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Advanced BloodHound Queries Collection
This document contains a comprehensive collection of queries for use with BloodHound, organized by category. These queries can help you analyze Active Directory environments more effectively.
User and Group Analysis
Find all edges any owned user has on a computer
MATCH p=shortestPath((m:User)-[r]->(b:Computer)) WHERE m.owned RETURN p
Find all Kerberoastable Users
MATCH (n:User) WHERE n.hasspn=true RETURN n
Find Kerberoastable Users with passwords last set > 5 years ago
MATCH (u:User)
WHERE u.hasspn=true AND u.pwdlastset < (datetime().epochseconds - (1825 * 86400))
AND NOT u.pwdlastset IN [-1.0, 0.0]
RETURN u.name, u.pwdlastset
ORDER BY u.pwdlastset
Find users that logged in within the last 90 days
MATCH (u:User)
WHERE u.lastlogon < (datetime().epochseconds - (90 * 86400))
AND NOT u.lastlogon IN [-1.0, 0.0]
RETURN u.name, u.lastlogon
ORDER BY u.lastlogon
List users and their login times + password last set times in human-readable format
MATCH (n:User)
WHERE n.enabled = TRUE
RETURN n.name,
datetime({epochSeconds: toInteger(n.pwdlastset)}) as PwdLastSet,
datetime({epochSeconds: toInteger(n.lastlogon)}) as LastLogon
ORDER BY n.pwdlastset
Find users that have never logged on and account is still active
MATCH (n:User)
WHERE n.lastlogontimestamp=-1.0 AND n.enabled=TRUE
RETURN n.name
ORDER BY n.name
Computer and Session Analysis
Find computers with unconstrained delegation that AREN'T domain controllers
MATCH (c1:Computer)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group)
WHERE g.objectsid ENDS WITH '-516'
WITH COLLECT(c1.name) AS domainControllers
MATCH (c2:Computer {unconstraineddelegation:true})
WHERE NOT c2.name IN domainControllers
RETURN c2.name, c2.operatingsystem
ORDER BY c2.name ASC
Find active Domain Admin sessions
MATCH (n:User)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group)
WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-512'
MATCH p = (c:Computer)-[:HasSession]->(n)
Find computers with descriptions
MATCH (c:Computer)
WHERE c.description IS NOT NULL
RETURN c.name, c.description
Domain and Forest Analysis
Find connections between different domains/forests
MATCH (n)-[r]->(m)
WHERE NOT n.domain = m.domain
RETURN LABELS(n)[0], n.name, TYPE(r), LABELS(m)[0], m.name
Privilege and Access Analysis
Find the percentage of computers with a path to Domain Admins
MATCH (totalComputers:Computer {domain:'DOMAIN.GR'})
MATCH p=shortestPath((ComputersWithPath:Computer {domain:'DOMAIN.GR'})-[r*1..]->(g:Group {name:'DOMAIN ADMINS@DOMAIN.GR'}))
WITH COUNT(DISTINCT(totalComputers)) as totalComputers, COUNT(DISTINCT(ComputersWithPath)) as ComputersWithPath
RETURN 100.0 * ComputersWithPath / totalComputers AS percentComputersToDA
Find the most privileged groups on the domain
MATCH (g:Group)
OPTIONAL MATCH (g)-[:AdminTo]->(c1:Computer)
OPTIONAL MATCH (g)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(:Group)-[:AdminTo]->(c2:Computer)
WITH g, COLLECT(c1) + COLLECT(c2) AS tempVar
UNWIND tempVar AS computers
RETURN g.name AS GroupName, COUNT(DISTINCT(computers)) AS AdminRightCount
ORDER BY AdminRightCount DESC
Kerberos and Delegation Analysis
Find users with constrained delegation permissions
MATCH (u:User)
WHERE u.allowedtodelegate IS NOT NULL
RETURN u.name, u.allowedtodelegate
Find computers with constrained delegation permissions
MATCH (c:Computer)
WHERE c.allowedtodelegate IS NOT NULL
RETURN c.name, c.allowedtodelegate
GPO and OU Analysis
View OUs based on member count
MATCH (o:OU)-[:Contains]->(c:Computer)
RETURN o.name, o.guid, COUNT(c)
Find if any domain user has interesting permissions against a GPO
MATCH p=(u:User)-[r:AllExtendedRights|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|GpLink*1..]->(g:GPO)
ACL and Permission Analysis
Find what permissions Everyone/Authenticated Users/Domain Users/Domain Computers have
MATCH p=(m:Group)-[r:AddMember|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AllowedToDelegate|CanRDP|Contains|ExecuteDCOM|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|GetChanges|GetChangesAll|HasSession|Owns|ReadLAPSPassword|SQLAdmin|TrustedBy|WriteDACL|WriteOwner|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct]->(t)
WHERE m.objectsid ENDS WITH '-513' OR m.objectsid ENDS WITH '-515' OR m.objectsid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-11' OR m.objectsid ENDS WITH 'S-1-1-0'
RETURN m.name, TYPE(r), t.name, t.enabled
Miscellaneous Queries
Adjust Query to Local Timezone (Change timezone parameter)
MATCH (u:User)
WHERE NOT u.lastlogon IN [-1.0, 0.0]
RETURN u.name, datetime({epochSeconds:toInteger(u.lastlogon), timezone: '+10:00'}) as LastLogon
Find users that are part of the VPN group
MATCH (u:User)-[:MemberOf]->(g:Group)
RETURN u.name, g.name