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A collection of Awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device.
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Table of Contents (Expandable)
Databases & Dumps
Dumps of TouchTune's remote.T119 bruteforcer
Triggers Retekess T119 restaurant pagers.flipperzero-bruteforce
Generate .sub files to brute force Sub-GHz OOK.Flipperzero-Concert-Bracelets
Sub-GHz file to trigger event LED bracelets.
Bank vault of Amiibos to Flipper's format.Flipper-Zero-Tonies
Database of Tonies for the Toniebox.
Free BadUSB payloads for ethical hacking (and fun).My-Flipper-Shits
Free and open-source BadUSB payloads for Flipper Zero.Flipper BadUSB Payloads
Collection of payloads formatted to work on the Flipper Zero.FalsePhilosophers Flipper BadUSB
Flipper Zero community ducky payload repo.
Collection of musics for FlipperZero Music Player.flipper-music-files
Much smaller collection of musics for FlipperZero Music Player.
Applications & Plugins
Try official apps |
📱 The Flipper Zero also has an official app store! |
Officially maintained apps
Official apps maintained by the Flipper Team and collaborators.All the plugins
Large collection of applications including some not published in the official catalog
Xbox Controller
Easy controller for Xbox One with IRXRemote
Advanced IR remote app for Flipper Zero
Vulnerability Scanner
Scans a PC for vulnerabilities and saves results.COM Port Scanner Emulator
Barcode Scanner Emulator.USB HID Autofire
Send left-clicks as a USB HID device.Mouse jiggler
Keeps PC screens on by acting as a moving mouse.
UberGuidoZ Documentation
Many different pinouts, modules, and protocol documentation.NRF24 & Mousejacking
(outdated) PoC NRF24 library and mousejack exploitation app.Sentry Safe
Plugin that can open any Sentry Safe and Master Lock electronic safe without entering pin code.GPS
Display data from a serial GPS module.Unitemp
Temperature, humidity and pressure sensors reader (DHT11/22, DS18B20, BMP280, HTU21x and more)Servo Tester
Servo Tester App
Wifi Devboard
UberGuidoZ Files and Documentation
Documentation, Marauder, BlackMagic, and links.FZEE Flasher
Easy web flasher for various different wifi boards.SkeletonMan's ESP32 Flasher
Python script to flash multiple boards with Marauder or BlackMagic.Maraduer Official
Official site from JustCallMeKoko, including various ESP32 options.Flipper Zero Evil Portal
An evil captive portal Wi-Fi access point using the Flipper Zero and Wi-Fi dev board
USB Keyboard
(outdated) A refactor of the BT remote to work over USB. Allows the Flipper to act as an USB HID keyboard.ble_spam_ofw
Application that spams broadcast packets to Apple, Android, and Windows.
A rudimentary Tetris game.Flappy Bird
The name says it all.T-Rex Runner
Flipper zero port of Chrome's game.floopper-bloopper
LD#47 Game.Doom
Doom-like clone for Flipper Zero.Minesweeper
Minesweeper implementation.Reversi
The classic Reversi game
Updated plugin tutorial based on new build methods.Flipper Authenticator
Generate TOTP authentication codes.Tuning Fork
Use your Flipper as a tuning fork.UPC-A Barcode Generator
Can be used to create any UPC-A barcode.Dec/Hex Converter
Small "real time" decimal/hexadecimal converter.MultiConverter
Multi-unit converter that can be easily expanded with new units and conversion methods.bpm-tapper
Tap along to a song to measure beats per minute.Flipp Pomodoro
Pomodoro Timer Tool for productivity.
Firmwares & Tweaks
Hey you! |
🔰 Click here for a feature comparison of these firmwares! |
Official firmware (ofw)
Custom firmware (cfw)
Unlocked firmware with rolling codes support & community plugins, stable tweaks, and games.Momentum
Feature-rich, stable and customizable Flipper firmware: a direct continuation of the Xtreme firmware.RogueMaster
Fork of Unleashed firmware with custom graphics, experimental tweaks, community plugins and games.
Outdated/Unmaintained firmware
Official fork with cleaned up codebase, more module extensions and custom assets.SquachWare
Fork of official firmware which adds custom graphics, community applications & files.Dexv
Xtreme fork; The "Will it blend?" of custom firmwares.Wetox
Very similar to the official branch, with a few small tweaks.Muddled Forks
Less-active firmware modifications.OpenHaystack BLE mod
Very old PoC that makes Flipper behave like an AirTag.v1nc flipper zero firmware
Unleashed fork with support for different Duckyscript keyboard layouts & community plugins.
Graphics & Animations
Flipper Zero Animation Process
Google Doc step by step from Talking Sasquach.Lab401 Animation Video
YouTube video with a step by step from Talking Sasquach.
Pre-made animations
Talking Sasquach Animations
Literally wrote the book on making animations.Kuronons Graphics
Custom animations, passport backgrounds & profile pictures.Haseosama Animations
Great collection of custom animations.Animations by stopoxy
Another great custom animation collection.Wr3nch Animations
Some custom animations and scripts.Dexv Graphics
Custom animations and resources.DoobTheGoober Animations
Custom animations from the creator of zip2AnimationUberGuidoZ Graphics
Brief description and links to resources, including PYX host.Animations by mnenkov
A dump with animations and manifest creator for batch files.Oneamongthetrees Animations/Graphics
Collection of custom animations and passport icons.Kf637/Animations-for-Flipper-Zero
A collection of over 420 public animations from tons of different creators.
Flipper Animation Manager
Visualize and manage animations directly from your computer.H4XV's Gif2Anim
Gif2FlipperAnimation Converterzip2Animation
Utility to assist in creating animations.
Flipper Animation Manager
Visualize and manage animations directly from your computer.H4XV's Gif2Anim
Gif2FlipperAnimation Converterzip2Animation
Utility to assist in creating animations.
Modules & Cases
Ultimate Flipper Zero Case
3D printed case with room for 3rd party modules & 2x WiFi dev board slots.FlipperZero-Hardware
3D-Printable cases with custom iButton interface.Flipper Zero Cases
3D-Printable case & cover models.Pelican case
Big case to hold Flipper and USB.Hard case
Smaller than pelican case, but still bulky.WiFi Module v1 Case
Small cover for the WiFi dev board.Skadis holder
Flipper Zero holder for Ikea Skadis.Flipper Zero Car Mount
Uses foam from the original box.Soft TPU cover
Similar to the official silicone case.Flipper-Boy
Flipper Zero Case with 22mm Watch Strap Adapter.
ESP32 Marauder on WiFi dev board
Portable WiFi/Bluetooth pentesting.ESP32 Marauder guide video
Companion video for the above link.FlipperZero-Protoboards-Kicad
KiCad prototype boards.WiFi Scanner Module
Scans for WiFi networks via a custom Wemos module board.WiFi Scanner Module Flasher
Web flasher for module firmware above.WiFi DSTIKE Deauther
Preforms WiFi deauth attacks via a custom ESP8266 module board.WiFi Deauther Module Flasher
Web flasher for module firmware above.Flipper Zero Boards
ESP32 and NRF24 daughterboards for the Flipper.Flipper-Zero-Backpacks
Backpack addon boards with ESP32, Raspberry Pi, Protoboards etc.WiFi Devboard Pelican Case
Top case that works with the 4mm FZ Pelican case.The Mayhem Fin
ESP32 with WiFi, BT/BLE, Micro-SD, Camera, Flashlight, NRF24/CC1101, and more.
Flipper Zero screen protector
Official screen protector for the Flipper Zero.FlipperZero RGB backlight
Replacing stock backlight with RGB
Off-device & Debugging
Official Web Interface
Web interface to interact with Flipper, including Paint and SUB/IR analyzer.Flipper Maker
Generate Flipper Zero files on the fly.Flipper File Toolbox
Scripts for generating Flipper data files.Flipper Zero Syntax Highlighting
VSCode extension that will add syntax highlighting for Flipper Zero files.
OOK to .sub
Python script to generate Flipper RAW .sub files from OOK bitstreams.csv2ir
Script to convert IRDB CSV's to Flipper .ir files.AmiiboFlipperConverter
Script that converts Amiibo's to Flipper format.VertProntoIR2FlipperIR
Converts Vert Pronto IR codes to Flipper format.FlippMibo
Yet another Amiibo to Flipper conversion script.ClassicConverter
Converts Mifare Classic binary files to Flipper.ClassicConverterWeb
Converts between Mifare Classic binary and Flipper NFC file.musicxml2fmf
Converts MusicXML files to Flipper Music Format.BadUSB keyboard converter
Payload converted for non-US keyboard layouts.flipper2mct
A script to convert Flipper NFC files to Mifare Classic Tools format for MC 1k & 4k.SerialHex2FlipperZeroInfrared
Convert IR serial messages into FlipperZero compatible IR files.
Segger Embedded Studio project.flipper0
Rusty crate with safe interface to Flipper Firmware and autogen bindings underneath.flipperzero-rs
Hand-crafted bindings to Flipper Firmware with custom build tool.fzfs
Flipper Zero filesystem driver.FBT-AARCH64
A script that sets up FBT's toolchain on ARM devices.
Modify the state and level of your dolphin.Viewing system logs
Dump system logs to serial CLI.CLI Tools
Python scripts to screenshot/stream screen.Fztea
Connect to your Flipper's UI over serial or make it accessible via SSH.pyFlipper
Unofficial CLI wrapper writter in Python.SUB Plotters / comparers
Python package to plot and compare multiple .sub files.U2F SSH Keys
U2F ECDSA SSH Key Generation using Flipper Zero.Pagger
Sub-GHz generators for restaurants/kiosks paging systems.
Notes & References
Need help using your Flipper Zero? |
📕 Give the official documentation a read! |
Official battery self-repair guide
How to troubleshoot battery issues.Official firmware recovery guide
How to troubleshoot firmware issues.Flipper Zero disassembly guide
Difficulty: Moderate, Time: 8-15 Minutes.Alternative disassembly video
Third-party video for disassembling the Flipper.Reset forgotten PIN
How to reset your device's PIN code.
Flipper Zero Hacking 101
Guides with screenshots, files, and general help.Atmanos Flipper Software Docs
Flipper development tutorials and information.Flipper Zero GPIO Pinout
Official GPIO pinouts.Flipper Skylanders
How to read a Skylanders figure with Flipper.Application CI/CD Guide
A complete guide on how to adopt flipper application to regular API changes.
Add-on Modules GPIO Pinouts
ESP32, ESP8266, ESP32-CAM, ESP32-WROOM, NRF24.Flipper Zero Dimensions
Basic info on screen and case dimensions.
Firmware roadmap
(outdated?) Official stock firmware roadmap.Flipper Zero SW&HW keynote
(outdated) Hardware & software architecture document.
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