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# Organization
* [Non-binary Thinking will Accelerate Digital Sovereignty (with Rouven Heck)](https://northernblock.io/non-binary-thinking-will-accelerate-digital-sovereignty-with-rouven-heck/) NorthernBlock
> Now, if we take two communities within the SSI space – the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) and the Trust over IP Foundation (ToIP). I will sometimes hear people talking positively about one and negatively about the other. But why is this happening? Don’t we all have the same underlying values? Aren’t we all looking to better our lives through digital sovereignty?
> I think the answer to this is clear and we need to get away from thinking in a binary manner about anything in our space. And if you really look at the overlap between both these communities: they are quite large.
* [Testing the fitness of your organisation's preparedness for data](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/08/testing-fitness-of-your-organisations.html) MyDigitalFootprint
> How do you determine if your new company is addressing the underlying issues that hold back data from being what they imagine it can be?
* [Global Survey Findings: Current state of SSI](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12O/_Global_Survey_Findings:_Current_state_of_SSI) by Gabriella Laatikainen, Ravikant Agrawal
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYb9bUyIPEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DlYb9bUyIPEw)
## InCommon
* [Federated Identity, InCommon, and Enabling Federated Access to Research Services](https://njedge.net/blog/federated-identity-incommon-and-enabling-federated-access-to-research-services/)
> The panel will review the concepts of federated identities, authentication, and the role attributes play in managing access to services. They’ll further describe how the InCommon Federation and eduGAIN enable academic collaboration across local, regional, national, and international scales, discuss technical alternatives for participation in InCommon, and delve a bit into how research communities and research cyberinfrastructures manage federated access to their services.
## Vienna Digital Identity Meetup
* [Vienna Digital Identity Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Vienna-Digital-Identity-Meetup/)
### BedRock Consortium (Linux Found)
* [BedRock Consortium has a home page](https://bedrockconsortium.org/)
> The Bedrock Consortium is a Linux Foundation project that supports the operation of the Bedrock Business Utility, an independent self-governed and self-sustainable public identity utility.
* [Reflections in my rear view mirror](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/reflections-my-rear-view-mirror-dan-gisolfi/?trackingId%3DEkY%252BnAILQayoP80%252BReHY3g%253D%253D) Dan Gisolfi
> as the founder/convener of the [Bedrock Project](https://bedrockconsortium.org) I must now hand over the baton. Bedrock is positioned to be an important public identity utility for the maturation of a digital trust marketplace. I will always be here to help when/where I can. Hint: Maybe my new road ahead will help bring additional members to the table.
## Accountable Digital Identity
* [Accountable Digital Identity](https://adiassociation.org/)
> Informed by standards bodies including [the FIDO Alliance](https://findbiometrics.com/year-review-fido-alliance-gains-more-ground-2021-122205/), the World Wide Web Consortium, and the Decentralized Identity Foundation, the ADI Specification was designed to help companies detect fraud using verified identity solutions while ensuring that informed consent is collected and user privacy is protected. - [quote from this article](https://findbiometrics.com/idemia-joins-accountable-digital-identity-association-board-503101/)
### Sovrin
* [Sovrin Update: Supporting Commercial Development of SSI](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D12M/_Sovrin_Update:_Supporting_Commercial_Development_of_SSI%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Sumiran Garg, Chris Raczkowski
* [WHiSSPr Risk for People](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D20E/_WHiSSPRr_Risk_for_People%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Sal D’Agostino
## GS1
* [GS1 2021 VC/DID Prototype Review: The Hero’s Journey](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D13H/_GS1_2021_VC/DID_Prototype_Review:_The_Hero%25E2%2580%2599s_Journey%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1)
## aNewGovernance
* [AfroLeadership NGO to join the Board of aNewGovernance AISBL](https://www.anewgovernance.org/2021/07/02/2391/) NewGovernance
> As the Data Strategy and the Data Spaces are being put in place in Europe, as the
> new US Administration is questioning the operating practices of global platforms, it is critical our approach over Personal Data Sharing is Global.
* OASIS has a [Foundation as a Service offering](https://www.oasis-open.org/foundation-as-a-service/)
Foundations receive the financial and legal services they need to operate successfully. We’ll set up your bank accounts, file your taxes, collect your dues and pay your bills.
### omidyar
* [Reimagining digital public infrastructure is no longer just a development agenda](https://medium.com/omidyar-network/reimagining-digital-public-infrastructure-is-no-longer-just-a-development-agenda-6c3915d20598) Omidyar Network
conversations about digital identity innovation were mostly treated as a developing country issue, with ardent advocates in the West unwilling to acknowledge that digital identity could add value to developed economies. Now, as the world [emerges from the pandemic](https://omidyar.com/a-decade-of-digital-public-goods-holding-up-the-digital-economy-preventing-monopolies-and-safeguarding-freedoms-for-all/), attitudes seem to have taken a 180-degree turn.
### DHS
* [DHS SVIP - Program Overview + AMA](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D21O/_DHS_SVIP_-_Program_Overview_%252B_AMA%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Anil John
* [ISSE 2021 - EEMA opening Plenary](https://vimeo.com/648039700) Is it all change for identity?
### #GoodID: Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society
* [New steward for #GoodID: Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University](https://omidyarnetwork.medium.com/new-steward-for-goodid-berkman-klein-center-for-internet-and-society-at-harvard-university-a221cdb12949) Omidyar Network
The Center recently launched the [Institute for Rebooting Social Media](https://cyber.harvard.edu/programs/institute-rebooting-social-media) [...] In connection with this Institute and the [Berkman Klein Research Sprints](https://cyber.harvard.edu/story/2020-10/research-sprint-participants-explore-digital-transformation-time-crisis-focus), and through the Center’s ongoing work with the over 100 international [Network of Internet and Society Research Centers](http://networkofcenters.net/), the Center will support conversations about digital identity issues that will reach diverse and interdisciplinary communities of research and practice.
### IIW
* [@IDWorkshop (IIW) tweeting from the Flickr Archives](https://twitter.com/idworkshop/status/1471905005556822017?s%3D20)
Check out these [photos from IIW 1 in 2005](https://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/iiw2005/page1/)
* [src](https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisheuer/57584208/in/photolist-5YzQy-613Xi-5YztD-613UK-5YBEi-669qJ-6153X-63sGm-65uyW-63sKa-63sHi-63sJv-6682a-669uE-5YzVT-68VoW-6685y-668ju-68VjB-669om-65uHm-65UDr-668pr-6689z-68Vd9-65Urf-68V8M-6693d-68V51-668vo-68Vhj-6696s-669jG-669eG-668z5-65Uvh-668ZD-668K2-668Vm-668rU-669ah-668Mb-668QJ-65uDA-668FE-65uFG-65UGT-65Uza-65uC8-65uAq/)
## Nevermined
* [7 Essential building blocks of decentralized digital ecosystems](https://medium.com/nevermined-io/what-decentralized-building-blocks-exist-to-build-your-digital-ecosystem-a2173550cc57) Nevermined
> The original goal of Nevermined was to allow data sharing and privacy-preserving computation. During the development journey, the above building blocks emerged as design principles, but after speaking with various organizations, we realized these components are actually the foundations that allow us to solve more complex problems, not only based on classical data center problems.
## Sovrin
* [Compliance & Inclusive Finance Working Group (CIFWG)](https://medium.com/@sovrinid/promoting-banking-for-all-announcing-the-compliance-inclusive-finance-working-group-cifwg-340633ef3e6c) Sovrin
> Since 2019, Sovrin has hosted the Compliance and Payments Task Force (CPTF), an open group of traditional bank and non-bank financial institutions, regulators, policymakers, technologists, ethicists, and legal experts. The CPTF has developed and promoted the Rulebook, an innovative best practices framework that extends traditional banking compliance and payments guidance to emerging fintech and VASP processes.
## ID2020
* [ID2020 Welcomes BLOK Solutions to the Alliance](https://medium.com/id2020/id2020-welcomes-blok-solutions-to-the-alliance-1c53e952930c)
> Their most recent solution, BLOK Pass, offers individuals a self-sovereign record of their COVID-19 test results and other risk factors. The technology was developed under the company’s biotech arm, BLOK BioScience.
## LF DizmeID
* [Linux Foundation Announces DizmeID Foundation to Develop and Enable a Self-Sovereign Identity Credential Network](https://linuxfoundation.org/en/press-release/linux-foundation-announces-dizmeid-foundation-to-develop-and-enable-a-self-sovereign-identity-credential-network/)
Blindsided by this news!!
The [DizmeID Foundation](https://www.dizme.io/) and technical project will define and allow for implementation of Dizme features on top of Sovrin public identity utility. The Dizme ecosystem is expected to include various [technological components leveraging Hyperledger stack](https://www.dizme.io/developers) and adding a monetization layer based on [Algorand blockchain protocol](https://www.algorand.com/resources/news/linux-foundation-announces-dizmeid-foundation-to-enable-self-soverieign-identity-network), which will enable the exchange of verifiable credentials and the development of new vertical applications.
## Gain
* [Panel | Bringing the Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) to Reality](https://www.kuppingercole.com/watch/eic2021-panel-gain-to-reality)
These may seem off-topic but Bill Wendell has been engaged with the VRM and IIW community for well over a decade - He has some great ideas on how to reform/transform the real-estate industry with ideas/models our community has been discussing. If you are looking for an opportunity to collaborate and build something transformative I would reach out to him.
* [GAIN – Global Assured Identity Network](https://translate.google.com/translate?hl%3D%26sl%3Dauto%26tl%3Den%26u%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.sakimura.org%252F2021%252F09%252F4853%252F)
Individuals can access with the peace of mind that all relying parties within the ecosystem are present and accountable. Sure, there will still be malicious vendors, but the scope will be more limited. The ecosystem will be much more secure than the current Internet. It will be enough for the participants to take action. Trust is reestablished.
## Lissi
* [Digital Technologies Forum now includes the Lissi demo](https://lissi-id.medium.com/lissi-demonstration-im-forum-digitale-technologien-82d5f0c07a5d) <- in german
Digital Technologies Forum is a networking platform and exhibition space for selected research projects and innovations in the field of digital technologies from Germany. The forum offers outstanding research projects a platform for more visibility and promotes exchange and knowledge transfer at national and international level.
### Open Science DAO
* [OpSci Identity Registry](https://verse.opsci.io/) Open Science DAO
Link your web accounts, verify your academic credentials and interact with DeSci dApps using the Holonym Protocol
### Ontology
* [ONT ID Upgrade: Verifiable Credentials SDKs Now Open Source](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ont-id-framework-upgraded-ontologys-verifiable-credentials-sdks-now-open-source-for-all-go-and-7f89f7585528) Ontology
In making the code widely accessible, Ontology is accelerating the adoption of decentralized identity (DID) in the blockchain sphere As the project that has focused on the Decentralized Identity (DID) field for over 4 years…
### humanizing the singularity
* [Bringing Truth to Market with Trust Communities & Product Information Markets](https://medium.com/humanizing-the-singularity/bringing-truth-to-market-with-trust-communities-product-information-markets-d09fb4a6e780) Mattereum
With product information markets enabled by Trust Communities, we can incentivize truth in markets by allowing experts to make money on their expertise and face consequences for erroneous claims. Simple concept, powerful implications.
### Human Colossus Foundation
* [Celebrating two years of experimentation](https://humancolossus.foundation/blog/eu-project-completed) Human Colossus Foundation
we are bringing our contribution toward more robust cybersecurity and seamless interoperability through our Dynamic Data Economy vision.
* [HCF announces Dynamic Data Economy v1.0](https://humancolossus.foundation/blog/dde-launch) Human Colossus Foundation
a trust infrastructure that preserves the structural, definitional, and contextual integrity (DDE Principle 1) of any object and their relationships in the Semantic domain, the factual authenticity (DDE Principle 2) of any recorded event in the Inputs domain, and the consensual veracity (DDE Principle 3) of any purpose-driven policy or notice in the Governance domain.