2020-01-05 19:34:22 -05:00

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DIDecentral: Contributors Intro Getting started contributing to DIDecentral via Twitter, Discord Chat, and GitHub. A variety of ways to contribute to DIDecentral with a minimal barriar to entry. Starting from Twitter, Discord Chat, and GitHub.
Quickstart for [GitHub](, [Twitter](
true 2019-07-06 false
<a href=''>Infominer</a>
<a href=''>JuanSC</a>
false 2019-07-14T11:22:33-23:00

We welcome issues or pull requests for question, comments, or contributions of every type. While some may feel intimidated to get started with GitHub, we assure you it's just like any other social platform with user profiles, content, text fields and buttons.

If you have questions, other people probably want to know the answer also. Its not easy to remember and document every sticky point of working with github pages, discord, and associated digital tools.

However, over time, through the process of collaborative editing, crowdsourcing ideas, and learning together, to discover and extract value from various datasets.

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DIDecentral - Repositories

A number of repositories which will be good sources for content creation have been forked into this organization for reference. The following are the primary repositories under our care.

Besides these, @infominer33 commonly forks repositories into the organization that seem like good sources for future collaboration and\or content creation.

GitHub Issues

Generally speaking, this is a good place if you have a link or two to contribute, a question, ideas, want to point out a broken feature, or even just to say Hello :D

Github issues are just like the comments feature, except it lets you note where exactly in the source there is a problem, or you have a suggestion. We're open to feedback and collaboration in whichever venue you prefer.


These are good if you'd like to correct something, or suggest some changes to any aspect of the site. Also, a pull-request is the official pipeline for introducing changes to a repository.

Over time we will introduce more fine grained guides on how to do this in a way so that your contribution is easily accepted and recorded in the git history.

"Edit This Page"

Nearly every page has a section like this, where you can share socially, or edit\view on GitHub.

Clicking that button takes you to the unformatted version of the page on GitHub. When you are logged in to GitHub, that puts you one click away from editing this page: look for the pencil icon on the right side, just above where the line-numbered raw file begins.

Clicking it will reload an take you to an editable version of the page, which proposes an update through github. The monitor icon will open an editable change-proposal of the file. This allows you to contribute through a familiar interface (your web-browser), without having to understand anything about GitHub.

Whether it's an actual improvement, fully functioning with proper markup, or simply a note, it will be read and appreciated! Even if your change isn't perfect: We'll try to accept it and include your "commits", which are Git's way of recording contributions that GitHub has built a web-interface over.

None of us are necessarily professional or experts with git or web-publishing. However, we do wish to learn and grow our digital skillset.

Thanks for Visiting!

Feel free to visit for an array of entry-level web-work how-tools.