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Awesome Hyperledger Indy Resources Awesome

Protocol, Governance, Education, Ecosystem

This page contains a growing collection of educational resources related to Evernym, the Sovrin Foundation, and Hyperledger Indy. It was born from /awesome-decentralized-id and contains some of the same material, but is quite exhaustive. As a result, I decided to split this list off to focus on learning about Hyperedger Indy, the Sovrin Foundation, adn Evernym. Its an index for training, developers, students, end users, investors, and enterprise to more easily navigate the digital identity landscape enabled by Hyperledger Indy.

Since the information is all inter-related, there is some overlapp. Skipping back and forth may be required, depending on your particular interests.

Pull Requests and\or Contributions Welcome


[T]witter • [G]ithub • [B]log • [wp] whitepaper • [D]ocumentation • [F]orums • [C]hat • [tele]gram • [web]site • [ϟ] related resource • [>] related section • [>>] related section on awesome-decentralized-id • [^] back to the contents.

Introduction ^

Internet Identity Workshop is where the quest for concious, user-centric, identity began. Rebooting Web-of-Trust Workshops sprung from the IIW, focused on creating standards for DPKI. Among the United Nations 'Sustainable Development Goals' is for all the world to have access to a digital identity by 2030. Around 2016, the SDGs, blockchain, and the GDPR converged bringing much energy to the decentralized identity ecosystem.

Additional history and related information may be found at /awesome-decentralized-id.

Hyperledger Indy ^

Linux Foundation -Blockchain for Business -INDY

Wallets ^

Zero Knowledge Proofs in Indy ^

Privacy Preserving Authentication—Another reason to care about ZKP

Our zero-knowledge proofs are part of the Idemix protocol, where they are used to prove the possession of Camenisch-Lysyanskaya credentials. We also use zero-knowledge proofs in the revocation protocol, which is based on cryptographic accumulators. —What Zero Knowledge Poof Algorithm is used in Sovrin?

Identity Mixer is not directly (re)implemented by Sovrin, but its cryptographic foundations are very similar, and Sovrins implementation includes most of its extended features (predicates, multi-credential, revocation, advanced issuance…). One of the researchers who helped to create Identity Mixer is on Sovrins Technical Governance Board and has offered insight to keep the implementations aligned on goals and methods. —How is IDEMix Implemented?

Video ^

Podcasts ^

Sources ^

Contact Me for Research Based Content—infominer.id

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Tips Welcome

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