2022-12-04 02:46:02 -05:00

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Digital Identity New Zealand

  • DINZ held the first Aotearoa Digital Identity Hui Taumata

    Bianca Lopes and David Birch shared with us their International perspectives and insights, including a whirlwind Identity world tour hosted by Bianca and her team at Talle.

  • The Trust Economy in a Future New Zealand

    My interest was first piqued when I came across three videos on YouTube from Rachel BotsmanJordan Perterson and Philipp Kristian Diekhöner.

    Trust has always been at the centre of society overall and commerce in particular.  Theres a reason why during the first industrial revolution banks always built the most impressive, secure looking buildings in town so you trusted them to deposit you money there!

  • Towards a Better Digital Identity Trust Framework in Aotearoa Digital Identity NZ

    Its a great pleasure to share with you DINZ Reflections Report, a seminal piece of work that DINZs Digital Identity Trust Framework working group has developed over several months.

  • Aotearoas digital identity journey that leaves no-one behind DigitalID NZ

    IEUDI, together with DINZs Te Kāhui Te Tiriti O DINZ and Digital Identity Services Trust Framework (DISTF) work groups, detail the scope of DINZs mahi this year and into 2023 in pursuit of its mission to create a digital identity ecosystem that enhances privacy, trust and improves access for all people in New Zealand. [...]

    The DISTF WG met last week also, to discuss the Select Committees report following the submissions, containing its recommended changes to the Bill prior to its Second Reading.

  • 2022 Executive Council nominations now open Digital Identity NZ

    In December 2019, members elected the first Digital Identity NZ Executive Council. The Council is the governing group for the association; providing guidance and direction as we navigate the developing world of digital identity in Aotearoa. Each Council member is elected for a two-year term, with elections held annually and results notified at the Annual Meeting in December. So, as we approach the end of the year it is time for us to call for nominations for the Council seats coming up for re-election.

  • New Zealand is working with Maori leaders on Identity

    Next week were celebrating our first Aotearoa Digital Identity Hui Taumata.  Were particularly excited to be bringing you a Kapa Kōrero session with Kaye-Maree Dunne, Jane-Renee Retimana, Belinda Allen and Ben Tairea.  The quartet will be exploring perspectives from Te Ao Māori, and the relevance of Te Tiriti in our collective work on digital identity.

    Digital Identity New Zealand is having its Annual Meeting Dec 10th

  • A key place for Identity in the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa < - Colin Wallis will now head Digital Identity.nz

    Our government is embarking on a journey to create A Digital Strategy for Aotearoa that seeks to respond to the social, economic, education and cultural opportunities from digital technology, along with the risks that these technologies can bring.

  • The Trust Economy in a Future New Zealand

    Now with the 4th industrial (digital) revolution the old vertical, siloed trust models are breaking down and we are moving to a more horizontal, distributed environment.* INCLUSIVE AND ETHICAL USES OF DIGITAL IDENTITY DINZ In April 2022, DINZ launched a broad-scope members Working Group in response to the increasing challenges for some groups in society to participate fully in Aotearoas digital transformation, with the aim of providing baseline supporting guidance to inform policy and service design.

  • DINZs annual Consumer Research Digital Identity NZ

    l Scrolling Infographic! It looks fun and has some good info in it.

    Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. These wise words from Maya Angelou encapsulate the key findings from our 2020 trust and identity research.

  • Leading the digital trust conversation DI NewZealand

    the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act has the potential to provide a game-changing regulatory foundation for the identification and authentication components of services delivered through the digital channel.  Those services that choose to be independently audited for compliance against the Frameworks security and privacy oriented rules and standards to become accredited, would then be able to differentiate those digital service brands through displaying an accreditation mark.

  • Summary of Public Engagement of the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa discussion document New Zealand Govt.

    The discussion document stated that a Digital Strategy for Aotearoa (the Strategy) would need to respond to the social, economic, education and cultural opportunities from digital technology, along with the risks that these technologies could bring.


It is on this last point that I do see a slight gap between the UK and Aotearoa. In the UK and in Europe more generally there seems to be more awareness of, and a sense of urgency around, the vulnerability of mobile smartphones, given the expectation that they will be the device of choice for most people to download digital identity related wallet apps.