
312021-07-17 00:00:00SJTLook at SG note for wording, counters we haven't listed https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-misinformation-advisory.pdf
35RAND2237https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2237.htmlHelmus et al, "Russian Social Media Influence: understanding Russian propaganda in Eastern Europe", Rand Corporation 2018Scraped before 2019-11 workshop
36Corker18https://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/FinalRR.pdfCorker et al, "Putin's asymmetric assault on democracy in Russia and Europe: implications for US national security", 2018
37Hicks19https://www.csis.org/analysis/other-means-part-i-campaigning-gray-zoneHicks et al, "By other means part 1: campaigning in the gray zone", 2019Scraped before 2019-11 workshop
38Dalton19csis.org/analysis/other-means-part-ii-adapting-compete-gray-zoneDalton et al, "By other means part 2: adapting to compete in the gray zone", 2019Scraped before 2019-11 workshop
39Taylor81http://media.leeds.ac.uk/papers/pmt/exhibits/2742/ToP.pdfPhilip M. Taylor (1981): Techniques of persuasion: basic ground rules of British propaganda during the Second World War, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 1:1, 57 66https://web.archive.org/web/20170226100346/http://media.leeds.ac.uk/papers/pmt/exhibits/2742/ToP.pdf