[Lock picking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lock_picking) is the art of opening a lock without the key and without damaging or destroying the lock or its door. If you want to contribute, you are highly encouraged to do so. Please read the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md).
* [Practical Lock Picking: A Physical Penetration Tester's Training Guide](http://www.rageuniversity.org/PRISONESCAPE/PRISON%20LOCKS%20AND%20KEYS/Practical.Lock.Picking.pdf) - Detailed instructions and exercises designed for professional physical security specialists, consultants, and red teams.
* [Locks, Safes and Security: An International Police Reference](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/525753.Locks_Safes_and_Security) - Information on locks, safes and security by Marc Weber Tobias.
* [DEF CON](https://defcon.org/) - Annual infosec industry conference which is popular with many lockpickers featuring a locksport contest.
* [Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE)](https://hope.net/) - Annual conference often featuring a locksport competition and presentations on physical security.
* [OzLockCon](https://ozlockcon.com/) - Open community event focusing on physical security in Australia, which hosts a lockpicking and handcuff evasion competition.
* [LockCon](https://toool.nl/LockCon) - Annual, invitation-only international conference about locks for members of respected locksport organizations.
# Hobby projects
* [3D Printed Lock Picks](http://blog.shop.23b.org/2014/11/3d-printed-lock-picks.html) - Print lock picks made of plastic materials that, while weak, will survive at least several uses. ([Find more digital models](https://www.yeggi.com/q/lockpick/).)
* [DIY Lock Pick Set from a Windshield Wiper](http://www.itstactical.com/skillcom/lock-picking/how-to-make-a-diy-lock-pick-set-from-a-windshield-wiper/) - Illustrated guide to building a custom lock pick and tension wrench from windshield wipers.
* [How to Make a Set of Lockpicks! (using street sweeper bristles)](https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-set-of-Lockpicks/) - Instructions for using discarded street sweeper bristles as material for dual-sided turning tools and picks.
* [Making Tension Wrenches/Turning Tools From Old Windshield Wiper Blades](https://www.instructables.com/id/Making-Tension-WrenchesTurning-Tools-From-Old-Wind/) - Instructions for turning old windshield wipers into any of a variety of lock pick types and turning tool styles.
* [Under Door Tool Kit Instructions](https://web.archive.org/web/20170719053154/http://enterthecore.net/files/CORE_Instructions-Under_Door.pdf) - Short guide to constructing an under-door ("lever opening"/"Mule") tool using material available at a typical hardware store.
* [Lock Dice](http://schuylertowne.com/blog/lockpicking-with-dice) - In this dice-based locksport game, as a budding lock maker you have set out to test your designs against your peers.
* [Beginner's Guide to Security Pins](https://web.archive.org/web/20171210065243/http://www.ninjacache.com:80/secpins_intro) - Short article guiding beginners comfortable with picking padlocks towards an understanding of more complex locks.
* [BosnianBill's Lock Picking for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTSWkYxuSlkXiSBwk3Hvbvx71sg-MH61s) - YouTube playlist of selected instructional videos sorted in order from first principles to techniques for specific locks.
* [CIA Lock Picking Field Operative Training Manual](https://archive.org/details/CIA_Lock_Picking_Field_Operative_Training_Manual) - Guidebook covering terminology, tool use, and techniques for picking the vast majority of pin and wafer tumbler locks.
* [Deviant Ollam's Lockpicking Video Presentations and Advisories](http://deviating.net/lockpicking/videos.html) - Collection of physec talks and locksport advice for all skill levels from a world-reknowned expert.
* [Easy Pickings - Mini Lockpicking Manual](http://index-of.es/Lockpicking/Easy%20Pickings%20-%20Mini%20Lockpicking%20Manual.pdf) - Widely-distributed beginner's manual with diagrams showcasing how to pick various entry-level locks.
* [MIT Lock Picking Guide](https://webunraveling.com/public/mit-lock-picking-guide/index.php) - Famous introductory text by Ted the Tool.
* [Lock Picking: Detail Overkill](https://web.archive.org/web/20170730120626/http://ninjacache.com/data/uploads/lockpicking-detail-overkill.pdf) - Exceptionally thorough guide "for those who want more than just the basics."
* [Locksport International Guide to Lock Picking](https://web.archive.org/web/20070222144748/http://locksport.com:80/LSIGuide/lsiguide.pdf) - Locksport primer in the style of a comic book, with photographs and speech bubbles.
* [Fraternal Order of Lock Sport (FOOLS)](http://www.bloomingtonfools.org/) - Lock picking club established to serve Bloomington, Indiana and surrounding areas.
* [The Open Organization Of Lockpickers (TOOOL)](https://toool.org/) - Worldwide association of lockpickers with national, regional, and local chapters.
* [Locksport International](http://locksport.com) - International association of lockpickers who offer help starting new locksport clubs and groups.
* [Sportsfreunde der Sperrtechnik - Deutschland e.V.](https://ssdev.org/) - German lock picking sports club who hosts the german lock picking masters and offers workshops on how to pick locks.
* [Lockpicking101.com](https://www.lockpicking101.com/) - One of the longest-running online communities "dedicated to the fun and ethical hobby of lock picking."
* [Dark Sim 905's Lockpicking pages](https://darksim905.com/lockpicking.php) - Personal website of a knowledgable hobbyist discussing a variety of picking and bypass tools.
* [Lockpicking Forensics](http://www.lockpickingforensics.com/) - Website "dedicated to the science and study of forensic locksmithing."
* [The Amazing King's Lockpicking pages](http://theamazingking.com/lockpicking.php) - Hobbyist's website with detailed pages about locks, tools, and picking techniques.
* [Lock Pick Canada](https://www.lockpickcanada.com/) - Canadian retailer carrying a wide range of manufacturers, including [Souber dimple lock picks](https://www.lockpickcanada.com/category_s/4.htm), a manufacturer that only sells to other businesses.
* [Lockpick Extreme](https://lockpickextreme.com/) - Retailer notable for their [lockpicking accessories](https://lockpickextreme.com/product-category/accessories/) featuring earrings and other jewelry that also function as sturdy tools.
* [Mad Bob Picks](https://www.madbobpicks.co.uk/) - UK-based manufacturer of lock pick accessories, notable for their Jackknifes and lifetime warranty.
* [Peterson Locksmith Tools / Peterson Manufacturing, Inc.](https://www.thinkpeterson.com/) - Manufacturer of precision lock picking tools and accessories; their top-of-keyway turning tools are famous but overpriced (you can make your own).
* [Security Snobs](https://securitysnobs.com/) - Retailer of numerous high-security, collector, and cutaway locks who also maintain some informational pages about locksmithing.
* [Southern Ordinance / Exit 10, Inc.](https://www.southord.com/) - SouthOrd® is a manufacturer of lock picks and professional locksmith tools; individual replacement picks as low as $1.50 USD.