@ -92,3 +92,10 @@ By producing an accessible, open-source wrapper library, Tangle Labs provides an
> What is decentralized identity? How does it give you more control over your digital identity and keep your information on the internet safer? This video explains in short what decentralized identity is and how it can replace usernames and passwords to verify you are who you say you are quickly and easily.
* [Changing the Game with Self-Sovereign Identity](https://eblockchainconvention.com/changing-the-game-with-self-sovereign-identity/) EblockchainConvention ValidatedID
> The EBC team had an insightful conversation with Ivan Basart, CTO at Validated ID, on how Self-Sovereign Identity technology is the ultimate solution to identity problems on the web.
* [IDENTOS prepares customers for verifiable credentials](https://www.identos.ca/identos-prepares-customers-for-verifiable-credentials/)Identos
> Rather than trying to paste everything and everyone together, the path forward to help build trusted ecosystems relies on interoperability and leveraging existing assets while positioning the user in a disintermediated model of control and agency — possible with FPX and verifiable credentials.
* [DID 101: A Brief Introduction to What Makes Ontology Special](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/did-101-a-brief-introduction-to-what-makes-ontology-special-bdaeae832f35)
* [Use the Okta CLI to Build Secure Python Apps](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2022/07/27/python-okta)Okta 2022-07-27
> - Teach you how to create your first application
> - Learn about authentication and authorization credentials
> - Set up hosted authentication with Okta and try it out
> The first follows the ways in which identities were designed and managed in computer systems. [...] The second history examines the evolution of paper-based identity systems that emerged in Europe. [...] The last section of the paper brings these two histories together and explains why the underlying technological design of SSI aligns with Western liberal democratic values in a way that the earlier digital identity systems designs do not.
* [Legal identity of a person in a digital world](https://medium.com/@vvsm_50580/legal-identity-of-a-person-in-a-digital-world-38f444dc8996) 2022-09-17Vikas Malhotra
> Today, Sep 16th is the International Identity Day, a commemoration of the [UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.9](https://unstats.un.org/legal-identity-agenda/documents/UN-Strategy-for-LIA.pdf)which calls for the provision of legal identity for all by 2030.
* [The World’s First Verifiable Credentials](https://www.constellationr.com/blog-news/world-s-first-verifiable-credentials)Steve Wilson
> Commonly associated with blockchain and the Self-Sovereign Identity movement, Verifiable Credentials are in fact an old idea. It is instructive to break down their essential properties and examine the pioneering examples.
* [A brief history of SSI: Where does it come from? A timeline.](https://jolocom.io/blog/a-brief-history-of-ssi-where-does-it-come-from-a-timeline/)
@ -30,3 +30,5 @@ With identity being the missing link, the advent of self‐sovereign identity
* [Beyond The Device With Self-Sovereign Identities](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alastairjohnson/2021/11/15/beyond-the-device-with-self-sovereign-identities/)Forbes 2021-11-15
> In 2021, the average cost of a data breach reached an all-time high of [$4.24 million](https://www.upguard.com/blog/cost-of-data-breach), even though businesses are already spending millions more to combat financial crime and meet their regulatory and compliance responsibilities.
* [Digital Identity: The Trending Tech Concept Changing How We Live](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnhall/2021/10/15/digital-identity-the-trending-tech-concept-changing-how-we-live/?sh=3e004c6c2c4c) 2021-10-15Forbes
> Identification is key to our success. It determines the jobs we get, the money we make, how we can manage our health, and more. The fact of the matter is that 3.4 billion people have access to legally recognized identification but still [have difficulty using that identification online](https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/digital-identification-a-key-to-inclusive-growth).
* [New to the topic of self-sovereign identity?](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1405788127265005571.html) 2021-06-18SSIAmbassador
> No problem, there are several beginner#guides, which you can use to get familiar with the new standard for digital#identity.
* [Self Sovereign Identity Wikipedia Article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-sovereign_identity) that has been started, but can clearly still use a lot of attention. (h/t [@Drabiv](https://twitter.com/Drabiv/status/1102166656019849216))
* [Self-Sovereign Identity : Decentralized digital identity and verifiable credentials](https://www.manning.com/books/self-sovereign-identity)Manning
This issue now has a funding of 3004.5068 USD (3000.0 USD @ $1.0/USD) attached to it.
* [Our Ultimate Guide to Authentication: Types, Mechanisms, Forms, Protocols and More](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/ultimate-guide-authentication.html)Ping Identity
> When organizations employ authentication factors and protocols in a well-thought-out manner, users can still have excellent experiences while security administrators and auditors know operations are being executed securely. As we have seen, there are a number of ways to provide these services in any organization.
* [ID Token and Access Token: What Is the Difference?](https://auth0.com/blog/id-token-access-token-what-is-the-difference/)
> "Let’s use a token to secure this API call. Should I use the ID token or the access token? 🤔 The ID token looks nicer to me. After all, if I know who the user is, I can make better authorization decisions, right?"
* [Identities Evolve: Why Federated Identity is Easier Said than Done](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2163241)SSRN
> This paper shows that federated identity is really a radical and deeply problematic departure from the way we do routine business. Federation undoes and complicates long standing business arrangements, exposing customers and service providers alike to new risks that existing contracts are unable to deal with. Identity federations tend to overlook that identities are proxies for relationships we have in different contexts. Business relationships don’t easily “interoperate."
* [The Working Principles of 2FA (2-Factor Authentication) Software](https://auth0.com/blog/the-working-principles-of-2fa-2-factor-authentication-software/)Auth0
> There’s a lot of “magic” happening under the hood of how software 2FA works. Today, we’re going to peel back the curtains and see how it works, how the codes are generated, what it protects and doesn’t protect from.
* [What Is Authentication?](https://www.1kosmos.com/blog/authentication/what-is-authentication) 2021-071Kosmos
> Authentication is the process of proving that a user is who they claim to be to access system resources or features. Typically, this calls for some type of proof, whether that is a physical piece of information, a secret piece of information or some other immutable form of evidence.
@ -96,3 +96,12 @@ For individuals in particular, DIDs can put them back in control of their person
* [The Time for Self-Sovereign Identity is Now](https://medium.com/learning-machine-blog/the-time-for-self-sovereign-identity-is-now-222aab97041b)Kim Hamilton Duffy, Learning Machine (Now Hyland Credentials)
Oldie but Goodie by Kim Hamilton Duffy from when she worked at Learning Machines
> Technically, Verifiable Claims are claims made about a “subject” (identified by a digital identifier such as a DID) that are rendered tamper proof through digital signatures. The authenticity of digital signatures may, in turn, be established through issuer identifiers, which may also be expressed as DIDs.
> At the core of every self-sovereign identity (SSI) use case is what we call the verifiable credentials model. This simple yet effective model helps conceptualize how verifiable credentials are exchanged between people and organizations.
* [According to](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/)W3: "Verifiable credentials represent statements made by an issuer in a tamper-evident and privacy-respecting manner."
* [DID, in short for Decentralized Identifier, is basically a unique string of random numbers and letters](https://twitter.com/fennykyun/status/1564249472053514240)fennykyun
> tldr\
> :: DID is just an URI\
> :: VC is a cryptographically verifiable credential using DID\
> :: SSI is a self-sovereign and privacy-preserving identity
> :: Non-human (Machines, Bots, Goods, anything) also able to have DID, VC, and SSIs
++++ Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/digital-identity-and-attributes-trust-framework
State of Identity
* [Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/digital-identity-and-attributes-trust-framework) State of Identity
> Do you trust technology and government to protect your data? On this week's State of Identity podcast, host, Cameron D'Ambrosi is joined by Gareth Narinesingh, Head of Digital Identity at HooYu to discuss the bridge between payments and identity wallets, the UK's next big push in adopting shared identity standards, and the foundation of decentralized identity verification across Web3 applications and the metaverse.
Do you trust technology and government to protect your data? On this week's State of Identity podcast, host, Cameron D'Ambrosi is joined by Gareth Narinesingh, Head of Digital Identity at HooYu to discuss the bridge between payments and identity wallets, the UK's next big push in adopting shared identity standards, and the foundation of decentralized identity verification across Web3 applications and the metaverse.
* [The Ukrainian War, PKI, and Censorship](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/the_ukrainian_war_pki_and_censorship.shtml) Phil Windley
> PKI has created a global trust framework for the web. But the war in Ukraine has shone a light on its weaknesses. Hierarchies are not good architectures for building robust, trustworthy, and stable digital systems.
++++ The Ukrainian War, PKI, and Censorship https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/the_ukrainian_war_pki_and_censorship.shtml
Phil Windley
* [Digital Caribou looks at the future trends impacting Digital Identity](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/diagnostic-trends-shaping-the-future-of-digital-identification-181724c40068) Caribou Digital
> 1. The state of the art in digital identification are trust frameworks that accommodate diverse technologies, systems and stakeholders\n > 2. Risks remain even within the most rigorous trust framework:\n > 3. Achieving inclusion requires addressing both technical and political dimensions\n > 4. Trust frameworks are complicated so getting governance right requires an ecosystems approach\n > 5. Building the future of digital identification means reckoning with an analogue past
PKI has created a global trust framework for the web. But the war in Ukraine has shone a light on its weaknesses. Hierarchies are not good architectures for building robust, trustworthy, and stable digital systems.
* [Trust Frameworks](https://medium.com/mattr-global/learn-concepts-trust-frameworks-ad96a4427991) Mattr Global
> Trust frameworks are a foundational component of the web of trust. A trust framework is a common set of best practice standards-based rules that ensure minimum requirements are met for security, privacy, identification management and interoperability through accreditation and governance. These operating rules provide a common framework for ecosystem participants, increasing trust between them.
+++> Digital Caribou looks at the future trends impacting Digital Identity https://medium.com/caribou-digital/diagnostic-trends-shaping-the-future-of-digital-identification-181724c40068 > 1. The state of the art in digital identification are trust frameworks that accommodate diverse technologies, systems and stakeholders\n > 2. Risks remain even within the most rigorous trust framework:\n > 3. Achieving inclusion requires addressing both technical and political dimensions\n > 4. Trust frameworks are complicated so getting governance right requires an ecosystems approach\n > 5. Building the future of digital identification means reckoning with an analogue past
* [The trust infrastructure of self-sovereign identity ecosystems](https://ssi-ambassador.medium.com/the-trust-infrastructure-of-self-sovereign-identity-ecosystems-551f46ed9e2c) SSI Ambassador
> The trust infrastructure is concerned with the question of how and why the presented information can be trusted. It defines the rules for all stakeholders and enables legally binding relationships with the combination of governance frameworks, which are built on top of trust frameworks.\n > \n > includes a section on the core components of identity architecture that includes a graphic [based on a post by Phil Windley](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/09/the_architecture_of_identity_systems.shtml)
+++> Trust Frameworks https://medium.com/mattr-global/learn-concepts-trust-frameworks-ad96a4427991 Trust frameworks are a foundational component of the web of trust. A trust framework is a common set of best practice standards-based rules that ensure minimum requirements are met for security, privacy, identification management and interoperability through accreditation and governance. These operating rules provide a common framework for ecosystem participants, increasing trust between them.
* [Battle of the Trust Frameworks with Tim Bouma & Darrell O’Donnell](https://northernblock.io/battle-of-the-trust-frameworks-with-tim-bouma-darrell-odonnell) Northern Block
> 1. Levels of Assurance (LOA): an introduction to LOAs as they relate to Digital Identity and why they’re an important part of the recipe in achieving digital trust. Tim and Darrell give us some practical examples of LOAs.
> 2. The Concept of Trust: how do we define trust at a high-level and how do we differentiate between technical and human trust? How can we build trust with credential issuers but also with credential holders?
> 3. The World of Trust Frameworks: what are trust frameworks and what are different types of frameworks being deployed in both the public and private sectors? How are organizations trying to monetize trust frameworks? What’s going right, and what’s going wrong with the way trust frameworks are being implemented?
> 4. The Importance of Open Source for Trust Creation: why is open source important for achieving digital sovereignty? Is open source the only way to improve transparency, flexibility and accountability?
+++> The trust infrastructure of self-sovereign identity ecosystems https://ssi-ambassador.medium.com/the-trust-infrastructure-of-self-sovereign-identity-ecosystems-551f46ed9e2c The trust infrastructure is concerned with the question of how and why the presented information can be trusted. It defines the rules for all stakeholders and enables legally binding relationships with the combination of governance frameworks, which are built on top of trust frameworks.\n > \n > includes a section on the core components of identity architecture that includes a graphic [based on a post by Phil Windley](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/09/the_architecture_of_identity_systems.shtml)
* [Good Health Pass Ecosystem Trust Architecture: DIDs and X.509 Trust Registries with Ecosystem Governance Frameworks](https://iiw.idcommons.net/23F/_Good_Health_Pass_Ecosystem_Trust_Architecture:_DIDs_and_X.509_Trust_Registries_with_Ecosystem_Governance_Frameworks) Drummond Reed, Scott Perry, Darrell O’Donnell IIW
++++ Battle of the Trust Frameworks with Tim Bouma & Darrell O’Donnell https://northernblock.io/battle-of-the-trust-frameworks-with-tim-bouma-darrell-odonnell
Northern Block
1. Levels of Assurance (LOA): an introduction to LOAs as they relate to Digital Identity and why they’re an important part of the recipe in achieving digital trust. Tim and Darrell give us some practical examples of LOAs.
2. The Concept of Trust: how do we define trust at a high-level and how do we differentiate between technical and human trust? How can we build trust with credential issuers but also with credential holders?
3. The World of Trust Frameworks: what are trust frameworks and what are different types of frameworks being deployed in both the public and private sectors? How are organizations trying to monetize trust frameworks? What’s going right, and what’s going wrong with the way trust frameworks are being implemented?
4. The Importance of Open Source for Trust Creation: why is open source important for achieving digital sovereignty? Is open source the only way to improve transparency, flexibility and accountability?
* [Towards a Better Digital Identity Trust Framework in Aotearoa](https://digitalidentity.nz/2022/09/21/towards-a-better-digital-identity-trust-framework-in-aotearoa/) Digital Identity NZ
> It’s a great pleasure to share with you DINZ Reflections Report, a seminal piece of work that DINZ’s Digital Identity Trust Framework working group has developed over several months.
++++ Good Health Pass Ecosystem Trust Architecture: DIDs and X.509 Trust Registries with Ecosystem Governance Frameworks https://iiw.idcommons.net/23F/_Good_Health_Pass_Ecosystem_Trust_Architecture:_DIDs_and_X.509_Trust_Registries_with_Ecosystem_Governance_Frameworks Drummond Reed, Scott Perry, Darrell O’Donnell
* [Trust Frameworks? Standards Matter](https://medium.com/@trbouma/trust-frameworks-standards-matter-47c946992f44) Tim Bouma
> He points at the NIST documents about it [Developing Trust Frameworks to Support Identity Federations](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2018/NIST.IR.8149.pdf) published in 2018. He also points at the Canadian government’s definition of standards.\n“a document that provides a set of agreed-upon rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results. Standards establish accepted practices, technical requirements, and terminologies for diverse fields.” He goes on to highlight a lot of the work being done in Canada and where it all sits relative to being a standard - “In closing, there are lots of trust frameworks being developed today. But to be truly trusted, a trust framework needs to either apply existing standards or become a standard itself.”
> Right now, we are alpha testing the framework with different kinds of actors, both public and private, and with assessors. Through this process, we’re going to learn what may need to change, and what may not need to change. We’re going to get real knowledge there. I will say that what we’re seeing already, is that DIACC and our priorities are really driven by members.
* Global Problems inhibiting world travel.Many emerging instances of GHP related ecosystems.GHP establishing an umbrella for all GHP-compliant ecosystems.
* Relying on the ToIP Trust stack as an architectural blueprint
* Ecosystem Governance Framework is at the top of a governance and technical stack.
* Some specific Ecosystems need to accommodate x.509 certificate and VC constructs.
* ToIP Stack diagram is undergoing new changes- some new terminology being discussed at IIW.
* Governance and Trust Framework terms are being used as synonyms but we conveyed that Governance Frameworks are over arching of subject Trust Frameworks.
* GHP wll be a General Ecosystem Governance Framework.Overseeing Specific EGFs..
* It is likely to have a GHP compliance but only on the lightweight tenets of interoperability.
* We are introducing a trust registry infrastructure that works with all GHP-compliant ecosystems.
* Issuers within an ecosystem will be included in a trust registry.
* Each Ecosystem must publish its governance framework and make its trust registry available
* All issuers need to be recognized by a governance framework and included in a trust registry
* The second principle is that each specific EGF will identify its trust registry with a DID and specify its trust registry service endpoint(s) in its associated DID document
* The third principle is that each VC issued under a specific EGF will identify its issuer with either:
* a DID
* a URI (for X.509 certificates)
* The final principle is that each VC issued under a specific EGF will identify its type with a type URI. That field will be using common semantics.
* With this architecture, all we need is a simple trust registry protocol to answer the question:
* Is this issuer
* authorized to issue this VC type
* under this specific EGF?
* GOOD - is a pass
* BETTER - may be purpose-limited (“trivial” example -
Links from chat:
* Bart SuichiestoEveryone : the eidas demo is here: [https://essif.adaptivespace.io/](https://essif.adaptivespace.io/)
* Drummond ReedtoEveryone : See the anti-coercion section of the original ToIP RFC: [https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/master/concepts/0289-toip-stack/README.md](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/master/concepts/0289-toip-stack/README.md)
* Sterre den BreeijentoEveryone : [https://blockchain.tno.nl/blog/verify-the-verifier-anti-coercion-by-design/](https://blockchain.tno.nl/blog/verify-the-verifier-anti-coercion-by-design/) Blog on anti-coercion by my colleague Oskar van Deventer
* Drummond ReedtoEveryone : Bart, I am totally on board with the human-readable element for GHP. Happy to chat more with you about that. There is a lot of focus on that in the [Consistent User Experience drafting group](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Consistent+User+Experience+Drafting+Group)
++++ Towards a Better Digital Identity Trust Framework in Aotearoa https://digitalidentity.nz/2022/09/21/towards-a-better-digital-identity-trust-framework-in-aotearoa/
Digital Identity NZ
It’s a great pleasure to share with you DINZ Reflections Report, a seminal piece of work that DINZ’s Digital Identity Trust Framework working group has developed over several months.
+++A Trust Frameworks? Standards Matter https://medium.com/@trbouma/trust-frameworks-standards-matter-47c946992f44 He points at the NIST documents about it [Developing Trust Frameworks to Support Identity Federations](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2018/NIST.IR.8149.pdf) published in 2018. He also points at the Canadian government’s definition of standards.\n“a document that provides a set of agreed-upon rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results. Standards establish accepted practices, technical requirements, and terminologies for diverse fields.” He goes on to highlight a lot of the work being done in Canada and where it all sits relative to being a standard - “In closing, there are lots of trust frameworks being developed today. But to be truly trusted, a trust framework needs to either apply existing standards or become a standard itself.” Tim Bouma
Right now, we are alpha testing the framework with different kinds of actors, both public and private, and with assessors. Through this process, we’re going to learn what may need to change, and what may not need to change. We’re going to get real knowledge there. I will say that what we’re seeing already, is that DIACC and our priorities are really driven by members.
++++ Trinsic Basics: What Is a Trust Registry? https://trinsic.id/trinsic-basics-what-is-a-trust-registry/
Trust registries also need to be interoperable. The [Trust Over IP Foundation](https://www.trustoverip.org/)has a [specification](https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-trust-registry-tf)for an interoperable trust registry, and ours is the first implementation of this spec. Because of this, Trinsic’s Trust Registry Service is architected so that one ecosystem could reference or incorporate a trust registry from a separate ecosystem if needed.
* [Trinsic Basics: What Is a Trust Registry?](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-basics-what-is-a-trust-registry/) Trinsic
> Trust registries also need to be interoperable. The [Trust Over IP Foundation](https://www.trustoverip.org/)has a [specification](https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-trust-registry-tf)for an interoperable trust registry, and ours is the first implementation of this spec. Because of this, Trinsic’s Trust Registry Service is architected so that one ecosystem could reference or incorporate a trust registry from a separate ecosystem if needed.
## Trust Registries
++++ Managing Trust and Reputation via Trust Registries https://www.continuumloop.com/managing-trust-and-reputation-via-trust-registries/
Continuum Loop
* [Managing Trust and Reputation via Trust Registries](https://www.continuumloop.com/managing-trust-and-reputation-via-trust-registries/) Continuum Loop
The concept behind a Trust Registry is that a Wallet needs to know which decentralized identifiers (DIDs) to “trust” as a source of truth. At many levels, this “trust” translates to “authority” – knowing that somebody, centralized or decentralized, is responsible for maintaining a list of trusted DIDs.
* [OIX White Paper: Trust Frameworks for Identity Systems](https://www.oixnet.org/news-whitepaper/)
* [OIX White Paper: Trust Frameworks for Identity Systems](https://www.oixnet.org/news-whitepaper/) OIX
* [Bottom-up Trust Registry in Self Sovereign Identity](https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04624v1)Kai Jun Eer, Jesus Diaz, Markulf Kohlweiss Arxiv
> we propose a trust registry design that handles the aspect of human trust in self sovereign identity. We also introduce an incentivisation mechanism for the trust registry in order to motivate each stakeholder to participate actively and honestly.
* [A novel approach to establish trust in verifiable credential issuers in Self-sovereign identity ecosystems using TRAIN](https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/38702) 2022-07-07 Isaac Johnson Jeyakumar, David Chadwick; Michael Kubach Open Identity Summit
> This paper illustrates how TRAIN (Trust mAnagement INfrastructure), an approach based on established components like ETSI trust lists and the Domain Name System (DNS), can be used as a trust registry component to provide a holistic approach for trust management in SSI ecosystems. TRAIN facilitates individual trust decisions through the discovery of trust lists in SSI ecosystems, along with published credential schemas, so that verifiers can perform informed trust decisions about issued credentials.
* [Trust Registries in the Real World](https://www.continuumloop.com/trust-registries-in-the-real-world/)Continuum Loop
> Trust Registries allow us to know that the various shared credentials (e.g. proof of insurance) are accurate. A Homeowner can ask their Digital Wallet to verify an insurance Credential that the Contractor is honest.
* [Good Welfare, Bad Platforms?: The Risks of Centralized Digital Identity Systems](https://points.datasociety.net/good-welfare-bad-platforms-d65b412d962e) 2022-02-02OpenID
> As S. Shakthi and I noted in a recent [research paper](https://journals.openedition.org/samaj/6279), digital identity systems are widely seen as datafiers by virtue of their core property of reducing the person to machine-readable data. A datafier is a system that performs the crucial operation of converting the physical into digital. A different, contrasting view is also emerging in research: digital identity systems are increasingly seen as platforms, i.e. “technological building blocks” on which different types of complements can be constructed.
* [Identity management is key to increasing security, reducing fraud and developing a seamless customer experience](https://identitypraxis.com/2022/01/07/identity-management-is-key-to-increasing-security-reducing-fraud-and-developing-a-seamless-customer-experience/) 2022-01-07Identity Praxis
> - Identity management is an iterative process with three core elements – initial identification, authentication (re-identifying the individual) and verification (ensuring the individual is who they claim to be)
> - Enterprises employ a vast array of technologies to execute these processes which are growing in scope and complexity
> - Understanding why identity management is necessary to enterprises and how this creates opportunities for vendors
* [Leveraging the Identity Metasystem](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/12/leveraging_the_identity_metasystem.shtml)2021-12 Phil Windley
> the [metasystem guarantees the fidelity of the credential exchange](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/ssi_interaction_patterns.shtml). Credential fidelity comprises four important attributes. Credential exchange on the identity metasystem:
> 1. Reveals the identifier of the issuer
> 2. Ensures the credential was issued to the party presenting it
> 3. Ensures the credential has not been tampered with
> 4. Reveals whether or not the credential has been revoked
> Token-based identity systems move us from talking about who, to thinking about what, so that people can operationalize their digital lives. Token-based identity systems support complex online interactions that are flexible, ad hoc, and cross-domain.
* [Your User is Your API](https://www.evernym.com/blog/your-user-is-your-api/) 2021-05-17Evernym
> The customer becomes the integration point. The customer is the API. Rather than having one huge, expensive, and probably illegal data hub, every customer becomes a data hub in their own right. They provide the data needed, just-in-time, under their control.
* [The Unbundling of Authentication vs Authorization - What You Need to Know](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/authentication-vs-authorization.html) 2021-09-08Ping Identity
> Authentication and authorization are both processes that fall under the category of[identity and access management (IAM)](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2017/what-is-identity-and-access-management-iam.html), but they serve different purposes.
* [To Better Understand Digital Identity, Look to Physics](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/digital-identity-physics.html) 2021-05-17Ping
> In chaotic systems such as those that the discipline of physics seeks to describe, there is also the concept of the “self-organizing principle,” which dictates a tendency for chaotic systems to organize themselves. While this might be a tendency in physics, organization usually needs a nudge in the right direction in the identity world. Proper attention to requirements and a good change control process are a crucial part of the equation.
* [The SSO Practitioner’s Introduction to Decentralized Identity](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/resources/blog/post/sso-practitioners-introduction-decentralized-identity.html)
*Written for IAM professionals familiar with federations.*
> In most self-sovereign and decentralized identity systems the trust model is fundamentally unidirectional, where a verifier will trust the issuer, but the issuer may have no knowledge of the verifier.
* [The Architecture of Identity Systems](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/09/the_architecture_of_identity_systems.shtml) 2020-09 Phil Windley
> We can broadly classify identity systems into one of three types based on their architectures and primary root of trust:
> - Administrative
> - Algorithmic
> - Autonomic
* [Authentic Digital Relationships](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/08/authentic_digital_relationships.shtml) 2020-08 Phil Windley
> Self-sovereign identity (SSI) systems offers an alternative model that supports richer relationships. Rather than provisioning identifiers and accounts in an administrative system where the power imbalance assures that one party to the relationship can dictate the terms of the interaction, SSI is founded on peer relationships that are co-provisioned by the exchange of decentralized identifiers. This architecture implies that both parties will have tools that speak a common protocol.
* [Self-Sovereign vs Administrative Identity](http://blogs.harvard.edu/vrm/2012/03/25/ssi/) 2012-03-25 Doc Searls
> The problem I’m trying to surface here is that we need full respect for self-sovereign identities, and identifiers, before we can solve the problem of highly fractured and incompatible administrative identifiers — a problem that has only become worse with the growth of the Web, where by design we are always the submissive and dependent party: calves to administrative cows.
> Fluid multi-pseudonymity perfectly describes the way we live our lives and the reality that identity systems must realize if we are to live authentically in the digital sphere.‘
* [What Is Zero Trust?](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/what-is-zero-trust.html)Ping
> 1. The network is always assumed to be hostile.
> 2. External and internal threats exist on the network at all times.
> 3. Network locality is not sufficient for deciding trust in a network.
> 4. Every device, user and network flow is authenticated and authorized.
> 5. Policies must be dynamic and calculated from as many sources of data as possible.
* [What's the difference between identification, authentication and authorization?](https://twitter.com/doerkadrian/status/1397566626405421060) 2021-05-26 Adrian Doerk
> - Identification: Who are you?
> - Authentication: Is it you again?
> - Authorization: What rights do I want to grant you?
## Related
* [Understanding Digital Credentials](https://www.bcdiploma.com/en/blog/understanding-digital-credentials-21-05-12)BCdiploma
> We are freeing ourselves from the management of “data hash” which leads to a centralization or complexification of verification procedures. This makes our solution new compared to traditional blockchain applications on the market.
> Dr. Andre Kudra of esatus.com discusses SSI, or Self-Sovereign Identity. It's a hot and fast-moving topic with a growing base of hackers, companies, nonprofits, and whole states, provinces and countries. Aaron Newcomb and Doc Searls probe Andre for lots of great intelligence about how SSI puts individuals in full charge of how they present minimized ID credentials safely, and inside a whole new framework. They also talk with Andre about his involvement with the demoscene and retro computing, which are especially huge in Europe. It's a great discussion on this episode of FLOSS Weekly.
* [An Introduction to Digital Trust](https://northernblock.io/verifiable-credentials/introduction-to-digital-trust/) 2021-09-06Northern Block
> what’s the purpose of SSI? It’s about enabling Digital Trust(which is quickly becoming an integral part of digital transformation for organizations).
* [Badges and Credentials – A new currency for the digital world?](https://www.speexx.com/speexx-resources/podcast/podcast-badges-credentials) 2021-11-12Speexx Exchange
> Listen to this episode for an entertaining deep dive into the topic of badges and credentials, as Donald Taylor sits down with Dr. Doug Belshaw to discuss the importance, various fields of application
* [Passwordless Authentication – Everything You Need to Know](https://imageware.io/passwordless-authentication/) 2021-11-12 Imageware
> When it comes to authentication, passwords were once the safest and most used methods of authentication
* [The Buzz Behind Zero Trust](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/zero-trust-architecture) 2021-10-21State of Identity
> The Zero Trust model is the belief that no one should be trusted from inside or outside your network, until their identity has been verified. Zero trust refers to the alignment of maturing identity practices, an established understanding of user behaviors, and the application of least-privilege access security policy decisions to trust boundOaries
* [Compare and Contrast — Federated Identity vs Self-sovereign Identity](https://academy.affinidi.com/compare-and-contrast-federated-identity-vs-self-sovereign-identity-227a85cbab18)Affinidi
* [Levels of information architecture](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20220815-levels-of-information-architecture/) 2022-08-15reb00ted
> So I propose this outermost framework to help us think about how to interact with shared information environments
@ -147,7 +147,22 @@ As [Mary Lacity](https://walton.uark.edu/departments/information-systems/directo
The global market for identity and access management was $9.53 billion USD in 2018 and is expected to reach $24.76 billion USD by the end of 2026, showing a CAGR of 13.2% during the forecast year.
* [New Indicio Executive Workshop Provides Essential Grounding in Digital Identity: The Business and Investor’s Guide to Self-Sovereign Identity](https://indicio.tech/new-indicio-executive-workshop-provides-essential-grounding-in-digital-identity-the-business-and-investors-guide-to-self-sovereign-identity/)2021-12-14 Scott Harris
> Participants will [walk away with an essential understanding](https://indicio.tech/product/executive-education-ssi-workshop/)of how SSI works, the pain points it solves for, the risks it mitigates, the use cases currently in deployment, and the opportunities that are created by being able to build Trusted Data Ecosystems (TDEs).
* [Who Controls Your Digital Identity?](https://blogs.sap.com/2021/02/18/who-controls-your-digital-identity/) SAP 2021-02-18
> SSI will have to be integrated with large existing business processes – and therefore enterprise systems such as ERPs, HCMs, or SCMs to name a few. If this integration results in SSI being as easy to use as clicking a button or selecting a menu item, it will lead to rapid uptake and acceptance.
* [What Does Self-Sovereign Identity Mean For My Business?](https://www.continuumloop.com/what-does-self-sovereign-identity-mean-for-my-business/)Continuum Loop
> - What will happen if I don’t jump on this train?
> - What would it mean if I didn’t have to own my customer’s digital identity but establish a deep digital relationship with them instead?
> - Do I have the capacity to learn about this? If not, who do you trust to figure it out – both on the business and technical sides.
> - What changes when digital identity becomes a revenue driver and asset for your business? (hint: top and bottom line)
> - Which of my competitors is probably already doing this?
* [Seven Ways Self-Sovereign Identity Can Enable True Digital Transformation](https://www.evernym.com/blog/self-sovereign-identity-digital-transformation/): A CODA
> “Self-Sovereign Identity not only presents an opportunity for businesses to build smarter, more secure, and more scalable relationships with customers; but it will enable them to completely rethink how they build trusted digital relationships from the ground up.”
> We expect Digital Transformationto be a more prevalent talking point around digital identity. FOMO can go a long way, to sell SII, for Goverments and Corporations striving to not be left behind in the digital age.
Decentralized Identity has gone international! In this week’s GIMS, we’ll talk about some of the most exciting projects and some of the lessons learned from around the globe.
* [What’s in Your Data Ecosystem?](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/whats-in-your-data-ecosystem)State of Identity
> Indicio's CEO, Heather Dahl, and CTO, Ken Ebert, identity wallets, verified credentials, the role of the Sovrin Foundation, and new momentum around interoperability across decentralized identity.
* [Part 4: Getting on the Right Data Diet with Verifiable Credentials](https://www.evernym.com/blog/right-data-diet-verifiable-credentials/)
> Apparently gluttony means “overconsumption to the point of waste.” Sadly that feels apt when it comes to customer data APIs.
*[6: Breaking Down Silos with Open Ecosystems and True Data Portability](https://www.evernym.com/blog/open-ecosystems-data-portability/)
> Every company providing a new digital identity solution believes that all the other digital identity options are not good enough, not secure enough, not fast enough. They believe they can do better.
> Yet collaboration will be critical to making digital identity work properly at scale.
* [Part 7: Envy Counting The Cost of Data Collection, And A New Paradigm Of ‘Identity Holder Present’](https://www.evernym.com/blog/identity-holder-present/)
> It all feels like data envy to me. Aristotle described envy as the pain at the sight of another’s good fortune, stirred by “those who have what we ought to have.” Precisely.
* [What is Self Sovereign Identity](https://medium.com/coinmonks/what-is-self-sovereign-identity-a8087b2bf0ea) 2021-10-13Florian Strauf
> The important thing in SSI is that instead of a stamp on the plastic card, the credential is signed cryptographically by the issuer, enabling anyone to verify who issued the credentials. This makes verification much easier than in the physical world.
* [#SSI gives its owner control over some aspects of identity, but not all](https://twitter.com/GETJolocom/status/1470791578780413953) 2021-12-14Jolocom
> Connections, relationships, and third-party issued credentials are not entirely self-sovereign, nor should they be.#JolocomAdvent#AdventCalendar
* [What are Verifiable Credentials? Why do they matter?](https://flur.ee/2022/01/10/what-are-verifiable-credentials-why-do-they-matter/) 2022-01-10 Fluree
> Authority Does Not Require Centralized Power
> As mentioned in my previous article, the trouble with centralization is that data is stored in a database. Once breached, a database can yield a treasure chest of information to be sold on the dark web.
* [What Are Verifiable Credentials? And How Can They Build Digital Trust?](https://www.salesforce.com/blog/verifiable-credentials/) 2022-02-01Salesforce
> Verifiable credentials and verifiable credential management technology offer a direct and secure channel between an organization and its stakeholders. Learn how they bring control over digital identity and build trust with organizations – from health credentials to college degrees.
> Back to the Schelling Point - communication requires a common language and understanding. As governments, banks, hospitals, etc. navigate how best to homogenize authenticating user identities in multiple contexts, solutions will depend on user adoption. Maximizing adoption requires avoiding a Schelling point by creating a shared, accessible, and evolving Decentralized Identity Lexicon.
> In this video, we explain how third parties get to see a lot of personal information about you that they don't really need. Whether it is your local supermarket or your new job, you're often sharing a lot of data when all they really need is a very simple yes or no answer
* [Decentralizing Identity - Taking Back Control](https://www.madigansolutions.com/blog/decentralizing-identity-taking-back-control/) 2021-10-13Madigan Solutions
> In a nutshell, Self-Sovereign Identity allows individuals to manage their own identities by moving physical credentials to digital devices. An individual will receive a credential from an issuer which will be stored in their digital wallet.
* [17 Things You Should Know About Self Sovereign Identity](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/17-things-you-should-know-self-sovereign-identity-colin-iles/) 2021-10-29Colin Iles
> lessons I took away from asking tech identity experts [Andrew Baker](https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-baker-b1357939/)(Head of EC2 Engineering at AWS), our mystery guest and [Marius Mare](https://www.linkedin.com/in/marius-mare-7b8536a/), to why we need self-sovereign identity and why it has such profound implications.
* [Is Self Sovereign Identity Going Exponential - With Andrew Baker and A Suprise Guest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caZnuTBJ_TM) 2021-10-27Colin Iles
* [Video] [Is Self Sovereign Identity Going Exponential - With Andrew Baker and A Suprise Guest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caZnuTBJ_TM) 2021-10-27Colin Iles
> despite the technological revolution we are living through, identity management is still as objectionable as ever, which is allowing criminals and companies (particularly the social media giants) to know more about you than can ever be justifiable.
> In this discussion I ask Andrew Baker, AWS's Head of EC2 Engineering and a surprise guest, to share their views on whether Self Sovereign Identity management could be the solution and how likely it is
* [Digital Identity: The Trending Tech Concept Changing How We Live](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnhall/2021/10/15/digital-identity-the-trending-tech-concept-changing-how-we-live/?sh=3e004c6c2c4c) 2021-10-15Forbes
> Identification is key to our success. It determines the jobs we get, the money we make, how we can manage our health, and more. The fact of the matter is that 3.4 billion people have access to legally recognized identification but still [have difficulty using that identification online](https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/digital-identification-a-key-to-inclusive-growth).
* [Self-Sovereign Identity: a Primer](https://medium.com/@hartmut.obendorf/self-sovereign-identity-a-primer-ee3d7066348a) 2021-08-03Hartmut Obendorf
> Digital trust is often centralised, with select, well-known entities providing an anchor of trust that is propagated to everyone else; you are using this mechanism as you read this paragraph, having accessed a https: URL to find this article on your trusted platform, Medium.
> your digital identityrepresents you as a unique real-life person in a secure digital format. In fact, we likely have many different virtual identities across a spectrum of platforms and services.
* [The Principles of User Sovereignty](https://uxdesign.cc/the-principles-of-user-sovereignty-515ac83401f6)2020-07-31 UXDesign
> “Our identities have no bodies, so, unlike you, we cannot obtain order by physical coercion. We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonweal, our governance will emerge. Our identities may be distributed across many of your jurisdictions. The only law that all our constituent cultures would generally recognize is the Golden Rule. We hope we will be able to build our particular solutions on that basis. But we cannot accept the solutions you are attempting to impose.” — John Perry Barlow
> With DID already being implemented, this new and exciting technology is due to shake up the digital identity space. We expect decentralized identity to continue making headway, with more and more sectors and businesses adopting the technology.
* [Introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity](https://dev.to/jakubkoci/introduction-to-self-sovereign-identity-3kkm)2021-03-28 Jakubkoci
@ -31,8 +39,6 @@ published: false
> our latest series examining the evolution of digital identity, and how self-sovereign identity, specifically, can advance a consent-based economy.
>There seems to exist a trilemma in decentralized identity analogous to @Zooko's triangle. None of the existing solutions are at the same time: 1) privacy-preserving, 2) Sybil-resistant 3) self-sovereign -[[**T**](https://twitter.com/MaciekLaskus/status/1031859093072424960)]
* [Self Sovereign Identity — explained](https://micha-roon.medium.com/self-sovereign-identity-explained-f5380c08e446) 2020-11-11 Micha Roon
> It would be great indeed if digital interactions became even more trustworthy without the need to present our data on a silver platter to large Internet corporations
* [When a user holds his:her own credentials locally on the phone, it creates a three-sided market](https://twitter.com/lissi_id/status/1334834875896004608) 2020-12-04 Lissi ID
> which puts the holder of the credential in the position of a carrier between issuer and verifiers.
@ -55,14 +61,6 @@ The Models: Space Time • Presentation • Attribute • Relationship • Capab
> Decentralized identity is an emerging concept becoming more popular for online consumers by eliminating the need to pass personal identifiable information (PII) to an ever-increasing number of companies. However, in practice, decentralized identity has only existed for a handful of years, and its potential is still being discovered. So how did we get here?
* [SSI Essentials: Everything you need to know about Decentralized Identity](https://gataca.io/blog/ssi-essentials-everything-you-need-to-know-about-decentralized-identity/) 2021-11-29Gataca
> Solving the identity paradox: the tradeoff between privacy, security, & user experience
* [Self-Sovereign Identities in Productive Systems - A Reality Check](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRmhIL9sdd0) 2021-11-25Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
> - Which use cases does SSI have?
> - What is the disruptive potential of SSI’s?
> - Which risks does the adoption of SSI pose?
> - What are the challenges and opportunities of SSI?
> - Where do the limitations of SSI lie?
> - How can SSI be incorporated into existing infrastructure?
> - Which steps need to be taken for the proliferation of SSI?
* [What is Self Sovereign Identity](https://medium.com/coinmonks/what-is-self-sovereign-identity-a8087b2bf0ea)2021-10-13 Florian Strauf
> the digital representation of the identification process we know from the physical world. Things like showing our driver’s license to prove we are allowed to drive, or sending a bank statement to a real estate agent to prove our income and account balance.
* [Self Sovereign Identity Explainer](https://www.didas.swiss/2021/12/17/self-sovereign-identity-explainer-introduction-to-the-world-of-ssi/) 2021-12-17 DIDAS Swiss ([PDF](https://www.didas.swiss/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/SSI-Explainer-Introduction-final.pdf)
@ -73,22 +71,24 @@ The Models: Space Time • Presentation • Attribute • Relationship • Capab
> John Phillips from 460degrees in Australia has been exploring with his team for more than two years for a way to describe Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) that was easy to understand. We think he has found a good method to make SSI easy to understand for any C-suite executive and business people that goes beyond the technology.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity: The Ultimate Beginners Guide!](https://101blockchains.com/self-sovereign-identity/) 2021-02-23101 Blockchains
> Apart from addressing the pitfalls in conventional identity management systems, SSI allows better functionalities for all users. With a wide range of benefits and the self-sovereign identity blockchain applications, it is important to take a step towards adopting SSI solutions.
* [Understanding the SSI Identity Model with Verifiable Credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRuz39SEX7E) 2021-11-13Manning
* [Video] [Understanding the SSI Identity Model with Verifiable Credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRuz39SEX7E) 2021-11-13Manning
> Drummond Reed, an expert in Internet identity, security, privacy, and trust frameworks, explains the basic building blocks of SSI and how this new identity model fundamentally works.
* [The 5P’s of a Self-Sovereign Identity](https://markvanrijmenam.medium.com/the-5ps-of-a-self-sovereign-identity-e6f6eb802d75) 2019-06-05 Dr Mark van Rijmenam
> A self-sovereign identity can be defined by the 5P’s as it is personal (it is about you), portable (meaning you can take your identity and data from one platform to another), private (you control your identity and data), persistent (it does not change without your consent) and protected (they cannot steal your identity).
* [Digital identities – steps on the path to an ID ecosystem](https://bankenverband.de/en/digitisation/digital-identities-steps-path-id-ecosystem/) 2021-03-18Bankenverband
*This article is very very good in articulating the big picture of how SSI systems relative to older system and emerging fragmetned systems.*
> An answer to these challenges is an ecosystem in which digital identity data can be exchanged in a way that is secure, reliable, scalable and convenient. This will have a positive impact on the economic future of Germany and Europe while at the same time enhancing the private sphere of the individual.
* [Selective Disclosure: Share Just What You Want](https://academy.affinidi.com/selective-disclosure-share-what-you-want-8ae367655b7b) 2021-08-02Affinidi
> In the context of SSI, selective disclosure is best implemented through[verifiable credentials](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-are-verifiable-credentials-79f1846a7b9)where the user has separate credentials for each piece of information such as his/her date of birth, full name, vaccination details, address, passport number, etc.
* [A beginner’s guide to self-sovereign identity (SSI)](https://domilabs.io/beginners-guide-ssi/) 2021-06-02 Domilabs
> An issuer makes claims or assertions about a user. These claims are bundled together into verifiable credentials and given to the user, who stores them in their digital wallet. From there, they can decide which verifiers they want to present these credentials to.
* [Self-Sovereign ID (SSI), The Unhackable Digital ID: What It Is and How It Works](https://www.memberpass.com/2021/04/self-sovereign-id-ssi-the-unhackable-digital-id-what-it-is-and-how-it-works/) 2021-04 MemberPass
> * The Siloed Model: The organization owns the member information, not the member.
> * The Federated Model: The identity providers (IDP) owns the member data, not the member.
> * The Best Model: SSI • The members own their own data!
* [Karyl Fowler (Transmute) and Juan Caballero (DIF) present Intro to SSI at #IIW31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaM0UtQTLCs) 2020-10 Keryl Fowler, Juan Caballero [Slides](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_9jCcxgcCrL4Dfjvr4z7XSIwxfadjveR/view?usp=sharingQ)
* [Video] [Karyl Fowler (Transmute) and Juan Caballero (DIF) present Intro to SSI at #IIW31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaM0UtQTLCs) 2020-10 Keryl Fowler, Juan Caballero [Slides](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_9jCcxgcCrL4Dfjvr4z7XSIwxfadjveR/view?usp=sharingQ)
> Karyl and Juan revisited their slide deck from #IIW30 to give an overview of decentralized identity first as a "philosophy" at the confluence of ideological currents (Juan), and then as a set of specific emerging technologies which unlocks new mental models and business models that are still coming into focus sector by sector (Karyl). There follows a brief overview of educational resources, including some products of DIF's recent educational "content sprint," and a wide-ranging Q&A including podcast recommendations and how to navigate open standards for the first time. The slides are here, in downloadable and hyperlinked PDF form:
* [Podcast] [Defining Self-Sovereign Identity with Kaliya Young](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCmMNDJcHuo) 2021-06-02 Coding Over Cocktails
* [Video] [Defining Self-Sovereign Identity with Kaliya Young](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCmMNDJcHuo) 2021-06-02 Coding Over Cocktails
> In this short preview, "Identity Woman" and digital identity advocate Kaliya Young tackles the issues around self-sovereign identity and how individuals are the rightful points of federation in sharing and controlling their online information.
* [19 FAQs on Verifiable Credentials and Self-Sovereign Identity](https://academy.affinidi.com/faqs-on-verifiable-credentials-and-self-sovereign-identity-3c3a505878bc) 2021-05-31 Affinidi
> This article has some FAQs on the basics of Verifiable Credentials (VCs) and Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).
@ -96,8 +96,6 @@ The Models: Space Time • Presentation • Attribute • Relationship • Capab
> it gives complete control and ownership of data to the individual entities as they can decide what data to share and with whom.
> Beyond this encompassing vision, let’s drill down into the specifics to understand what you can and can’t do with SSI.
* [A Digital Identity Revolution](https://www.traceyfollows.com/a-digital-identity-revolution/)Tracey Follows
> In order to better understand the benefits and drawbacks of such a verification system, we have to look at the future and work backward to make the right decisions today.
* [The Basic Building Blocks of SSI](https://freecontent.manning.com/the-basic-building-blocks-of-ssi/) 2020-07-29 Drummond Reed, Alex PreukschatManning
> In many cases these core concepts have been established for decades. What’s new is how they’re put together to create a new model for digital identity management. The purpose of this article is to quickly familiarize you with these seven basic building blocks from a conceptual and technical point-of-view.
> - Verifiable credentials (aka digital credentials)
@ -111,9 +109,6 @@ The Models: Space Time • Presentation • Attribute • Relationship • Capab
> If the internet decentralized information and crypto decentralized money and payments, then verifiable credentials will decentralize identity. In this episode, we chat with Dev Bharel, the software architect leading the charge around verifiable credentials at GlobaliD.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity: What’s the Big Deal?](https://hackernoon.com/self-sovereign-identity-whats-the-big-deal-6i1a37z3) 2021-07-06Affinidi, Hackernoon
> Do you know where your digital credentials like your full name, date of birth, phone number, government ID, and other Personally Identifiable Information (PII) are stored online, and how they are used?
* [The Role of Identity in Creating a Better Internet with Kaliya Young — Structure 3C](https://www.structure3c.com/cohere/online-identity-kaliya-young) 2021-11-21CoHere
*Kaliya talking with a colleague from way back Bill Johnston.*
> On this episode of the Cohere podcast, Kaliya joins Bill to discuss the history of online identity, what events led us to the consolidation of identity into a few centralized platforms, and what steps we need to take to recover and protect our online identities.
* [Bright Story: Self Sovereign Identity](https://www.brightlands.com/brightlands-smart-services-campus/bright-story-self-sovereign-identity)2019-05-05 Brightlands ([EN](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.brightlands.com/brightlands-smart-services-campus/bright-story-self-sovereign-identity))
> the benefits (The good) of SSI are illustrated with a range of examples, comparing SSI-based business transactions to their current non-SSI-based equivalents and thus more cumbersome.
@ -135,6 +130,8 @@ The Models: Space Time • Presentation • Attribute • Relationship • Capab
> - For asset ownership, decentralized finance (DeFi), and crypto markets
## Security
* [Getting Data Security Right](https://medium.com/mydex/getting-data-security-right-36d291cac156)Alan Michel
> data security is about system-wide design, where many different elements need to fit together to create a working whole.
* [ID Verification Threats On the Horizon](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/id-verification-threats-on-the-horizon) 2022-03-31Liminal Podcasts
> Cognito's CEO Alain Meier joins the State of Identity host Cameron D’Ambrosi to dive into why industries beyond financial services are now in the market for identity verification. They also unpack the impact of synthetic identity fraud across verticals, and how platforms find the balance when building their onboarding processes.
* [How Decentralized Identifiers Will Shape the Future of Identity](https://hackernoon.com/how-decentralized-identifiers-will-shape-the-future-of-identity-iam3w9g) 2020-11-09 HackerNoon
@ -143,8 +140,15 @@ The Models: Space Time • Presentation • Attribute • Relationship • Capab
> Why portable security is the sleeper — but killer — feature for SSI
> what’s cool about DIDs (besides their self-service creation) is that their metadata is cryptographically verifiable. That means that anyone in the world can tell whether the metadata is legit, in the blink of an eye, just by asking software to check some math. And it also means that you can build a transport-independent, tamper-proof, encrypted communication channel with whoever controls a DID.
* [Impact of Self-Sovereign Identity on Cybersecurity](https://securityboulevard.com/2022/04/impact-of-self-sovereign-identity-on-cybersecurity-avast/) 2022-04 Security Boulevard
> How does this change the world of cybersecurity protection? Typically, bad actors approach cybersecurity attacks by developing solutions that exploit the attack vectors of their target victims.
> There are 4 attack vector categories to self-sovereign identity that map directly to each element: Issuer, Holder, Trust Registry and Verifier.
## Cryptography
* [The Use of Self-Sovereign Identity With Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)](https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/self-sovereign-identity-with-zero-knowledge-proof-9a05f36f16da)Data Driven Investor
* [Part 5: How Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) Enable Smarter Customer Insights, With Less Liability](https://www.evernym.com/blog/zero-knowledge-proofs/)
> Put simply, most organizations are unthinkingly collecting more data from customers, without understanding the true impact: the real costs to themselves, and to customers.
* [Privacy-Preserving Authentication, Another Reason to Care about Zero-Knowledge Proofs —slideshare](https://www.slideshare.net/eralcnoslen/privacypreserving-authentication-another-reason-to-care-about-zeroknowledge-proofs) 2017-08-14 Clare Nelson
> In the near future, privacy-preserving authentication methods will flood the market, and they will be based on Zero-Knowledge Proofs. IBM and Microsoft invested in these solutions many years ago.
* [How to Explain Public-Key Cryptography and Digital Signatures to Anyone](https://auth0.com/blog/how-to-explain-public-key-cryptography-digital-signatures-to-anyone/)
@ -152,258 +156,72 @@ The Models: Space Time • Presentation • Attribute • Relationship • Capab
* [Zero Knowledge Proofs](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/11/zero_knowledge_proofs.shtml)2021-11 Phil Windley
> This problem was first explored by MIT researchers Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali and Charles Rackoff in the 1980s as a way of combatting information leakage. The goal is to reduce the amount of extra information the verifier, Victor, can learn about the prover, Peggy.
## System Architecture
* [Good Welfare, Bad Platforms?: The Risks of Centralized Digital Identity Systems](https://points.datasociety.net/good-welfare-bad-platforms-d65b412d962e) 2022-02-02OpenID
> As S. Shakthi and I noted in a recent [research paper](https://journals.openedition.org/samaj/6279), digital identity systems are widely seen as datafiers by virtue of their core property of reducing the person to machine-readable data. A datafier is a system that performs the crucial operation of converting the physical into digital. A different, contrasting view is also emerging in research: digital identity systems are increasingly seen as platforms, i.e. “technological building blocks” on which different types of complements can be constructed.
* [Identity management is key to increasing security, reducing fraud and developing a seamless customer experience](https://identitypraxis.com/2022/01/07/identity-management-is-key-to-increasing-security-reducing-fraud-and-developing-a-seamless-customer-experience/) 2022-01-07Identity Praxis
> - Identity management is an iterative process with three core elements – initial identification, authentication (re-identifying the individual) and verification (ensuring the individual is who they claim to be)
> - Enterprises employ a vast array of technologies to execute these processes which are growing in scope and complexity
> - Understanding why identity management is necessary to enterprises and how this creates opportunities for vendors
* [Leveraging the Identity Metasystem](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/12/leveraging_the_identity_metasystem.shtml)2021-12 Phil Windley
> the [metasystem guarantees the fidelity of the credential exchange](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/ssi_interaction_patterns.shtml). Credential fidelity comprises four important attributes. Credential exchange on the identity metasystem:
> 1. Reveals the identifier of the issuer
> 2. Ensures the credential was issued to the party presenting it
> 3. Ensures the credential has not been tampered with
> 4. Reveals whether or not the credential has been revoked
> Token-based identity systems move us from talking about who, to thinking about what, so that people can operationalize their digital lives. Token-based identity systems support complex online interactions that are flexible, ad hoc, and cross-domain.
* [Your User is Your API](https://www.evernym.com/blog/your-user-is-your-api/) 2021-05-17Evernym
> The customer becomes the integration point. The customer is the API. Rather than having one huge, expensive, and probably illegal data hub, every customer becomes a data hub in their own right. They provide the data needed, just-in-time, under their control.
* [The Unbundling of Authentication vs Authorization - What You Need to Know](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/authentication-vs-authorization.html) 2021-09-08Ping Identity
> Authentication and authorization are both processes that fall under the category of[identity and access management (IAM)](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2017/what-is-identity-and-access-management-iam.html), but they serve different purposes.
* [To Better Understand Digital Identity, Look to Physics](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/digital-identity-physics.html) 2021-05-17Ping
> In chaotic systems such as those that the discipline of physics seeks to describe, there is also the concept of the “self-organizing principle,” which dictates a tendency for chaotic systems to organize themselves. While this might be a tendency in physics, organization usually needs a nudge in the right direction in the identity world. Proper attention to requirements and a good change control process are a crucial part of the equation.
* [The SSO Practitioner’s Introduction to Decentralized Identity](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/resources/blog/post/sso-practitioners-introduction-decentralized-identity.html)
*Written for IAM professionals familiar with federations.*
> In most self-sovereign and decentralized identity systems the trust model is fundamentally unidirectional, where a verifier will trust the issuer, but the issuer may have no knowledge of the verifier.
* [The Architecture of Identity Systems](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/09/the_architecture_of_identity_systems.shtml) 2020-09 Phil Windley
> We can broadly classify identity systems into one of three types based on their architectures and primary root of trust:
> - Administrative
> - Algorithmic
> - Autonomic
* [Authentic Digital Relationships](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/08/authentic_digital_relationships.shtml) 2020-08 Phil Windley
> Self-sovereign identity (SSI) systems offers an alternative model that supports richer relationships. Rather than provisioning identifiers and accounts in an administrative system where the power imbalance assures that one party to the relationship can dictate the terms of the interaction, SSI is founded on peer relationships that are co-provisioned by the exchange of decentralized identifiers. This architecture implies that both parties will have tools that speak a common protocol.
* [Self-Sovereign vs Administrative Identity](http://blogs.harvard.edu/vrm/2012/03/25/ssi/) 2012-03-25 Doc Searls
> The problem I’m trying to surface here is that we need full respect for self-sovereign identities, and identifiers, before we can solve the problem of highly fractured and incompatible administrative identifiers — a problem that has only become worse with the growth of the Web, where by design we are always the submissive and dependent party: calves to administrative cows.
> Fluid multi-pseudonymity perfectly describes the way we live our lives and the reality that identity systems must realize if we are to live authentically in the digital sphere.‘
* [What Is Zero Trust?](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/what-is-zero-trust.html)Ping
> 1. The network is always assumed to be hostile.
> 2. External and internal threats exist on the network at all times.
> 3. Network locality is not sufficient for deciding trust in a network.
> 4. Every device, user and network flow is authenticated and authorized.
> 5. Policies must be dynamic and calculated from as many sources of data as possible.
* [What's the difference between identification, authentication and authorization?](https://twitter.com/doerkadrian/status/1397566626405421060) 2021-05-26 Adrian Doerk
> - Identification: Who are you?
> - Authentication: Is it you again?
> - Authorization: What rights do I want to grant you?
## Related
* [Understanding Digital Credentials](https://www.bcdiploma.com/en/blog/understanding-digital-credentials-21-05-12)BCdiploma
> We are freeing ourselves from the management of “data hash” which leads to a centralization or complexification of verification procedures. This makes our solution new compared to traditional blockchain applications on the market.
> Dr. Andre Kudra of esatus.com discusses SSI, or Self-Sovereign Identity. It's a hot and fast-moving topic with a growing base of hackers, companies, nonprofits, and whole states, provinces and countries. Aaron Newcomb and Doc Searls probe Andre for lots of great intelligence about how SSI puts individuals in full charge of how they present minimized ID credentials safely, and inside a whole new framework. They also talk with Andre about his involvement with the demoscene and retro computing, which are especially huge in Europe. It's a great discussion on this episode of FLOSS Weekly.
* [An Introduction to Digital Trust](https://northernblock.io/verifiable-credentials/introduction-to-digital-trust/) 2021-09-06Northern Block
> what’s the purpose of SSI? It’s about enabling Digital Trust(which is quickly becoming an integral part of digital transformation for organizations).
* [Badges and Credentials – A new currency for the digital world?](https://www.speexx.com/speexx-resources/podcast/podcast-badges-credentials) 2021-11-12Speexx Exchange
> Listen to this episode for an entertaining deep dive into the topic of badges and credentials, as Donald Taylor sits down with Dr. Doug Belshaw to discuss the importance, various fields of application
## Business
* [New Indicio Executive Workshop Provides Essential Grounding in Digital Identity: The Business and Investor’s Guide to Self-Sovereign Identity](https://indicio.tech/new-indicio-executive-workshop-provides-essential-grounding-in-digital-identity-the-business-and-investors-guide-to-self-sovereign-identity/)2021-12-14 Scott Harris
> Participants will [walk away with an essential understanding](https://indicio.tech/product/executive-education-ssi-workshop/)of how SSI works, the pain points it solves for, the risks it mitigates, the use cases currently in deployment, and the opportunities that are created by being able to build Trusted Data Ecosystems (TDEs).
* [Who Controls Your Digital Identity?](https://blogs.sap.com/2021/02/18/who-controls-your-digital-identity/) SAP 2021-02-18
> SSI will have to be integrated with large existing business processes – and therefore enterprise systems such as ERPs, HCMs, or SCMs to name a few. If this integration results in SSI being as easy to use as clicking a button or selecting a menu item, it will lead to rapid uptake and acceptance.
## Development
* [Comparing X.509 Certificates with SSI](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/05/comparing_x509_certificates_with_ssi.shtml)Windley
> X.509 certificates have been around for 40 years and have proven to be a trustworthy means of exchanging data. So, what are the differences between X.509 ceritificates and SSI? And what are the advantages of each?
* [resources] [Getting Started with Self Sovereign Identity SSI](https://damienbod.com/2021/03/29/getting-started-with-self-sovereign-identity-ssi/) 2021-03-29
> The blog is my getting started with Self Sovereign identity. I plan to explore developing solutions using Self Sovereign Identities, the different services and evaluate some of the user cases in the next couple of blogs.
* [Bootstrapping a VDR-based Fully Decentralized Object (FDO)/Credential Platform: VON Example](https://hyperonomy.com/2021/07/26/bootstrapping-a-vdr-based-decentralized-credential-object-platform-von-example/) 2021-07-26 Hyperonomy
> What are the common/known strategies for bootstrapping a VDR-based decentralized credential/object platform? …asked naively on purpose. Strategies for placing the first/initial DIDs in the VDR? …presumably purposed to be the initial Issuer(s) of verifiable
* [Challenges to Self-Sovereign Identity](https://damienbod.com/2021/10/11/challenges-to-self-sovereign-identity/) 2021-10-11 Damien Bod
> I based my findings after implementing and testing solutions and wallets with the following SSI solution providers:
> - [Trinsic](https://trinsic.id/)
> - [MATTR.global](https://mattr.global/)
> - [Evernym](https://www.evernym.com/)
> - [Azure Active Directory Verifiable Credentials](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/verifiable-credentials/)
> - Different Wallets like [Lissi](https://lissi.id/)
* [#SSI gives its owner control over some aspects of identity, but not all](https://twitter.com/GETJolocom/status/1470791578780413953) 2021-12-14Jolocom
> Connections, relationships, and third-party issued credentials are not entirely self-sovereign, nor should they be.#JolocomAdvent#AdventCalendar
* [What are Verifiable Credentials? Why do they matter?](https://flur.ee/2022/01/10/what-are-verifiable-credentials-why-do-they-matter/) 2022-01-10 Fluree
> Authority Does Not Require Centralized Power
> As mentioned in my previous article, the trouble with centralization is that data is stored in a database. Once breached, a database can yield a treasure chest of information to be sold on the dark web.
* [What Are Verifiable Credentials? And How Can They Build Digital Trust?](https://www.salesforce.com/blog/verifiable-credentials/) 2022-02-01Salesforce
> Verifiable credentials and verifiable credential management technology offer a direct and secure channel between an organization and its stakeholders. Learn how they bring control over digital identity and build trust with organizations – from health credentials to college degrees.
> Back to the Schelling Point - communication requires a common language and understanding. As governments, banks, hospitals, etc. navigate how best to homogenize authenticating user identities in multiple contexts, solutions will depend on user adoption. Maximizing adoption requires avoiding a Schelling point by creating a shared, accessible, and evolving Decentralized Identity Lexicon.
> In this video, we explain how third parties get to see a lot of personal information about you that they don't really need. Whether it is your local supermarket or your new job, you're often sharing a lot of data when all they really need is a very simple yes or no answer.
* [Self Sovereign Identity Explainer](https://www.didas.swiss/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/SSI-Explainer-Introduction-final.pdf)DIDAS
> With this presentation we start the Self-Sovereign Identity journey for all Swiss people.
We look forward to exploring further relevant topics with you in the near future!
* [Privacy, Authenticity, and Confidentiality](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/privacy_authenticity_and_confidentiality.shtml)Phil Windely
> Authenticity allows parties to a conversation to know to whom they are talking. Confidentiality ensures that the content of the conversation is protected from others. These three create a tradespace because you can't achieve all three at the same time.
> Verifiable Credentials, its infrastructure ([European Blockchain Services Infrastructure](https://ec.europa.eu/ebsi), EBSI), and the vast opportunities that it currently provides, through a user’s journey (“Eva’s trip”).
* [Impacts from a new reality drive the need for an enhanced digital identity framework](https://bankautomationnews.com/allposts/risk-security/impacts-from-a-new-reality-drive-the-need-for-an-enhanced-digital-identity-framework/)Bank Automation News
> Consumers will benefit in instances such as loan processing (with accompanying credit check verification) or when establishing a new bank account or a new internet contract (with identity and residency manual verification).
Service providers may benefit, as they will be able to minimize fraudulent account creation and simultaneously protect both parties from phishing attacks.
* [Perkins Coie on Twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/PerkinsCoieLLP/status/1498757491659878401)
> On the @IAlsoPodcast, partner Charlyn Ho discusses w/hosts @nicolekyle and @SophieWHolm#digitalidentity, how #blockchain empowers users to take control of their data, #privacy under #Web2 vs. #Web3, and more. Tune in 🎧: [https://apple.co/3IvGVjr](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/45-self-sovereign-digital-identity-blockchain-web3/id1510232581?i=1000552163633). #womenintech#ialsowantmoney
* [Blockchain for Decentralized Identity — Self-Sovereign Identity De-mystified](https://medium.com/blockchain-for-decentralized-identity/blockchain-for-decentralized-identity-self-sovereign-identity-de-mystified-f9bebd006e84)Anita Rao
> Web 3.0 presents a promise to address the above issues with Identity. The term Web 3.0 refers to a decentralized internet that uses crypto tokens. Decentralization is at the heart of Web 3.0 which has the potential to democratize technology and put the users in control of their data.
* [My first attempt at a business blockchain flowchart](https://twitter.com/JonRamvi/status/1491701376367403016) JonRamvi
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is rooted in the belief that individuals have the right to an identity independent of reliance on a third-party identity provider, such as the state or any other central authority. Its implementation requires the development of technical standards, as well as socio-political adaptations rooted in legal amendments in order to be successful.
> Unlike the existing system, it’s a user-centric and user-controlled approach to exchanging authentic data in a much more secure way. Authentic data is information that’s source can be proven.
* [Passwordless Authentication – Everything You Need to Know](https://imageware.io/passwordless-authentication/)
> When it comes to authentication, passwords were once the safest and most used methods of authentication
> Decentralized digital identities are only possible due to cryptography. One of the cornerstones is asymmetric encryption. A key pair is generated using a cryptographic process. The pair consists of a public and a private key. As the names suggest, the private key must remain private and the public key can be shared.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Foam Figure Explainer v2 - this time with two cameras](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81GkdBRmsbE)John Phillips
* [Three approaches to Self-Sovereign Identity based on blockchain](https://medium.com/coinmonks/three-approaches-to-self-sovereign-identity-based-on-blockchain-301b18a49345)
In this short article, we investigate three different approaches to how SSI concepts map on the blockchain infrastructure.
* [...]
The third approach is, in a way, derived from the previous one, and is the one pursued by [uPort/Serto](https://www.uport.me/): the blockchain has one single registry that tracks down just the revocation of credentials,
* [The Buzz Behind Zero Trust](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/zero-trust-architecture)State of Identity
> The Zero Trust model is the belief that no one should be trusted from inside or outside your network, until their identity has been verified. Zero trust refers to the alignment of maturing identity practices, an established understanding of user behaviors, and the application of least-privilege access security policy decisions to trust boundOaries
* [8 Benefits of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/eight-benefits-mfa.html)Ping
> Multi-factor authentication takes it step further by requiring users to provide proof from two or more authentication factors (categories) before access is granted.
* [Challenges to Self Sovereign Identity](https://damienbod.com/2021/10/11/challenges-to-self-sovereign-identity/)Damien Bod 2021-10-11
> The article goes through some of the challenges we face when using or implementing identity, authentication and authorization solutions using self sovereign identity. I based my findings after implementing and testing solutions and wallets with the following SSI solution providers: Trinsic MATTR.global Evernym Azure Active Directory Verifiable Credentials Different Wallets like Lissi SSI
* [Our Ultimate Guide to Authentication: Types, Mechanisms, Forms, Protocols and More](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/ultimate-guide-authentication.html)Ping Identity
> When organizations employ authentication factors and protocols in a well-thought-out manner, users can still have excellent experiences while security administrators and auditors know operations are being executed securely. As we have seen, there are a number of ways to provide these services in any organization.
* [ID Token and Access Token: What Is the Difference?](https://auth0.com/blog/id-token-access-token-what-is-the-difference/)
> "Let’s use a token to secure this API call. Should I use the ID token or the access token? 🤔 The ID token looks nicer to me. After all, if I know who the user is, I can make better authorization decisions, right?"
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Foundations, Applications, and Potentials of Portable Digital Identities](https://www.fim-rc.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210811-SSI-Whitepaper-English.pdf)
> Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Project Group Business & Information Systems Engineering
## Germany
* [Decentralization is the Future of Digitization](https://jolocom.io/blog/decentralization-is-the-future-of-digitization/)Jolocom
> Digital identity data is introduced as having a positive impact on Germany’s future as well as Europe’s. Following, benefits of a decentralized identity based on a fully open infrastructure are given.
## Markets
* [What Will We Learn from the Market Failure of Digital Identity?](https://identiverse.com/idv2022/session/841420/)Identiverse
> We have a widely accepted Standard Model of Identity, or architecture, in which Subjects, Identity Providers and Relying Parties (aka Holders, Issuers and Verifiers) hold, present, exchange, use and/or consume digital identities.
## Education
* [Advocating for learner-centric badge systems](https://blog.weareopen.coop/advocating-for-learner-centric-badge-systems-21a65be4a725)We Are Open Coop
> how do we advocate for learner-centric badge systems? This is the piece that we’ve been thinking about the past couple of weeks.
## Architecture
* [Crafting a “no-bs” SSI platform](https://medium.com/@adityasanthanam/crafting-a-no-bs-ssi-platform-454b1d9c6f8d)Aditya Santhanarn
> Let’s look at a few pointers that I believe make it hard for the web3 protocols to work for businesses and users in general
## Atla PRISM
* [Video] [Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) & Atala PRISM with Allison Fromm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSG148jbErs)Cardano Catalyst Women
> - [0:15:55] Getting Started with SSI: A Catalyst Proposal
> - [0:20:11] Conclusion
> - [0:22:20] Core team
> - [0:24:05] Questions
## Reputation
* [Video] [SSI & Proof of Reputation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S95BoGgy3x0)Catalyst Swarm
> Join Frank Albanese (Snapbrillia), Lance Byrd (RootsID), Nick Mason (ProofSpace), Niels Kijf (Design Academy), Patrick Suzzi (F8 OSDE), Juan Sierra (HERG), Zoéys Welt, Brian Harper, Ashton Engberg, Ninh Tran (Snapbrillia) and many others as the community discusses the different what is SSI & Proof of Reputation and why it matters.
## Big Picture
* [Unwrapping the Decentralised Identity Landscape](https://www.affinidi.com/post/unwrapping-the-decentralised-identity-landscape)Affinidi
> I have developed a pet peeve for "technosolutionism": the notion that a sufficiently innovative technology can solve a social problem, or a business problem, without complex and nuanced changes to social and business practice.
## Blockchain
* [ISO/TR 23249:2022 – Overview of existing DLT systems for identity management](https://www.iso.org/standard/80805.html)ISO
* [Can Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) fit within the GDPR? : a Conceptual Data Protection Analysis (Part II)](https://www.law.kuleuven.be/citip/blog/can-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-fit-within-the-gdpr-part-ii/)
* [Can Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) fit within the GDPR?: a Conceptual Data Protection Analysis (Part I)](https://www.law.kuleuven.be/citip/blog/can-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-fit-within-the-gdpr-part-i/)
## Government
* [Why Self-Sovereign Identity is a Game Changer for Government-Resident Interactions](https://www.gcomsoft.com/blog/why-self-sovereign-identity-game-changer-government-resident-interactions)
## Trending
* New Encyclopedia entry [Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/23650) Encyclopedia.pub
* [Whitepaper] [Self-Sovereign Identity Foundations, Applications, and Potentials of Portable Digital Identities](https://www.fim-rc.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210811-SSI-Whitepaper-English.pdf) 2021-09 Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT
> This paper analyses the SSI paradigm's conceptual characteristics and technical aspects and presents three use cases as examples. It becomes clear that SSI offers advantages in individual control, data security, and full portability of identities between different services. For example, forgeryand tamper-proof digital versions of important personal documents such as ID cards, passports, birth certificates or medical confirmations can be created. However, the use cases are not limited to personal SSI but can also be, for example, digital identities of organizations and physical objects in the context of IoT solutions. This is particularly important in connection with the comprehensive digitization of companies.
* [What is the Trust Triangle?](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-is-the-trust-triangle-9a9caf36b321)Affinidi
> The relationship between the issuers, holders, and verifiers is called the trust triangle simply because you need an element of trust among these entities for them to work together.
* [Do You Need Blockchain for Enabling SSI?](https://academy.affinidi.com/do-you-need-blockchain-for-enabling-ssi-452d62b34890)Affinidi
> We hope this will get you thinking about enabling SSI using an option that best suits your application or business requirement.
* [Identities Evolve: Why Federated Identity is Easier Said than Done](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2163241)SSRN
> This paper shows that federated identity is really a radical and deeply problematic departure from the way we do routine business. Federation undoes and complicates long standing business arrangements, exposing customers and service providers alike to new risks that existing contracts are unable to deal with. Identity federations tend to overlook that identities are proxies for relationships we have in different contexts. Business relationships don’t easily “interoperate."
* [Verifiable credentials are key to the future of online privacy](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/07/26/verifiable-credentials/)Helpnet 2021-07-26
> they offer a few advantages that we don’t get with paper records. Whereas a physical document (let’s say, a[vaccine card](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/06/15/vaccine-passports/)) can be forged and[passed off as authentic](https://www.npr.org/2021/06/08/1004264531/fake-covid-vaccine-cards-keep-getting-sold-online-using-one-is-a-crime?t=1626423870877), the[security mechanisms](https://www.evernym.com/blog/the-three-pillars-of-self-sovereign-identity/)behind a verifiable credential means that it can never be tampered with and that anyone shown the credential will be able to immediately verify who issued it and to whom it was issued. 2021-06-08
* [Selective Disclosure: Share Just What You Want](https://academy.affinidi.com/selective-disclosure-share-what-you-want-8ae367655b7b)Affinidi
> In the context of SSI, selective disclosure is best implemented through[verifiable credentials](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-are-verifiable-credentials-79f1846a7b9)where the user has separate credentials for each piece of information such as his/her date of birth, full name, vaccination details, address, passport number, etc.
* [IDENTOS prepares customers for verifiable credentials](https://www.identos.ca/identos-prepares-customers-for-verifiable-credentials/)Identos
> Rather than trying to paste everything and everyone together, the path forward to help build trusted ecosystems relies on interoperability and leveraging existing assets while positioning the user in a disintermediated model of control and agency — possible with FPX and verifiable credentials.
## [Sebastian Gebski's Reviews](https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/11116469-sebastian-gebski?shelf=read)> Self-Sovereign Identity: Decentralized Digital Identity and Verifiable Credentials by Alex Preukschat, Drummond Reed
highly recommended. I strongly believe that the concept of SSI will be extremely important in the future - that's actually one of the few implementations on the blockchain that make a lot of sense.
* [Techno-Feudalism Is Taking Over](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14V0keLs0r3AMGHRysFDI_-yRj4DsAHyq8cVk3-Vt2J0/edit)
> Meanwhile, digital platforms have replaced markets as the locus of private wealth extraction. For the first time in history, almost everyone produces for free the capital stock of large corporations. That is what it means to upload stuff on Facebook or move around while linked to Google Maps…. But while capitalism may end with a whimper, the bang may soon follow. If those on the receiving end of techno-feudal exploitation and mind-numbing inequality find a collective voice, it is bound to be very loud.
* [The Working Principles of 2FA (2-Factor Authentication) Software](https://auth0.com/blog/the-working-principles-of-2fa-2-factor-authentication-software/)Auth0
> There’s a lot of “magic” happening under the hood of how software 2FA works. Today, we’re going to peel back the curtains and see how it works, how the codes are generated, what it protects and doesn’t protect from.
* [Blockchain, The Missing Piece In Self-Sovereign Digital Identity](https://modex.tech/blockchain-the-missing-piece-in-self-sovereign-digital-identity/)Modex Tech
Modex, one of the earliest players in the blockchain market, has utilized its trademark Blockchain Database (BCDB) solution to develop PatientDataChain, a working proof of concept that utilizes the unique characteristics of blockchain to create a patient-centric ecosystem that gives patients control and ownership of their medical records and identity.
* [What Is Authentication?](https://www.1kosmos.com/blog/authentication/what-is-authentication)1Kosmos
> Authentication is the process of proving that a user is who they claim to be to access system resources or features. Typically, this calls for some type of proof, whether that is a physical piece of information, a secret piece of information or some other immutable form of evidence.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity: What You Can/Can’t Do With SSI?](https://academy.affinidi.com/self-sovereign-identity-what-you-can-cant-do-with-ssi-1284f7227b4e)Affinidi
* [DID 101: A Brief Introduction to What Makes Ontology Special](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/did-101-a-brief-introduction-to-what-makes-ontology-special-bdaeae832f35)
* [New to the topic of self-sovereign identity?](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1405788127265005571.html)SSIAmbassador
> No problem, there are several beginner[#guides](https://threadreaderapp.com/hashtag/guides), which you can use to get familiar with the new standard for digital[#identity](https://threadreaderapp.com/hashtag/identity).
* [What Are Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI)?](https://europechain.io/identity/self-sovereign-identities-explained/)Europechain
> In this context, ‘self-sovereignty’ refers to the ability of the individual or the organization in control of the identity to share it and present it to other agencies with no intermediaries.
* [Digital signatures, a fast track to digital transformation in the real estate sector](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/digital-signatures-a-fast-track-to-digital-transformation-in-the-real-estate-sector)
> The implementation of the electronic signature was a major development in the development in management.
99% of our documents are digitally signed digitally and we have eliminated many face-to-face meetings.
* [7 Benefits Of Using Digital Identities](https://europechain.io/identity/7-benefits-digital-identities/)Europechain
> Mobile First • Establish Framework of Trust • Smart City Access • Digital Economy • Financial and Social Inclusion • Enhanced Portability
* [Comparing X.509 Certificates with SSI](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/05/comparing_x509_certificates_with_ssi.shtml)Windley
> X.509 certificates have been around for 40 years and have proven to be a trustworthy means of exchanging data. So, what are the differences between X.509 ceritificates and SSI? And what are the advantages of each?
* Sovrin’s [12 Principles of Self-Sovereign Identity](https://sovrin.org/principles-of-ssi/)
> Representation • Interoperability • Decentralization • Control & Agency • Participation • Equity and Inclusion • Usability, Accessibility, and Consistency • Portability • Security • Verifiability and Authenticity • Privacy and Minimal Disclosure • Transparency
> Let’s throw a widely accepted definition out there. According to Wikipedia, ‘A[digital identity](https://europechain.io/products/myd)is information on an entity used by computer systems to represent an external agent. That agent may be a person, organization, application, or device.’
* [Part 2: How DIDs Can Enable True Customer Centricity](https://www.evernym.com/blog/dids-customer-centricity/)
> By using Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) – creating a unique identifier for each and every different relationship – customers can seamlessly set up a new, highly secure, two-way channel with the business
* [Part 3: Digital Wallets and Digital Agents: Putting the Individual in Control](https://www.evernym.com/blog/digital-wallets-digital-agents/) Evernym
> Fittingly, some define wrath as “when anger is directed against an innocent person, and when it is unduly strong or long-lasting.” That feels right if you consider the real-life impacts of disabling someone’s digital identity without notice.
* [Part 4: Getting on the Right Data Diet with Verifiable Credentials](https://www.evernym.com/blog/right-data-diet-verifiable-credentials/)
> Apparently gluttony means “overconsumption to the point of waste.” Sadly that feels apt when it comes to customer data APIs.
* [Part 5: How Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) Enable Smarter Customer Insights, With Less Liability](https://www.evernym.com/blog/zero-knowledge-proofs/)
> Put simply, most organizations are unthinkingly collecting more data from customers, without understanding the true impact: the real costs to themselves, and to customers.
*[6: Breaking Down Silos with Open Ecosystems and True Data Portability](https://www.evernym.com/blog/open-ecosystems-data-portability/)
Every company providing a new digital identity solution believes that all the other digital identity options are not good enough, not secure enough, not fast enough. They believe they can do better.
Yet collaboration will be critical to making digital identity work properly at scale.
* [Part 7: Envy Counting The Cost of Data Collection, And A New Paradigm Of ‘Identity Holder Present’](https://www.evernym.com/blog/identity-holder-present/)
> It all feels like data envy to me. Aristotle described envy as the pain at the sight of another’s good fortune, stirred by “those who have what we ought to have.” Precisely.
* [Seven Ways Self-Sovereign Identity Can Enable True Digital Transformation](https://www.evernym.com/blog/self-sovereign-identity-digital-transformation/): A CODA
> “Self-Sovereign Identity not only presents an opportunity for businesses to build smarter, more secure, and more scalable relationships with customers; but it will enable them to completely rethink how they build trusted digital relationships from the ground up.”
We expect Digital Transformationto be a more prevalent talking point around digital identity. FOMO can go a long way, to sell SII, for Goverments and Corporations striving to not be left behind in the digital age.
This is excellent work, with lots of references, by Dr. Nuttawut Kongsuwan ([Finema](http://finema.co/) & [QTFT](http://qtft.org/)), and Rachata Tosirisuk ([Thailand Internet Exchange](https://th-ix.net/en/), [Finema](https://finema.co/) & [QTFT](https://qtft.org/)).
> At the core of every self-sovereign identity (SSI) use case is what we call the verifiable credentials model. This simple yet effective model helps conceptualize how verifiable credentials are exchanged between people and organizations.
New [major white paper](https://www.blockchainresearchinstitute.org/project/self-sovereign-identity)by Phil Windley with the Blockchain Research Institute
the relationship view of identity, the nature of authentic digital relationships, the trust bases of identity systems, and the architecture of the identity metasystem, including decentralized identifier communication and the self-sovereign Internet. He then explores how to operationalize digital relationships and the potential of generative identities (e.g., verifiable credentials) and credential exchange. He concludes with a deep dive into self-sovereign identities in production: the UK National Health Service staff passport, Bonifii’s MemberPass for credit unions, the International Air Transport Association Travel Pass, and others.
* [WhitePaper] [Self Sovereign Identity](https://www.blockchainresearchinstitute.org/project/self-sovereign-identity) Phil Windley, Blockchain Research Institute
> the relationship view of identity, the nature of authentic digital relationships, the trust bases of identity systems, and the architecture of the identity metasystem, including decentralized identifier communication and the self-sovereign Internet. He then explores how to operationalize digital relationships and the potential of generative identities (e.g., verifiable credentials) and credential exchange. He concludes with a deep dive into self-sovereign identities in production: the UK National Health Service staff passport, Bonifii’s MemberPass for credit unions, the International Air Transport Association Travel Pass, and others.
* [The Era of Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.chakray.com/era-self-sovereign-identity/)ChakRay
> Similar actions conducted in person do not represent the same amount of risk. For example, if someone asks you to verify your identity, we show our ID or driver’s license, and when you pay at the store, you provide your bank card. In this way, the control and the ownership of the data stays with you.
@ -412,87 +230,30 @@ the relationship view of identity, the nature of authentic digital relationships
> The adoption of verifiable credentials is another fundamental part of the SSI concept. Verifiable credentials use a digital signature for identity claims by combining public-key hashing cryptography and privacy-protection techniques to convert credentials like ID cards to digital versions.
* [Video] [Exploring the Decentralized Web, Episode 4: Digital Identity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm8y56KMkIw)Filecoin Foundation
Episode 4 explores the relationship between authentication and authorization, the rise of single sign-on platforms, and the advantages of and use cases for self-sovereign identity. Guests include Brian Behlendorf, Rainey Reitman, Danny O'Brien, Sarah Friend, Wendy Hanamura, Andrew Hill, and Brad Kam.
## (the) Use Case
* [Impact of Self-Sovereign Identity on Cybersecurity](https://securityboulevard.com/2022/04/impact-of-self-sovereign-identity-on-cybersecurity-avast/)
How does this change the world of cybersecurity protection? Typically, bad actors approach cybersecurity attacks by developing solutions that exploit the attack vectors of their target victims.
There are 4 attack vector categories to self-sovereign identity that map directly to each element: Issuer, Holder, Trust Registry and Verifier.
## Identity Proofing
* [SSI & Proof of Reputation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S95BoGgy3x0)Catalyst Swarm
> Join Frank Albanese (Snapbrillia), Lance Byrd (RootsID), Nick Mason (ProofSpace), Niels Kijf (Design Academy), Patrick Suzzi (F8 OSDE), Juan Sierra (HERG), Zoéys Welt, Brian Harper, Ashton Engberg, Ninh Tran (Snapbrillia) and many others as the community discusses the different what is SSI & Proof of Reputation and why it matters.
> Episode 4 explores the relationship between authentication and authorization, the rise of single sign-on platforms, and the advantages of and use cases for self-sovereign identity. Guests include Brian Behlendorf, Rainey Reitman, Danny O'Brien, Sarah Friend, Wendy Hanamura, Andrew Hill, and Brad Kam.
* [Advocating for learner-centric badge systems](https://blog.weareopen.coop/advocating-for-learner-centric-badge-systems-21a65be4a725)We Are Open Coop
> how do we advocate for learner-centric badge systems? This is the piece that we’ve been thinking about the past couple of weeks.
* [Crafting a “no-bs” SSI platform](https://medium.com/@adityasanthanam/crafting-a-no-bs-ssi-platform-454b1d9c6f8d)Aditya Santhanarn
> Let’s look at a few pointers that I believe make it hard for the web3 protocols to work for businesses and users in general
* [Digital Wallet Systems: What is true decentralization ?](https://www.thrivacy.io/en-us/thrivacy_blogs/digital-wallet-systems)Thrivacy
> True decentralization in the digital world means that once verified, your PII is on your phone and under your control. The data doesn’t live anywhere else.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) & Atala PRISM with Allison Fromm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSG148jbErs)Cardano Catalyst Women
* [0:02:58](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSG148jbErs&t=178s)What is Identity?
* [0:04:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSG148jbErs&t=254s)Problems with Digital Identity
* [Unwrapping the Decentralised Identity Landscape](https://www.affinidi.com/post/unwrapping-the-decentralised-identity-landscape)Affinidi
Podcast: [Digital Identity and Self Sovereignty](https://www.traceyfollows.com/tag/podcast/)Kaliya Young & Lucy Yang -Future of You
- The tools Kaliya and Lucy are developing to enable self-sovereign identities
- Whether anonymity or pseudonymity is feasible while maintaining accountability
- Wallet Wars: how might wallets evolve and consolidate across the public and private sector
* [Decentralization is the Future of Digitization](https://jolocom.io/blog/decentralization-is-the-future-of-digitization/)Jolocom
> Digital identity data is introduced as having a positive impact on Germany’s future as well as Europe’s. Following, benefits of a decentralized identity based on a fully open infrastructure are given.
* [What Will We Learn from the Market Failure of Digital Identity?](https://identiverse.com/idv2022/session/841420/)Identiverse
> We have a widely accepted Standard Model of Identity, or architecture, in which Subjects, Identity Providers and Relying Parties (aka Holders, Issuers and Verifiers) hold, present, exchange, use and/or consume digital identities.
* [The World’s First Verifiable Credentials](https://www.constellationr.com/blog-news/world-s-first-verifiable-credentials)Steve Wilson
> Commonly associated with blockchain and the Self-Sovereign Identity movement, Verifiable Credentials are in fact an old idea. It is instructive to break down their essential properties and examine the pioneering examples.
> - The tools Kaliya and Lucy are developing to enable self-sovereign identities
> - Whether anonymity or pseudonymity is feasible while maintaining accountability
> - Wallet Wars: how might wallets evolve and consolidate across the public and private sector
* [myths and facts. Is Self-Sovereign Identity Dangerous?](https://jolocom.io/blog/mythen-und-fakten-ist-self-sovereign-identity-gefahrlich/)Jolocom (in german)
> we examine more closely whether self-sovereign identity can increase or reduce risks for data misuse in certain cases.
> The only ones who will benefit from your digital ID are the Issuer (who gave you the credential), holder (you) and verifier (who you’re sharing it with).
* [Compare and Contrast — Federated Identity vs Self-sovereign Identity](https://academy.affinidi.com/compare-and-contrast-federated-identity-vs-self-sovereign-identity-227a85cbab18)Affinidi
* [What is Self-Sovereign Identity?](https://blog.tanglelabs.io/62782301a9ed0df5ace5be86)Tangle Labs
* [Digital sovereignty: Reclaiming your private data in Web3](https://cointelegraph.com/news/digital-sovereignty-reclaiming-your-private-data-in-web3)Cointelegraph
> this is a collaborative effort — one bigger than a single individual or organization — and the whole Web3 space should work together.
> I reckon most cases of over-identification stem either from bad habits (e.g. RPs gathering circumstantial AuthN signals) or from Surveillance Capitalism. Either way, better deals for users will come from better design, not by weaponising Digital Identity (SSI, DIDs).
> The value of verifiable credentials and the critical role they will play to our future digital identities is undeniable. As we enter a new era of online representation, trust in the internet will need to be vigorously robust.
* [More security does not have to mean less user-friendliness](https://background.tagesspiegel.de/cybersecurity/mehr-sicherheit-muss-nicht-weniger-nutzerfreundlichkeit-bedeuten)Martin Kuppinger, Tagesspiegel
> The passwords that have been declared dead are far from dead. Nevertheless, the way in which users authenticate themselves is changing towards more security and convenience.
* [Never mind who I am, ask me about my credentials](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/never-mind-who-i-am-ask-me-my-credentials-john-phillips/)John Phillips
> Many (most) identity systems make a fundamental assumption that is built into their very architecture. This assumption creates three significant problems: privacy erosion; toxic data stores; and poor security.
@ -510,37 +271,19 @@ Podcast: [Digital Identity and Self Sovereignty](https://www.traceyfollows.com/t
The idea that as a user of SSI I have complete sovereignty over my digital identity is often misunderstood. At its core, SSI is about my digital identity being under my own control, so I can decide to whom I show my data, when, and for what.
* [Getting Data Security Right](https://medium.com/mydex/getting-data-security-right-36d291cac156)Alan Michel
> data security is about system-wide design, where many different elements need to fit together to create a working whole.
* [What is Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) with PeterMcCormack](https://twitter.com/justinrezvani/status/1532471536090656768)[@justinrezvani](https://twitter.com/justinrezvani)(short clip)
* [ISO/TR 23249:2022 – Overview of existing DLT systems for identity management](https://www.iso.org/standard/80805.html)ISO
- [The 5P’s of a Self-Sovereign Identity](https://markvanrijmenam.medium.com/the-5ps-of-a-self-sovereign-identity-e6f6eb802d75)
- [Can Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) fit within the GDPR? : a Conceptual Data Protection Analysis (Part II)](https://www.law.kuleuven.be/citip/blog/can-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-fit-within-the-gdpr-part-ii/)
- [Can Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) fit within the GDPR?: a Conceptual Data Protection Analysis (Part I)](https://www.law.kuleuven.be/citip/blog/can-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-fit-within-the-gdpr-part-i/)
- [Why Self-Sovereign Identity is a Game Changer for Government-Resident Interactions](https://www.gcomsoft.com/blog/why-self-sovereign-identity-game-changer-government-resident-interactions)
- New Encyclopedia entry [Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/23650)
* [What are the main contributions of the Self-Sovereign Identity?](https://www.extrimian.com/resources/blog/251-2/)
> Identity represents a great asset. But we do not have control of this asset, as it is in the hands of organizations, governments, institutions, etc. These entities know everything about us from all this data.
* [The Future of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx58bYHFrFk)Evernym
* [Video] [The Future of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx58bYHFrFk)Evernym
> Drummond Reed and Alex Preukschat, co-authors of Manning Publication's new book 'Self-Sovereign Identity,' for a conversation on the book's development and recent release and what the future holds for SSI as a technology, architecture, and movement.
* [The Evolution of Digital Identity](https://medium.com/helix-id/the-evolution-of-digital-identity-cc54917a6a49)Tomas Hahn
> How is it possible that the Internet has spread and developed to such an extent, while the unambiguous digital identification is not yet feasible?
* [What Does Self-Sovereign Identity Mean For My Business?](https://www.continuumloop.com/what-does-self-sovereign-identity-mean-for-my-business/)Continuum Loop
- What will happen if I don’t jump on this train?
- What would it mean if I didn’t have to own my customer’s digital identity but establish a deep digital relationship with them instead?
- Do I have the capacity to learn about this? If not, who do you trust to figure it out – both on the business and technical sides.
- What changes when digital identity becomes a revenue driver and asset for your business? (hint: top and bottom line)
- Which of my competitors is probably already doing this?
* [Simple Definitions for Complex Terms in Decentralized Identity](https://anonyome.com/2022/06/simple-definitions-for-complex-terms-in-decentralized-identity%ef%bf%bc/)
* [What is Self-Sovereign Identity?](https://blog.tanglelabs.io/what-is-self-sovereign-identity/)TangleLabs
@ -558,18 +301,12 @@ The idea that as a user of SSI I have complete sovereignty over my digital ident
* [In-depth introduction to Self Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://labs.hypersign.id/posts/ssi-detail/)Hypersign
* [What Is Self-Sovereign Identity?](https://trinsic.id/what-is-self-sovereign-identity/)Trinsic
Eventually, SSI will give people a super simple way to do the following and more:
1. Protect sensitive identity information like SSN and birthdates to reduce the likelihood and impact of identity theft
2. Securely prove your identity or things about yourself in a way that institutions can trust
3. Maintain privacy and reduce the ability for corporations or nefarious actors to track you without your consent
4. Conveniently get access to services you need without usernames and passwords
> I have developed a pet peeve for "technosolutionism": the notion that a sufficiently innovative technology can solve a social problem, or a business problem, without complex and nuanced changes to social and business practice.
* [What does ‘open’ mean to you?](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-does-open-mean-to-you-cec90dff6845)WeAreOpenCoop
> Even with a little bit of input and discussion, you can see the shift to words such as ‘inclusivity’ and phrases such as ‘being more accessible’ or ‘getting everyone involved’.
> Eventually, SSI will give people a super simple way to do the following and more:
> 1. Protect sensitive identity information like SSN and birthdates to reduce the likelihood and impact of identity theft
> 2. Securely prove your identity or things about yourself in a way that institutions can trust
> 3. Maintain privacy and reduce the ability for corporations or nefarious actors to track you without your consent
> 4. Conveniently get access to services you need without usernames and passwords
> The very center of the digital identity is your documents: from your National ID or Passport to your degrees, mobile phone number, bank account number, or your medical records. Anything that is intrinsically bound to you is your data and therefore your identity. While talking about SSI these are called Verifiable Credentials (VC).
@ -578,22 +315,15 @@ Eventually, SSI will give people a super simple way to do the following and more
> The DID model allows you to establish a relationship between your private key (your blockchain wallet) and your citizenship. The issuing authority signs off on the truth of your claim and, thereafter, third parties can check your public key to see that the holder of the private key is in fact a British citizen.
* [How Self-Sovereign Identity Works with Trinsic's Riley Hughes](https://growth.georgian.io/c/how-self-sovereign-identity-works-with-trinsics-riley-hughes)Georgian
> - What is identity?
> - The different ways Trinsic can be used by developers.
> - Ways to disrupt or democratize the current model of identity.
> - Decentralized identity and its many use cases.
> - The continued need for anonymity in a digital identity world.
> - How identity will evolve with web 3 and the metaverse.
* What is identity?
* The different ways Trinsic can be used by developers.
* Ways to disrupt or democratize the current model of identity.
* Decentralized identity and its many use cases.
* The continued need for anonymity in a digital identity world.
* How identity will evolve with web 3 and the metaverse.
- [The Use of Self-Sovereign Identity With Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)](https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/self-sovereign-identity-with-zero-knowledge-proof-9a05f36f16da)Data Driven Investor
- [Decentralization of Identity](https://exstalis.medium.com/decentralization-of-identity-e35a7414ce48)Exstalis
- [What is decentralized identity?](https://www.csoonline.com/article/3665692/what-is-decentralized-identity.html)CSO Online
* [Decentralization of Identity](https://exstalis.medium.com/decentralization-of-identity-e35a7414ce48)Exstalis
* [What is decentralized identity?](https://www.csoonline.com/article/3665692/what-is-decentralized-identity.html)CSO Online
* [The Journey of Decentralized Identity: Where It’s Been and Where It’s Going](https://trinsic.id/the-journey-of-decentralized-identity-where-its-been-and-where-its-going/)Trinsic
> Our goal has been to completely abstract away the complexity of the ever-changing landscape so organizations can focus on the important stuff—what product to build, and how to take it to market. Teams shouldn’t have to “pick winners” and wager what to build on. Their products should be interoperable with multiple ecosystems. That’s what Trinsic is providing, out-of-the-box.
@ -601,41 +331,30 @@ Eventually, SSI will give people a super simple way to do the following and more
* [Self Sovereign Identity- Internet’s Missing Identity Layer](https://identrixprotocol.medium.com/self-sovereign-identity-internets-missing-identity-layer-90e06efbef4e) 2022-02-02 Identrix
> When the Internet was built, it was done so in a way that you would not know who you were connecting to. To get rid of this loophole, the TCP/IP protocol was introduced, which gives us the address of the computer we are connecting to, but nothing about the person, organisation or thing we are communicating with! We can see how that be potentially dangerous for any online user, making your devices highly susceptible not only to hacking but also to identity theft.
* [Can Decentralized Identity Give You Greater Control of Your Online Identity?](https://anonyome.com/2022/07/can-decentralized-identity-give-you-greater-control-of-your-online-identity/)
* [Can Decentralized Identity Give You Greater Control of Your Online Identity?](https://anonyome.com/2022/07/can-decentralized-identity-give-you-greater-control-of-your-online-identity/) 2022-07 Anonyome
* [GlobaliD 101: What is the trust triangle?](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-what-is-the-trust-triangle-260e85e1c640)
- [Worried About Digital Identity? - Continuum Loop Inc.](https://www.continuumloop.com/worried-about-digital-identity/)Christine Martin
- [SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity): The Most Important Acronym You've Probably Never Heard Of](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ssi-self-sovereign-identity-most-important-acronym-youve-/)A glimpse of VR & AR
* [GlobaliD 101: What is the trust triangle?](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-what-is-the-trust-triangle-260e85e1c640) GlobalID
* [Worried About Digital Identity? - Continuum Loop Inc.](https://www.continuumloop.com/worried-about-digital-identity/)Christine Martin
* [SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity): The Most Important Acronym You've Probably Never Heard Of](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ssi-self-sovereign-identity-most-important-acronym-youve-/)A glimpse of VR & AR
* [For traditional identity models, the biggest misconception is “strong passwords”](https://idramp.com/for-traditional-identity-models-the-biggest-misconception-is-strong-passwords/)
* [For traditional identity models, the biggest misconception is “strong passwords”](https://idramp.com/for-traditional-identity-models-the-biggest-misconception-is-strong-passwords/) IDRamp
> One way to avoid password-related problems is to use decentralized identity management. This method is relatively new, so the best way to gain knowledge about it – contact the experts. For this reason, we are speaking with Mike Vesey, CEO of [IdRamp](https://idramp.com/).
* [Introducing the Auth0 Research Program](https://auth0.com/blog/introducing-the-auth0-research-program/)auth0
> give direct input towards our product improvements and be the first choice for research recruiting opportunities.
* [Use the Okta CLI to Build Secure Python Apps](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2022/07/27/python-okta)Okta 2022-07-27
> - Teach you how to create your first application
- Learn about authentication and authorization credentials
- Set up hosted authentication with Okta and try it out
* [Stoic Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/stoic-sovereign-identity-ssi-simone-ravaioli/)Simone Ravaioli
- [Online identity and the history of identifiers](https://medium.com/hypersign/ssi-101-online-identity-and-the-history-of-identifiers-963bff60c816)Hypersign
- [Drawbacks of Traditional Identifiers and An Introduction to WEB3](https://medium.com/hypersign/ssi-101-part-2-drawbacks-of-traditional-identifiers-and-an-introduction-to-web3-a1bf791819b0)Hypersign
* [In-depth introduction to Self Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://labs.hypersign.id/posts/ssi-detail/)Hypersign
* [Future with Decentralized Identity](https://blog.sparkplustech.com/future-with-decentralized-identity/)SparkPlusTech
* [The changing landscape of digital identity](https://www.tcs.com/digital-identity-consent-management-solution)by Tata Consultancy Services
- [Future with Decentralized Identity](https://blog.sparkplustech.com/future-with-decentralized-identity/)SparkPlusTech
- [The changing landscape of digital identity](https://www.tcs.com/digital-identity-consent-management-solution)by Tata Consultancy Services
- [GlobaliD 101: ID wallets](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-id-wallets-68fa77e6d0d7)GlobalID
* [Future with Decentralized Identity](https://blog.sparkplustech.com/future-with-decentralized-identity/)SparkPlusTech
* [The changing landscape of digital identity](https://www.tcs.com/digital-identity-consent-management-solution)by Tata Consultancy Services
* [Identity Insights - Basics of Verifiable Credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCCatllgNv4)Indicio, Youtube
* [Video] [Identity Insights - Basics of Verifiable Credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCCatllgNv4)Indicio, Youtube
> What are verifiable credentials? In this episode we are joined by Indicio software engineer Char Howland for an introduction to what this technology is and what it can do.
* [Get involved in the open source community](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/Identity+Implementers+WG+Call)
@ -644,62 +363,39 @@ Eventually, SSI will give people a super simple way to do the following and more
* [Decentralized identity: What it is, why it matters](https://www.scmagazine.com/resource/identity-and-access/infographic-key-stats-on-the-passwordless-future)SC Magazine
* [Levels of information architecture](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20220815-levels-of-information-architecture/)reb00ted
So I propose this outermost framework to help us think about how to interact with shared information environments
* [Self-sovereign identity: an ecosystem of digital identities](https://www.ergon.ch/en/news/2022/self-sovereign-identity-an-ecosystem-of-digital-identities)Ergon
* [Self-sovereign identity: an ecosystem of digital identities](https://www.ergon.ch/en/news/2022/self-sovereign-identity-an-ecosystem-of-digital-identities)2022 Ergon
> Even though some questions are still unanswered, self-sovereign identities will unlock enormous economic value. If you want to get some initial experience with SSI you can try the available open-source technologies. A successful proof of concept will enable companies to see the possibilities of the new technology and harness this potential more effectively.
* [What is decentralized identity in blockchain?](https://cointelegraph.com/explained/what-is-decentralized-identity-in-blockchain)Cointelegraph
* [Are Self-Sovereign Identities on blockchain technology the future?](https://kookcontent.business.blog/2022/09/01/are-self-sovereign-identities-on-blockchain-technology-the-future/)Kook Content 2022-09-01
* [Are Self-Sovereign Identities on blockchain technology the future?](https://kookcontent.business.blog/2022/09/01/are-self-sovereign-identities-on-blockchain-technology-the-future/) 2022-09-01Kook Content
* [Self-sovereign identity: an ecosystem of digital identities](https://www.ergon.ch/en/news/2022/self-sovereign-identity-an-ecosystem-of-digital-identities)Ergon
* [Self-sovereign identity: an ecosystem of digital identities](https://www.ergon.ch/en/news/2022/self-sovereign-identity-an-ecosystem-of-digital-identities) 2022Ergon
* [The Top Five Misconceptions around Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://digitalstationeryconsortium.org/the-top-five-misconceptions-around-self-sovereign-identity-ssi/)
* [The Top Five Misconceptions around Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://digitalstationeryconsortium.org/the-top-five-misconceptions-around-self-sovereign-identity-ssi/) Digital Stationary Consortium
> We all have a cybersecurity problem, and SSI represents the most current thinking to address it. For that reason, we believe that SSI is not just another technology.
* [GlobaliD 101: Bring Your Own Identity](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-bring-your-own-identity-5b9927008190)
* [Part 1:](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-how-digital-identity-should-work-fc53ede7b86f)What a smart and humanistic approach to digital identity would like
* [Part 2:](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-what-is-the-trust-triangle-260e85e1c640)The Trust Triangle — the system of issuers, holders, and verifiers that illustrates how identity works (and how it’s broken, today)
* [Part 3:](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-id-wallets-68fa77e6d0d7)Why the ID Wallet is the first step toward achieving a new vision for digital identity
* [Part 4](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-every-company-is-an-identity-company-a851beed999d): Why every company is an identity company
* [...]
There is a real opportunity to combine technology that is being developed with the concept of BYO Identity that will create a new identity framework where you own and control your data.
* [GlobaliD 101: Bring Your Own Identity](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-bring-your-own-identity-5b9927008190) GlobalID
> There is a real opportunity to combine technology that is being developed with the concept of BYO Identity that will create a new identity framework where you own and control your data.
> - [Part 1:What a smart and humanistic approach to digital identity would like](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-how-digital-identity-should-work-fc53ede7b86f)
> - [Part 2:](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-what-is-the-trust-triangle-260e85e1c640)The Trust Triangle — the system of issuers, holders, and verifiers that illustrates how identity works (and how it’s broken, today)
> - [Part 3:Why the ID Wallet is the first step toward achieving a new vision for digital identity](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-id-wallets-68fa77e6d0d7)
> - [Part 4: Why every company is an identity company](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-every-company-is-an-identity-company-a851beed999d)
* [Centralized\Federated vs Self Sovereign](https://twitter.com/dominiumssi/status/1564188374529081345)dominiumssi
* [Self-sovereign identity: an ecosystem of digital identities](https://www.ergon.ch/en/news/2022/self-sovereign-identity-an-ecosystem-of-digital-identities)Ergon
* [Trust Registries in the Real World](https://www.continuumloop.com/trust-registries-in-the-real-world/)Continuum Loop
> Trust Registries allow us to know that the various shared credentials (e.g. proof of insurance) are accurate. A Homeowner can ask their Digital Wallet to verify an insurance Credential that the Contractor is honest.
* [Many articles are being written about SSI, not all so excellent](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:share:6972350150291705857/)John Philip
> Most are probably not "written" in the normally understood sense of the word (auto-scraping and ctrl-c and ctrl-v isn't writing). Many are probably not written by a person at all.
* [Centralized\Federated vs Self Sovereign](https://twitter.com/dominiumssi/status/1564188374529081345)dominiumssi
* [GlobaliD 101: Bring Your Own Identity](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-bring-your-own-identity-5b9927008190)
There is a real opportunity to combine technology that is being developed with the concept of BYO Identity that will create a new identity framework where you own and control your data.
- [Part 1:](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-how-digital-identity-should-work-fc53ede7b86f)What a smart and humanistic approach to digital identity would like
- [Part 2:](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-what-is-the-trust-triangle-260e85e1c640)The Trust Triangle — the system of issuers, holders, and verifiers that illustrates how identity works (and how it’s broken, today)
- [Part 3:](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-id-wallets-68fa77e6d0d7)Why the ID Wallet is the first step toward achieving a new vision for digital identity
- [Part 4](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-every-company-is-an-identity-company-a851beed999d): Why every company is an identity company
- [TOWARDS A USER-CENTRIC DIGITAL IDENTITY SYSTEM](https://irishtechnews.ie/self-sovereign/)Irish Tech News
- [Debunking Common Misconceptions About Passwordless Authentication](https://auth0.com/blog/debunking-common-misconceptions-about-passwordless-authentication/)auth0
- [From DID to DeFi and EVM](https://medium.com/metadium/metadium-tech-the-series-38aa26a170fc)Metadium
* [TOWARDS A USER-CENTRIC DIGITAL IDENTITY SYSTEM](https://irishtechnews.ie/self-sovereign/)Irish Tech News
* [Debunking Common Misconceptions About Passwordless Authentication](https://auth0.com/blog/debunking-common-misconceptions-about-passwordless-authentication/)auth0
* [From DID to DeFi and EVM](https://medium.com/metadium/metadium-tech-the-series-38aa26a170fc)Metadium
* [A Beginners Guide to Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)](https://medium.com/veramo/a-beginners-guide-to-decentralized-identifiers-dids-5e842398e82c)Veramo
@ -708,29 +404,18 @@ There is a real opportunity to combine technology that is being developed with t
* [Self-Sovereign Identity: Taking Control Over Your Digital Identity](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/09/26/self-sovereign-identity-taking-control-over-your-digital-identity/?sh=797222d64e0c)Forbes 2022-09-26
> The two main ingredients of SSI are verifiable credentials (VCs) and decentralized identifiers (DIDs).
* [According to](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/)W3: "Verifiable credentials represent statements made by an issuer in a tamper-evident and privacy-respecting manner."
* [Self-Sovereign Identity, Zero-Knowledge Proofs & the Future of Data](https://blockchainaustralia.com.au/self-sovereign-identity-zero-knowledge-proofs-future-of-data/)Blockchain Australia
No other additional information is needed to complete this data exchange. So how do you know that the information being provided is authentic? The identity ‘proof’ uses a cryptographic hash function that confirms beyond any doubt that the identity claim is accurate.
> No other additional information is needed to complete this data exchange. So how do you know that the information being provided is authentic? The identity ‘proof’ uses a cryptographic hash function that confirms beyond any doubt that the identity claim is accurate.
* [The Importance of Self-Sovereign Identity Blockchain Solutions](https://zaisan.io/self-sovereign-identity-blockchain-solution/)Zaisan
> The public keys, as the name implies are there to view anytime and are used for exchanging information and can be revoked, however, the private key is for the account holder himself, be that an issuer, a verifier, or a subject. It is only through a private key that one can pass on his credentials using his DID to an issuer who then validates the credentials and sends them to the verifier using his DID.
> issuers or verifiers can only access the information shared by the DID holder. This information exchange can occur through [various technologies, like NFC](https://nftnewstoday.com/2022/10/03/nft-applications-in-the-supply-chain/), QR, or Bluetooth. [Zero-knowledge proofs](https://nftnewstoday.com/2022/09/15/immutable-x-layer-2-scaling-solution-for-nfts/)are applied to restrict full information access. 2022-09-15
> That way, your sensitive personal data is stored locally on your own device rather than hosted on some company’s server that becomes a target for hackers.
* [DID, in short for Decentralized Identifier, is basically a unique string of random numbers and letters](https://twitter.com/fennykyun/status/1564249472053514240)fennykyun
> tldr\
> :: DID is just an URI\
> :: VC is a cryptographically verifiable credential using DID\
> :: SSI is a self-sovereign and privacy-preserving identity
> :: Non-human (Machines, Bots, Goods, anything) also able to have DID, VC, and SSIs
* [Decentralized Systems of Identity and Owning Your Own Data](https://www.coindesk.com/podcasts/coindesks-money-reimagined/decentralized-systems-of-identity-and-owning-your-own-data/)Coindesk
> On this episode of “Money Reimagined,” hosts [Michael Casey](https://twitter.com/mikejcasey) and [Sheila Warren](https://twitter.com/sheila_warren) are together again but this time, at Converge22 by Circle. They discuss the challenges of identity and verification in the U.S. and in other countries with [Daniel Buchner](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dbuchner/), head of decentralized identity at [Block](https://block.xyz/); and [Chi Nnadi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/chinnadi/?originalSubdomain=ke), the co-founder and CEO at [Mara](https://mara.xyz/).
@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ Increased supply of user-friendly private tech and increased demand for privacy
> "A silent war is ongoing between users and companies over the control of data."
> 1. Privacy or convenience is a question
> 2. SSI is the answer to this question
* [Privacy, Authenticity, and Confidentiality](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/privacy_authenticity_and_confidentiality.shtml) 2022-03Phil Windley
> Authenticity allows parties to a conversation to know to whom they are talking. Confidentiality ensures that the content of the conversation is protected from others. These three create a tradespace because you can't achieve all three at the same time.
* [Verifiable credentials are key to the future of online privacy](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/07/26/verifiable-credentials/)Helpnet 2021-07-26
> they offer a few advantages that we don’t get with paper records. Whereas a physical document (let’s say, a[vaccine card](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/06/15/vaccine-passports/)) can be forged and[passed off as authentic](https://www.npr.org/2021/06/08/1004264531/fake-covid-vaccine-cards-keep-getting-sold-online-using-one-is-a-crime?t=1626423870877), the[security mechanisms](https://www.evernym.com/blog/the-three-pillars-of-self-sovereign-identity/)behind a verifiable credential means that it can never be tampered with and that anyone shown the credential will be able to immediately verify who issued it and to whom it was issued. 2021-06-08
* [Google Sued for Misleading Users Over Location Data Privacy](https://anonyome.com/2022/03/google-sued-for-misleading-users-over-location-data-privacy/)Anonyme
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ The tech we use should be responsive to and responisble with the climate, enviro
That means 95% of US consumers are saying ‘no way’ to cross-app tracking with Apple’s new [App Tracking Transparency](https://anonyome.com/2021/05/apples-new-att-and-why-facebook-is-hitting-back-hard/)(ATT) feature.
* [The Principles of User Sovereignty](https://uxdesign.cc/the-principles-of-user-sovereignty-515ac83401f6)2020-07-31 UXDesign
> “Our identities have no bodies, so, unlike you, we cannot obtain order by physical coercion. We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonweal, our governance will emerge. Our identities may be distributed across many of your jurisdictions. The only law that all our constituent cultures would generally recognize is the Golden Rule. We hope we will be able to build our particular solutions on that basis. But we cannot accept the solutions you are attempting to impose.” — John Perry Barlow
* [Do Consumers Even Want Personalized Ads?](https://anonyome.com/2021/06/do-consumers-even-want-personalized-ads/)Anonyme
The [YouGov](https://www.globalwitness.org/en/blog/do-people-really-want-personalised-ads-online/)poll of consumers in France and Germany we mentioned earlier says it’s the [behind the scenes](https://mysudo.com/2021/02/beware-the-dark-patterns-trying-to-steal-your-data/)or back door nature of personalization that gives people the creeps.
@ -54,6 +56,8 @@ The [YouGov](https://www.globalwitness.org/en/blog/do-people-really-want-persona
> - to force something to be officially approved or accepted without much discussion or thought.
> - to force someone into doing something quickly, usually without enough information.
* [More security does not have to mean less user-friendliness](https://background.tagesspiegel.de/cybersecurity/mehr-sicherheit-muss-nicht-weniger-nutzerfreundlichkeit-bedeuten)Martin Kuppinger, Tagesspiegel
> The passwords that have been declared dead are far from dead. Nevertheless, the way in which users authenticate themselves is changing towards more security and convenience.
* [Managing Authorization: Who Has What?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/4D/_Managing_Authorization:_Who_Has_What%3F)By David Schmudde
@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ In cross-border and migration contexts, digital wallets promise to have wide ran
> Turning identifying features into verified credentials
> How exactly does this work? Let’s look at the three roles of user, issuer and verifier. Firstly, users can have any number of attributes – such as their credit rating, national identity document or driving licence – certified by the entity responsible for each attribute.
* [Digital Wallet Systems: What is true decentralization ?](https://www.thrivacy.io/en-us/thrivacy_blogs/digital-wallet-systems)Thrivacy
> True decentralization in the digital world means that once verified, your PII is on your phone and under your control. The data doesn’t live anywhere else.
* [Part 3: Digital Wallets and Digital Agents: Putting the Individual in Control](https://www.evernym.com/blog/digital-wallets-digital-agents/) Evernym
> Fittingly, some define wrath as “when anger is directed against an innocent person, and when it is unduly strong or long-lasting.” That feels right if you consider the real-life impacts of disabling someone’s digital identity without notice.
* [GlobaliD 101: ID wallets](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-id-wallets-68fa77e6d0d7)GlobalID
@ -832,6 +832,16 @@ Their DNS names stopped resolving, and their infrastructure IPs were offline. Th
* [The Off Chain Internet: Decentralized Identity & Verifiable Credentials - Evin McMullen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ_Bb6j87mg) 2022-02-19 ETH Denver
* [Podcast] [Self-Sovereign Digital Identity, Blockchain & Web3 with Charlyn Ho](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/45-self-sovereign-digital-identity-blockchain-web3/id1510232581?i=1000552163633) 2022-02-25 I also want money
> Could blockchain and the decentralized web mean the end of surveillance capitalism? Maybe! In this episode, Perkins Coie partner Charlyn Ho defines digital identity, explains how blockchain empowers users to take control of their data, and shares how Web3 could dismantle Big Tech’s monopoly on Big Data - if it’s built the right way.
> Web 3.0 presents a promise to address the above issues with Identity. The term Web 3.0 refers to a decentralized internet that uses crypto tokens. Decentralization is at the heart of Web 3.0 which has the potential to democratize technology and put the users in control of their data.
* [Three approaches to Self-Sovereign Identity based on blockchain](https://medium.com/coinmonks/three-approaches-to-self-sovereign-identity-based-on-blockchain-301b18a49345)
The third approach is, in a way, derived from the previous one, and is the one pursued by [uPort/Serto](https://www.uport.me/): the blockchain has one single registry that tracks down just the revocation of credentials,
* [Digital sovereignty: Reclaiming your private data in Web3](https://cointelegraph.com/news/digital-sovereignty-reclaiming-your-private-data-in-web3)Cointelegraph
> this is a collaborative effort — one bigger than a single individual or organization — and the whole Web3 space should work together.
* [Drawbacks of Traditional Identifiers and An Introduction to WEB3](https://medium.com/hypersign/ssi-101-part-2-drawbacks-of-traditional-identifiers-and-an-introduction-to-web3-a1bf791819b0)Hypersign
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