2022-12-06 22:58:08 -05:00

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This International Womens Day, we celebrate these role models and promote inclusivity to better recognize achievements in technology and digital identity from leading women. We are so lucky to have allies and strong relationships with various organizations led by strong female experts. It is a true honour to work alongside female leaders who heavily impact the industry with their thought leadership and innovative sights.

The Lab is Canadas first independent and neutral organization to promote the compliance of and interoperability between digital ID solutions across public and private sectors, bridging a crucial gap in the advancement of Canadas digital ecosystem.

GLEIF has launched a CA Stakeholder Group to facilitate communication between GLEIF, CAs and TSPs from across the world, as they collectively aim to coordinate and encourage a global approach to LEI usage across digital identity products. Participation has already been confirmed by China Financial Certification Authority (CFCA), DigiCert Inc, InfoCert, Entrust Datacard, ICAI India, and SwissSign.

  • DIF Steering Committee election coming up

    Among the conclusions of this analysis was that a larger steering committee would garner more trust and visibility into DIF's internal governance as an organization. An operating addendum was adopted last month which formalizes procedures for periodic elections and distribution requirements.

  • Introducing DIF Grants Decentralized Identity Foundation

    DIF is kicking off a program to administer narrowly-scoped financial support for community initiatives, ranging in format from grants to more competitive implementation bounties, hackathon-style open collaborations, and security reviews.

  • Setting Interoperability Targets DIF

    Our short-term roadmaps need testable, provable alignment goals that we can all agree on for our little communities and networks of technological thinking to converge gradually. Simply put, we need a few checkpoints and short-term goals, towards which we can all work together.

  • The DEI rollback Ben Werdmüller

    The solution, for now, is to call it out, and for those of us with privilege to pledge never to work for (or start) an organization with these policies. Diversity and inclusion is more important than ever. And leaders who care about the culture of their companies should once again take note of the Basecamp team: this time as a lesson in what not to do.

  • BedRock Consortium has a home page

    The Bedrock Consortium is a Linux Foundation project that supports the operation of the Bedrock Business Utility, an independent self-governed and self-sustainable public identity utility.

  • Reflections in my rear view mirror Dan Gisolfi

    as the founder/convener of the Bedrock Project I must now hand over the baton. Bedrock is positioned to be an important public identity utility for the maturation of a digital trust marketplace. I will always be here to help when/where I can. Hint: Maybe my new road ahead will help bring additional members to the table.

  • The Seven Step Process to Becoming a Validation Agent: a closer look at the trial process with GLEIFs latest eBook

    By becoming Validation Agents financial institutions can also streamline, accelerate and diversify their use of the LEI, and ensure their autonomy as they look to digitize their business processes.

  • Q1 2021 in review: The LEI in Numbers: Data from the latest Global LEI System Business Report reveals LEI adoption from January to March 2021.

  • Directories in Distributed Identity by Sam Curren, Ken Ebert, Suresh Batchu, Kiran Addepalli

ADIA site: https://adiassociation.org

Minimal Demo: https://adriang.xyz/ Use Card Number 4242 4242 4242 4242  04/22 123 (dont use a real email address because it will be stored in Stripe.)

John shared about his journey and ongoing rehab,  and then moved on to whats up with BCGov these days and looking ahead with the same.

Staff passporting, Evernym Verity, Condatis Staff passport, Truu

The NHS Staff passport system was created to allow NHS employees to be redeployed between different organisations to meet urgent demand and remove the onboarding challenges when staff onboard with new organisations.

Collaboration between Sitekit/Condatis, Evernym, Truu and the NHS.

NHS Staff passport system is currently the largest production deployment of Self-Sovereign Identity with  81 different agents within a trusted ecosystem within the World.

The Letter of Agreement puts forward three main items:

  1. Mutual recognition and support for the distinct, but interrelated, mandate of each organization.
  2. Commitment to name a member from each organization as a liaison to act as a point of contact and maintain lines of open communication.
  3. Proactively seek opportunities to collaborate in areas of shared interest, including communications products.

This Letter of Agreement has been approved and signed by Sovrin and Trust over IP.

It will be the basis for ongoing activity that aims to build on the strengths of both communities and advance their shared interest in the emergence of secure, privacy enhancing credential and identity ecosystems.

David Luchuk, Program Manager for Trust over IP, addressed the importance of ensuring that Sovrin and Trust over IPs mutual support for one another is clearly presented to the market to the broader community represented here at IIW.

“By signing this Letter Agreement, Sovrin and ToIP are excited to take a step further to support the need and importance of our separate but interrelated mandates to benefit people and organizations across all social and economic sectors through secure digital identity ecosystems based on verifiable credentials and SSI,” said Chris Raczkowski, Chairman of Board of Trustees, Sovrin Foundation.

How does a functioning credential ecosystem get started? This post goes deep on Manny Nijjars work to create a program for using digital staff passports in the sprawling UK NHS bureaucracy.

The Cardea and GCCN projects are both excellent examples of breakthrough innovations that can take shape when companies and projects come together to solve real-world problems, using open source tools available to everyone

As the Data Strategy and the Data Spaces are being put in place in Europe, as the

new US Administration is questioning the operating practices of global platforms, it

is critical our approach over Personal Data Sharing is Global.

Foundations receive the financial and legal services they need to operate successfully. Well set up your bank accounts, file your taxes, collect your dues and pay your bills.

conversations about digital identity innovation were mostly treated as a developing country issue, with ardent advocates in the West unwilling to acknowledge that digital identity could add value to developed economies. Now, as the world emerges from the pandemic, attitudes seem to have taken a 180-degree turn.

Editorial: Kaliya thinks this is a terrible idea. It is based on the premise that identity providers (issuers of credentials) should get paid every time a person (the holder) presents the credential in their wallet, when shared with the relying party (verifier) I think this is toxic and we are just finally getting to aligned standards for the VC format and for exchange protocols - now some how we are going to rapidly add a payments layer?

NO this isnt going to work it is going to create lockin to particular wallets for particular credentials. All because some bad entrepreneurs who are no longer leading their companies sold SAFTS to greedy investors. There is a mess under here that should be exposed further now that they are trying to push this model again. Lets just say I cant wait for the investigative reporter to dig into the Sovrin meltdown from last year further to see what is really there. It could have all been left alone and I wouldnt be talking about it - but they decided to push the model again.

Spherity announces that it has become a partner of the IDunion  project. The project is funded within the innovation framework “Showcase secure digital identities” of the German government (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy). Spherity is entrusted on the application of cloud identity technology in the healthcare industry.

Now, if we take two communities within the SSI space the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) and the Trust over IP Foundation (ToIP). I will sometimes hear people talking positively about one and negatively about the other. But why is this happening? Dont we all have the same underlying values? Arent we all looking to better our lives through digital sovereignty?

I think the answer to this is clear and we need to get away from thinking in a binary manner about anything in our space. And if you really look at the overlap between both these communities: they are quite large.

Hundreds of attendees, including a number of DIF members, put together a huge programme of content for the 33rd IIW, covering topics ranging from the technical minutiae of IAM and SSI to big-picture discussions about ethics and strategy, and participated in over 110 virtual sessions across the three days.

The Center recently launched the Institute for Rebooting Social Media [...] In connection with this Institute and the Berkman Klein Research Sprints, and through the Centers ongoing work with the over 100 international Network of Internet and Society Research Centers, the Center will support conversations about digital identity issues that will reach diverse and interdisciplinary communities of research and practice.

Check out these photos from IIW 1 in 2005


Currently, over 40 applications have been implemented in the IDunion project. These are used in a wide variety of sectors, such as public administration, the financial sector, IoT and industry, the healthcare sector, mobility sector and e-commerce. The technology has now exited the research phase and will appear in the first productive applications in 2021.

The founding media partners all agreed, however, that having more first-party data and increasing the share of registered visitors would allow them to build better relationships with readers and more relevant news products. Their collective first step has been OneLog, a single sign-on system being used across a variety of news sites owned by Swiss Digital Alliance members TX Group and Ringier.

The Super Skills app combines a custodial wallet (Torus) and Ceramic VC/storage tooling to give children private, exportable, future-proof achievement records a self-sovereign educational credentialing system in miniature.

  • Theres an outstanding question, for us, around how this community explores and thinks about the theoretical underpinnings of a Community of Practice (CoP), but one thing is for sure, Keep Badges Weird is a CoP.

  • Audience Ikigai [reason for being] We are Open CoOp

could be useful for thinking about credential adoption profiles

The complexity surrounding any global audience cant be understated, really. I mean, were talking about millions of people. GPI communications have to take into account that many are coming to Greenpeace for the first time, while others know the organization well. The audience is diverse. From young to old, every color and creed, a massive spectrum of people who are interested in the mission to “ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity.”

Yet more Identity Associations: Accountable Digital Identity

Informed by standards bodies including the FIDO Alliance, the World Wide Web Consortium, and the Decentralized Identity Foundation, the ADI Specification was designed to help companies detect fraud using verified identity solutions while ensuring that informed consent is collected and user privacy is protected. - quote from this article

Were not convinced that “constraint” is the right theoretical approach for an emerging technology, especially one that is being deployed in different sectors for different use cases. To underscore this, we want to address a particular constraint implied by ToIPs design concepts that is likely to be fatal to any deployment.

  • Why we support EFF Evernym

    Privacy gets too little emphasis from some participants in the decentralized identity movement. They claim to value confidential interactions, yet advocate that individuals create public decentralized identifiers (DIDs) on the blockchain (ignoring legal warnings about DIDs being PII). They are okay with “phone home” verifications of credentials and revocation and capabilities.

  • 7 Essential building blocks of decentralized digital ecosystems Nevermined

    The original goal of Nevermined was to allow data sharing and privacy-preserving computation. During the development journey, the above building blocks emerged as design principles, but after speaking with various organizations, we realized these components are actually the foundations that allow us to solve more complex problems, not only based on classical data center problems.

  • Indicio Tech: Why we converted to a public benefit corporation

    The idea of a benefit corporation begins with long-simmering dissatisfaction in the argument that the only responsibility or duty a company had was to increase its profits, a claim that had been forcefully made by University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman in the New York Times magazine in 1970.

  • Jolocoms latest contributions to DIF

An example of the KERI DID registrar/resolver integrated in our library can be found here. This is also included in the Jolocom SmartWallet via the SDK integration. (KERI is currently being worked on in the Decentralized Identity Foundations Identifiers and Discovery Working Group,)

  • Compliance & Inclusive Finance Working Group (CIFWG) Sovrin

    Since 2019, Sovrin has hosted the Compliance and Payments Task Force (CPTF), an open group of traditional bank and non-bank financial institutions, regulators, policymakers, technologists, ethicists, and legal experts. The CPTF has developed and promoted the Rulebook, an innovative best practices framework that extends traditional banking compliance and payments guidance to emerging fintech and VASP processes.

  • ID2020 Welcomes BLOK Solutions to the Alliance

    Their most recent solution, BLOK Pass, offers individuals a self-sovereign record of their COVID-19 test results and other risk factors. The technology was developed under the companys biotech arm, BLOK BioScience.

  • KABN Network Joins the Trust Over IP Foundation

    KABN aims to use proven bank-grade identity verification processes to allow Holders (who use a credential), Verifiers (who confirm the validity of a credential) and Issuers (who produce the credential) to complete transactions of many kinds including financial services, eCommerce transactions, organization, building and visitor access badges among others.

  • Member interview with Jacoba Sieders Women in Identity

    Jacoba Sieders is an independent, digital identity expert [and advisory board member of the EU ESSIF Lab]. She has held executive positions leading IAM and KYC functions for more than 20 years at major banks in the Netherlands and then in Luxembourg at the European Investment Bank. She also lived and worked in New Delhi, India for ING Group.

  • PSA Today: Kaliya & Seth talk LEIs with Simon Wood, CEO of Ubisecure (#1 issuer of Legal Entity Identifiers)

    the evolution of LEIs since the financial crisis of 2008, the difference between high assurance and low assurance, and the relationship between rights and ownership as it relates to identity management of entities.

Turing Institute Report on Trustworthy Digital Identity

Blindsided by this news!!

The DizmeID Foundation and technical project will define and allow for implementation of Dizme features on top of Sovrin public identity utility. The Dizme ecosystem is expected to include various technological components leveraging Hyperledger stack and adding a monetization layer based on Algorand blockchain protocol, which will enable the exchange of verifiable credentials and the development of new vertical applications.

  • Identity, Unlocked... Explained: Season 2, Ep. 2 Vittorio Bertocci with Filip Skokan

    a conversation about a few three-letter extensions to OAuth (which, incidentally, would also fit well in a pirate incantation!): PAR, RAR, and JAR. Filip is a Senior Engineer II at Auth0, the author of a popular book on open source identification, and a contributor to both the IETF and the

OpenID Foundation.

Witness orgs sit in layer 3 of the Trust Over IP stack as authoritative issuers. Witness orgs are to VCs like Dunn and Bradstreet (D&B) is to the finance world: they issue claims as a recognized authority.

These may seem off-topic but Bill Wendell has been engaged with the VRM and IIW community for well over a decade - He has some great ideas on how to reform/transform the real-estate industry with ideas/models our community has been discussing. If you are looking for an opportunity to collaborate and build something transformative I would reach out to him.

Individuals can access with the peace of mind that all relying parties within the ecosystem are present and accountable. Sure, there will still be malicious vendors, but the scope will be more limited. The ecosystem will be much more secure than the current Internet. It will be enough for the participants to take action. Trust is reestablished.

How do you determine if your new company is addressing the underlying issues that hold back data from being what they imagine it can be?


Verite is a decentralized identity framework demonstrating end-to-end, ecosystem-scale crypto and DeFi prototypes. With Verite, our focus is iteratively building open protocols rather than a product or a platform.

Verite is based on open-source building blocks that are developed collaboratively at international standards organizations:

“I am thrilled to welcome executives of this caliber to our team,” said David Puth, CEO of Centre. “Both Linda and Danielle bring an abundance of experience that will guide our organization as we create standards for the burgeoning blockchain space.”

Standards Development

Join here https://discord.com/invite/F4Qw7h6Sr9

Founded by Coinbase and Circle in 2018, the mission is to provide the governance and standards for the future digital financial ecosystem.

We began by launching US Dollar Coin (USDC), a fiat-backed stablecoin and now the second largest stablecoin on the market. The standards we laid out for USDC provide a layer of trust and transparency so that users can operate with security and confidence as we enter a new world of digital payments.

Digital Technologies Forum is a networking platform and exhibition space for selected research projects and innovations in the field of digital technologies from Germany. The forum offers outstanding research projects a platform for more visibility and promotes exchange and knowledge transfer at national and international level.

Link your web accounts, verify your academic credentials and interact with DeSci dApps using the Holonym Protocol

Silvia is a WID member since 2018 and started her career as an Identity engineer. Her topic will be the misbehavior of your digital twin and what you can do if your digital twin misbehaves.

Originating from a virtual model reflecting a physical object, the term “digital twin” also has its application in the cyber security industry. Social media giants and the advertisement industry have a huge interest in modeling your behavior, feelings, and thoughts to tailor advertising to you.

any sensible WebAuthn/FIDO2 Apache module would rely on an externally running “Provider” software component to offload the heavy-lifting of onboarding and managing users and credentials.

In making the code widely accessible, Ontology is accelerating the adoption of decentralized identity (DID) in the blockchain sphere As the project that has focused on the Decentralized Identity (DID) field for over 4 years…

We strongly believe that open standards are a key enabler for the development and scaling of new digital identity services around the globe. In this context, we are glad to be part of the Verite Distributed ID standards.” Mung Ki Woo, VP Trust Services, Ledger

Currently available in TypeScript and published through NPM, the Verite library seeks to make it easier to implement VCs in a variety of forms. The library is early and an additional goal of the library is to collect community feedback.

From the Blockchain through AI and the Metaverse, Scotland is presented with a wide spectrum of technology innovations to harness. And from Education through Economy, there is an equally wide spectrum of opportunity areas where it can be applied, for great national benefit.

The Implementation Guide V1 provides a set of baseline recommendations to the CCI community of application and services developers, implementers with which to evaluate product designs. The requirements mentioned in this guide should be read along side (and not as a substitute to) the regulations applicable to the jurisdiction in which the applications and services will be made available

By recognising the pivotal importance of verified attributes and the potential role of personal data stores in enabling the sharing of these attributes, it is opening the door to actually solving the problem of identity. At last.

Kaliya was elected to the DIF steering committee Decentralized Identity Foundation

The six elected candidates are Sam Curren (Indicio Tech), Daniel Buchner (Block), Karyl Fowler (Transmute), Rouven Heck (Consensys Mesh, Executive Director at DIF), Markus Sabadello (DanubeTech) & Kaliya Young (Identity Woman). Sam, Karyl, Markus and Rouven have been re-elected for another two year term as SC members. You can read more about the SC candidates' background and vision for DIF here.

covers our work with DIF, Trust over IP, and attending Consensus 2022.

With product information markets enabled by Trust Communities, we can incentivize truth in markets by allowing experts to make money on their expertise and face consequences for erroneous claims. Simple concept, powerful implications.

we are bringing our contribution toward more robust cybersecurity and seamless interoperability through our Dynamic Data Economy vision.

a trust infrastructure that preserves the structural, definitional, and contextual integrity (DDE Principle 1) of any object and their relationships in the Semantic domain, the factual authenticity (DDE Principle 2) of any recorded event in the Inputs domain, and the consensual veracity (DDE Principle 3) of any purpose-driven policy or notice in the Governance domain.

Were excited to share that we launched the Ceramic Community Forum! The forum is the place to ask technical questions and receive support from your fellow community members and Ceramics core team

As a decentralized identity management platform that complies with internationally-recognized technology standards, we are continuously keeping up to date with key discussions and updates in the industry which is why we joined the Decentralized Identity Foundation

The Finnish Government has awarded a €3m (£2.6m) grant to Findynet Cooperative for a pilot project aiming to build a self-sovereign identity network.

The aim of this public-private cooperation is to strengthen Finlands leading position in digitalization and support the emergence of investments in new digital services.

“It is finally time we had digital wallets with digital credentials that work exactly the same way our real-world wallets do,” said Mr. Reed. “We can take and use them anywhere to privately prove just what another party needs to know in the context of a particular transaction. We dont have to go through any third-party gatekeeper to do this. Thats the way it should work in the digital world too.”

The first step in issuance is for a representative to enter a contractual agreement with a QVI to provide the issuance service. The individual from the legal entity that undertakes this contractual signup is known as the Designated Authorised Representative (DAR) [...]

As per the LE-vLEI description the above is simplified. The full OOR-vLEIs issuance process is detailed in the Ecosystem Governance Framework vLEI Credential Governance Framework Legal Entity Official Organizational Role


Open Recognition is the awareness and appreciation of talents, skills and aspirations in ways that go beyond credentialing. This includes recognising the rights of individuals, communities, and territories to apply their own labels and definitions. Their frameworks may be emergent and/or implicit.” (What is Open Recognition, anyway?

Sociocracy is a system of governance that seeks to create psychologically safe environments and productive organizations. It draws on the use of consent, rather than majority voting, in discussion and decision-making by people who have a shared goal or work process.

  • Emergent community building WeAreOpenCoop

    Last week, we ran the first Keep Badges Weird community call

  • How to Unf*ck Your Organisation: Organisational strategy and architecture for n00bs WeAreOpenCoop

    Weve put together an email-based course to help forward-thinking people in senior roles who might need a bit of help and orientation. Weve broken things down into actionable steps based on the resources found at our Learn with WAO site, giving you enough direction and inspiration to get started transforming your organisation for the better!

  • Steps to Success when building a Community of Practice: Convening systems for maturity and development Doug Belshaw, WeAreOpenCoop

    This post outlines different types of work that needs to take place when planning, sustaining, and developing a Community of Practice. It is informed by work that WAO have carried out with Participate around the [Keep Badges Weird]-(https://badges.community/) community over the last 10 months.

  • Good things happen slowly, bad things happen fast We Are Open Co-op

    Some organisations were experimenting with digital badges before 2011, but these were siloed and easy to right-click and copy. The technology trigger, the innovation with Open Badges, was to invent and make available an open metadata standard.

  • WTF are Stealth Badges?: The case of the O.G. Badger We are Open Coop

    This information means that this particular badge, which is manually issued, can be given out in fair and equitable ways. It also means that someone else who engaged with the Open Badges community before 2017 could lay claim to it.

    Stealth badges at scale require an automated system that issues badges depending on particular criteria. This is why they are very common in games-based environments. For example, I unlock some most weeks playing new and existing games on my PlayStation and Google Stadia.