Nick Raienko ad4135307e Fix typo
2014-08-04 19:11:22 +03:00

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# Awesome Penetration Testing
A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things.
## Tools
### Anonimity
* [Tor]( - The free software for enabling onion routing online anonymity.
* [I2P]( - The Invisible Internet Project
### Networks tools
* [Network Tools]( - Different network tools: pink, lookup, whois, etc.
### Hex editors
* [HexEdit.js]( - Browser-based hex editing.
## Conferences
* [DEF CON]( - An annual hacker convention in Las Vegas.
* [Black Hat]( - An annual security conference in Las Vegas.
* [BSides]( - A framework for organising and holding security conferences.
* [CCC]( - An annual meeting of the international hacker scene in Germany.
* [DerbyCon]( - An annual hacker conference based in Louisville.
* [PhreakNIC]( - A technology conference held annually in middle Tennessee.
* [ShmooCon]( - An annual US east coast hacker convention.
* [CarolinaCon]( - An infosec conference, held annually in North Carolina.
* [HOPE]( - A conference series sponsored by the hacker magazine 2600.
* [SummerCon]( - One of the oldest hacker conventions, held during Summer.
* []( - An annual conference held in Luxembourg.
* [HITB]( - Deep-knowledge security conference held in Malaysia and The Netherlands.
* [Troopers]( - Annual international IT Security event with workshops held in Heidelberg, Germany.
* [Hack3rCon]( - An annual US hacker conference.
* [ThotCon]( - An annual US hacker conference held in Chicago.
* [LayerOne]( - An annual US security conerence held every spring in Los Angeles.
* [DeepSec]( - Security Conference in Vienna, Austria.
* [SkyDogCon]( - A technology conference in Nashville.
## Magazines
* [2600: The Hacker Quarterly]( - An American publication about technology and computer "underground".
* [Hakin9]( - A Polish online, weekly publication on IT Security.