2022-12-12 06:09:55 -05:00

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Privacy changes from big tech are coming thick and fast right now.

  • Work on Android and iOS
  • Wallet DID: did: tz, did: key (curve Ed25519)
  • Issuer DID supported: did: tz, did: web, did: key; did: ethr, did: pkh.
  • Revocation of VCs: RevocationList2020
  • SDK development environment: PHP, Python, NodeJS, java, C, Flutter,…
  • Wallet templates: employer certificate, experience certificate, skills certificate, company pass , proof of email, proof of telephone, certificate of residence, loyalty card, diplomas, student card

The iPhones incoming mobile ID feature will use selfie biometrics for identity verification, suggests code uncovered by 9to5Mac. The news indicates that Apple will be even more directly in competition […] The post iOS 15 Code Points to Biometric Onboarding for Apples Mobile ID appeared first on FindBiometrics.

Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma, and Utah are among the first states to bring state IDs and drivers licenses in Wallet to their residents

Apple has revealed a handful of states that it is working with to develop virtual, mobile drivers licenses, and confirmed that the Transportation Security Administration will accept is mobile IDs

Explore the next frontier in account security with secure-by-design, public-key-based credentials that use the Web Authentication standard. Discover in this technology preview how Apple is approaching this standard in iOS 15 and macOS Monterey.

Apples approach to passwordless is not particularly unique since it adheres to the FIDO standard, however their implementation and approach to the credential recovery problem is unique and relevant to enterprises. One refreshing aspect of their messaging and stance on authentication is their dedication to eliminating shared secrets.

Apples story is more about individual convenience in service of Apple. When it comes to the Big in Big Tech, Apples as Big as they come — all while being renowned control freaks. Their top-down approach to digital identity isnt about portability or interoperability, its about strengthening their platform moat, where Apple takes a 30 percent cut on all sales.

Apple has revealed a handful of states that it is working with to develop virtual, mobile drivers licenses, and confirmed that the Transportation Security Administration will accept is mobile IDs

Apple has announced a forthcoming update to its Wallet app that will allow you to use your iPhone as digital identification in select US airports. The company showed how youll be able to scan your drivers license or state ID in participating US states, which will then be encrypted and stored in the iPhones secure enclave. The company says its working with the TSA to enable the iPhone to be used as identification at airport security checkpoints.

To review… in Settings—> Privacy—> Tracking, is a single OFF/ON switch for “Allow Ads to Request to Track.” It is by default set to ON.