2023-06-19 03:48:08 +05:30

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Events Calendar


we are pulling together these as an experiment based on feedback from the community in the closing circle of the last IIW.

  1. User-Experience and SSI on July 22nd. 8am - 2pm pacific time.
  1. The Business of SSI on August 4th 8am-2pm pacific time.

We also have IIW33 set now as a virtual event October 12-14 - we had too much uncertainty around travel for folks outside the US who are now 50% of attendees, delta+ variants, fires in California at that time of year and wanting to provide hybrid participation options and not having time.


  • Bridging to Self-Sovereign Identity 2020-10-28

  • two presenters. One showing a Korean effort associated with the DID:Alliance/GADI (problematic but worth understanding). The 2nd presentation was by Mike Vesey from IdRamp talking about their work integrating DIDs & VC with the enterprise systems.

Upcoming Events

is happening this week put on by EMMA has some luminaries speaking at the Vision for European Security and Trust including Kim Cameron, Dave Birch, Heather Flanagan, Pamela Dingle, Katryan Dow.

Company Webinar by Condatis Getting Started with Self-Sovereign Identity November 18th.

SSI Toronto: Embracing Privacy to Fuel Growth - A panel discussion exploring questions surrounding the struggle between data privacy and economic growth. November 24

Highlights from IIW

  • We had an amazing IIW 31.
    • the latest with KERI
    • Bridging Decentralized Identity with Federated Identity Systems and
    • SSI maturing into a multi-dimensional & relationship-oriented identity.

Upcoming Events

December 15 - ToIP & Government WebinarDecember 16 - Open Meeting: Board of Trustees of the Sovrin FoundationDecember 16 - Getting Started With Self Sovereign Identity - Conditis

MyData 2020

Thoughtful Biometrics Conference

The Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop is creating a space to dialogue about critical emerging issues surrounding biometric and digital identity technologies. Its happening the 1st week of February: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9am PST to 1pm PST / Noon EST to 5 EST.

Identiverse - Call for Papers is Open

This year at Identiverse, discover how modern identity systems are the enabler for services and businesses that put people first. Join us June 21-23, 2021 in Denver, Colorado. Identiverse 2021. This time, its personal.

Markus Sabadello attended, in 2019, and wrote DIDs are PIDs: Report from PIDapalooza

three of us DID people (Pam Dingle, Kaliya Young, and myself) independently submitted proposals to present on DIDs at the PIDapalooza conference in Dublin. Kaliyas talk titled “DIDs are PIDs” was chosen by the organizers, but for logistical reasons I ended up going there instead. And Im happy I had this opportunity!

KCLive: Unlocking Decentralized Identity

Feb 3, 2021 - 4:00 pm CET, 10:00 am EST, 7:00 am PST

Join prominent speakers across domains for a deep dive into the latest trends in the decentralized identity space and get insights into exciting concepts such as reusable identity and a credential-exchange economy

  • Decentralised Identity: Whats at Stake?

    The debate discussion will focus on the INATBA Position Paper on Decentralised Identity […] contribute to identifying next steps and understanding political/regulatory buy-in to the idea and potential barriers

January 21st • Registration Link

  • DIF - F2F Virtual Community Meeting

    DIF ( Decentralized Identity Foundation) is inviting the entire decentralized identity community to join our Second open online virtual meeting. We will discuss the current state of the decentralized identity space, individual elements' status, and how the path towards interoperability should look.

While many of the discussions will center around work items developed within DIF, we recognize the importance of cross-community collaboration. We will make sure that most key technologies will be presented at the meeting.

January 19th in the every fun “Gather Town” (so it is a relief from zoom and the avatars are so cute). Preliminary agenda

The debate discussion will focus on the INATBA Position Paper on Decentralised Identity published on Nov 26th 2020.

This is going to be good :)


  • Anil John Technical Director of the Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP)
  • Daniël Du Seuil Convener of the European Self Sovereign Identity Framework within the European Blockchain Partnership, National Belgian SSI Project Leader
  • Dr. Loretta Anania Scientific Officer at European Commissions DG Connect
  • Kai Wagner INATBA Identity Working Group Co-Chair, INATBA Board of Directors Member, Partnership Development & Regulatory Affairs at Jolocom
  • Karyl Fowler CEO and Co-Founder of Transmute, Member of the Decentralized Identity Foundation Steering Committee

Indicio.Tech Meetup

Wed, Jan 20, 12pm EST - Indicio.Tech

DHS S&T Insights Outreach Webinar Series

Join us on February 2, 2021, at 2:00 PM ET for the series launch. Office of Industry Partnerships Director Megan Mahle and S&T Industry Liaison Dee Parker will highlight S&T's unique innovation funding programs and current opportunities to adapt, develop, or commercialize your technologies in support of the DHS mission.

Wed, 17 February 2021 07:00 08:30 PST

This monthly webinar series is an opportunity to hear from UK experts in distributed identity and learn the mechanics of decentralized identity systems.

Wed, January 27, 2021 9:00 AM 10:00 AM PST

This is an open meeting of the Sovrin's Board of Trustees. Come and ask any questions you might have or suggest direction.

February 3, 2021 at 11:00 AM ET.

The Object Management Group is exploring potential issues and opportunities for standardization across the world of distributed ledger (DLT) and Blockchain ecosystems. [...] At this webinar we will present the insights we have gained so far on Disposable SSIDs and potential solutions, so we can communicate a clear sense of what we are trying to learn and the range of responses we are seeking. (More on this Below)

Upcoming Events

  • CPDP Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference

    As a world-leading multidisciplinary conference CPDP offers the cutting edge in legal, regulatory, academic and technological development in privacy and data protection. Within an atmosphere of independence and mutual respect, CPDP gathers academics, lawyers, practitioners, policy-makers, industry and civil society from all over the world in Brussels, offering them an arena to exchange ideas and discuss the latest emerging issues and trends.

  • Evernym shares: “Be sure to check out Friday's Modern Digital Identity session (Jan 29, 4:15pm GMT), where @drummondreed and @EmLindley will dive into the commercial, policy, and sociological dimensions of #SelfSovereignIdentity.”

  • Virtual Policy Forum on February 4th and 5th

By the Better Identity Coalition, Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), and the FIDO Alliance:

  • What to expect on identity and authentication in a Biden Administration
  • How COVID-19 has transformed the identity landscape
  • Ways that government can help address pain points in our identity infrastructure
  • Updates on new products and standards like FIDO that can make authentication both more secure and easier to use for industry and government alike
  • Discussions on what can be done to drive better identity in America

FEB 17 by Conditis

This monthly webinar series is an opportunity to hear from UK experts in distributed identity and learn the mechanics of decentralized identity systems.

Over the next few months, our experts in self-sovereign identity (SSI) will introduce self-sovereign patterns and protocols and will guide you on how to get SSI going in your business.

Mar 3, 17, 31 11:00 AM (New Zealand)

One of the key discussion points related to education - both for organisations who have identity management needs, and for individuals, whānau and communities. We agreed that the theme 'Identity is a Taonga' is fundamental to this work. These DINZ member sessions are for us to further discuss the education gap, and to start work on shaping educational materials to fill that gap.

by Elizabeth Renieris, presented by the Me2B Alliance.

the relationships we have with digital products and services are increasingly complex and multi-dimensional while our legal protections lag behind and put us at risk. Find out what policymakers should do in order to address these vulnerabilities and help us rebuild respectful digital relationships.

NGI Forward Salon • 24 February (free)

If you are new to the SSI space this is the place to be. Take advantage of the virtual event this April 20 - 22, 2021 it is our 3rd Virtual Event via QiqoChat. We are planning to be in person (if possible) for IIW #33 in Mountain View, October the 12-14th, 2021.

GlobalID shares their takeaways, including enthusiasm about KERI, Chained Credentials, and Guardianship.

One of the hottest topics at IIW 31 — in part because of how much it offers — was our new friend KERI, which stands for Key Event Receipt Infrastructure.

[Recap] Trust over IP and Government (Dec 15)

Identity, Authentication and the Road Ahead: Virtual Policy Forum

The FIDO Alliance joined together with Better Identity Coalition and the ID Theft Resource Center (ITRC)  to host this two day event from Feb. 4-5, to discuss the current and future state of identity and authentication.

  • Day 1: outlined the clear and present need for the government and industry to make identity and strong authentication systems more pervasive, to help protect and serve individuals and businesses alike. (Video)
  • Day 2: had a strong focus on the need for strong authentication and was highlighted by an expert panel that explained how FIDO authentication was able to help secure the 2020 U.S. election.

The Insights Outreach webinar series will include the Office Industry Partnerships (OIP) program spotlights, engagement and contracting workshops, innovative technology demonstrations, and commercialization success stories from the community working with S&T.

  • Join us to see how two codebases, Aries Cloud Agent Python (ACA-Py) and Trinsic (based on Aries Framework .NET) interact interoperably in an enterprise environment.

how it works from a technical point of view to the different real use cases in the world we are living in. Timestamping, digital signature, e-voting, authentication, and private contracts are some of the key elements that would be explained during the session.

Busy that day? Register anyway & watch the recording.

Few businesses are evolving CIAM to deliver better security and privacy for customers as a way to differentiate their digital experiences from their competitors.

showing the newly released Aries wallet that is available on the GlobaliD app. This wallet offers holder functionality for anyone who wishes to have aries credentials using the Indicio mainnet. GlobaliD developer Alexis Falquier and Dev Bharel will show a brief video demonstration of the wallet connecting, receiving credentials and verifying the credential with an agent on Trinsic studio - showing interoperability.

On March 9,

The Vienna Digital Identity Meetup

Xavier Vale of Validated ID and Dr. Ignacio Alamillo of Astrea covered the technical, legal and business dimensions of bridging between eIDAS and SSI concepts and increasing the value and usability of digital identity in the European model.

As a public benefit corporation, Indicio is committed to advancing decentralized identity as a technology that will benefit everyone. To help people understand how this technology works, we are hosting Meetups once per month on a Wednesday, except holidays.

opportunity for innovators, entrepreneurs, and supply chain thought leaders to jumpstart strategies and actions that drive the future of trusted data sharing.

One of the winners of the ACE Blockchain Innovation Challenge, The Lifelong Learner Project is excited to share its vision and demonstrate our success with providing teacher professional credentials in a digital wallet with the larger education community.

  • PoCATHON by Affiniti • Mar 26 May 9, 2021

We invite developers across the world to come and build applications that generate secure, portable and privacy-preserving credentials enabling trust across entities using Affinidis APIs

Inspiring keynotes. Hands-on training with experts. Oktane21 is the place to learn new skills, gain an Okta certification, engage with new ideas, and emerge ready to create the next transformative experiences.

“explore the technology innovations being pioneered in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and what potential for Scottish ventures this presents.” by Peter FerryGary McKay and Julian Ranger (Siccar, APPII and digi.me)

  • PoCATHON by Affiniti • Mar 26 May 9, 2021

We invite developers across the world to come and build applications that generate secure, portable and privacy-preserving credentials enabling trust across entities using Affinidis APIs

Inspiring keynotes. Hands-on training with experts. Oktane21 is the place to learn new skills, gain an Okta certification, engage with new ideas, and emerge ready to create the next transformative experiences.

Gimly is excited to start the EOSIO identity working group WG (Twitter #eosio_id)! This open working group (WG) will create and foster identity solutions using EOSIO technology, by creating open W3C compliant self-sovereign identity standards, interoperability, and ecosystem development for eosio based identities.

“explore the technology innovations being pioneered in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and what potential for Scottish ventures this presents.” by Peter FerryGary McKay and Julian Ranger (Siccar, APPII and digi.me)

With Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Executive Director of the Global Privacy & Security by Design Centre.

This monthly webinar series is an opportunity to hear from UK experts in distributed identity and learn the mechanics of decentralized identity systems.

Hosted by Data Sovereignty Now, in partnership with its members MyData GlobalMeeco, SITRA, International Data Spaces and INNOPAY

CCI is having a call focused on the current EU Digital Green Development. We have invited Gaby Whitehead, from Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport (Ministerie VWS) and lead for Digital Green Certificate payload, EU eHealth Network, to provide the community an overview and answer our questions.

(Every 2 weeks on Tuesday, through Wednesday, 30 June 2021)

With the rise of Non-fungible Tokens (NFT) and crypto markets at an all time high, this world of tomorrow is very much becoming part of our everyday. In March 2021, John Glen, treasury minister said the UK would focus on regulating stablecoins as a first priority given the possible threat to competition.

The W3C DID Working Group achieved another milestone last week; all tests for the specifications are now complete.

On Thrusday, 27th of May 2021 at 14:00 (Brussels Local Time), technical coordinator (TNO) and open call manager (FBA) will be answering all your questions about the application process, the programme and the value of the eSSIF-Labs Open Calls, live on air.

Carmine Auletta our Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer will present InfoCert perspective on the future of digital identity at 12:10, after that he will leave the stage to Andreas Plies CEO and Founder of Authada presenting the digital signature solution for the German market developed together with InfoCert.

  1. The challenges of digital identity and ICAM in IoT and digital twins

  2. How to apply SSI and decentralized identity with IoT and digital twins

  3. How the Sovrin Foundation is advancing SSI in IoT for industry use

The 34th The European Association for e-Identity and Security Annual Conference focuses on Securing Trust in the New Digital Reality. (Kaliya is speaking)

Some sessions that look good

  1. The challenges of digital identity and ICAM in IoT and digital twins

  2. How to apply SSI and decentralized identity with IoT and digital twins

  3. How the Sovrin Foundation is advancing SSI in IoT for industry use

The 34th The European Association for e-Identity and Security Annual Conference focuses on Securing Trust in the New Digital Reality. (Kaliya is speaking)

A chance for Interopathon participants to demo their results!

will include a panel discussion on the ongoing global adoption of the Financial-grade API (FAPI) security profile while reviewing global open banking initiatives

“We dont want to be big brother, we want to make sure that we can protect users privacy and the things built into the protocol that helped to do that were very attractive to us,” Hooper said. “WebAuthn is also very cheap, it is much cheaper to do a WebAuthn authentication event than it is to do SMS by several orders of magnitude.”

The objective of these sessions is to gather input for shaping the Community Group program targeted to launch in December of this year.

All are welcome and you can participate in any of the following upcoming forums:

  1. OIX Trust Identity Conference 10/14 - on site/remote GAIN POC focused event on the 15th from 10am-12pm.

  2. FIDO Authenticate Conference the following week.  The hybrid GAIN POC session is in the planning stages for 21st of October.

Could blockchain enabled self-sovereign identification be a game changer in everything from how your identity is created, to how it is managed, validated, shared and used?

Self-issued OpenID Provider (SIOP) Update Kristina Yasuda Microsoft

The Nomadic Labs Research Seminars series is dedicated to promoting and discussing the extensive list of Tezos research and development projects.


The Frankfurt School Blockchain Center will host a panel discussion together with d-fine on self-sovereign identity (SSI). As more and more of our interactions take place online, SSI solutions are crucial in order to allow people to do so in a digital world with the same freedom and security as they do offline.

As part of the Digital Europe Programme the European Commission will invest EUR 143 million in common European data spaces in different domains. [...] consortia building is taking place as we speak. Come to make connections and get access to the library of resources.

This EOI invites expressions of interest for the provision of customer digital identity and verifiable credential capabilities to the Principal, for the purposes of credential validation and securely sharing identity across a variety of services, as described in the Statement of Requirements (Attachment 1) in this Part A: Conditions and Statement of Requirements

01/13 - Twitch Stream Introduction to DID

01/20 - Twitch Stream Introduction to DID

01/19 - YouTube video playlist Introduction to DID

01/24 - Twitter Spaces Introduction to Decentralized Identity

01/25 - Twitch Stream Build an app that uses Verifiable Credentials

01/25 - Twitch Stream Setting up your DID infrastructure

01/27 - Hackathon: Lets build something cool with DID

Speaking: Markus Sabadello, Michael Shae, Tim Brückmann, Tim Heidfeld

We are excited to go live with IAMX and cannot wait to talk about one of the most important fields of the internet: Identity.

Ally Haire talks about identity using blockchain, and Vandana Verma tells us how to stay secure with third-party dependencies!

Panel Discussion and White Paper launch

Feb 6th 5pm IST registration

Feb 17, 2022 04:30 PM in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Join us as we discuss the emerging importance of Self- Sovereign ID (SSID) and how Sri Lanka can reap the benefits of early adoption

The webinar will be held virtually on the 17th of February 2022 and is open for participation for the general public, as well as key Government decision makers, Industry leaders, Policy makers, Tech entrepreneurs and BFSI Professionals & Change Makers

DID Conference Korea

Kaliya created a channel on YouTube.

All these videos were recorded at the DID Conference Korea 2022on Feb 22.

identity isn't about who you are. it's about what others might want or need to know about you, and how you let them know

  • Registration must be completed by Monday, April 18, 2022:

As you progress, youll learn how to use a Hyperledger Indy-based network, be introduced to the Indy CLI, and install and run the Aries toolbox to create, issue, and verify a verifiable credential.

Hyperledger Indy node code and the Indy SDK. It also covers the commonly used cryptography libraries contained in Hyperledger Ursa, the Plenum ledger and how to interact with and change the repositories and code.

The question this article will try to answer is: are self sovereign digital identity solutions suitable for ensuring data sovereignty and individual empowerment? To answer this question, we will address challenges emerging from both the technological architectures and the applicable institutional and normative frameworks.

Class on Digital Identity starting up at University of South Florida

Students examine identity in a digital world. Topics covered include identifying digital identity, managing digital identities, examining marginalized digital identities, and the governing of digital identities. This is primarily a project-based course.

Over the course of two days from Jan. 24 25, the Better Identity Coalition, the FIDO Alliance, and the ID Theft Resource Center co-hosted the Identity, Authentication, and the Road Ahead Cybersecurity Policy Forum with representatives from government and industry providing insight into the policies, challenges and opportunities for identity and authentication in 2022 and beyond.

This OpenID Foundation Workshop includes a number of presentations focused on 2022 key initiatives for the Foundation as well as updates on active working groups.

  • Internet Identity Workshop #24 4/26-28, Mountain View, California This is a really big deal that after switching to online for 2 years. It will be really good to be back together. Kaliya is the co-host along with Phil Windley and Doc Searls. Seriously just buy a plane ticket and come.
  • Where IAM trends are set: EIC 2022 5/10-13 Berlin & Online

May 12th is decentralized identity day at the event

Happened in June - Presentation Slides Available now.

IPEN invites participants from different areas such as regulators, academia, open source and business development, and other individuals who are committed to finding engineering solutions to privacy challenges. The overall objective is to integrate data protection and privacy into all phases of the development process, from the requirements phase to production, as most appropriate depending on the development model and the application environment.

This ideathon was specially designed as an exciting challenge for the Singapore interns and centered around trusted data. Here are some of the incredible solutions that the five teams came up with.

Ping CEO Andre Durand s opening keynote set the tone by putting decentralized identity front and center. Stating that our current systems do not scale, Andre took us on a journey through the history of Identity solutions from passwords, to single sign-on, to OAuth, to centralized and federated identity.

The conference had three tracks, Security Documents, Biometrics, and Digital ID with the mission to “… to accelerate the move towards a world where trusted identity solutions enable governments and commercial organizations to provide citizens, employees, customers and consumers with a multitude of opportunities to transact in a seamless, yet secure manner. All the while preventing the efforts of those intent on doing harm.”

At EIC, we could learn who are the key enablers and drivers of the evolution: the European Digital Identity (EUDI) program that is transforming Europes digital identity, mDL that enables drivers license digitalisation, EBSI that established a framework for trusted verifiable credentials exchange, OpenID Connects work on standardisation of Verifiable Credentials exchange, Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) authentication and identification with highest assurance levels on a global scale, Open Identity Exchange (OIX) for assurance-level and policy matching and mapping, TrustOverIP (ToIP) for the next-generation trusted internet, and others. Global trust, assurance, interoperability and user-centric identity are vital elements that lead to an open digital identity.

Were here with the @VelocityFdn learning about how they are growing their ecosystem that empowers the individuals to own their right to work through #SelfSovereign #DigitalIdentity & #VerifiableCredentials

The AddOn for this Co-Located event is free.  The highlight of this Mini-Summit will be the first public presentation of the ToIP Technical Architecture Specification (aka: the ToIP reference architecture) and the start of a public review.

Report out

Last week we had +35 of the leading and most innovative workforce tech vendors come together to discuss the trailblazing solutions for tomorrows workforce they develop on top of Velocity Network™, the Internet of Careers®.

38 countries, 6 continents, more than 250 participants to the #webinar co-hosted by Intesi Group S.p.A. and Avast yesterday. THANK YOU to each and everyone!

Here is the recording for those of you who didn't manage to attend but want to stay informed on #eid #wallet #eidas #digitalidentity #ssi

The Summit is about real business not about the next hype. The event is centered on operational use cases in the world of 3rd party distributed trust.

Co-located at the Conventions Center Dublin the same week is the Linux Foundation Open Source Summit Europe September 13th to 16th.  ToIP will be having a co-located Trust Over IP Summit 2022, during the OSS.  So when you register for OSS, dont forget to add on the free registration for ToIP Summit 2022.

Self-Sovereign Identity - Blockchains Killer Application?! 9/27 Cryptovalley. Switzerland/Online

Blockchain Expo 9/20-21 Amsterdam\Online

European Blockchain Week 9/29-10/5 Slovenia and Croatia

The goal of PlugFest 2 is to issue a W3C Verifiable Credential in the Open Badges v3 format using Decentralized Identifiers to wallets using protocols that are popular in the education and workforce ecosystem.

The Sandbox, Level 39., One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AB

IIW Prices go up October 10th - and we will likely sell out again - get your tickets.

Gibraltar SSI Week is the first onsite event where IOVLabs together with the Ministry of Finance and Digital Services of HM Government of Gibraltar will pre-launch the public identity platform initiative.

If you received an invitation, please use this form for RSVP.

Your information is just for assistance confirmation purposes.