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2023-06-24 04:03:59 +05:30

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Raw Blame History

  • What is Web3 and Why It Matters Dion Hinchcliffe 2022-01-11

  • OpenSea, Web3, and Aggregation Theory Stratechery

    what gives Aggregators their power is not their control of supply: they are not the only way to find websites, or to post your opinions online; rather, it is their control of demand. People are used to Google, or it is the default, so sites and advertisers dont want to spend their time and money on alternatives; people want other people to see what they have to say, so they dont want to risk writing a blog that no one reads, or spending time on a social network that because it lacks the network has no sense of social.

  • Web3 and Digital Embodiment Phil Windley

    Web3 will make a difference for all of us if it enables people to become digitally embodied, able to recognize, remember, and react to other people and organizations online—without the need to be in someone else's database.

  • Video of elastos Demo of Web 3 @DonaldBullers

    Easy identity wallet creation @Web3Essentials

Instant login to web3 social @tryProfile

Your ID, your data storage @ElastosInfo

Nice one @everlastingOS

Web 3


3box IDX: A Devkit for Open Identity (From Kaliya, this is interesting, but they are taking on a huge amount of work without an IPR container/wrapper).

Designed to be cross-platform and highly configurable, IDX is compatible with all blockchains, wallets, and a wide variety of user and application data storage options including Ceramic, Textile, OrbitDB, Filecoin, IPFS, and Secure Data Stores — so you can seamlessly integrate decentralized identity with the rest of your Web3 tech stack.

  • The 3 parts of identity in a dynamic world

    At 3Box we live and breathe identity, and while GDPR and data abuses like Facebooks may be concerning, they have also brought some welcome attention to the issues of digital privacy and data control.


Kurt Nielsen & Nagib Aouini from Partisia Blockchain

When we use identity-related credentials in the real world, they often have different properties than digital credentials. There are two separate ceremonies in most cases: issuance and presentation. If you have spent any time at a department of motor vehicles or a passport office, youve seen what an issuance ceremony can be it is usually an intensive process, but the tradeoff is that once you have a credential like a drivers license or passport, you can use that credential for multiple purposes, at multiple places, over a long period of time.

The technical name for the model at work here is called the Direct Presentation model. A credential is issued, and then held for a long period of time with intermittent voluntary presentations to many different verifiers. To put that back into our example, my auto club issues me a card, which I hold in my wallet for years (maybe decades!), and I might choose to show that card to a garage when I need a tow, or possibly to a store to get a discount.

Tweets with Annoucements:

  • Web3, entangled: Holochain: a marlinspike to undo the knots

    Moxie argues that protocols evolve slowly, while platforms evolve quickly. Thats because a platform can make decisions without waiting for a whole crowd of others to reach consensus. But heres the thing — some protocols dont need to evolve quickly. As long as a base protocol is versatile enough to let people create and express things in an unlimited range of fit-for-purpose application protocols, it can be as stale and boring as it likes. And its precisely the decentralisation, versatility, and stability of these base protocols — HTTP, email, and yes, Bitcoin and Ethereum — that allow platforms to innovate so quickly on top of them.

  • The Third Web 2021-12-17

    A good explanation and good critique of Web3

  • Web3: Self-Sovereign Authority and Self-Certifying Protocols Phil Windley

  • What is Web3? Here Are Some Ways To Explain It To A Friend Consensys

  • Framing and Self-Sovereignty in Web3 Windley

    The tools people have to participate in these territories, browsers and password managers, let us visit those territories, but we ourselves cannot be visited. We cannot act. Online relationships (client-server) are inherently asymmetric and the power accrues to those who define the territory.

  • Cryptocurrencies: A Necessary Scam? Matt Stoller

    Both financial crisis reformers and Bitcoin proponents believe that the existing financial order is a collusive arrangement between large banks who are supported by government power…. Societies and social contracts are built on cooperative mechanisms, but also barriers and enforceable rules.

The amount of utopian bullshit and fake promises on a technology that doesnt really work as anything but a speculative bubble and money laundering device should be a big red flag. Crypto is a movement based on the theory that the existing nation-state is a system rigged by billionaires, and the right response is to create a different and more corrupt order rigged by different billionaires, money launderers, and dictators.

A game changing, blockchain based, public utility layer, which makes it simple for people and organizations to exchange verifiable, immutable, trusted self-sovereign career credentials.

In sum, SSI saves time, enhances security, and returns personal data ownership to individuals, thereby lessening the power of GAFA [Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon].

Web3 has begun to impact all corners of digital culture, from media to finance, art and gaming, and even identity. Mental models allow for digestible thinking patterns to understand and predict the world, and Chris lays out how these new digital primitives are changing everything.

  • Anchors and Rails of a Digital Nation – Forging Self Sovereign Identity in the Age of the Blockchain

  • Me2BA Sees Progress in Googles “Pre-Announcement” for an Independently Audited Safety Section in Google Play Store

    On May 6, 2021, two days after the Me2B Alliance published our report on data sharing in school utility apps, Google issued a “pre-announcement” describing major improvements to app labeling in the Android app store:

  • [...] (Source

    The announcement signals a serious intention to not only catch up to Apples privacy label, but surpass it, by introducing independent validation of the Android app privacy information.

  • Announcing the Tezos Profiles Alpha Launch

    We encourage users to start creating and launching their profiles as we begin integrating Tezos Profiles support across the Tezos ecosystem. Currently, we are focused exclusively on publicly available information and accounts to avoid privacy issues.

  • Digital Identity Wallet: A place for your self-sovereign identity SSI Ambassador

    This article explains what a wallet is, how it works and how you can use it for managing your digital identity. While there are also wallets for institutions, this article only focuses on wallets for end users. The article also takes into consideration the revised eIDAS regulation including the European Digital Identity Wallet.

  • Self-Sovereign Identity (w/ Fabian Vogelsteller & Constantin Kogan)

    Constantin Kogan joins Fabian Vogelsteller, Ethereum developer, LUKSO founder, creator of Mist browser, web3.js, Feindura (CMS), ERC20, and ERC-725 protocols, and author of Meteor.js.

  • How Your Bank Can Custody Crypto and Remain Compliant

    Recent regulatory guidance has clarified that banks may serve as custodians of virtual assets. In response, the banking industry has rushed to understand how it can seize this new business opportunity, without creating an untenable amount of AML and regulatory risk

  • Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0 — A Bridge Between the Past and the Future

    Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0 — A Bridge Between the Past and the Future Web 2.0 represents the Internet as we know it today and includes all the blogs, social media sites, shopping, news generation, and more! It is marked by user-generated content, interoperability across different services, usability, interactiveness, and high levels of participation.

  • Seamless Web3 Identity Verification Fractal

    Built on Polkadot, Fractal Protocol is an open-source, zero-margin protocol that defines a basic standard to exchange user information in a fair and open way, ensuring a high-quality version of the free internet. In its first version, it is designed to replace the ad cookie and give users back control over their data.

  • Inventories, Not Identities • Why multisigs are the future of online accounts Kei Kreutler

    Whether its the enforcement of legal identities, platform lock-in, or more implicit social norms, the logic of individualized identity was baked into web 2.0. With the advent of web 3.0, we have a chance to do things differently.

  • Self-Sovereign Identity, smart contracts and Web 3.0 Hackernoon

    Public blockchain and smart contracts are a convenient and viable cloud for security-critical information and allow to implement more complex schemes. For example, your service requires that the user's identity be confirmed by some external KYC provider, or there must be an always available master public key to distribute software updates in the network (relevant for IoT).

  • OScore is an independent on-chain reputation system, generated using on-chain data including your ONT ID, engagements, assets, and credentials.

    Your OScore is based on data authorized by you and is updated to reflect changes in behavior and lending practices.

    OScore is not associated with your off-chain identities. In other words, it respects user privacy and supports full anonymity.

  • On the thermodynamics of Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and Holochain

    Holochain makes a bold claim: Consensus is unnecessary for most of the things blockchain is interested in doing.

  • UNISOT ID Part 1

    Since identity is such a central part of society, UNISOT, through its UNISOT ID service, offers our customers control over their data. Under self-sovereign identity model users who have one or more identifiers (something that enables a subject to be discovered and identified) can present claims relating to those identifiers without having to go through an intermediary. In the following sections we will outline how SSI can change the way you interact with others on the Internet as well as in the real world.

  • Λntonio Nardella @antonionardella

    I don't know about Discord, but in my opinion a [#decentralized self sovereign identity solution would make a great addition to the identity server of @matrixdotorg


  • Ontology Builds on Polkadot to Accelerate Adoption Of Decentralized Identity Solution

Ontology is bringing Ont ID to Polkadot users, as part of an initiative to bringing OScore, their DID based credit scoring solution, to their own Polkadot parachain.

Solid - Inrupt

  • TBL: Out to Remake the Digital World. 2021-01-10

    A story appeared in the NY Times about Tim Berners-Lees vision for the web and Solid-Inrupt that are working towards fulfilling it. The article included a quote from Kaliya, and has stirred up an active thread on the CCG mailing list.

Others say the Solid-Inrupt technology is only part of the answer. “There is lots of work outside Tim Berners-Lees project that will be vital to the vision,” said Kaliya Young, co-chair of the Internet Identity Workshop, whose members focus on digital identity.

Mr. Berners-Lee said that his team was not inventing its own identity system, and that anything that worked could plug into its technology.

  • A solid discussion is underway, including this from Kayode Ezike

    when I developed solid-vc, I was operating mostly under the threat model of compromised cryptographic keys used to sign credentials via jsonld-signatures and a compromised Solid password.*

    I don't want to bombard you all with too much information about this project in this thread, but for now I will share the solid-vc repo again as well as my RWoT9 submission.

  • SSI and Music in Web 3.0

    while our primary goals of financial disintermediation and inclusion are being realized in our existing projects, a greater long-term goal remains: to return to musicians and artists the control of their own data. Music publishing companies, record labels, performance rights organizations, and other industry intermediaries have had too much power for too long.

  • Decentralized Identifiers: Implications for Your Data, Payments and Communications Impervious - Chase Perkins Epic Content

    Through the DID Specification, service endpoints and DIDComm, Impervious has interlaced DIDs with Bitcoin Lightning, IPFS, WebRTC and resilient relays to introduce a new peer-to-peer internet standard with practical applications for mitigating censorship and surveillance risk

  • #45 - Self-Sovereign Digital Identity, Blockchain & Web3 with Charlyn Ho I ALSO Want Money

    Could blockchain and the decentralized web mean the end of surveillance capitalism? Maybe! In this episode, Perkins Coie partner Charlyn Ho defines digital identity, explains how blockchain empowers users to take control of their data, and shares how Web3 could dismantle Big Techs monopoly on Big Data - if its built the right way.

  • Own and verify your personal identity for web3 RealID Eth

    1. With one line of code verify realid.eth wallet addresses.

const result = await provider.resolveName(${address}.realid.eth);

if(parseInt(address, 16) === parseInt(result, 16)) {

// address has Real ID


  1. Guard against Sybil attacks and follow KYC/AML regulations.

  2. Reduce sign-up friction and lower costs for exchange.

  3. If desired, create membership requirements based off of the attached identity (for instance, if you wanted to create an NFT collection that could only be minted by residents of New York City) without requiring users to give up their whole identity.

  • Web 3.0 and digital identity- (In Chinese) Fraser Edwards via Johnny Fry

    Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is arguably the most effective form of digital identity in Web 3.0. SSI is a user-centric identification method for controlling information. Fully aligned with Web 3.0, SSI eliminates the need to store personal information entirely on a central database and gives individuals greater control over the information they share to protect their privacy.

Web 3 Meta

Called a "self-sovereign identity," it would keep the data with the individual. People would use the Secure ID for online interactions; any data sent would be encrypted. But the key is that those online entities would not store the data themselves. So, there would be no more huge, centralized places where personal data could be stolen.

  • On anti-crypto toxicity Molly White

    Despite cryptos unquestionably right-libertarian roots, and the continuing prevalence of those politics in crypto today, were also seeing people asking questions like:

  • How can we create a more equitable financial system, where everyone has access to banking services?

April 2022 with Odyssey and The Hague

February 2022 with Heidrick & Struggles

  • @AnastasiaU · Apr 25

    We cant fit this entire EPIC 63 tweet thread, here. Recommend to check it out!

1/ Here's an A-Z list of every startup or company I could find building the [blockchain] crypto privacy & identity ecosystem. Why privacy AND identity? Cuz we can't make real progress on privacy unless we also rearchitect toward user-centric identity -- fight me!

  • This is how GATACA achieves blockchain interoperability

    blockchain agnosticism is possible due to our DID registry component: all incoming activity is delegated to the DID registry with specific connections to each blockchain so that the rest of our technology components do not have to participate in the process. Other components need not know where the information persists from; they delegate that special knowledge to the DID registry and continue to perform their regular activities as usual.

  • DFS Guidance: Blockchain Analytics For Effective Crypto Compliance Elliptic

    Blockchain analytics solutions have been a critical part of enabling the crypto industry to combat financial crime since Elliptic produced the first such capabilities in 2014

  • Pairwise Trust: A New Blockchain-Based Identification Solution for Web3 Infrastructures Sovereign Wallet

    “Pairwise Trust” now available on MetaMUI SSID In the ever-evolving digital society, one of the most important thing is to control ones digital identity and digital property.

  • Pairwise Trust: A New Blockchain-Based Identification Solution for Web3 Infrastructures Sovereign Wallet

    In MetaMUI, users can create their own DID by submitting their personal information(KYC) to one of the Sidechain Operators, and the operator will decide whether approving or denying the request depending on the status of the submitted data. Once the request is approved, the users personal data get hashed, and the hashed data is safely stored in the users device.

  • Sign-in with Solana — Use Your Solana Account for Web2 & Web3

    Users will now be able to control their digital identity with their Solana accounts instead of relying on traditional/custodial profiles. The Importance of Building a Self-Custodial Future In crypto, there is a saying that goes ”Not your keys, not your crypto

  • Web3Auth at the Paris Blockchain Week 2022 Torus

    A whole lot of ecosystem players at the event were pleasantly surprised to discover Web3Auths Key Management Infrastructure

  • Solving the Sunrise Issue is the key to unlocking crypto mass adoption Cointelegraph

    Regulation will touch every person in every jurisdiction worldwide; crypto must find ways to preserve its decentralization and privacy.

  • Decentralized Society: Finding Web3's Soul Glen Wheyl

    Key to this sociality is decomposable property rights and enhanced governance mechanisms—such as quadratic funding discounted by correlation scores—that reward trust and cooperation while protecting networks from capture, extraction, and domination. With such augmented sociality, web3 can eschew todays hyper-financialization in favor of a more transformative, pluralist future of increasing returns across social distance.

  • Cautionary Tales from Cryptoland Molly White, HBR

    The ideological argument for Web3 is very compelling, and I personally hold many of the same ideals. I strongly believe in working toward a more equitable and accessible financial system, creating a fairer distribution of wealth in society

  • WEB2 VS WEB3

  • Trust Graph with video Harlan Wood


  • Trust Graph is an open protocol for sourcing & rendering Trust relationships
  • It is a toolkit for building and reading distributed Trust Graphs
  • An ambitious plan to create interoperability between existing and future Trust Networks
  • Compatible with existing rating schemes (scores, percentages, star ratings, etc)
  • Open Source (Apache licensed)

Fixating on the degree—rather than the type—of decentralization is leading us astray

  • State of Crypto Report a16z

    web3 — which combines the decentralized, communitygoverned ethos of the first era with the advanced, modern functionality of the second era. This will unlock a new wave of creativity and entrepreneurship

  • Using a Theory of Justice to Build a Better Web3 Windley

    Building a better internet won't happen by chance or simply maximizing freedom. We have to build systems that support justice. How can we do that?

  • a16z Raises $4.5 Billion For Its Largest-Ever Crypto Fund The Defiant

    A massive wave of world-class talent has entered web3 over the last year. They are brilliant and passionate and want to build a better internet. Thats why we decided to go big.

  • The Golden Era of Web3 Identity Donald Bullers

    We've entered the “in it for the tech” phase.

Attention now shifts to builders and a heads down mentality can lead to the creation of some of the most intriguing Web3 companies to date.

Consensus 2022 SSI Sessions

If folks are talking at the event, reach out, we will share info - its not just where Kaliya is going in the world.

Joe Cutler, Partner, Perkins Coie LLP

Lisa Seacat DeLuca, Director of Product & Engineering, Identity, Unstoppable Domains

Mr. Tobias Batton, CEO, Ex Populus

Mr. Richard Widmann, Global Head of Strategy, Google Cloud

Decentralized Web

  • The Battle for the Soul of the Web The Atlantic

    Musings from, amongst other places, Unfinished Live and DWeb Camp all written up in the Atlantic.

    Long before the NFT boom or the Web3 backlash, an unglamorous movement was under way. Where does it stand now?

  • Prepping for DWeb Camp HoloChain

    On this theme, Im particularly interested in one event, an attempt to map the projects that make up the DWeb and look for opportunities for interoperability. This was a vision I carried with me to the last DWeb Camp, and Im hoping to see more conversations about building bridges between networks.



  • The Center Will Not Hold: How Decentralization is Reshaping Technology and Governance The Defiant

    In this summary paper, we will explain the different components of decentralization, the benefits of decentralized systems, examples of how different projects have approached the process of decentralizing, and good-faith critiques of decentralization. This paper will act as a TL;DR summarizing the concept of decentralization within its current usage, while providing linked resources throughout for those interested in digging deeper into specific areas.


  • Ethereum Competitors: Advantages and Disadvantages Panther Protocol

    Ethereum competitors that aim for scalability (Solana, Polkadot, Near)

    • […]Aiming for interoperability (Cosmos, Cardano)
    • […]Aiming for security (MEV Mitigation) (Solana & Osmosis)
    • […]Aiming for privacy (Secret Network, Oasis, Panther)