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2019-04-04 single MyData We are entrepreneurs, activists, academics, listed corporations, public agencies, and developers. For years, weve been using different words for what we do MyData, Self Data, VRM (Vendor Relationship Management), Internet of Me, PIMS (Personal Information Management Services) etc, while sharing a common goal: to empower individuals with their personal data, thus helping them and their communities develop knowledge, make informed decisions, and interact more consciously and efficiently with each other as well as with organisations. true true
Verifiable Credentials
Cozy Cloud
organizations/mydata https://decentralized-id.com/organizations/mydata/ organizations/mydata/ 2023-06-18


  • Mydata - Twitter - Youtube - Podcast - Papers

    When you join the MyData Global, you are helping to create a trustworthy human centered data economy. Read from the MyData Declaration what we mean by this.

  • MyData Declaration 2017-08-24

    We are entrepreneurs, activists, academics, listed corporations, public agencies, and developers. For years, weve been using different words for what we do MyData, Self Data, VRM (Vendor Relationship Management), Internet of Me, PIMS (Personal Information Management Services) etc, while sharing a common goal: to empower individuals with their personal data, thus helping them and their communities develop knowledge, make informed decisions, and interact more consciously and efficiently with each other as well as with organisations.

  • MyData Digital ethics 2021-04-30 Antti Jogi Poikola, MyData Global

    For fair, sustainable, and prosperous digital society through a human-centric approach to personal data

  • MyData A Nordic Model for human-centered personal data management and processing 2015-06-01 Antti Jogi Poikola, Kai Kuikkaniemi, Harri Honko

    This white paper presents a framework, principles, and a model for a human-centric approach to the managing and processing of personal information. The approach defined as MyData is based on the right of individuals to access the data collected about them. The core idea is that individuals should be in control of their own data. The MyData approach aims at strengthening digital human rights while opening new opportunities for businesses to develop innovative personal data based services built on mutual trust

SSI + Mydata

  • Crossing the Chasm for Privacy respecting Identity, MyData 2020 2021-01-19 Nat Sakimura, Sheila Warren. Host: Kristina Yasuda.
    1. Accountable Digital Being2. Expressive Digital Being3. Fair Handling of personal data4. Right NOT to be forgotten5. Human Friendly6. Open, Interoperable, Leveraging Existing Infrastructure, and Tested7. Everyone Benefits
  • Understanding the origins of identity 2020-12-14 Dr. Mawaki Chango

    #Identity management is not a new problem. Mawaki Chango, PhD explains briefly it's interesting history starting from the Roman Catholic Church keeping records of their believers, leading all the way from passports to the current situation we are in with digital identity credentials! At the #MyDataOnline2020 conference.

  • Self Sovereign Identity and MyData 2017-11-16 Antti Jogi Poikola

    “Infrastructure for digital identity is key in the technical realisation of the MyData -vision and there is lots of innovation happening in that area.”


  • Avast demonstrates commitment to digital freedom with MyData membership 2022-06-21 Avast

    Charles Walton, Senior Vice President and General Manager said, “Our vision for digital trust is bigger than any one company and requires collaboration and open ecosystems and we believe the private sector has a significant role to play in driving adoption globally. Membership of collaborative groups such as leader MyData Global connects us with a community of organizations and experts who share our values around privacy, decentralization, and user control. When people are in charge of their personal data, everyone wins.”



  • What to make of data sovereignty 2022-09-26 MyData

    Data sovereignty has gained much recent attention, whilst interpreted in varied ways. MyData Global describes in this blog post what to make of data sovereignty when taking a human-centric approach to personal data.

  • Rulebook overcomes the lack of trust in data sharing 2022-08-30 MyData

    The data sharing market is taking off and there is enormous uncaptured value. Many organisations are looking for new trustworthy ways to create value from data collaboration. Individuals can also benefit tremendously if data can be more readily shared across service providers.

  • Does “data monetisation” lead towards more fairness, sustainability, and prosperity for all? 2022-07-13 MyData

    As this is a complex and often polarising issue, it must be discussed with patience, diligence, and determination. MyData Global has not yet reached a position on the topic. In this piece, we share our considerations and questions, and hope to inspire you to join this important deliberation.

  • On Abortion and Data MyData 2022-06-30

    A basic insight of MyData is that the current systems of data are asymmetrical, imbalanced, and unfair. A basic motivation of MyData is to fix this by addressing business, legal, technical, and societal aspects of those systems.


    With COP26 taking place this week, governments, companies, and individuals are discussing how we can all reduce our carbon emissions. The task is monumental, and technology has an important role to play both in reducing its own carbon footprint and in helping the wider world track and reduce their emissions.

  • Why all data governance needs to consider childrens rights 2021-07-20 Emmaday Berkman Klein

    Last month, UNICEF published a Manifesto on Good Data Governance for Children, an initiative that was the result of a year of collaboration between a working group of 17 experts, many of them affiliated with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and UNICEF.

  • Connecting Citizens and Government for Better Designed Services 2021-05-19 MyData Our vision for Inclued is for it to become the de facto choice for two-way, secure citizen engagement that empowers citizens to not only access services but influence what is delivered to them, while giving governments and citizens insight and evidence into the value and impact of working with, not for citizens.

Smart Cities

  • Catalysing transformative change: new project to produce innovative services in smart cities 2021-09-02 MyData

    “Cities around the world are racing ahead to be smarter by taking ethical approaches to personal data”, explains Teemu Ropponen, General Manager of MyData Global “MyData Global is a centre of excellence for personal data management expertise, with the H3C project we are bringing together city administrations, companies and individuals to find solutions that put people in control of their personal data”

  • Data Co-Operatives through Data Sovereignty 2021-08-15 Igor Calzada

    This article illustrates an open debate in data governance and the data justice field related to current trends and challenges in smart cities, resulting in a new approach advocated for and recently coined by the UN-Habitat programme People-Centred Smart Cities.

  • Training: Building smart cities services 2.0 2021-08 MyData

    You will learn about business models, compliance with complex regulatory regimes, standards, and governance mechanisms. You will be connected with EU funding opportunities, and you will learn how to build successful partnerships with companies and cities

My Data 2018 Presentations

  • Opening plenaryAntti Jogi Poikola (Main stage) slides

    We have to embrace diversity to make MyData happen in large scale and to make it right. Businesses, legal experts, technologists and the societal thinkers are needed. MyData programme lead Antti Jogi Poikola will help you to find your way to contribute in better digital future.

  • Legal landscape (video)

    We know about the content of EU General Data Protection Regulation, and other personal data related new regulations and policies. How the legal text turns into societal impact and what is the future with fast technological development? President of the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy Willem Debeuckelaere shares his insights on the citizen empowerment and law enforcement. Elizabeth Renieris, Global Policy Counsel from Evernym will reflect the future connections of regulation in the era of decentralised blockchain technologies.

  • The Domains of Identity (video) Kaliya Young video

    Discussions of personal data and identity management are often confusing because they mix issues from multiple domains, or because they try unsuccessfully to apply solutions from one domain to problems in another. Kaliya Young will outline the key domains of identity to bring clarity for the discussions in the MyData conference.

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  • Our Data Rights

    Bring together three communities that are not talking to each other enough to chart a joint way forward: AI ethics, open data, privacy/surveillance. The outcome is a coming together, a silo busting, of these 3 groups around a joint data rights framework for individuals, companies and governments, which will then be translated into (1) campaigns, (2) regulations, (3) policy change.

  • Practical AI ethics

    Recognizing that every Artificial Intelligence (AI) system has humans in the loop, we propose Human-in-the-loop Artificial Intelligence (HitAI) as a fairer paradigm for building AI systems. In fact, HitAI will reward the legitimate owners of the knowledge used in these systems. Any decisions of AI systems generating revenues will repay the legitimate owners of the knowledge used for taking those decisions. This is a call for AI reserchers! As modern Merry Men, HitAIresearchers should fight for a fairer Robin Hood Artificial Intelligence that gives back what it steals.

  • Showcases

    This session will present latest advancements of MyData services from around the globe, with examples ranging from incubation of the data market to proof-of-concepts to revenue generating businesses. The presenters share key learnings and best practices for each phase, focusing on real scenarios, concrete data and key metrics derived from implemented business models.

  • Tools for data portability

    In particular we will learn about: 1) Ocean Protocol, which combines economic incentives with embedded privacy and security features to revolutionise the concept of data portability under individuals control; 2) “Personium”, a Personal Data Store (PDS) solution that aims to facilitate data portability; 3) Data Transfer Project, an open source project making it easy for individuals to copy data from one online service provider to another and 4) fair&smart, a platform which connects individuals to organisations and provide them with tools to share and manage personal data,

  • Interoperability and Decentralisation: Part I

    Categories of technologies include: Identity (e.g. DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials, Authentication (e.g. DID-Auth), Access Control, Aggregation and Federation (e.g. the new W3C ActivityPub and ActivityStreams2 specs), and Personal Data Store APIs (e.g. Solid).

  • Interoperability and Decentralisation: Part II

    There are lots of new and exciting developments going on in the decentralized & self-sovereign world of MyData. After offering a general overview to standards and protocols in the morning Part I session, this Part II will focus on concrete projects that are already underway. We will explore examples where decentralized technologies are being used, how they help interoperability, and how they integrate with existing infrastructure.

    • Adrian Gropper my online agent must work only for me (self-sovereign) and should be standards-based. [slides] (video)
    • Rouven Heck uPort: Self-Sovereign Identity Meets Portable Data [slides] (video)
    • Fabrizio Leoni eIDAS and Self-Sovereign Identity [slides] (video)
  • Semantic Interoperability and Transparency

    Harmonised semantics and standardised vocabularies for personal data are essential for portability, informed consent, notice and transparency of personal data processing. In this session will we will focus on how we can integrate semantic schemes in both subject-centric approaches and at the enterprise level. We will show how academia, industry and standards bodies are working together for regulatory compliance and the wider benefits of interoperability.

  • Standards for Delivering on the MyData Principles

    This presentation takes each of the MyData 6 Principles and gives examples of Kantaras work supporting those from the specifications that the Kantara community curates through member implementations of those specifications to Trust Mark evidenced conformity via Kantaras Trust Framework and Assurance programme

    • Colin Wallis [slides] (video)
    • Drummond Reed [slides] (video)

      Drummond will give an update on how we are making rapid progress on four emerging open standards for self-sovereign identity (SSI): DID (Decentralized Identifiers), DKMS (Decentralized Key Management System), DID Auth (how you authenticate using DIDs), and Verifiable Credentials (interoperable digital credentials), and how together these open standards are laying an SSI foundation for MyData.

  • The Blue Ocean of Ethical Personal Data

    The dominant, so far widely successful, business models in the field of personal data are based on mass data collection, analysis and targeting advertisements. We have seen evidence that the public opinion is turning more negative towards such practices and the models are also being challenged by regulators. On this mature market also the competition is fierce. This session gathers investors to discuss and debate on the potential of creating blue ocean markets where the strict data protection is not a hindrance, but the key driver for businesses. This session looks at why and how personal data could be opened for wider ecosystems and what is the disruptive power of such networked innovation, and looks at this question from a corporate perspective.

    • J Cromack (Business) [slides] (video) "challenges organisations face to meet the wider transparency needs of GDPR"
    • Arikia Millikan [slides] (video) "If we dont explore business models for online media outside of surveillance capitalism, journalism may cease to exist."
    • Bianca Wylie (video)
  • Truly Global

    In this session we explore the MyData topics from the global perspective with experts from three international organisations IEEE Standards Association, World Bank and Open Knowledge International.

  • Dimensions of interoperability

    We will start off the interoperability track with some of the most important topics of MyData interoperability. We will begin with how machines handling MyData understand interoperability. Then we will dive into the legal issues to be understood in interoperability, and finish with how interoperability can work at a national level in the X-Road architecture.