Harris Thompson 662ce4c291
Add Data Skeptic
Added Data Skeptic ( with description and frequency
2018-03-24 14:24:35 -05:00

161 lines
4.4 KiB

# Awesome list of Important Podcasts for software engineers
List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
## Android
- [Android Developers Backstage](
- <b>Description</b>: Podcast interviewing Google engineers about the latest Android APIs
- <b>Frequency</b> : Monthly once
## C++
- [CppCast](
- <b>Description</b>: All about C++ and many great interviews with prominent library and tool authors.
- <b>Frequency</b> : Weekly
## Data/MachineLearning
- [Data Driven](
- [Data Skeptic](
- <b>Description</b>: Podcast explaining high level concepts in data science, and longer interview segments with researchers and practitioners.
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once every week
- [Machine Learning Guide](
- [O'Reilly Data Show](
- [This Week in Machine Learning & AI (TWiML & AI)](
## Devops
- [Arrested DevOps](
## Functional Programming
- [Elm Town](
- [FunctionalGeekery](
- <b>Description</b>: All functional programming languages
- <b>Frequency</b> : Monthly once
- [Haskell Cast](
- <b>Description</b>: Core haskell concepts
- <b>Frequency</b> : Monthly once
- [Lambdacast](
- <b>Description</b>: Functional programming core concepts
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once in 2 months
## General software
- [Coding Blocks](
- [Developer Tea](
- [Giant Robots Smashing into other giant robots](
- <b>Description</b>: Anything and everything related to software
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once every week
- [HAK5](
- [HanselMinutes](
- <b>Description</b>: Anything and everything related to software
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once every week
- [Programming and Performance with Cliff Click](
- [Software Engineering Daily](
- <b>Description</b>: Podcasts on technical software topics
- <b>Frequency</b> : Multiple episodes every week
- [Software Engineering Radio](
- <b>Description</b>: Anything and everything related to software
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once every week
- [The Bike Shed](
- <b>Description</b>: Ruby, Rails, Javascript
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once every week
- [The Changelog](
- <b>Description</b>: Anything and everything related to software
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once every week
- [The New Stack](
## Go Programming Language
- [GoTime](
- <b>Description</b>: Everything connected with Go Programming language
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once every week
## Python
- [Podcast.__init__](
- [Python Bytes](
- [Talk Python To Me](
## ReasonML
- [Reason Town](
- <b>Description</b>: A podcast about the ReasonML language
- <b>Frequency</b> : Approximately once a month
## Ruby/Rails
- [Ruby Rogues](
- <b>Description</b>: Ruby and Rails
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once every week
## Rust programming language
- [New Rustacean](
- [The Rusty Spike](
## Security
- [Defensive Security Podcast](
- [OWASP 24/7](
- [Paul's Security Weekly](
- <b>Description</b>: All news on Security
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once every week
- [Risky Business](
- [Security Now](
- <b>Description</b>: Deep dive into Security concepts and news
- <b>Frequency</b> : Once every week
## Web development
- [Front End Happy Hour](
- [Full Stack Radio](
- [Javascript Jabber](
- [NodeUp](
- [Syntax](