2023-06-30 04:45:13 +05:30

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  • FIDO & DIDs?

    This presentation from Day 1 of 2020 FIDO from Team Dr. Who (consisting of a project manager, 2 developers, and a public healthcare specialist from the World Health Organization 9 (WHO). Their Proof of Concept introduces smart health insurance card services that link Distributed IDentity technology and FIDO Authentication. The team aims to solve the problem of existing physical cards, which are an inferior way of identifying someones actual identity. Here is a link to the video presentation (in Korean)

  • GADI presented at the Vienna Digital Identity Meetup (now virtual, very good, much recommend). The GADI architecture is a federated identity ecosystem where Digital Address Platforms (DAPs) issue unique individual identifiers controlled by the GADI ecosystem.  This is the fundamental difference in identity philosophy between GADI and SSI based systems.  The Digital Address is a lifetime connected identifier and under the control of the DAP. The video is here. 2020-12-15


A post by Verim justifying their pay to play for Identity credentials.  Adding another layer of complication


U.S. Treasury breached by hackers backed by a foreign government

  • @Cred_Master shares:

    “The hackers ... have been able to trick the Microsoft [Office 365] platform's authentication controls.”

#SSI #VerifiableCredentials

  1. LEIs Help Fight against “Musty” Businesses

  2. LEIs Help Include the Real Job Creators

  3. LEI and Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)

We need to take back accountability for our data. Its not up to Facebook or Google; theyre not security companies. These organizations do us a favour by offering backup and recovery options, but we pay the price. Furthermore, they are claiming your data as their asset and making money.

Microsofts Verified ID could create digital privacy issues

As part of the forthcoming Verified ID service, individuals would be able to get digital credentials issued by Microsoft that prove where they work, what school they graduated from, which bank account they have — and even whether they're in good health according to their doctor.

Eliminating the password means trusting that big tech companies wont lock you into their platforms.

Today, everyone including powerful actors and decision-makers like the UK Government just know that organisations are the centre of the personal data universe, and that everyone else including citizens revolves around these organisations.

“I asked the driver why the app showed me a different drivers face, and he claimed Bolt blocked his account so he was using his brothers.”