Awesome Lockpicking Awesome

A curated list of awesome guides, tools, and other resources relating to the security and compromise of locks, safes, and keys.

Lock picking is the art of opening a lock without the key and without damaging or destroying the lock or its door. If you want to contribute, you are highly encouraged to do so. Please read the contribution guidelines.



Contests, conferences, and events

  • Chaos Communications Congress (CCC) - CCC hosts the German Lockpicking Championships.
  • DEF CON - Annual infosec industry conference which is popular with many lockpickers featuring a locksport contest.
  • Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) - Annual conference often featuring a locksport competition and presentations on physical security.
  • OzLockCon - Open community event focusing on physical security in Australia, which hosts a lockpicking and handcuff evasion competition.
  • LockCon - Annual, invitation-only international conference about locks for members of respected locksport organizations.

Hobby projects

How-to guides

Locksport associations and organizations

Online communities

  • - Bustling online forum for the discussion of lockpicking and locksport.
  • - One of the longest-running online communities "dedicated to the fun and ethical hobby of lock picking."
  • LockWiki - Community-driven reference for both beginners and professionals in the security industry.
  • /r/lockpicking Subreddit - Subreddit dedicated to the sport of lockpicking.

Online resources


  • Learn Lockpicking - Retailer of speciality practice locks, lock stands, and more.
  • Safe Ventures, Inc. - Retailer for safe-opening tools who also offer paid training courses.
  • Security Snobs - Retailer of numerous high-security, collector, and cutaway locks who also maintain some informational pages about locksmithing.
  • Southern Ordinance / Exit 10, Inc. - SouthOrd® is a manufacturer of lock picks and professional locksmith tools; individual replacement picks as low as $1.50 USD.
  • Southern Specialities - Retailer of numerous lockpicking sets, pick guns, and more.
  • Sparrows Lock Picks - Manufacturer of specialty and quality lock pick tools; their King Pin pinning tweezer is particularly useful.
A curated list of awesome guides, tools, and other resources related to the security and compromise of locks, safes, and keys.
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