2019-06-18 17:06:46 -04:00

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2@sarthakgh Lie to Me is a classic all about body language\facial expressions... even if "lie detecting" is the least interesting aspect of learning bogy language (imo)Sat Nov 03 03:01:02 +0000 2018
3(1) I lean towards ~4300-4500 as the bottom, but as low as ~2800 is possible if things go south. 2017 was, locally, a bubble. Things got way too overheated, in my view, even relative to the strength of the holders and true believers. This market needs at least one more flush. Nov 05 14:24:10 +0000 2018
41/ Such a great panel on the creation, evolution, and application of regulation with @MoadFahmi @BermudaMonetary, Kristin Boggiano @AlphaPointLive, Commissioner Robert Jackson Jr @SEC_News and @kerstpe of Digital Finance Europe, moderated by Aditya Narain @IMFNews #dcfintechweek Nov 06 18:39:03 +0000 2018
5"Hi Dan, We're conducting a survey for top writers on how you've been sharing your top writer status off #Quora and how it effects your professional and personal lives." Ya, I'm using my status to make a decentralized version of Quora to eat you alive, thanks!Wed Nov 07 02:57:02 +0000 2018
6Number 1 New Release on Amazon in Computer Security! Pre-order now on Amazon as it will likely sell out for Christmas! The perfect Christmas gift for your fledgling hacker or cybersecurity professional #linux4hackers #cybersecurity Nov 08 18:42:12 +0000 2018
7One Pager For New Network Protocol Replacing Gossip Nov 09 14:37:36 +0000 2018
8Recently finished "This Machine Kills Secrets" by Andy Greenberg (2012). It provides a fantastic primer of the cypherpunk movement. It's impossible to understand Bitcoin without context of the cypherpunk movement, and this book is good place to start. Nov 11 14:40:17 +0000 2018
9A curious identity involving e and π Nov 11 15:10:57 +0000 2018
1025/ Meanwhile, as BCashs payment-centric vision for Bitcoin is increasingly troubled, @saifedean reaffirmed the argument that Bitcoins most important initial role is as an int'l settlement layer addressing currency devaluation and hyperinflation. Nov 12 02:05:07 +0000 2018
11My conversation with @johannhari101 is now available on the podcast: "Addiction, Depression, and a Meaningful Life" Nov 13 23:55:38 +0000 2018
12@zeropassio You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug!Wed Nov 14 03:26:55 +0000 2018
13"@SovrinID enables trust to exist in the digital world using distributed ledger technology and allows users to have control over their own data in a secure and private way." Nov 14 20:35:22 +0000 2018
14Message I got from Zooko re: their efforts to recover the missing Zcash trusted setup ceremony transcript. Given there is a chance at a market moving hundreds of millions of dollars screw up, I don't want to be in possession of any insider info. So I'm making this transparent. Nov 16 03:21:00 +0000 2018
15An epic collection of decentralized-id resources. @idworkshop #RWoT @DecentralizedID @evernym @SovrinID @Tykn_tech @Hyperledger @blockstack @ChristopherA @windley @manusporny @IdentityWoman @peacekeeper #awesome #crypto Nov 17 19:14:23 +0000 2018
16@panekkkk @AriDavidPaul @CantHardyWait @cyounessi1 There's two things being conflated here. 1: The level of divisibility of the total supply (Bitcoin isn't infinite, but it's also not limited to 1,000 raw units (and it's not 21,000,000)). 2: The fact that the decimal was placed where it is, given the 2.1 quadrillion base units.Sun Nov 18 19:43:35 +0000 2018
17@CryptoBrekkie @CRYPTOK1RK @BitTubeApp :D it's a compendium of nearly every effort towards user-centric identity beginning around 2005, since all the identity software nerds have wanted to develop something that blockchain has helped to pave the way for. crypto's next breakout app; imoMon Nov 19 16:08:55 +0000 2018
18Whatever your reason for being in crypto, now is the time for: - Compassion - Patience - Respect Lot's of people have lost lots of money recently and it is not helpful to make empty promises, share shitty memes, or criticize others' choices. #bekindorshutupTue Nov 20 11:46:49 +0000 2018
19@w3c @DecentralizedID At Ockam we believe that “the lead has been buried”the most exciting thing about blockchain is identity!Tue Nov 20 13:30:30 +0000 2018
20Thank you @BlockchainCLT for inviting us to participate in this #BrightTalk webinar: Nov 26- Self Sovereign Identity - Going Where No Identity Has Gone Before #selfsovereignidentity #ssi #decentralizedidentity #blockchain #hyperledgerindy Nov 25 06:53:23 +0000 2018
21@eriktorenberg That repo is somewhat @SovrinID centric, but aims to be expansive / is a work in progressSun Nov 25 18:34:20 +0000 2018
22There seems to exist a trilemma in decentralized identity analogous to @Zooko's triangle. None of the existing solutions are at the same time: 1) privacy-preserving, 2) Sybil-resistant 3) self-sovereign They get 2/3 at best. Blog post: Thread 👇 Nov 25 19:36:34 +0000 2018
23Awesome Sovrin Foundation, Hyperledger Indy, and DID Resources: @SovrinID @Hyperledger @DecentralizedID @w3c @evernym @idworkshop #selfsovereignidentity #ssi #Crypto #blockchainTue Nov 27 05:24:53 +0000 2018
24Identity For All - Permanent Digital Identities that Dont Require a Central Authority @sovrinid Nov 27 06:20:43 +0000 2018
25@eriktorenberg Professional Curation, doesnt sound weird, but no one is hiring for it. Eventually, every sector/field will have its own paid professional curatorsTue Nov 27 20:32:25 +0000 2018
26An excellent long read on the differences between @gavofyork & @VladZamfir philosophies of blockchain governance. What I find interesting that is missing from both perspectives is a gap in their language regarding the commons. Nov 28 05:57:23 +0000 2018
27@MarcHochstein Coppola said back in 2012 we define money too narrowly; and that supra-sovereign money would spell a radical departure from interest rate management and Central Bank supply policies.Wed Nov 28 09:29:42 +0000 2018
28If you're interested to hire your own 'professional curator' I'm here for you :) A sample of my work: #crypto #blockchain Nov 28 23:39:54 +0000 2018
29@IamNomad @BitcoinErrorLog Yer missing out!!! (Re: trash heaps)Fri Nov 30 13:18:32 +0000 2018
30Sovrin Foundation has welcomed not one, not two... but FOUR new founding stewards European Business Process Institute lab10 collective Spark New Zealand Swisscom Blockchain @SovrinID @evernym #sovrin Nov 30 17:27:42 +0000 2018
31#rsk #rootstock Is still planning to introduce a security flaw they call “drive chains” If they get enough fools to put bitcoin on this flawed side chain it will resulting a massive theft of #bitcoin Defend bitcoin by alerting people of the plan.Sun Dec 02 14:25:45 +0000 2018
32@jeffwilsontech Traditional PKI is based on Web domains and other such centralized account systems, in which the base ID/PKI root can be removed from the lessee at a whim by a centralized provider. That is not possible with DIDs/DPKI, and why it's a better foundation.Tue Dec 04 11:07:56 +0000 2018
33Any technology which relies on the existence of, or attempts to create a, global, unique identity is oppressive by design. Stop" innovating" oppressive structures. Dec 04 21:37:04 +0000 2018
34@bascule @SarahJamieLewis I agree with at least one of those "longs" certainly there's more to the problem than just a DID.. and the multitude of identity app pretenders under development will have to be tested by timeTue Dec 04 21:47:12 +0000 2018
35@weissjeffm @csuwildcat @SarahJamieLewis DHS funded research into DIDs, doubt they're planning legislate them back into centralized identifiers Dec 05 00:21:47 +0000 2018
36New Video: Teaching you how to properly calculate investment and trade returns (spreadsheet included). Examples include some of the below polls (which results were a little depressing). If you like it (or learn anything) please subscribe and RT Dec 05 14:49:57 +0000 2018
37Crypto monitoring tools coming out of @IdentityMind, @chainalysis and @elliptic continue to impress me! Helpful article by @IdentityMind suggesting 3 steps for how companies should respond to the newly added bitcoin addresses on OFAC SDN List Dec 06 20:58:38 +0000 2018
38My guests so far on @EnigmaMPC's podcast Decentralize This! @joeykrug @twobitidiot @richardcraib @coin_artist @APompliano @nnevvinn @jamesduffx @mikejcasey @ntnsndr @AriDavidPaul @flexlibris @licuende All brilliant. All passionate. Listen :) Dec 06 22:04:04 +0000 2018
39When you are ready to understand the guts of @Hyperledger Indy Plenum, watch this video from the team at @evernym working on the @SovrinID: #blockchaintechnology #DistributedLedger #DigitalCredentials #SovrinSat Dec 08 12:45:37 +0000 2018
40Sovrin is thrilled to hear the Government of Canada is codifying open source, open data & open information initiatives into law.  Good news for all the outstanding SSI projects currently under development. @apoikola @scurranC3I @seanbohan @esplinr @ACTobin #selfsovereignidentity Dec 08 12:45:47 +0000 2018
41This is a link to a “Kanye and Morty” music video that I made. Twitter blocks it. YouTube blocks it. But this is perhaps my finest work to date. Its an ode to Kanye, “Rick and Morty,” and everyone suffering from depression & other mental illnesses. Dec 08 13:03:23 +0000 2018
42The world needs #LESSIdentity (Legally Enforceable Self-Sovereign Identity). Dec 08 13:17:44 +0000 2018
43@ChristopherA @ummjackson @thismyspout @csuwildcat @VinnyLingham @lawmaster @fiebsy @ahcastor @Microsoft Im confused, the discussion was about Civic, and now Im looking at the MS Whitepaper. Civic only has a token sale wp as I recallSun Dec 09 04:02:35 +0000 2018
44I just published "Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (Draft for Discussion)deck, video, and site." #digitalidentity Dec 12 12:26:16 +0000 2018
45Many from @truu_id describing their solution for medical doctors credentials in the UK based on @SovrinID / @Hyperledger Indy and @evernym at #hyperledgerforum Dec 12 15:30:04 +0000 2018
46The EthHub Weekly Recap is out! -@ConsenSys reorg -New @coinbase listings -Constantinople release date -@0xProject Instant tool -@cyounessi1's article on @UniswapExchange -#DeFi whale watching on @MakerDAO and @compoundfinance Listen at Dec 13 17:15:49 +0000 2018
47Grin Augur prediction: @Askepios wrote: Came across this: Grin prediction on Augur. At current conditions, at or above the predicted market cap of $500 million, Grin would be in the top 20 surpassing Ethereum Classic… #forum #discussion #mimblewimble #ꟿThu Dec 13 17:18:43 +0000 2018
48If I have to choose between composable security and, say, hitting myself in the face with a plank, and the former requires me to think about sid, ssid, and functionality {\cal F}_schmoo — the plank it is.Thu Dec 13 20:56:57 +0000 2018
490/ Scattered musings about identity. Thinking aloud…. Dec 14 01:11:50 +0000 2018
50Most popular links from last week's Long Reads Sunday: +@MustStopMurad on price action +@cyounessi1 on @UniswapExchange +@gladstein on anti-authoritarian crypto on @EpsilonTheory +@_jillruth on macro warnings of crypto Full issue: Links below 👇 Dec 14 18:04:58 +0000 2018
51The video and deck have been updated to reflect the latest refinements. Comments and feedback welcome! #digitalidentity Dec 14 19:44:15 +0000 2018
52How To Build a Self Sovereign Identity Wallet? - Dec 14 22:30:28 +0000 2018
53Just had an excellent convo with Dr. @BobMcElrath about the Layer 2 decentralized identifier protocol we're building (among other topics). Dude is smart and fun to talk with, check him out.Sat Dec 15 19:28:00 +0000 2018
54Rule #1-Kazillion Do not give hands on control to some non-professional entity (IE cartoon characters & well branded twitter accounts). Never give them discretion over your coins. Things like Shrimpy, a Coinbase bundle, or trading your account to match the cartoon are fine.Sun Dec 16 00:06:18 +0000 2018
55Who Are You, Really? A Peek at the Future of Identity by @KellySheridan #identity #futuresSun Dec 16 00:06:37 +0000 2018
56When the German Cancer Research Center hid the identity and gender of applicants to speak at its conference this year "a whopping 82% of invited speakers at the gather were women." @Laurie_Garrett tells it like it is.Sun Dec 16 03:39:33 +0000 2018
57Here's summary of the work of Evelyn Berezin, who died at 93 this week. She built the first "word-processing machine" using custom chips. Did you know the first word processor was the size of a washing machine and had no display? I didn't. Dec 16 17:11:20 +0000 2018
58Our project Decentradelized, a decentralized ID protection solution in the farm supply chain based on @Hyperledger Indy by the @SovrinID and Fabric by the @IBMBlockchain won at the @Accenture #blockchain4good hackathon during the #hyperledgerforum ! 🇵🇪🇺🇸🇷🇺🇨🇴 💯Mon Dec 17 16:18:15 +0000 2018
59.@T_Labs is a valued technical contributor to Hyperledger projects utilizing Hyperledger Fabric for their wholesale roaming application and now experimenting with the Sovrin identity framework (powered by Hyperledger Indy)! We are happy to have you as an official member! Dec 17 16:19:29 +0000 2018
60RT Hyperledger "RT unlockchain: Cross Ledgers Portable Identity with Indy and Corda by Mike Ward from inside_r3 at #hyperledgerforum presentation available:"Mon Dec 17 16:20:15 +0000 2018
61. @Kyle_DH from @evernym and @scurranC3I from are continuing their discussion on Agents, what they are, how they work, what they can do in Hyperledger Indy and the wider decentralized identity world now. #hyperledgerforumMon Dec 17 16:20:34 +0000 2018
62$WAN has joined Hyperledger to develop interoperability solutions for permissioned chains employing Hyperledger Indy. Invented by @evernym, Indy is the technology underlying the @SovrinID Network. Will @wanchain_org enable self-sovereign identity portable across public chains? Dec 17 17:29:55 +0000 2018
63@lsaiz @evernym @ACTobin @drummondreed @truu_id @SovrinID If ledger isnt used, then every issuer of a credential has to maintain infrastructure or contract service provider to respond to DID resolution & revocation requests. And, credential issuers would know when the credential was used, impacting privacy.Mon Dec 17 18:48:52 +0000 2018
645. You can extend this to other contexts. A big one is key revocation in self-sovereign identity. If you have a key A, then you switch to key B, then key A is hacked later, how does someone you're interacting with no key A is no longer valid? Can check for revocations on chain.Mon Dec 17 18:52:10 +0000 2018
65How many people got into coding from messing with CSS on MySpace? How many by just trying to change one thing about their Wordpress layout? How many trying to put up a fan page on Tumblr? Did YOU learn these skills first? Or did you just hack and learn as you go?Tue Dec 18 20:40:15 +0000 2018
66@CryptoCobain @AngeloBTC @Cryptopathic @IamNomad @DJThistle01 @CryptoRogue @CryptOrca @kingbtc @ActualAdviceBTC @CryptoMessiah @loomdart @inversebrah @StartaleTV @jebus911 @MediumSqueeze The ones i can get from the top my head, theres more but kept strict '13 '14 crew.Wed Dec 19 02:27:10 +0000 2018
671)I am seeing an increasing number of people under the impression that #lightning as an overlay bridge network for #blockchains (via atomic swaps) is a great thing for alts. And they can not be more wrong. In reality, Lightning is where #altcoins will come in droves only to dieWed Dec 19 04:09:56 +0000 2018
68Blockchain's killer app - Free Beer. “Its an idea so logical it must not be allowed to fail. One of these three projects will become the identity layer for the Internet.” Dec 19 21:07:51 +0000 2018
69Bringing together the leaders in decentralized identity from the East and the West . . . “No single company can win universal identity, but we believe one technology can” Dec 19 21:08:34 +0000 2018
70@kerooke @NickSzabo4 Fees aren't the killer feature of Bitcoin. The long term survivability requires a fee market. The killer feature is that someone moved 195 million, without anyone's permissionThu Dec 20 04:24:48 +0000 2018
71@Adelgary @aantonop He's conflating *identifiers/PKI* with *identity* 1) The blockchain enables better DPKI, which isn't identity, it's GUIDs linked to keys 2) Identity is the data and claims that make up what a GUID might stand for Public blockchains make #1 better, but shouldn't be used for #2.Thu Dec 20 22:59:10 +0000 2018
72@mdudas @arjunblj @VinnyLingham @civickey For anyone interested in whats *real* in the identity space: Dec 21 22:36:18 +0000 2018
73On this episode of " #Bitcoin to the Max" on @WorldCryptoNet, the topic of discussion is Gresham's Law, a monetary principle stating that "bad #money drives out good." Dec 22 00:31:22 +0000 2018
74@prestonjbyrne @panekkkk @udiWertheimer wait, which "permissioned blockchain" company did you found?Sun Dec 23 04:14:05 +0000 2018
75Who are the most interesting people/projects thinking about the future of reputation/identity? Dec 23 05:24:15 +0000 2018
76It's only called a Neural Network if it comes from the Neuralè region of France. Otherwise you have to call it a logistic regression.Mon Dec 24 02:58:57 +0000 2018
77GMO announces that it no longer plans to develop, manufacture and sell mining machines, as it reports Y36bn of losses related to mining The company blames the decline in the price of cryptocurrency. However we doubt they ever had a competitive advantage Dec 26 18:29:40 +0000 2018
78Ways I can tell LN routing is not a mature market yet: - Im charging 25x more than anyone and routing more than ever before - The largest capacity owner assigns capacity at random - Almost no one charges any fees at all for routing - Most public nodes arent even reliably onlineFri Dec 28 03:36:15 +0000 2018
79@Steven_McKie I'm going to make it as weird as possible as fast as I can, that's for sure. Have you watched We Appreciate Power by Grimes? :-)Fri Dec 28 22:05:21 +0000 2018
80The “self-sovereign data” narrative never made sense to me. 1) How do blockchains and other decentralized technologies give you more control over your data) 2) What does control even mean?Sat Dec 29 04:09:21 +0000 2018
81British Columbia pioneers Self-Sovereign Identity - Building Digital Trust into the Web, featuring @IBMBlockchain, @SovrinID, @ChristopherA, @windley, @mydiacc : via @CloudPracticesSat Dec 29 16:12:00 +0000 2018
82In a few weeks we will announce the first US State to join the @evernym Accelerator program, with more to follow. 78 flights in 2018 was worth it. #SelfSovereignIdentity #DigitalIdentity @SovrinIDSat Dec 29 20:54:36 +0000 2018
83Bitcoin Maximalists' Impossible Dream Dec 31 10:42:42 +0000 2018
841/ A thread offering some quick thoughts on @Frances_Coppolas article “Bitcoin Maximalists' Impossible Dream”: Dec 31 10:54:05 +0000 2018
851/ On the last day of the year, it seems appropriate to make a thread for all Bitcoin price predictions for 2018. Nearly all of them ended up being wrong - its basically guessing. I summarized my thoughts about price predictions in this op-ed article. Dec 31 21:10:56 +0000 2018
86Repeat after me: This year is going to be a good year. I will be better than I was last year. I will set micro goals and achieve them. I will meet animosity with compassion. I will remember to “Just keep swimming.” I will #BuyBitcoin ✌🏻❤️🚀 Dec 31 21:12:11 +0000 2018
87@hackernoon @mattereum @Dan_Jeffries1 @CarlyEHoward On the identity side, we are on good terms with several players in the space, and have our own protocol model which fit on top of things like @SovrinID you can read about it here it's behind the Smart Property Register in implementation, but moving along.Tue Jan 01 23:27:40 +0000 2019
88iacoll is a small command line utility for regularly harvesting the metadata for items in an Internet Archive collection. It stores the records in LevelDB so that it can be easily kept up to date. #necessity #mother #inventionWed Jan 02 08:39:33 +0000 2019
89🗝🔑I can encrypt messages with an ethereum public key cant I? I found a few libraries to do it, but other posts that say you cant. I get that with asymmetric it will have to be a short message and eth keys arent really made for it, but its possible right? Is it safe? 🧐🤷‍♂️Wed Jan 02 14:22:58 +0000 2019
901/ I'm releasing tonight the first two installments of my year-in-review series of the Bitcoin Twitter universe in 2018. I've done my best to reduce noise as much as possible. Hope you enjoy. Happy 10th anniversary Bitcoin!Thu Jan 03 23:31:09 +0000 2019
91Since key escrow is cool again, here are some classic posters from the Clipper era. Courtesy of Ron Rivest. Jan 07 05:01:03 +0000 2019
92On 1/5/2019, Coinbase detected a deep chain reorganization of the Ethereum Classic blockchain that included a double spend. In order to protect customer funds, we immediately paused movements of these funds on the ETC blockchain. Read more here: Jan 07 23:07:12 +0000 2019
93Join the @SSIMeetup webinar next week 16th of January with @trbouma to learn about the Decentralized Digital Identity pioneers from #Canada Jan 07 23:29:32 +0000 2019
94You suggest a 30MW #bitcoin. This would make its market price $1000 if people are paying 3.3c for power This objectively conflicts with competitive microeconomics (MC = MR) When adding manufacture, shipping cooling, this goes up to 100MW = $3300 That's a better number to use Jan 08 03:11:51 +0000 2019
95How to mine Grin with Ubuntu?: Is there a way to mine Grin with Ubuntu? is there any good documents for setting up this program? submitted by /u/Laroxide [link] [comments] via r/grincoin #mimblewimble #discussionTue Jan 08 20:15:50 +0000 2019
96 Dear #Bitcoin, I spent the last few weeks researching and working to make this the best possible article I could write about the history of digital currencies leading up to you you. Happy New Year, #cryptoWed Jan 09 05:06:24 +0000 2019
97@davetfields @ChristopherA Ive been working to gather all documentation related to SSI: Jan 09 05:26:17 +0000 2019
98@davetfields My best short one so far isnt quite a definition but a statement: “We should have control over our own digital identity in regards to our relationships & interactions with other people, organizations and things as we have control over our physical selves.”Wed Jan 09 05:26:39 +0000 2019
99Self-Sovereign IDentity is root stock of civil Society and all #HumanRights..thus the term. Its a pre-market construct, which structurally affects ALL downstream identifiers & affiliations. #Privacy #PrivacyByDesign is not possible w/o accurate origin of civil Rights. #OwnRootWed Jan 09 05:26:56 +0000 2019
1001/ 10 years ago today, in an unknown location, a mysterious figure whose identity is still unknown, tapped a key on his keyboard, spurring his CPU into action. In doing so, Satoshi reified his vision for a decentralized digital cash that he'd published 3 months earlier. Jan 09 11:59:57 +0000 2019
101Want to help develop the body of knowledge for Digital Identity Pros? #IDPro is holding a fundraiser event at #RSAC to help accelerate the project: Donations and participation welcome :) @identiverse @WomeninIDWed Jan 09 12:31:34 +0000 2019
102#DarkOverlord style leaks for cash are exactly what cypherpunks have been harping about for the last 30 years. _The Sovereign Individual_ 20 years ago explained this phenomenon as well.Wed Jan 09 12:57:51 +0000 2019
103@phillipgibb yh, tbh I was kinda expecting it to happen.. I'm more than happy to ditch medium now. I'm crossing my fingers that HackerNoon will open their own blogging platform :)Wed Jan 09 14:31:52 +0000 2019
104Ethereum Classic ($ETC) was 51% attacked yesterday. This is the largest cryptocurrency that has ever been 51% attacked, and it has really interesting implications for the future of PoW currencies. Thread. 👇Wed Jan 09 18:08:34 +0000 2019
105This is amazing. A government organisation leading the way in the world of SSI. Jan 10 14:42:39 +0000 2019
106Blockchain masterclass, "Speaking of Crypto" @speakingcrypto, recently spoke to our very own @hackylawyER on governance, #ssi and ethics in #blockchain Listen to the podcast today! Jan 11 00:11:49 +0000 2019
107Im hoping this bill passes. Id like see requirement of open standards, such as W3C Decentralized Identifiers, with W3C Verifiable Credentials signed by the Wyoming Secretary of State. There are a number of active DID projects that could legitimately bid on this project. Jan 11 21:28:05 +0000 2019
108Whether it is money or information, every human deserves to live in a world free of censorship and oppression. -@APompliano #inPompwetrust #crypto Jan 13 13:47:56 +0000 2019
109Being a good software engineer who ships fast is necessary if you want to make anything good. Satoshi Nakomoto rolled a hard fork fix in 19 hours, and its what we still have today. Damn impressive. Jan 13 23:24:08 +0000 2019
110Blockchain and Digital Identity A Good Fit?: Jan 14 14:10:59 +0000 2019
111One more sleep before I present! Please join me tomorrow! 3pm ET / 2100 CET #digitalidentity Jan 16 02:28:15 +0000 2019
112Awesome job Tim! The Pan-Canadian Trust Framework is setting the stage in digital proofs. Such important work being done here and so excited to be involved w/ verifiable education/work claims @GC_Talent @Blockcerts @trbouma @SSIMeetup #digitalidentity #trust Jan 16 22:35:08 +0000 2019
113One of my followers has set up this massive resource collection on Discord. It's very well structured and contains loads of information on #crypto! It's really a great place to look for some more info on whatever you're looking into. 👍 @cryptinfominerWed Jan 16 23:29:17 +0000 2019
114Governance, Self-Sovereign Identity and Ethics in Blockchain Tech w/ Elizabeth Renieris (@hackylawyER) on the Speaking of Crypto podcast @soivrinid Jan 17 03:33:21 +0000 2019
115My @SSIMeetup webinar is now posted on @youtube and @SlideShare. Thanks everyone for the record attendance! #digitalidentity #trust Jan 17 03:35:16 +0000 2019
116I'm really excited to be part of this project! @IdentityBookHQ #SSI #digitalidentity @SSIMeetup Jan 17 19:40:29 +0000 2019
1171/ With the advent of @BtcpayServer, the idea of using any third party service to handle payments, even if non-custodial has little appeal to me, both from a trust perspective and an digital sovereignty perspective. So what kind of businesses can be built instead?Thu Jan 17 19:41:37 +0000 2019
118Interesting debate around Grin's "fair launch," which has seen massive VC/mining interest. Is a launch fair because it is egalitarian (everyone can participate in the same way) or equitable (no one in the market is given special advantage, outside of what they already have)? Jan 17 19:42:57 +0000 2019
119Thank you to @mitDCI for allowing me to present about the future of @Blockcerts and emerging self-sovereign id/credentialing standards. I greatly enjoyed our discussion and your mindblowing array of snacks.Thu Jan 17 21:56:29 +0000 2019
120As someone who is still learning how to explain Bitcoin in a succinct and professional manner, it gives me tremendous respect for the ones doing it on a daily basis: @aantonop @pierre_rochard @bitstein @francispouliot_ @MartyBent @stephanlivera @APompliano @TraceMayerFri Jan 18 01:33:20 +0000 2019
121Curious about Sovrin tech? Join us at the upcoming Sovrin Agent Connectathon! Interoperability for various sovrin agents is the goal. Feb 19-22 in Provo. Jan 18 03:47:46 +0000 2019
122See section on SSI for CL Research's take on Sovrin > Looking Forward to 2019: Hot Topics for the New Year Jan 18 03:55:01 +0000 2019
123Thread. One major long-term problem with blockchains is that coordinating upgrades is damn near impossible (unless you're @tezos). Normies aren't going to be watching Twitter daily to know when to manually patch their systems, and that's a major barrier to adoption. Jan 18 05:26:56 +0000 2019
124I find these points a root concern of mine for many blockchain & identity projects as well. Bitcoin-core somehow avoids it, but Im not sure how to bring some of that particular security culture elsewhere. It certainly cant happen in #MVP & #Agile startup cultures. Alternatives? Jan 18 08:06:30 +0000 2019
125Hey @Cassie_Jaye. Just finished your documentary, "The Red Pill". Great work.Fri Jan 18 11:08:50 +0000 2019
126The Laws of Identity Jan 18 22:39:08 +0000 2019
127Today we are happy to release another integration and joint effort with @evernym , a decentralized identity technology specialist. The collab plans to add identity management, cross-chain browser, and additional markets to Wanchain's ecosystem. Jan 18 22:42:00 +0000 2019
128Our next (the 8th!) #RebootingWebOfTrust will be an exciting one, with DIDs, auth, ZKP for identity, social key recovery, object capabilities, GDPR & more on agenda! March 1-3rd in Barcelona. Come collaborate with us! Big discount with advance topic paper. Jan 19 04:40:31 +0000 2019
129Hello, I'm a senior analyst for #digitalidentity! You may know me from my greatest hits "It's more than just a Login", "Biometrics aren't everything", "Where's my 2FA?", and of course, "Please take my Level of Assurance" Jan 21 13:11:47 +0000 2019
130A #mustview if you want to understand @SovrinID as directly told by one its founders, @windley #digitalidentity Jan 21 13:48:32 +0000 2019
131Meanwhile, in Canada. Leadership on the #selfsovereignidentity code front. #digitalidentity Jan 22 18:46:55 +0000 2019
132For some reason the bull market #FOMO is now replaced by #FOMN (fear of missing news). The amount of relevant #crypto news that comes out is mind blowing. Keeping up to speed is a day job!Tue Jan 22 21:52:33 +0000 2019
133A new whitepaper from our last #RebootingWebOfTrust "A DID for Everything" led by @shaunbconway & distinguished team, continues the thoughts of a previous white paper on decentralized autonomic data (DADs) to show novel uses for Decentralized Identifiers. Jan 22 21:52:46 +0000 2019
134#OrgBook enables businesses to share verified government data with third-parties in a digital format, and is the world's first use of @SovrinID. If you are interested in looking under the covers, see it here Jan 22 21:54:26 +0000 2019
135@drummondreed @evernym @SovrinID would love to see a vid or some slidesWed Jan 23 04:35:05 +0000 2019
136@SovrinID @drummondreed @evernym @Hyperledger Yaaaas!Wed Jan 23 04:46:33 +0000 2019
137@SovrinID @drummondreed @evernym @Hyperledger binge cataloging and organization of crypto related knowledge errdayWed Jan 23 06:44:26 +0000 2019
138@LordiGNUcus @SovrinID @drummondreed @evernym @Hyperledger Information and eliminating TPP security holes will set you free.Wed Jan 23 19:29:54 +0000 2019
139@CointractCom @MZietzke @NickSzabo4 - I can guarantee you if this internal feedback loop & indirectly market set difficulty (price driving hashrate) idea had been hit on, it would have been implemented - there were multiple ecash things implemented in this period, anonymous discussion participants and code authorsThu Jan 24 05:07:55 +0000 2019
140Read this and weep @rogerkver I just sent 2c with a 1sat fee to get an anon SMS sent to an anon number to activate an anon email address. My privacy protected over LN. Never before possible. Shoutout @OpenNodeCo @Kriptode Jan 24 12:11:05 +0000 2019
141Mantis now Fully Supports Ethereum! Ethereum's first full Scala Client 🤝 @IOHK_Charles @InputOutputHK @EthereumClassic #ethereum #blockchain #client #Scala #Mantis Jan 24 13:08:39 +0000 2019
142This proves my informal rule that for every cool idea, there is already a foundation dedicated to it. #persistentidentifiers Jan 24 19:46:18 +0000 2019
143There is 3-6% economic value by 2030 from the good use of digital ID for a mature or emerging economy. Institutions could gain from higher productivity, cost savings, & fraud reduction @sovrinid Jan 24 19:49:56 +0000 2019
144Some comparative numbers: The @McKinsey study says that given high adoption rates #digitalidentity can provide a benefit of 3 to 13 per cent of GDP by 2030. /1 Jan 24 19:50:22 +0000 2019
145Facebook are going to monetize encrypted messaging by consolidating metadata analysis of 3 key platforms (Messenger, Whatsapp & Instagram). They will make money by tracking your relationships and social groups. They will make that information easily accessible to law enforcement.Sat Jan 26 13:19:16 +0000 2019
1461/ Im probably badly oversimplifying but this seems a lot like the classic liberal vs conservative debate on the size of government with the sides talking past each other. Jan 26 20:00:39 +0000 2019
147This Is The Most Popular Trade To Hedge The Coming Recession Jan 26 23:19:47 +0000 2019
148This is why decentralization of digital identity is so important. Attestors, identity owners, & relying parties must make their own choices based on their context. One size does NOT fit all. Jan 27 19:31:03 +0000 2019
149@mikekarnj "Anybody who doesnt change their mind a lot is dramatically underestimating the complexity of the world we live in.” - Jeff Bezos If only people, systems and the world were so simple for religious obsession with whats “obviously” right/correct/evil/etcSun Jan 27 19:32:45 +0000 2019
150Announcing @21Lectures: Our mission is to bring more developers to the #Bitcoin ecosystem. Learn directly from world-renowned experts about Bitcoin, Lightning and cryptography at our courses. Based in Switzerland.Mon Jan 28 20:10:12 +0000 2019
151Commentary on why there isn't more investment activity in self-sovereign identity. Jan 28 21:35:18 +0000 2019
152I just published Verifiable Credential Exchange in @sovrinid Jan 28 23:44:57 +0000 2019
153"The Self-Sovereign Identity Stack" by Oliver Terbu summarizes the working model of SSI interoperability layers -- developed by key SSI leaders/architects/devs at @idworkshop Jan 28 23:45:04 +0000 2019
154Thoroughly enjoyed @mike_brown_yyc's @SSIMeetup presentation on #selfsovereignidentity. Makin' it real in the financial sector! Jan 29 01:48:01 +0000 2019
155If you dont have a meaningful investment in The #SSI Stack (Self Sovereign Identity) you cant call yourself a serious investor in the Decentralised Web It literally cant exist without this foundational problem solved. Ours is @SovrinID #dlt #crypto #blockchain #identityTue Jan 29 01:51:25 +0000 2019
156Good to know that even with more than $200,000,000,000 in cash it's still impossible to produce secure software that doesn't have trivially executable state issues.Tue Jan 29 08:46:03 +0000 2019
157DIF members have been working to define and describe the self-sovereign identity stack in an OSI-like model to provide a shared understanding of its layers and components. Oliver Terbu of @uport_me has written a post detailing this collaborative effort: Jan 29 08:47:14 +0000 2019
1581/ We are living in the era of the network entrepreneur. It is now possible for anyone to develop ideas, influence, visibility and ultimately profits without relying on a traditional credential. But how? A thread 👇 Jan 29 08:49:46 +0000 2019
159and @mike_brown_yyc is live on the @SSIMeetup WEBINAR: A banking approach to decentralized identity and building a credential ecosystem with @mike_brown_yyc from @atbfinancial and contributing author of @IdentityBookHQ Register here …Tue Jan 29 08:50:39 +0000 2019
160“To have a trustworthy identity, we must have trustworthy agents. We expect lawyers to keep our confidences, and even enforce such behavior. Unfortunately, identity tech is rife with flaws in this regard” Jan 30 04:37:21 +0000 2019
161Red Cross joins Evernym to build accessible humanitarian blockchain identity services via @SiliconANGLEThu Jan 31 09:25:09 +0000 2019
162This past September saw the stocks reach 122% above the trend line. In nearly 150 years, the only months that saw prices more overbought than that were those encompassing the 1999-2000 market top — the most excessive, bubbly top in U.S. market history. Jan 31 20:49:34 +0000 2019
163Sources of personal competitive advantage: - delayed gratification - capital - network (who you know) - unique skills or combinations - platform - ability to suffer - family / home life - speed - ability to change your mind - ability to learn/adapt What am I missing?Thu Jan 31 21:02:05 +0000 2019
164Decentralized digital credentialing systems increase the incentive to commit fraud in an issuing organization, but are we discussing this enough? #RebootingWebOfTrust draft with @schmidtphi and @jandrieu Feb 01 04:32:53 +0000 2019
165This is a seriously good development. We need many more folks focused on the requirements for privacy-respecting, human-enriching, sustainable digital ID. That's what #selfsovereignidentity is all about. Feb 01 04:34:21 +0000 2019
166Ive missed too many good talks during this weeks @CBRStanfords Stanford Blockchain Conference because the hall conversations are so good. Fortunately @kanzure is there doing his usual amazing transcripts. What a blessing! Feb 01 08:32:49 +0000 2019
167I really like this chart because it is not the simple 4 year chart from @BobLoukas (which is missing Gox data) but projects the elongation of the cycles due to larger market cap credit: Mark on TG Feb 01 08:34:43 +0000 2019
168* "Why did you do decide to make this project?" * "To solve my own problems" And here it is, the simple reason why Bitcoin is awesome. Got a problem? You can build the solution and run it by yourself! No need of committee permission. Feb 02 03:32:43 +0000 2019
169When you stop & look, there are shockingly few coins that have a fully bootstrapped PoW network & are the primary coin for their algo. Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin Monero Zcash Doge (merge mined w/ Litecoin) These are the only truly decentralized, secure chains. Missing any?Sat Feb 02 07:57:03 +0000 2019
170@RuffTimo made an amazing case today for the need to control your identity and the blockchain solutions @evernym is working toward @ #SSTS19 if you control your identity then the social program this article describes cannot affect you. via @WIREDSun Feb 03 02:56:24 +0000 2019
171@dhruvbansal “Damn kids messin up my yard”—BitcoinTue Feb 05 04:47:40 +0000 2019
172The only chart you need. My rough view on what I believe is going to happen. Break that trendline before we can even think about having bullish discussions. Patience is Virtue. Feb 06 01:04:46 +0000 2019
173Google's blockchain search tools are now live, so we broke them down to see how they can help bitcoin, ether, bitcoin cash, dash, dogecoin, ether classic, litecoin and zcash: by @DelRayMan via @Forbes Feb 06 10:57:42 +0000 2019
174We love @drummondreed's movie reviews on his blog. Did we also say his expertise on all things #digitalidentity is a blockbuster too? Find out why he's one of our top picks of influencers to follow. Feb 07 09:33:03 +0000 2019
175@matt_odell @MustStopMurad Yes it definitely seems odd, as there was a *massive* wave of attention and tweets after @jack took the "torch". And many of them were mentioning "bitcoin". So some kind of a bug (or just an flawed way to count) seems plausible. Source for the data: Feb 09 12:20:04 +0000 2019
176@emanuil_tolev @roy_phang If a couple of cops beat and rob you, you go to the station and a roomfull of cops won't take a report. Every single one of those cops is a bad cop. Every single journalist on Twitter who knows what happened, is at a big enough outlet to matter, and is silent is a bad journalist.Sat Feb 09 18:21:46 +0000 2019
177List of Possible Satoshi Nakamotos Please add to the list 😘 Thread👇Sat Feb 09 20:17:35 +0000 2019
178Satoshi Roundtable V was fun and informative - here's a recap of the discussions I had on topics such as Lightning Network, Privacy, Sidechains, Secure Hardware, Mnemonic Seed Phrases, Security Tokens, and Grin. Feb 09 23:39:06 +0000 2019
179Rather, they rely the combination of many issuers, and many #verifiableclaims in order to create a reliable web of trust. As with any network, this ability to establish trust between peers scales exponentially with the relationships inside it. 2/nSun Feb 10 20:04:58 +0000 2019
180A quick tour of the #PCTF Trusted Processes and cross-referencing to #NIST and #eIDAS for #digitalidentity This is a work-in-progress, so comments welcome! Feb 11 15:44:21 +0000 2019
181A recent speech from SEC Commissioner @HesterPeirce cites Coin Center's Framework for Securities Regulation of Cryptocurrencies Speech: Framework: Feb 11 19:57:03 +0000 2019
182A fantastic video breaking down how self-sovereign digital identities work. Very cool. Blockchain based identity is here! Feb 13 15:24:31 +0000 2019
183"Warning: Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible unknown rules are in effect" --- I see this in the Node. What does it mean? #BitcoinWed Feb 13 15:25:40 +0000 2019
184The idea of “learning in public” is irresistible once you figure out how to open source your thinking & level up w feedback loops from a small, informed, engaged readership. Crossing the inflection point is hard since we are conditioned to learn only in controlled environments.Thu Feb 14 02:10:37 +0000 2019
185@WEschenbach @ankitkr0 @ScottAdamsSays @naval You're possibly conflating education and institutions. @naval and @ScottAdamsSays aren't making a boring argument for subsidized college. Why, if the ability to learn is abundant, is the access to the institutions of learning scarce?Thu Feb 14 12:23:31 +0000 2019
186all this "you don't need a #blockchain for that!" hysteria is a direct result of government suppression of #cryptography It took #Bitcoin to inspire worldwide FOMO re: novel #crypto systems. I'm NOT mad that most of them are "dumb" I'm AM glad for state resistant currency!Fri Feb 15 15:43:24 +0000 2019
1871/ BOOM! #Wyoming just recognized clear, direct property rights for #digitalassets by passing SF125! This means #blockchain cos will prob want to apply WY law to your contracts, domicile here, &/or have a physical presence here. Thx again to the army of ppl who helped over months Feb 15 15:46:24 +0000 2019
188DIGITAL IDENTITY = a very hard problem. Trying to learn more about it, any resources you can share?Fri Feb 15 22:28:35 +0000 2019
189showcasing #decentralizedidentity with @imogenheap - this is just the start to a true peer to peer, musician trust economy for independent musicians @IBMBlockchain Trusted Identity @SovrinID @Hyperledger Feb 16 01:50:35 +0000 2019
190#EUBlockchain What problem can be solved by European Self Sovereign Identity framework in the public sector services? Feb 16 19:07:10 +0000 2019
191I recently stirred up trouble by mentioning a discussion about Lightning and the long term economic incentives needed to secure Bitcoin. Looks like Paul Sztorc decided to one up me. Well done @Truthcoin. Feb 17 00:13:18 +0000 2019
192“While swiping your credit card to buy a cup of coffee may feel instant, behind the scenes is a complex messy process involving up to 7 different middlemen who profit massively by charging fees to the merchant, who dont receive funds until 3 days later.” Feb 17 19:33:58 +0000 2019
193Scaling solutions now. What are the trade offs? Finalizing a knowledge article for @kauri_io this week. Find me at #ETHSF Feedback/discussion appreciated @Mitch_Kosowski @SpankChain @loomnetwork @poanetwork @statechannels @omise_go @ParityTech @karl_dot_tech @drakefjustin Feb 18 00:50:52 +0000 2019
194#Estonia looking for #government partners in what it creating #dataembassies (@PublicTech) #xroad # technologyMon Feb 18 15:32:05 +0000 2019
195Were in discussions with @LukeDashjr to do a panel on reducing the #Bitcoin block size. Are you ready for Drama? Controversy? Betrayal? Babies dying? 😱😱😱 #MCC2019 Feb 19 00:13:59 +0000 2019
196@GRITCULT I appreciate the engagement, so ill add: Read *a lot* of books, thats the long game. Also, the most important part of editing, IMO, is to eliminate as many words as possible. Creating quality content requires lots of free-time and dilligence. Lord knows, it dont pay the bills.Tue Feb 19 08:57:32 +0000 2019
197@GRITCULT Well, im slow, and only have a year of seriously studying crypto... maybe you are better w words and have plenty of knowledge already. I spend many hours studying and crafting content, and have aspirations to earn my living as a professional reader :p learning SEO n such tooTue Feb 19 09:20:00 +0000 2019
1986\maybe calling every #crypto that isn't #bitcoin a scam involves a combo of A) un-tempered passion or B) selfish motivation 'cause it doesn't sway hearts or minds. What personal gain tho? * attract followers * feel superior * produce dopamine * feel part of bitcoin communityTue Feb 19 17:20:30 +0000 2019
199weird flex, but ok? goodbye @coinbase 💔not interested in having my data, identity, and crypto ownership data served to every government agency on a silver platter. Feb 20 04:25:44 +0000 2019
200The restricted scripting possibilities of Bitcoin are a feature, not a bug #destroyfreedom Feb 20 05:32:12 +0000 2019
201@PilotDaveCrypto @5chdn The strongest segment of the decentralized ID movement involves a decentralized identifier and a public chain that keeps records of public keys and related metadata... As since the beginning of time, key management is the hard part that needs the most workWed Feb 20 15:11:34 +0000 2019
202VCs are beggining to take notice of the digital collectible space. Great panel discussion at the #NFTNYC with Jeremy Gardner @Disruptepreneur and others Feb 20 15:23:24 +0000 2019
203@PilotDaveCrypto @5chdn Only public entities register on-chain, everything else (all PII) should be handled off-chain.. but those public entities can sign claims in private..basically pgp web of trust 2.0 check the indy subfolder of that repo i linked feel free to ask more qs here too thoWed Feb 20 18:28:07 +0000 2019
204A quick video tour of the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework Overview Document #PCTF #digitalidentity Feb 21 01:54:25 +0000 2019
205@peterktodd Self sovereign identity is one of the most important issues facing the web today. Big companies want to own this so badly so they cling to some level of control in the dApp world.Thu Feb 21 15:12:01 +0000 2019
206@TheIHS Also important is making huge life decisions involving massive debt before you know anything about the worldFri Feb 22 02:18:38 +0000 2019
207if you stop to think about US taxes - the fact that you pay 55 cents of every dollar you make to a massive entity with poor governance (can't agree on anything) that also can't figure out how to stay operationally solvent without printing money - it's just mind boggling.Fri Feb 22 18:14:54 +0000 2019
208You want to be a big shot in crypto? Add these words to your vocabulary Could Possibly Likely May ProbablySat Feb 23 01:00:08 +0000 2019
209@aantonop @JimJones1913 @NateAgapi @danheld yeah, but surely not every passionate person is a troll, and I want some maximalist response to that podcastSat Feb 23 03:18:32 +0000 2019
210When we think about Bitcoin script, it's easy to jump to thinking about esoteric new functionality. But as an ecosystem, we're still missing a lot of the basics: there are huge security and UX gains to be made in simple, layered multi-signature schemes.Sat Feb 23 05:25:51 +0000 2019
211Crypto Emoji Dictionary: 👹 - The MolochDAO ⚡️ - The Lightning Network 🦄 - The Uniswap Exchange 👽 - The Ethereum alien ⛓ - The Blockchain 🐔 - The Litecoin Chikun 🕸 - The Web of Trust 📝 - The Barry Silbert “Noted” 🆔 - The Digital Identity 🔜 - The Release Date for ETH PoSSat Feb 23 08:31:12 +0000 2019
212Identity and reputation seem to be the biggest missing piece of Defi. Much of the debt in the current financial system is uncollateralized debt: mortgage, student loan, treasury bonds, etc. Without identity and reputation only collateralized debt is possible.Sat Feb 23 08:35:46 +0000 2019
213Thank you to the community of people, organizations & institutions that help make Sovrin successful. Read more about the outstanding accomplishments of the Sovrin Foundation from last year in the 2018 Yearly Report- Feb 23 10:43:54 +0000 2019
214The great part is how this progressive enhancement works naturally with GH's brilliant Web Components because they're all operating on the same surface area: raw DOM. Outstanding work! Feb 23 13:14:14 +0000 2019
215My big crazy goal: Make the PCTF/Sovrin stack for #globaltrust as ubiquitous as the TCP/IP stack for #globalcommunications /cc @windley @drummondreed Feb 23 18:16:54 +0000 2019
216@trbouma @csuwildcat @windley @drummondreed Worldwide adoption of: PCTF/DID = Sovereign identity for everyone for all time, regardless of juristriction. PCTF/Sovrin = Sovereign identity until a particular goverment juristriction decides an individual has "lost the right to a soveriegn identity"Sat Feb 23 18:17:07 +0000 2019
217more than that - they publicly and proudly promoted acquiring a team led by people who were investigated by a UN Commission for war crimes and crimes against humanity. its just so strange - theres no way their due diligence missed this - so why the PR? Feb 23 22:32:13 +0000 2019
218I just published Self-Sovereign Identity: Making the Ecosystem REAL Feb 25 06:14:04 +0000 2019
219 Freelance and Research Portfolio. #freelance #bitcoin #blockchain #research #crypto #selfsovereignidentity #cypherpunkMon Feb 25 11:45:20 +0000 2019
220 The transcript of valuable discussion about Bitcoin, the nature of money and the surrounding ecosystem of cryptographic protocols. #bitcoin #maximalism @aantonop @stephanliveraMon Feb 25 11:45:21 +0000 2019
221 … A demonstration of the Verifiable Organizations Network, the first production government demonstration of a blockchain protocol. #selfsovereignidentity #decentralizedid #crypto #hyperledger #digitalidentity #vonxMon Feb 25 13:30:31 +0000 2019
222 The transcript of a great talk by @dhh1128 of @evernym at the @Hyperledger Global Forum, where he discusses the app centralization continuum and where edgechains fit into it. #selfsovereignidentity #decentralizedid #crypto #hyperledger #digitalidentityMon Feb 25 13:31:32 +0000 2019
223Good article on the difference between a great coder and a principal developer. Accurate to my last role as Principal Architect at Blockstream. Missing from article is how to mentor a great coder to become one (& in some cases why you shouldnt) & how to support a principal dev. Feb 25 18:17:59 +0000 2019
224I just published Self-Sovereign Identity: Making the Ecosystem REAL v2 Feb 26 04:10:50 +0000 2019
225@StopAndDecrypt The TCP/IP people understood social scalability, minimalism in the base layer, and localizing decision-making into layered protocols. By doing this, they adverted bureaucracy associated with excessive governance, disagreements & conflicts of interest. And this is why they won.Tue Feb 26 20:02:44 +0000 2019
226Crypto can be addictive. If you know people whose investments are sucking them into negative behaviors, who are wasting their time online harassing others, or if crypto is otherwise interfering with their real life relations, it's time for an intervention. Feb 26 22:11:38 +0000 2019
227Twitter Confession- I commonly delete, or never finish, tweets that are better left untweeted. Say some ignorant shit? Delete. Reaction rather than reason? Delete. Sometimes less is more. Feb 26 22:16:55 +0000 2019
228The Cosmos Hub mainnet will roll out in 3 phases: I: mainnet gains stability II: transfers enabled III: IBC enabled Like the Mercury, Gemini, and the Apollo Missions, landing a human safely onto the 🌚 takes calculated, progressive steps. #cosmoslaunch Feb 27 03:58:04 +0000 2019
229I wrote a short whitepaper for the upcoming #RebootingWebOfTrust event: “Attention as a Source of Scarcity for Decentralized Identity Systems” Full version here: Tweetstorm version 👇Wed Feb 27 21:00:42 +0000 2019
230Things that excite me about the future of cryptocurrency: 1. sound money 2. financial privacy 3. censorship-resistant store of wealth 4. borderless, permissionless transactions ... ... ... 872: tokenizing the deed to my houseThu Feb 28 00:55:13 +0000 2019
231@Andys_Brain @iam_preethi it's not funny tho. I didn't want to be part of a corrupt bs system.. as a consequence did nothing of real value, for a while. until I found Bitcoin, that offered the possibility to earn a living without the need of debt certificates, in the promotion of freedom preserving techThu Feb 28 03:55:40 +0000 2019
232DIF members have published their first post on the decentralized Layer 2 DPKI/DID protocol they created: This work, and the open source implementation of it, would not be possible without contributions from groups across the DID community - we thank you.Thu Feb 28 06:26:59 +0000 2019
233.@CasaHODL is focused on data sovereignty. the firms concerns about data privacy led them to build an entirely self-hosted customer support platform with no analytics. while this may be a virtuous path, there is a question of how scalable it is. - Mar 01 11:43:10 +0000 2019
234@TechnicalCrypto In other news, everyone in the world calls each-other out for inaccurate Bitcoin discussion.Fri Mar 01 15:20:03 +0000 2019
235@rrhoover @blockstack Its wonderful to discover new things built with @blockstack. Each one brings us a step closer to a world where people have more control over their identity and data.Fri Mar 01 15:50:38 +0000 2019
236@kimdhamilton Ill try a start SSI uses blockchain as a public record of the public keys associated w public entities. The reason blockchain is useful, because no one organization is in charge of that record of public keys, that support secure —off chain— interactions relationships, etc..Mon Mar 04 02:21:33 +0000 2019
237@kimdhamilton I mean when considering the benefits of different blockchain (permissionless vs permissioned)Mon Mar 04 02:30:48 +0000 2019
238Women in ID @thinkdigicon Love! @CherylJStevens @avocoidentity @JoanneMavridis @katrynadow @kiwiIDgal @ctullo @jessicafigueras Alison Walsh (HMRC) @AlexiWalsh @sarahlwalton Thank you all! Mar 05 14:29:04 +0000 2019
239DIDs meet PIDs - a great overview by @peacekeeper on what they are and where they intersect: from #pidapalooza19 @pidapalooza #decentralizedidentifiers #persistentidentifiers Mar 05 16:33:43 +0000 2019
240A start at listing all Self Sovereign Identity related github repos. Mar 07 00:07:06 +0000 2019
241🦖@ethhub_io - thanks for spreading the word about @ConcourseOpen on Into the Ether's Weekly Recap - we're def on board w @econoar's idea of @defipulse becoming the CoinMarketCap for Ethereum! If you're not listening to Into the Ether, you're missing out! Mar 07 05:56:12 +0000 2019
242Fellow entrepreneurs, I want to know what youre working on! Share your elevator pitch below and Ill help you refine it or share my thoughts if you want :) Free impressions for your business so shill away👇👇Fri Mar 08 12:08:54 +0000 2019
243#FF #InternationalWomensDay A few of my friends/colleagues in #digitalidentity in gov/industry @Sue__Kemp @valremix @katiewyslocky @jonibrennan @MariluWillan @kimdhamilton @NSmolenski @_PoTeaD @LivNeal @AshleyCasovan @GC_McGee @EmLindley @IdentityWoman @avocoidentityFri Mar 08 13:10:19 +0000 2019
244Simply put, if a verifier is contacting an issuer in an identity system, it's almost always not a self-sovereign system even if they speak an SSI protocol. This connection undermines consent of the subject of the data (typically the holder) and therefore removes control.Sat Mar 09 01:15:45 +0000 2019
245Recommended read on @Medium: “40 women in identity you should be following on Twitter” Mar 09 03:31:45 +0000 2019
246As someone who is very new to the identity and digital identity space, what are some resources I should look at to learn more about the history of this space?Sat Mar 09 03:32:09 +0000 2019
247Noticed that Wikipedia articles about Sci-Hub are written in such a way to create negative impression about Sci-Hub. and positive about publishers.Sun Mar 10 00:47:19 +0000 2019
248My concern is that, as we succeed in building SSI solutions, we increase the incentive to cheat 13/Sun Mar 10 15:10:31 +0000 2019
249An attempt at listing all Self Sovereign Identity related GitHub repositories in one place #SSI #selfsovereignidentity #decentralizedid Mar 10 15:54:08 +0000 2019
250My thoughts are with everyone in Venezuela right now, and thats far and away the most important thing. But if this proves to be true, its the single biggest data point ever for #Bitcoin as a real-world currency. The implications are massive. Mar 10 21:35:44 +0000 2019
251@IdentityWoman That *is* disappointing. I didn't really look that close at the author list, but I kinda assumed that you were working on a chapter.Mon Mar 11 19:19:33 +0000 2019
252I'm sad today. Learning that those working on a book about SSI have 35 authors lined up all of them men. Women are in the industry and leading significant work and effort yet we are not seen or included in the group of authors. Its not OK. Do better.Mon Mar 11 19:53:47 +0000 2019
253I just published “The Lightning Network Reference Rate” to spark continued discussion around the economics of payment routing. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Mar 11 19:56:11 +0000 2019
254A world's first! AgentBook premiered! We had 50+ participants at #HyperledgerIndy Bootcamp Vancouver create their own agent (indy-agent or streetcred-agent), and use AgentBook to connect to each other. Real agents connecting! #BCTECHSummit #SovrinMon Mar 11 21:27:43 +0000 2019
255Quality of @ProtonMail services was recently approved by Russian government Mar 12 23:23:32 +0000 2019
256This is the first time in a year that its possible (still not likely) that crypto moons 50% over the next week. This epic winning streak has only happened in April 17 and Dec 17. Yes, Im saying there is a chance. #altseason and/or bitcoin season? Mar 13 02:43:13 +0000 2019
257@msantoriESQ Pretty sure he said its possible for a security offering to cease being a security offering... >>> “Clayton said Ether isnt a security” 🎉Wed Mar 13 14:30:36 +0000 2019
258opening a thread for ID & security professionals to share why putting hashed PII on any immutable ledger(blockchain) is a bad Idea. @katrynadow @dgwbirch @trbouma @aniltj @windley @BenLaurie @bobblakley @ChristopherA @manusporny @drummondreed @JoeAndrieu @BeeckCenterWed Mar 13 23:21:34 +0000 2019
259Very informative Lightning update from @Snyke on the @stephanlivera podcast. Very open in terms of discussing issues and what is being done to advance the protocol and address current limitations. Mar 14 17:54:15 +0000 2019
260Watching @jimmysong @angela_walch & @christo4ferris #SXSW2019 in a "permissioned vs permissionless" #blockchain session...and there are not very many people in the audience by comparison to 2018. This is good:Thu Mar 14 22:35:55 +0000 2019
2611/2 “When you look at whats happening with digital identity in Canada, its like a snowball, rolling and gaining speed …and growing exponentially larger - ... #bctechsummit @Hyperledger #indy #indybootcamp #iDIDit @SovrinID Mar 15 15:28:52 +0000 2019
262@windley @EmLindley @AnneLes1ie @biasmlopes @Steve_Lockstep @1WorldIdentity @WomeninID We dont want the data of our every action online passed around at the will of all sort of unknown people... But having to be in personal control over all that data could be intimidatingSat Mar 16 15:51:46 +0000 2019
263@evanwolf @windley @EmLindley @AnneLes1ie @biasmlopes @Steve_Lockstep @1WorldIdentity @WomeninID Now to reduce the cognitive burden of thinking about it, to that end, maybe what we want ultimately isnt control, but the ability to control our identifiers and related data provides for that want.... And easing the cognitive burden of control provides:Sat Mar 16 17:31:21 +0000 2019
264@evanwolf @windley @EmLindley @AnneLes1ie @biasmlopes @Steve_Lockstep @1WorldIdentity @WomeninID A return of some privacy that weve lost along the way... And maybe thats the point that @AnneLes1ie was trying to make. That we should be pitching the features rather than agency itselfSat Mar 16 17:35:02 +0000 2019
265MOGA: Make Ossification Great Again Seriously, because of constant generational renewal there's a continuous need to learn & teach the value of immutable principles that help make the convivial order (peace) a reality. Ethics & Law will forever be boring _and_ foundational.Tue Mar 19 00:58:14 +0000 2019
266#selfsovereignidentity An origin of an icon Mar 19 10:23:48 +0000 2019
267@trbouma I was thinking recently how I need some "generic" - as in not associated w any organization - SSI\DID logos. I'm glad to add this to my arsenal of related media :D Mar 19 10:25:46 +0000 2019
268Sovrin public ledger now available for writes for credential issuers. #sovrinTue Mar 19 15:09:54 +0000 2019
269Ethereum Decentralized Digital Identity - Specifications, Literature, (d)Apps & GitHub Repositories Mar 19 15:11:08 +0000 2019
270@trbouma @Medium @Dibbs_ZA @Domsonaut Ahh, yes! Thats how i found it! From @Dibbs_ZA cover image, then reverse image searched my way over to medium and then here... and thought itd be fun to share as the image to my ssi page (custom logos in progress) 🙃Tue Mar 19 16:50:36 +0000 2019
271@bitmexico1 Hey, thanks! Check out Its gettin pretty lit 🔥 with multiple repos built off of it. #bitcoin #crypto #decentralizedidentity #blockchain #history #researchTue Mar 19 17:25:45 +0000 2019
2720/ Musings on difference between Austrian and Keynesian schools of thought . Reply with your edits, what's missing, etc.Tue Mar 19 18:54:20 +0000 2019
273People wont use self-sovereign identity (SSI) because its decentralized .... They'll use it because it is a better way to deal with the world SO TRUE! CC @drummondreed @trbouma @SSIMeetup @infominer33 Mar 20 00:25:31 +0000 2019
274This is an excellent resource on everything Decentralized Identity / Self-Sovereign Identity: Great job @infominer33Wed Mar 20 00:28:47 +0000 2019
275For the uninformed, thinner paper means a better tasting smoke that lasts longer... and not that brown waxy classic raw paper either (eww)Thu Mar 21 01:40:43 +0000 2019
276 #selfsovereignidentity #SovereignID #digitalidentityThu Mar 21 05:03:26 +0000 2019
277celebrating new logos #selfsovereignidentity #SovereignID #digitalidentityThu Mar 21 05:03:26 +0000 2019
278Great article, and recognition for the #VON work done by BC. Looking forward to getting Alberta citizens connected with trusted digital credentials on Sovrin, thanks to the work of the Alberta Credentials Ecosystem. Mar 21 06:59:29 +0000 2019
279.@Blockcerts is going to the @WorldBank! The open standard for digital identity is a finalist in the #ID4D Mission Billion Challenge, powered by @SolveMIT. We started at @MIT, and from there we've been bringing self-sovereign identity to the world. #ssi Mar 23 23:11:37 +0000 2019
280I'm a guest editor for a special editing of the @IEEEorg Communications Standards Magazine on "The Dawn of the Internet Identity Layer and the Role of #Decentralized #Identity". Calling all #SelfSovereignIdentity folks—the Call for Papers is out: Mar 25 20:47:13 +0000 2019
2811/ SEISMIC NEWS for US #blockchain law watchers--the Uniform Law Commission today asked states to refrain from enacting its model acts for virtual currencies + any competing legislation while new study commission reviews emerging tech... @ForbesCrypto Mar 26 04:48:41 +0000 2019
282DIF member Microsoft is officially pledging resources to complete the open source implementation of DIF's Identity Hub personal datastore. Secure, encrypted personal datastores are a critical component for a wide array of decentralized identity use cases. Mar 29 22:33:39 +0000 2019
283 it's coming along... #DIDecentralized #SelfSovereignID #IdentityDecentralized Mar 30 09:24:22 +0000 2019
284@onemattnumber Ty, mobile and navigation are #1 and that theme does both very nicely. A lot of struggling in the dark, and messing w other themes, before getting it running tho.Sun Mar 31 04:46:29 +0000 2019
285@patrissimo What's your threshold for 'basic economics'? Or: how can I tell if I'm someone in the know or part of the ignorant masses?Sun Mar 31 07:03:56 +0000 2019
286u/castorfromtheva "That's why blocksize won't be raised until it becomes really necessary. Requirement of resources (bandwidth!, cpu, ram, storage) is already quite high. To keep bitcoin as decentralized as possible we need more users to run their own fullnodes, not less." Mar 31 08:44:28 +0000 2019
287@jwolpert Like wikipedia, but for crypto development related links. Basically a tagged db of all crypto knowledge, that allows collaborative sharing tagging and ranking of submissions...Sun Mar 31 13:17:02 +0000 2019
288"A Comprehensive Guide to Self Sovereign Identity" by @heathervescent and @IdentityWoman is available for pre-order! Apr 02 06:25:59 +0000 2019
289Intellectual property is a sham. Property implies you can possess it. Possession implies it can be taken away. The only thing that's taken away with intellectual property is a monopoly protected by government force. Ideas are not owned. They aren't meant to be a monopoly.Tue Apr 02 06:33:07 +0000 2019
290Who knows why we don't already live in a world where I fill out a field on a form (web or app) once and never again? Why doesn't every form input to and pull from my own self-sovereign data vault? Isn't it time we had this? #oneformTue Apr 02 10:32:31 +0000 2019
291Everyone!! Who follows me on Twitter...this is your chance to support my work. A book I co-wrote about Self-Sovereign Identity is now up on Amazon. Its in Pre-order - comes out Friday! Apr 03 19:25:25 +0000 2019
292Fifteen Cybersecurity Professionals You Should Follow via @OracleIaaSThu Apr 04 10:45:06 +0000 2019
293Privacy Preserving Identification and Currency are the Original and Most Natural #Crypto Use Cases. #bitcoin #cryptography #history @SovrinID #selfsovereignidentity #blockchain #pgp @chaumdotcom Apr 05 12:53:29 +0000 2019
294 #pgp @chaumdotcom @planetworks @bitcoin @evernym @SovrinID @idworkshop #RebootingWebOfTrust @digitalbazaar #xdi @DecentralizedID @Microsoft @Kim_Cameron @SustDevFri Apr 05 13:17:59 +0000 2019
295Today we're announcing the next step in our journey toward truly self-owned identities -> our initial contribution to @DecentralizedID Identity Hubs. Really excited about the promise and the progress. Apr 05 21:01:38 +0000 2019
296Interested in 👉#diversity, 👉#inclusion and 👉#digitalidentity? Are you planning to go to @idworkshop? Are you a member or supporter of @WomeninID? Yes? Well you get a massive 22% discount code WII_IIWXVIII_22 and come to the meet up on Weds 1st of May 👍 @nobantu @IdentityWomanFri Apr 05 21:24:43 +0000 2019
297 A Listing of Github Repositories Related to Self Sovereign Identity. (just sharing this cause I'm happy about ironing out some wrinkles, where the site is starting to look and work nice.) Apr 05 21:50:35 +0000 2019
298#HyperledgerIndy has graduated from incubation to "Active" status! Congratulations to @SovrinID @evernym and the open-source developers that have contributed code!Sat Apr 06 00:53:48 +0000 2019
299@wheatpond What about Sovrin being adopted by the canadian governent for credentials... Apr 06 01:21:30 +0000 2019
300@Melt_Dem @timelessdev I learned more science from Asimov than I did from textbooks. When I took chemistry in high school the teacher started the year by giving us the final exam, to show how hard it would be. I passed due to Asimov, largely missing only some things like mole calculations.Tue Apr 09 20:27:17 +0000 2019
301Katie Bouman, helped make the #blackhole image possible, but apparently, @Twitter suspended her account - @KatieBouman #WomenInScience #WomenInSTEM #womenintech Apr 11 15:00:10 +0000 2019
302Im very excited to be a guest editor of the IEEE Communications edition on Decentralized Identity along with other @WomeninID @pamelarosiedee @xmlgrrl @jonibrennan Apr 12 01:24:04 +0000 2019
303Assange and Manning, without any leaks, just delivered the biggest blow to the legitimacy of UK and US government. By making them Martyrs governments just inspired many to pursue their cause. Government oppression was for many only a textbook concept until now.Fri Apr 12 01:39:15 +0000 2019
304I have been assisting hodlonaut pro bono. Any Bitcoin community members - lawyers included - who wish to assist my client should do so by contributing to Hodlonaut's UK legal expenses at the following URL: Apr 13 03:19:50 +0000 2019
305We just released ZoKrates 0.4.4, and it features an elliptic curve! Read more here on what becomes possible: Apr 13 06:25:46 +0000 2019
306💡 “As you know, every bit of information has identity and meaning. There will always be many definitions of value, yet I believe we can develop shared perspectives on truth.” #CRE8 #democracy #pluralismSun Apr 14 03:35:11 +0000 2019
307"Estonia's aim was not the technology, but actually to redefine the person for the Digital Age. Estonia's philosophical underpinning was to build a “trust” system with “trust protocols”. " #digitalidentity Apr 14 16:42:10 +0000 2019
308So unless you have been living in a cave in Timbuktu this past week, you will know @VentureCoinist has released a podcast with @CryptoHayes. It is absolutely fantastic! Excellent questions, exchange of information and professionally constructed. Well done Luke and Arthur! Apr 15 09:52:24 +0000 2019
309@Hyperledger @SovrinID @evernym Its about time indy gets its own twitter acct!!!!Mon Apr 15 21:32:34 +0000 2019
310#BlockstreamSatellite Receiver v1.4.0 is now released! Included in this update is significantly more efficient CPU utilization with updated algorithms and parallel processing enhancements. 🛰️💻📡 Apr 16 02:52:50 +0000 2019
311Classic Apr 16 06:23:24 +0000 2019
312@jwolpert @scott_lew_is @escottkey1 @infominer33 @pbrody “Imagine every car maker and any shipment company runs their own private blockchain. A bunch of silos doesnt scale too well,” Brody said. “While private blockchains are useful, they dont solve the problem of a massive, scalable transformation.” AmenWed Apr 17 02:05:31 +0000 2019
313Not very surprising, and I'm glad this is becoming more pronounced. With Liquid, bitcoin occupies both the strongly permissionless and strongly permissioned edges of the cryptocurrency design spectrum. The gap remaining for altcoins to occupy is looking ever more awkward. Apr 18 02:54:53 +0000 2019
314History of Permissioned Ledgers via @infominer33 @ConsenSys @IBMBlockchain @Hyperledger @CordablockchainFri Apr 19 21:03:37 +0000 2019
315@anguschampion I think there has occurred an excessive thirst to professionalize a technology that is, by nature, meant to displace professionals.Sat Apr 20 04:14:23 +0000 2019
3162 yrs and 4 months worth of hard work by @binance summed up in just 1 GIF. Very impressive! @cz_binance @Binance_DEX $BNB $btc #crypto #blockchain #BITCOIN Apr 20 06:58:24 +0000 2019
317Ok...I'm super excited to share my first major community resource published on GitHub - its data from a community created map of identity history made by the community at IIW in 2012. I think I know what we are doing for our IIW exercise...:)Tue Apr 23 04:21:10 +0000 2019
318Thrilled to announce, at long last, the release of my paper on identity with @immorlica and Matt Jackson. Thanks to @wirelineio and @LucasGeiger for all their support! Be sure to check out the fabulous work of @Gradish on making these ideas a reality. Apr 23 11:46:35 +0000 2019
319OpenROAD Foundations and Realization of Open and Accessible Design Apr 24 00:19:45 +0000 2019
320How do we establish facts about each other? How are these facts shared or transmitted? And what is the incentive and governance framework of the system? Only by considering these three questions can we properly evaluate and design future identity systems. Apr 24 18:29:31 +0000 2019
321A possible (and simple) solution to this might be a sybil-resistant DID. Apr 27 03:29:08 +0000 2019
322@PeterMcCormack @Beautyon_ Three approaches: - market already decided, ignore mis-selling, newbies are victims but DYOR/caveat emptor - try to inform people and make discussion of mis-selling keep up with search results and social media. - report mis-selling to advertising standards authorities everywhereSat Apr 27 07:14:32 +0000 2019
323@wintercooled @PeterMcCormack @Beautyon_ I think the mistake forks focussing on marketing rather than tech, and doing it on a different token rather than on Bitcoin (eg as a side-chain, or other simple layer2). At the time I offered @rogerkver free architecture advice, FOSS & secure hardware at cost to make it happen.Sat Apr 27 07:15:38 +0000 2019
324TIL: @KeybaseIO keybase is a reasonably decentralized product for Sovereign Identity... offers 250gigs!!! of public\private storage, and you can use some of that storage to host a web-site, even! #DecentralizedIdentity #SovereignIdentity Apr 27 11:22:58 +0000 2019
325This post on the future of DIDs (Decentralized Identifiers)—Prioritizing Individual Sovereignty over Interoperability—from @GETJolocom and @peacekeeper is going to be one of the most important topics discussed at #InternetIdentityWorkshop next week: Apr 27 12:08:57 +0000 2019
326I dont think a LinkedIn type social network is viable long-term. It gets subsumed into self-sovereign identity.Sat Apr 27 17:32:11 +0000 2019
327Written by insiders for an outsider audience. --> Interested in, starting out, or working in the decentralized identity / self sovereign identity space? My Comprehensive Guide to Self Sovereign Identity is a must read. Get your copy now: #identitySat Apr 27 21:57:10 +0000 2019
328Looking for a Zebra investor interested in supporting an identity project/company. Where do you find Zebra investors?Sat Apr 27 22:02:56 +0000 2019
329@darrello @IdentityWoman @adamkcooper @jonmarsk @DanubeTech @GETJolocom Apr 28 01:44:01 +0000 2019
330A new Avalanche paper by Jessie, James and Meowth^w^w^w^w @el33th4xor and @kevinsekniqi. "Scalable and Probabilistic Leaderless BFT Consensus through Metastability" Apr 28 22:16:43 +0000 2019
331Internet Identity Workshop #28 starts tomorrow at the Computer History Museum. I'm excited for the great discussions that are sure to happen. #IIWTue Apr 30 03:48:23 +0000 2019
332We're reaching levels of mental gymnastics that shouldn't even be possible. May 02 10:43:54 +0000 2019
333@escottkey1 @pourteaux @santisiri @PeterMcCormack @sassal0x @blockstack @RSKsmart @mmistakes I been studyin crypto and practicing content creation for a couple years... and now i know some basics around web publishing. 🚀🚀 Lotta nonsense in the space because theres so much, its hard to track... but anything is possible w time and dedication.Sat May 04 23:59:35 +0000 2019
334@nicksdjohnson @econoar @lrettig Discord is designed to run large, social, open communities, with the tools needed for moderation, roles and permissions. Sounds about right ;) Slack assumes everyone is an employee. Several large open source communities including Rustlang use it.Sun May 05 03:15:06 +0000 2019
335@melikmanukyan @BitcoinErrorLog can you link pls? search results nullMon May 06 11:32:58 +0000 2019
336@eric_lombrozo yes, because all history of sovereign people has been wiped away, and the reason recorded history is short compared to the history of humanityWed May 08 19:14:21 +0000 2019
337@angela_walch No, i think you are suffering from a veil of centralization, enamored w human power and control... just like all the people suggesting/discussing rollbackThu May 09 16:23:51 +0000 2019
338@by_caballero @bundesdruckerei @trbouma @IdentityWoman Ya, i mean, intuitively it just freaks me out. But i wanna hold some shred of hopeFri May 10 16:46:06 +0000 2019
339@by_caballero @bundesdruckerei @trbouma @IdentityWoman @mobilegeekscom @Mobilegeeksde ya their current cloud id platform isn't inspiring.. and AFAIKT have have been conspicuously absent involvement in decentralized id.... and upon further review May 10 16:57:41 +0000 2019
340@by_caballero @bundesdruckerei @trbouma @IdentityWoman @mobilegeekscom @Mobilegeeksde May 10 17:01:50 +0000 2019
341@infominer33 @bundesdruckerei @trbouma @IdentityWoman @mobilegeekscom @Mobilegeeksde In another universe, where I have unlimited resources to geek out about specialized identity tech topics, I would pay 500E to take this one-day crash course in identity document security: (Hey @heathervescent -- should I go promote the NPE report?)Fri May 10 17:19:56 +0000 2019
342@infominer33 @bundesdruckerei @trbouma @IdentityWoman @mobilegeekscom @Mobilegeeksde @heathervescent OK, last nerdy link, I gotta get back to work more directly related to, um, looming deadlines: May 10 17:40:55 +0000 2019
343Heads up: Just got approval to release my report on Securing Voter Data Systems, which looked into security vulnerabilities of voter data systems. This was only a minor obsession the past 6 months. Download link coming soon. #voterdata #security May 10 21:00:00 +0000 2019
344“IIW XXVIII: my thoughts about the Internet Identity “unconference”” by @iamtxena May 13 11:11:00 +0000 2019
345My response to the latest mainstream media attack on Bitcoin, this time in @ForeignPolicy. Experts and the establishment keep missing the point. Heres why. May 13 13:56:51 +0000 2019
346@CryptoBrekkie Bitcoin makes it possible to earn a living by peacefully "fighting" the evil overlords of money I wrote more about that and me here, if you're interested. May 13 14:01:57 +0000 2019
347Are you passionate about Bitcoin? If so I'd love to know why! Do you have a story about how you used Bitcoin to accomplish something? Has Bitcoin changed your life? Or your political beliefs? It's certainly changed mine.. Please share! I'd love to hear your stories.🙏🏻Mon May 13 14:03:02 +0000 2019
348I'm excited to share with you an early look at our work on a scalable, open src, permissionless Layer 2 network for Decentralized Identifiers that runs atop Bitcoin, developed and supported by Microsoft as an open public infrastructure for all - meet ION: May 13 14:03:31 +0000 2019
349Curious about self-sovereign identity? Join us for our upcoming SSI 101 webinar — places are filling up fast: May 13 15:46:56 +0000 2019
350I just published a blog about Decentralized Identifiers on Medium May 13 18:00:40 +0000 2019
351The funny part about all this sound money stuff is that it really isn't that complicated. Unsound money is complicated. Unsound money requires deception, illusion, and mental gymnastics made possibly only by systematic indoctrination. Wake tf up. Buy some bitcoin. 😘Tue May 14 23:22:33 +0000 2019
352I set to prove what can b done w an equivalent amount of time/work. Earning while learning rather than massive debt May 15 01:53:45 +0000 2019
353We need to have one identity fabric @MartinKuppinger #EIC19 May 15 01:54:32 +0000 2019
354Announcing Hyperledger Aries, infrastructure supporting interoperable identity solutions! @Hyperledger via @HyperledgerWed May 15 03:30:00 +0000 2019
355"...this week Microsoft, which had been working with Ethereum for a long time, has decided to move all of its identity work onto the Bitcoin network instead of another implementation of the blockchain." This statement is not true @Melt_Dem Let's not mislead retail May 15 13:21:54 +0000 2019
356@jlingomusic @RyanSAdams @antiprosynth @Melt_Dem From the beginning microsoft has said their effots were platform agnostic. Moreover, they are a founding member of the Decentralized Identity Foundation, the code produced through it supports every type of DIDWed May 15 13:27:06 +0000 2019
357@jlingomusic @antiprosynth @Melt_Dem MSFT testing L2 identity solution. First test uses BTC, but solution is blockchain agnostic A blip compared to massive & increasing ETH support: - Dev tooling (VStudio) - Public Ethereum via Azure - Quorum partnership w/ JPM Vitalik literally co-presented at a MSFT conf last wkWed May 15 13:30:58 +0000 2019
358Quality! Decentralised identity is everywhere here at #EIC19. I remember @RuffTimo of @evernym introducing SSI at EIC 2016 and there was scepticism from some and optimism from others. Thanks to some far sighted individuals from around the world, optimism is winning! May 16 01:58:30 +0000 2019
359I was honored to be one of the first guests on @CharlieShrem's new podcast "Untold Stories" - we spoke about Bitcoin Mining, self sovereignty, and other topics, check it out on the Apple podcast app: May 16 16:59:29 +0000 2019
360Imagine if crypto communities came with guidance on “how to win friends and influence people” like Dale Carnegie The closest ive found is @newsycombinators submission guidelines May 18 20:15:18 +0000 2019
361@unky_herb @ProtonMail @KeybaseIO Fair enough... im was just at their documentation.....and its hard to trust any company that seems to support strong encryption, since its advance was subverted since the dawn of computing. Im not mad anymore, especially now i know its possible, if not intuitive w the current uiMon May 20 19:32:23 +0000 2019
362My personal identity was hacked last week. The attacker was able to steal $100k+ in a sweep of my Coinbase account. I'm equal parts embarrassed, hurt, and deeply remorseful. In an effort to raise awareness about the attack, I wrote about it here: May 21 03:09:31 +0000 2019
363Colossal fail. I've been working on a Verifiable Credential presentation for _4 hours_, clearly ignoring the font errors apparently blocking save/auto-save. Presentation is early tomorrow. @SSIMeetup and Tyler Ruff to the rescue; stealing this! May 21 06:07:30 +0000 2019
364Great presentation to catch up with some of the highlights of where we're at with self sovereign identity today. May 21 07:17:17 +0000 2019
365Coming to @IdentityWeek? You can attend the @WomeninID launch event for free. If you want to attend the full conference your discount code for 20% off is 20WID! See you all there #Women I Identity #WomenInTech May 22 18:58:17 +0000 2019
366First edition of our weekly link round up #fissionfragments is up 🎉 You can subscribe by email or RSS on the site if you want it more directly into your inbox. Thanks @infominer33 & @mikeindustries for via links!Thu May 23 01:53:03 +0000 2019
367@stefanstignei @artorycom @sissicao @observer I went to alex greys house once in ny for some event and there was no art. I was pissedThu May 23 02:28:55 +0000 2019
368All of the people saying that "Ethereum 2.0 will fail" or "Ethereum 2.0 will never be delivered" are just motivating the researchers, implementers and community members to ensure that Ethereum 2.0 ends up being as amazing as it possibly can be. Keep it up 👍Thu May 23 03:12:47 +0000 2019
369@stefanstignei @artorycom @sissicao @observer It was embarrassing i invited friends, but the event was in a tiny room w horrid audio... like some handheld mic/amp combo from the 80s... Cool pad tho, and much love to Alex. We all have our momentsThu May 23 03:15:42 +0000 2019
370@marksammiller yay! thank you! I've been wanting to get in contact with you about this! @ChristopherA filled me in on some of it. since I read that llamba-the-ultimate thread, I've been passionate about the history of #SmartContracts and determining how\why #obcap got left out of #ethereumThu May 23 09:22:52 +0000 2019
371Visualizing identity add a verb instead of a noun. > "Verifying identity as a social intersection" from @Sheldrake May 24 06:50:26 +0000 2019
372Project Pages, a Jekyll static blog template designed for collaborative science, via @infominer33 #fissionfragmentsFri May 24 19:56:33 +0000 2019
373Feeling pretty good. I just gave permission to a central bank to use this diagram and cite this post in an upcoming payment strategy journal. “Self-Sovereign Identity: Shifting the Locus of Control” by Tim Bouma May 24 19:56:52 +0000 2019
374Unpopular Opinion: @signalapp sucks for both security and privacy because it uses phone numbers for identification and authentication. IMO the best chat app is @KeybaseIO which uses a cryptographic based identity system. They just need to add Bitcoin and remove the Shitcoins😓Sun May 26 08:15:18 +0000 2019
375@melikmanukyan Yeah! Dont forget about p2pfoundation, reddit, bitcointalk, a buncha lurkers in all the dead slack channels (cause slack sucks), and discord servers, irc, matrix, telegram (also sucks but not bad as slack), deepdotnet forums (long live) and the deep webSun May 26 22:21:20 +0000 2019
376@melikmanukyan Plus i guess there are some irl bitcoiners only localbitcoins, or satellite via ham radio... they dont even use the internet!??!Sun May 26 22:22:23 +0000 2019
377I fucking love when the price of bitcoin goes up because millions of people who want to make a quick profit eventually learn what good money is, why personal sovereignty matters, how to protect your privacy, and who should control your financial freedom. That lights me up.Mon May 27 00:30:00 +0000 2019
378"You could take out a DAI loan from MakerDAO and convert it to Ether using Uniswap or Kyber Swap to gain leverage. The possibilities are endless, and we feel everyone should be excited about this." I prefer to use Jabberwocky Join and Swoopy for swaps. ;)Mon May 27 07:55:27 +0000 2019
379@melikmanukyan I agree Bitcoin can learn a lot from Linux kernel dev but it may not be what you expect. It is not always a success there. Search "LWN Sarah Sharp" and late 2018 Linus burned out, admitted tone improvement might be beneficial. Not sure what happens next but we can reflect on it.Mon May 27 10:19:26 +0000 2019
380@CryptoMessiah RansomwareMon May 27 23:04:39 +0000 2019
381I like the #ESSIF #EU strategy presented in #lille I want to believe that the work of the @bundesblock and the collaborations between @uport @GETJolocom and other SSID solution to create an interoperability layer had positively impact that strategy work. May 30 08:21:53 +0000 2019
382Thinking about this important paper on the three dimensions of identity. @dhh1128 & Jason nicely make the case for the different dimensions of identity and why a single identity provider cant solve the problem. May 30 10:42:39 +0000 2019
383@Kyle_DH @IdentityWoman @hackylawyER Yes, but i assure you the social costs of dissasociating from govt id, just to avoid soul sucking, are rigorous, indeed!!Fri May 31 01:24:48 +0000 2019
384If the SEC actually had the common sense to do the right thing and approve a Bitcoin ETF, I wouldnt have to worry about five dollar wrench attacks or phone porting. Who exactly does the commission think its protecting at this point? The banks?Fri May 31 01:27:26 +0000 2019
385@brian_armstrong @balajis Or integrate an identity system you can use to vet inbound senders against a wide array of granular, verifiable proof requirements receivers can specify. No $ involved, and far more useful/effective than paywalls (hint: DIDs are the foundation, and you'll soon have all the tools)Sat Jun 01 05:32:50 +0000 2019
386Just because I don't like decision X made in project Y doesn't make that project any less relevant or worth understanding. I'll try to avoid snark, but speak up when needed #bitcoin #ethereum #blockchain #cypto @Hyperledger #selfsovereignidentity #cryptotwitter #enterprise #DLTSat Jun 01 07:33:54 +0000 2019
387“Expectations of blockchains potential for digital ID are high, and the report says that concepts such as self-sovereign identity (SSI) are “taking hold” in the EU.” - EU report signposts route to blockchain ID verification Global Government Forum Jun 01 09:09:51 +0000 2019
388Ran right from my workshop to check out this engaging discussion on AI, blockchain, and ethics from @VitalikButerin & @bengoertzel at @crypto_chicks #CCHack2019 - @AdrienneBatra is doing an amazing job moderating this hugely high level chat. 🚀🚀🚀 Jun 02 00:48:10 +0000 2019
389@JoshuaJBouw @udiWertheimer I came in mid17 and have studied the matter deeply, but dont want to give them press by discussingMon Jun 03 11:37:36 +0000 2019
390@AltcoinSara You can commission an article from my website if you want :) History related to Bitcoin is my #1 area of interest Jun 03 18:14:49 +0000 2019
391Apple sign-on doesnt solve the problem we are trying to solve. Vendor lock-in. It locks you deeply into Apple for all ur application. Open standards and Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials provide paths out of all of the insanity.Mon Jun 03 20:31:40 +0000 2019
392Data Permissions Catalogue: An evolving collection of design patterns for sharing data, by @projectsbyif Jun 03 21:53:35 +0000 2019
393Heard recently from reputable identerati: - Self Sovereign Identity #SSI won't replace Govt ID - No one individual is sovereign over each relationship - centralization is not as bad as hierarchies - there is no artifact called "identity" in SSI. MyPOV: Words matter. #DIDTue Jun 04 00:58:07 +0000 2019
394WHOA: "All information about land ownership, control, subsidies and planning should be *published as open data*. There should be free and open access to information on who owns land, *including the identities of the beneficial owners*." @leashless @IdentityWoman @trbouma ! Jun 04 15:07:19 +0000 2019
395Here is a link to the Domains of Identity Paper Jun 05 16:57:11 +0000 2019
396mmm...this talk about Biometrics #idn19...they are a part of identity BUT how they are used isn't being distinguished as part of enrollment and then authentication OR as identification (with or without enrollment). We need to understand how they are across different domains of IDWed Jun 05 16:57:13 +0000 2019
397Recommended read on @Medium: “The DID Dilemma: When is an identifier decentralized?” Jun 05 23:32:47 +0000 2019
398This is an important discussion—how do we measure how decentralized is any specific cryptographic technology? It is made even more complicated by my proposition that it is not possible to be 100% decentralized—many rubrics interfere with each other. Just like in Arrows Theorem. Jun 05 23:33:38 +0000 2019
399@TokenHash Thanks Donald! Your thread on ETC cited within was hands down the best launchpad possible for representing the Classic community and vision.Fri Jun 07 00:14:09 +0000 2019
400Explain Bitcoin as completely as possible in a single tweet.Sat Jun 08 06:30:06 +0000 2019
401The world is thinking too small still. RE: Our Digital Transformation The digitial tools, now available, have made possible the creation of any number of careers that you havent invented yet. #DigitalTransformation #webwork #informationtechnology h/t @by_caballeroSat Jun 08 16:41:16 +0000 2019
402DIDecentralized website now has its own organization on github, and its own domain, to encourage a collaborative learning experience #identitydecentralized #selfsovereignidentity #RebootingWebofTrust #decentralizedidentity @IDCommons Jun 09 19:46:12 +0000 2019
403SSIMeetup Wednesday: Introduction to Ion a layer 2 network for Decentralized Identifiers with Bitcoin with @csuwildcat Daniel Buchner from @Microsoft . Looking forward to learn how the @DecentralizedID Identity Foundation is using Bitcoin for identity Jun 10 19:13:36 +0000 2019
404Prior to G20 meeting in Osaka, it seems the Financial Stability Board has issued their report on decentralised financial technologies. They have summarised definition and after effects for permissioned and non-permissioned networks alike. Summarising key points in a thread. Jun 10 19:19:33 +0000 2019
405Im the twitter account (run by@infominer33) for a public domain — for the people, by the people — educational effort surrounding decentralized identity initiatives through the years, along with the latest trends! #selfsovereignid #decentralizedid Jun 12 16:56:11 +0000 2019
406Online identity is broken. A completely new framework could give us the freedom we deserve: Self-sovereign identity, #SSI Jun 12 19:17:52 +0000 2019
407Sources: @ChristopherA, @bundesblock, @GETJolocom, @SovrinID, @didecentral, @w3c, @SovrinID, @civickey, @Hyperledger, @Bloom, @uport, @SSIMeetup, @DecentralizedID, @metadium, @evernym, #Weboftrust, @Fennie_Wang, @yaoeo, @drummondreed, @windley and many more!Wed Jun 12 19:17:56 +0000 2019
408Im on a mission to document the stories of how this #bitcoin and eventually crypto movement truly came to be. Please support me by subscribing and rating at Jun 12 21:55:09 +0000 2019
409@sunnya97 I just stay in the states where im not as louder than everyone else, like in europe im way way too loud. The states is used to it, if also sometimes not so appreciative of loud talking Otherwise i just try to not talk, if possible 🤣Wed Jun 12 22:35:02 +0000 2019
410@lightcoin @Falkvinge With the advent of Bitcoin, anything is possible 🙏🏼Wed Jun 12 23:54:52 +0000 2019
411@NassimGhorayeb @sassal0x im not an ethereum hater, but do have my hangupsFri Jun 14 19:17:33 +0000 2019
412. @earndotcom This isn't Identity Verification! this is a cry for help 🙏 Jun 14 20:05:40 +0000 2019
413An open source software project forking used to be a traumatic thing, in the original meaning of the word. GitHub's functionality with the same name has updated that - "What is a fork" by Drew DeVault via @infominer33 #fissionfragmentsSun Jun 16 06:18:40 +0000 2019
414@CBSNews This analysis is missing the true benefits of Bitcoin Mining: reduction in wasteful expenditure and aggressive actions by govts. See my post at @mises here Jun 16 13:40:18 +0000 2019
415Because I dont assign you enough reading already, highly recommend @jfc_3_ finance history Sunday reads. Get that historical context, fam. Jun 16 13:48:10 +0000 2019
416When you create a cryptographic identity on bitcoin, keybase, bisq, or other ethical software, you write down your private key as a 12 or 24 word mnemonic. Asking for a phone number and using SMS code “authentication” is not only insecure, its an unethical invasion of privacy.Mon Jun 17 10:57:50 +0000 2019