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2019-03-01 Decentralized Identity and the Public Sector Assorted Resources Related to Blockchain and Identity for Government and the Public Sector. Modern identity and access management (IAM) came into focus during the late 1930s, when a group of European countries began issuing national ID cards. During this time, creating a more systematic approach for establishing and authenticating the official use of trusted identities emerged. single /government/
image caption
/images/blockchange-identity-header.webp [On the Emergent Use of Distributed Ledger Technologies for Identity Management](
2023-07-10 false
  • Decentralized Identity & Government Evernym 2021-12-08

    The key differences between federated and decentralized identity systems - An analysis of a few notable government-led projects, such as Aadhaar (India), Verify (UK), eIDAS (EU), and the Ontario Digital Identity Program (Canada) - What decentralization means for portability, scalability, flexibility, and privacy - How governments and commercial organizations can enhance existing federated identity systems with verifiable credentials

  • Digital Identity Around the World: Why Some Countries are Embracing Self Sovereign Identity Quicker 2021-09-03 Hackernoon

    Each government moves at its own pace for as many reasons as there are countries, and digital identity/SSI will only become a reality once governments voice their support, regulations, and standards are adopted, infrastructure is created or upgraded, and interoperability, inclusion, and education are all addressed.

  • Navigating Digital Identity in Political Economies RxC Panel 2021-08-25

    Most digital identity systems are centralized (e.g., in big government or technology organizations) or individualistic (e.g., in most blockchain projects). However, being in the world is fundamentally social and intersectional — we are all part of networks. So how might we formalize digital identity in a way that better reflects this complex reality? This panel with leading social technology and computer researchers explores more robust digital identity approaches and potential application areas in political economies.

  • The Policymakers Guide to Respectful Technology in Legislation 2021-05-14 Me2BA

    What most people want but dont have the terms to describe is respectful digital relationships. In the same way there is an unspoken code for respectful behavior in physical-realm relationships, this same type of behavior is just as essential when engaging with an online service or website.

  • Verifiable Credentials: Mapping to a Generic Policy Terminology 2021-03-26

    Why is this useful? When writing policy, you need a succinct model which is clear enough for subsequent interpretation. To do this, you need conceptual buckets to drop things into. Yes, this model is likely to change, but its my best and latest crack at it to synthesize the complex world of digital credentials with an abstraction that might be useful to help us align existing solutions while adopting exciting new capabilities.

  • Self-Sovereign Identity and Government Data Exchange 2021-03-23 Cybernetica

    This is often achieved with ID cards or passports that we have in our possession with a photo to prove that we are the person this card belongs to, and therefore the person that ID number refers to. In digital identity terms, PKI takes the place of ID cards and offers public and private key pairs.

  • Data: Governance and Geopolitics 2021-01-16 Tony Fish

    How data is governed can be thought of along several lines of activity: legislating privacy and data use, regulating content, using antitrust laws to dilute data monopolies, self-regulating by the tech giants, regulating digital trade, addressing intellectual property rights (IPR) infringement, assuring cybersecurity, and practicing cyber diplomacy. Of these, antitrust, regulation, and privacy are most immediately in the spotlight, and are the focus of this commentary, but it will also touch briefly on the connections with other issues.

  • Its time for governments to get serious about digital identities 2020-02-25 Deloitte

    While the tools may already exist to solve the governments identity crisis, real progress will only be made if governments significantly evolve their legacy approaches to digital identity.

  • The Digital Identity Crisis and what it means for Governments and individuals 2019-11-18 ProCivis

    In my thesis, I explored the potential use of Blockchain technology and the features it offers within digital identity management to understand whether there is a case for using this technology based on an improvement in public sector efficiency and perceived trust. The thesis also aimed at understanding the key motivations for the public sector to build an ecosystem or infrastructure for blockchain based digital identity vs. their existing systems (or lack thereof). Thus, the viewpoint of state actors, along with a perception of citizens towards current systems and future acceptability of developing solutions was also considered.

  • Self Sovereign Identity & Decentralized Identity: Control Your Data 2019-08-27 DragonChain
    • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
    • The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
    • European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    • Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA)
    • Japan's Act on Protection of Personal Information (APPI)
    • Data breach notification laws
  • Decentralized Identity For Government 2019-07-01

    Create trusted digital relationships between citizens and government services. With a surge of new regulations, including GDPR and KYC, governments have been the catalysts for redefining how organizations handle issues of trust and privacy. Over the last several years, weve seen pioneers emerge from local and federal governments alike, and weve created our Early-Access Packages as a way to help them leverage decentralized capabilities to unlock economic growth and enable new citizen relationships.

  • Blockchain for digital government 2019-04

    This report looks at the ongoing exploration of blockchain technology by governments. The analysis of a group of pioneering developments of public services shows that blockchain technology can reduce bureaucracy, increase the efficiency of administrative processes and increase the level of trust in public recordkeeping. Based on the state-ofart developments, blockchain has not yet demonstrated to be either transformative or even disruptive innovation for governments as it is sometimes portrayed. Ongoing projects bring incremental rather than fundamental changes to the operational capacities of governments. Nevertheless some of them propose clear value for citizens.

  • Private-Sector Digital Identity in Emerging Markets 2019-01 Caribou Digital

    Digitization in the public sector is moving much more slowly, but the transition away from analog is well underway. Smart identity cards, NFC-enabled passports, and digitally stored biometrics are being used by states around the world as they upgrade legacy identity systems. The benefits of digitization for governments— increased efficiencies, lower costs, reduced fraud and corruption, easier surveillance, better data sharing within government—are clear and significant. And for those countries who havent yet been able to establish a highly successful analog identity program, the potential of leapfrogging to a fully digital infrastructure is very appealing. Most importantly, the advantages of digital systems have the potential to expand access to identity for otherwise marginalized and vulnerable populations. The benefits of a legal identity for these groups can be tremendous, and the U.N. formally recognized these advantages in 2015 by codifying them into Sustainable Development Goal 16.9: “By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.”

  • Governments and Decentralized Identity -- Presentation from Shailee Adinolfi 2018-12-06

    Shailee Adinolfi (Director, Government Blockchain Solutions, ConsenSys) argues that government adoption of self-sovereign identity is necessary for any widespread implementation of the technology. Through use of blockchain, SSI could provide oversight, transparency, and security while smart contracts could automate government processes, reducing costs and improving efficiency.

  • Digital Identity: Towards Shared Principles for Public and Private Sector Cooperation 2016-07 World Bank Group, GSMA, Secure Identity Alliance

    The ability to prove ones identity is increasingly recognized as the basis for participation in social, political, economic, and cultural life. Yet at least a billion people in developing countries lack any form of officially recognized ID. This problem disproportionally impacts rural residents, poor people, women, children, and other vulnerable groups in Africa and Asia. Digital identity, combined with the extensive use of mobile devices in the developing world, offers a transformative solution to this global challenge and provides public and private sector entities with efficient ways to reach the poorest and most disadvantaged. This discussion paper, divided into three parts, explores the connection between digital identity and sustainable development. Part I illustrates how the use of digital identity promotes efficiency gains, financial savings, social inclusion and access to basic services and rights, with examples from countries that have adopted digital identity systems. The paper then outlines some of the key risks and challenges that must be overcome, specifically in the areas of political commitment, data protection and privacy, cost, and sustainable business models. Part II of the paper lays out the digital identity lifecycle and the roles of public and private sector players, and suggests some key considerations in the design of business models. Finally, Part III of the paper suggests some common principles—including universal coverage, appropriate and effective design, and privacy and data protection—and enablers for maximizing the potential of digital identity to contribute to sustainable development.

  • Identity Validation as a Public Sector Digital Service? 2014-07

    Ive written before about the role that the public sector currently has in identity establishment, but not in identity validation. This absence has led to an online ecosystem in the U.S. that depends on non-authoritative information for identity validation. These are some initial thoughts on what an attribute validation service, which provides validation of identity attributes using authoritative public sector sources, could look like.