New Animations

This commit is contained in:
RogueMaster 2023-01-22 03:46:52 -05:00
parent 63753b1c22
commit 5b596a7d1f
374 changed files with 1269 additions and 467 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
# Included Dolphin Animations:
### Creator: Arkaivos
- [Mew](Arkaivos/L1_Mew_128x64)
### Creator: ESurge
- [Kirbs Tunes](ESurge/ES_Kirbs_Tunes)
### Creator: FelixTwoTone
- [Veemon](FelixTwoTone/FelixTwoTone_Veemon_128x64)
### Creator: [Flipper Devices](
- [Boxing](L1_Boxing_128x64)
- [Cry](L1_Cry_128x64)
- [Furippa1](L1_Furippa1_128x64)
- [Furippa2](L2_Furippa2_128x64)
- [Furippa3](L3_Furippa3_128x64)
- [Hacking PC](L2_Hacking_pc_128x64)
- [Hijack Radio](L3_Hijack_radio_128x64)
- [Lab Research](L3_Lab_research_128x54)
- [Laptop](L1_Laptop_128x51)
- [Leaving Sad](L1_Leaving_sad_128x64)
- [Mad Fist](L1_Mad_fist_128x64)
- [Painting](L1_Painting_128x64)
- [Read Books](L1_Read_books_128x64)
- [Recording](L1_Recording_128x51)
- [Sleep](L1_Sleep_128x64)
- [Soldering](L2_Soldering_128x64)
- [Waves](L1_Waves_128x50)
### Creator: [Haseo](
- [80s](Haseo/Haseo_80s_128x64)
- [A New Hope](Haseo/L1_A_New_Hope_128x64)
- [Allen](Haseo/Allen_128x64)
- [Bleach](Haseo/Haseo_Bleach_128x64)
- [B0ws3r](Haseo/L1_B0ws3r_128x64)
- [D.Va](Haseo/L1_DVA_128x64)
- [Dino](Haseo/L1_Dino3_128x64)
- [GITS](Haseo/L1_GITS_128x64)
- [G0ku](Haseo/Haseo_G0ku_128x64)
- [Lufy](Haseo/Haseo_Lufy_128x64)
- [Maha](Haseo/Maha_128x64)
- [Mario](Haseo/L1_Mario_128x64)
- [Mug1wara](Haseo/Haseo_Mug1wara_128x64)
- [Nyan Cat](Haseo/L1_NyanCat_128x64)
- [0ne Pi3ce](Haseo/On3_Pi3ce_128x64)
- [Shar!ngan](Haseo/Haseo_Sharingan_128x64)
- [Sirene](Haseo/L1_Sirene_128x64)
- [The Witch](Haseo/L1_The_Witch_128x64)
- [Umbrella](Haseo/Umbrella_128x64)
### Creator: [Kuronons](
- [Earth Arcadia](Kuronons/L1_Earth_Arcadia_128x64)
- [Eye of the Flipper](Kuronons/L1_Eye_of_the_Flipper_128x64)
- [L](Kuronons/Kuronons_L_128x64)
- [Laughing Man](Kuronons/L1_LaughingMan_128x64)
- [RogueMaster CFW Animation](Kuronons/Kuronons_RMCFW_128x64)
#### Black Flags
- [Angot](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Angot_128x64)
- [Belain](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Belain_128x64)
- [Beluche](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Beluche_128x64)
- [Bonnet](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Bonnet_128x64)
- [Boze](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Boze_128x64)
- [Busket](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Busket_128x64)
- [ChrisMoody](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_ChrisMoody_128x64)
- [Condent](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Condent_128x64)
- [Delahaye](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Delahaye_128x64)
- [Egron](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Egron_128x64)
- [England](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_England_128x64)
- [Every](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Every_128x64)
- [Kennedy](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Kennedy_128x64)
- [Lafitte](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Lafitte_128x64)
- [Landolphe](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Landolphe_128x64)
- [LeBasque](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_LeBasque_128x64)
- [Lelong](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Lelong_128x64)
- [Low](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Low_128x64)
- [Napin](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Napin_128x64)
- [Quelch](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Quelch_128x64)
- [Rackham](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Rackham_128x64)
- [Roberts3](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Roberts3_128x64)
- [Roberts5](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Roberts5_128x64)
- [Surcouf](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Surcouf_128x64)
- [Teach](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Teach_128x64)
- [Tew](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Tew_128x64)
- [WillMoody](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_WillMoody_128x64)
- [Worley](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Worley_128x64)
- [Wynne](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_Wynne_128x64)
- [You](Kuronons/BlackFlags/Kuronons_BlackFlags_You_128x64)
#### Science Fiction Logos
- [Cyberdyne](Kuronons/SFlogo/Kuronons_SFlogo_Cyberdyne_128x64)
- [OCP](Kuronons/SFlogo/Kuronons_SFlogo_OCP_128x64)
- [Rekall](Kuronons/SFlogo/Kuronons_SFlogo_Rekall_128x64)
- [Skynet](Kuronons/SFlogo/Kuronons_SFlogo_Skynet_128x64)
- [Tyrell](Kuronons/SFlogo/Kuronons_SFlogo_Tyrell_128x64)
- [Weyland](Kuronons/SFlogo/Kuronons_SFlogo_Weyland_128x64)
### Creator: MajiK
- [Akira](MjK/MjK_Akira_128x64)
- [Lion's Roar](MjK/MjK_LionsRoar_128x64)
- [Mad Scientist](MjK/MjK_Mad_Sci_128x64)
- [Matrix](MjK/L1_Digi_rain_128x64)
- [Rick Roll](MjK/L1_Rickroll_128x64)
- [Shodan](MjK/L1_Shodan_128x64)
- [Slayers](MjK/L1_Slayers_128x64)
- [Starfield](MjK/MjK_Starfield_128x64)
- [Swim](MjK/L1_MjkDolphin_128x64)
- [Thanks for all the Fish](MjK/L1_Thanks4fish_128x64)
- [Trioptimum](MjK/MjK_Trioptimum_128x64)
### Creator: NeonKodama
- [Calcifier](NeonK/NeonK_Calcifer)
- [Jiji Milk](NeonK/NeonK_Jiji_Milk)
- [Last Unicorn](NeonK/NeonK_LastUnicorn_128x64)
### Creator: [Panzer00Z](
- [P0liwhirl](Panzer00Z/L1_P0liwhirl_128x51)
### Creator: [RogueMaster](
- [ChiChi](RM/RM_ChiChi_128x64)
- [G0ku Pew](RM/RM_G0kuPew_128x64)
- [Halloween](RM/RM_Halloween_128_64)
- [Hexadecimal](RM/RM_Hexadecimal_128x64)
- [Init D Water](RM/RM_Init_D_Water_128x64)
- [Kam3Ham3Ha](RM/RM_Kam3ham3ha_128x64)
- [Kirbs](RM/RM_Kirbs_128x64)
- [Kirbs Confused](RM/RM_Kirbs_Confused_128x64)
- [M3gamanZ3r0 Battle](RM/RM_M3gamanZ3r0_Battle_128x64)
- [OP G3ar 4](RM/RM_OP_G3ar4_128x64)
- [R0shi](RM/RM_R0shi_128x64)
- [Tardi5](RM/RM_Tardi5_128x64)
- [Z3lda 0h](RM/RM_Z3lda_0h_128x64)
- [Z3lda R3ady](RM/RM_Z3lda_R3ady_128x64)
#### 18+
- [Aika Zer0](RM/18/RM_AikaZer0_128x64)
- [Aika Zer0 2](RM/18/RM_AikaZer0_2_128x64)
- [BulmFlash](RM/18/RM_BulmFlash_128x64)
- [G0ku Pat Pat](RM/18/RM_G0kuPatPat_128x64)
- [Kaz0ku Haha](RM/18/RM_Kaz0ku_Haha_128x64)
- [P3ach Run](RM/18/RM_P3achRun_128x64)
- [Sail0rM00n](RM/18/RM_Sail0rM00n_128x64)
### Creator: [Sasquach](
- [Blaster](Sasquach/Sasquach_Blaster_128x64)
- [CloudG0ku](Sasquach/Sasquach_CloudG0ku_128x64)
- [D1g1talRa1n](Sasquach/Sasquach_D1g1talRa1n_128x64)
- [G0ku](Sasquach/Sasquach_G0ku_128x64)
- [Narut0](Sasquach/Sasquach_Narut0_128x64)
- [RogueMaster Custom Firmware](Sasquach/Sasquach_RMCF_128x64)
- [StickFight](Sasquach/Sasquach_StickFight_128x64)
### Creator: [STOPOXY](
- [The Legend of Zelda](STOPOXY/STOPOXY_TLOZ_128x64)
- [Whisper of the Heart](STOPOXY/STOPOXY_WOT_HEART_128x64)
### Creator: Svaarich
- [Flipper City](Svaarich/L2_FlipperCity_128x64)
### Creator: Syrius
- [Agumon](Syrius/L1_Agumon_128x64)
- [Rukamon](Syrius/L1_Rukamon_128x64)
- [Rukamon PC](Syrius/L2_Rukamon_PC_128x64)
### Creator: ut1s
- [DJ](ut1s/L1_DJ_128x64)
### Creator: [wotori](
- [Purple Rain](wotori/L1_Purple_rain_128x64)
### Creator: [xMasterX](
- [Fireplace](wotori/L3_Fireplace_128x64)
- [Halloween](wotori/L1_Halloween_128x64)
# Additional Creators/Resources:
### [CharlesTheGreat77](
### [HexxedBitHeadz](

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Filetype: Flipper Animation
Version: 1
Width: 128
Height: 64
Passive frames: 4
Active frames: 2
Frames order: 0 0 0 1 1 1
Active cycles: 1
Frame rate: 4
Duration: 3600
Active cooldown: 4
Bubble slots: 0

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Filetype: Flipper Animation
Version: 1
Width: 128
Height: 64
Passive frames: 18
Active frames: 1
Frames order: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Active cycles: 1
Frame rate: 5
Duration: 3600
Active cooldown: 7
Bubble slots: 0

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Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Filetype: Flipper Animation
Version: 1
Width: 128
Height: 64
Passive frames: 10
Active frames: 4
Frames order: 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Active cycles: 1
Frame rate: 1
Duration: 3600
Active cooldown: 1
Bubble slots: 0

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Filetype: Flipper Animation
Version: 1
Width: 128
Height: 64
Passive frames: 7
Active frames: 1
Frames order: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Active cycles: 1
Frame rate: 5
Duration: 3600
Active cooldown: 7
Bubble slots: 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Filetype: Flipper Animation
Version: 1
Width: 128
Height: 64
Passive frames: 51
Active frames: 0
Frames order: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Active cycles: 0
Frame rate: 2
Duration: 3600
Active cooldown: 0
Bubble slots: 0

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More