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2022-07-18 16:45:10 -05:00
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< a href = "https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero" >
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2022-07-18 16:45:10 -05:00
2022-03-14 12:44:14 -05:00
< h3 align = "center" >
A collection of Awesome resources for the < a href = "https://flipperzero.one" > Flipper Zero< / a > device.< br > < br >
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2022-07-09 23:04:33 -05:00
< img src = "https://img.shields.io/badge/Approved%20by-Lurat-brightgreen" alt = "Approved by Lurat" height = 24 title = "Lurat is the name of my Flipper" >
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2022-08-02 03:08:03 -05:00
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👋 New to Flipper Zero? Got questions?< br >
Check out the < a href = "https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero/blob/main/FAQ.md" > FAQ Document< / a > ❗
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🚫 Not affiliated with< br >
< a href = "https://www.flipperdevices.com/" > Flipper Devices Inc.< / a >
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2022-07-18 16:45:10 -05:00
2022-03-14 12:44:14 -05:00
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2022-03-14 09:29:24 -05:00
2022-03-15 21:59:36 -05:00
2022-03-15 22:05:17 -04:00
## Databases & Dumps
2023-04-20 15:27:30 +02:00
- [`My-Flipper-Shits` Free and open-source \[BadUSB\] payloads for Flipper Zero.](https://github.com/aleff-github/my-flipper-shits/)
2022-08-02 23:06:29 -07:00
- [`UberGuidoZ Playground` Large collection of files, documentation, and dumps of all kinds. ](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`Flipper-IRDB` Many IR dumps for various appliances. ](https://github.com/logickworkshop/Flipper-IRDB )
- [`FlipperZero-TouchTunes` Dumps of TouchTune's remote. ](https://github.com/jimilinuxguy/flipperzero-touchtunes )
- [`Flipper Maker` Generate Flipper Zero files on the fly. ](https://flippermaker.github.io/ )
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`FlipperAmiibo` Bank vault of Amiibos to Flipper's format. ](https://github.com/Gioman101/FlipperAmiibo )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`FlipperMusicRTTTL` Collection of musics for FlipperZero Music Player. ](https://github.com/neverfa11ing/FlipperMusicRTTTL )
2022-08-09 22:56:34 +02:00
- [`flipper-music-files` Much smaller collection of musics for FlipperZero Music Player. ](https://github.com/Tonsil/flipper-music-files )
2022-07-09 23:04:33 -05:00
- [`Generic BadUSB Payloads` Hak5 Duckyscript payloads. ](https://github.com/nocomp/Flipper_Zero_Badusb_hack5_payloads )
2022-05-27 10:56:38 -05:00
- [`Flipper BadUSB Payloads` Collection of payloads formatted to work on the Flipper Zero. ](https://github.com/I-Am-Jakoby/Flipper-Zero-BadUSB )
- [`FlipperZero-Goodies` Intercom keys, scripts, etc. ](https://github.com/wetox-team/flipperzero-goodies )
2022-08-01 23:59:12 -05:00
- [`T119 bruteforcer` Triggers Retekess T119 restaurant pagers. ](https://github.com/xb8/t119bruteforcer )
2022-09-26 22:04:05 -05:00
- [`flipperzero-bruteforce` Generate .sub files to brute force Sub-GHz OOK. ](https://github.com/tobiabocchi/flipperzero-bruteforce )
2022-10-26 17:12:04 -05:00
- [`UNC0V3R3D BadUSB collection` Yet another BadUSB collection. ](https://github.com/UNC0V3R3D/Flipper_Zero-BadUsb )
2022-11-24 14:13:18 -06:00
- [`Flipper-StarNew` Universal Intercom Keys. ](https://github.com/GlUTEN-BASH/Flipper-Starnew )
2022-12-04 20:20:44 -06:00
- [`FalsePhilosophers Flipper BadUSB` Flipper zero community ducky payload repo. ](https://github.com/FalsePhilosopher/badusb )
- [`SerialHex2FlipperZeroInfrared` Convert IR serial messages into FlipperZero compatible IR files. ](https://github.com/maehw/SerialHex2FlipperZeroInfrared )
2022-03-14 09:29:24 -05:00
2022-03-15 22:05:17 -04:00
## Applications & Plugins
2022-10-13 15:38:41 -05:00
- [`Flipper-Plugin-Tutorial` Updated plugin tutorial based on new build methods. ](https://github.com/csBlueChip/FlipperZero_plugin_howto )
2022-05-05 19:16:36 -05:00
- [`Spectrum analyzer` Sub-GHz frequency spectrum analyzer. ](https://github.com/jolcese/flipperzero-firmware/tree/spectrum/applications/spectrum_analyzer )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`Tetris` A rudimentary Tetris game. ](https://github.com/jeffplang/flipperzero-firmware/tree/tetris_game/applications/tetris_game )
- [`Flappy Bird` The name says it all. ](https://github.com/DroomOne/flipperzero-firmware/tree/dev/applications%2Fflappy_bird )
2022-05-18 05:43:51 -05:00
- [`Mouse jiggler` Keeps PC screens on by acting as a moving mouse. ](https://github.com/MuddledBox/flipperzero-firmware/tree/Mouse_Jiggler/applications/mouse_jiggler )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`floopper-bloopper` LD#47 Game. ](https://github.com/glitchcore/floopper-bloopper )
2022-07-09 23:04:33 -05:00
- [`NRF24 & Mousejacking` PoC NRF24 library and mousejack exploitation app. ](https://github.com/mothball187/flipperzero-nrf24 )
2022-08-02 23:06:29 -07:00
- [`UPC-A Barcode Generator` Can be used to create any UPC-A barcode. ](https://github.com/McAzzaMan/flipperzero-firmware/tree/UPC-A_Barcode_Generator/applications/barcode_generator )
- [`Sentry Safe` Plugin that can open any Sentry Safe and Master Lock electronic safe without entering pin code. ](https://github.com/H4ckd4ddy/flipperzero-sentry-safe-plugin )
2022-08-05 21:37:50 +02:00
- [`Dec/Hex Converter` Small "real time" decimal/hexadecimal converter. ](https://github.com/theisolinearchip/flipperzero_stuff/tree/main/applications/dec_hex_converter )
2022-09-07 21:53:59 -05:00
- [`MultiConverter` Multi-unit converter that can be easily expanded with new units and conversion methods. ](https://github.com/theisolinearchip/flipperzero_stuff/tree/main/applications/multi_converter )
2022-09-25 14:52:58 -05:00
- [`Doom` Doom-like clone for Flipper Zero. ](https://github.com/p4nic4ttack/doom-flipper-zero )
- [`bpm-tapper` Tap along to a song to measure beats per minute. ](https://github.com/panki27/bpm-tapper )
- [`Metronome` Musical metronome. ](https://github.com/panki27/Metronome )
- [`USB Keyboard` A refactor of the BT remote to work over USB. Allows the Flipper to act as an USB HID keyboard. ](https://github.com/huuck/FlipperZeroUSBKeyboard )
2022-10-03 16:41:11 -05:00
- [`Minesweeper` Minesweeper implementation. ](https://github.com/panki27/minesweeper )
2022-10-13 15:38:41 -05:00
- [`SD Load Applications` Prebuilt applications (FAP) for popular firmware options. ](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/tree/main/Applications )
2022-10-26 17:12:04 -05:00
- [`Tuning Fork` Use your flipper as a tuning fork. ](https://github.com/besya/flipperzero-tuning-fork )
- [`GPS` Display data from a serial GPS module. ](https://github.com/ezod/flipperzero-gps )
2022-11-24 14:13:18 -06:00
- [`USB HID Autofire` Send left-clicks as a USB HID device. ](https://github.com/pbek/usb_hid_autofire )
- [`Flipper Authenticator` Generate TOTP authentication codes. ](https://github.com/akopachov/flipper-zero_authenticator/ )
2023-01-07 08:51:58 +03:00
- [`Unitemp` Temperature, humidity and pressure sensors reader (DHT11/22, DS18B20, BMP280, HTU21x and more) ](https://github.com/quen0n/unitemp-flipperzero )
2023-01-04 02:49:14 -06:00
- [`Flipp Pomodoro` Pomodoro Timer Tool for productivity. ](https://github.com/Th3Un1q3/flipp_pomodoro )
2023-01-27 08:28:00 +03:00
- [`COM Port Scanner Emulator` Barcode Scanner Emulator. ](https://github.com/polarikus/flipper-zero_bc_scanner_emulator )
2023-01-14 20:45:53 +02:00
- [`Xbox Controller` Easy controller for Xbox One with IR ](https://github.com/gebeto/flipper-xbox-controller )
2023-04-14 14:34:21 -05:00
- [`Reversi` The classic Reversi game ](https://github.com/dimat/flipperzero-reversi )
- [`Servo Tester` Servo Tester App ](https://github.com/mhasbini/ServoTesterApp )
2022-05-04 16:34:15 -05:00
2022-03-15 22:05:17 -04:00
## Firmwares & Tweaks
2022-05-04 16:34:15 -05:00
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2022-07-04 00:34:22 -05:00
< tr > < th > < strong > Hey you!< / strong > < / th > < / tr >
2022-07-09 23:04:33 -05:00
< tr > < td > 🔰 < em > < a href = "https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero/blob/main/Firmwares.md" > Click here< / a > for a feature< br > comparison of these firmwares!< / em > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-04 16:34:15 -05:00
< / table >
2022-10-13 15:38:41 -05:00
- [`Unleashed` Unlocked firmware with rolling codes support & community plugins, stable tweaks, and games. ](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware )
- [`RogueMaster` Fork of Unleashed firmware with custom graphics, experimental tweaks, community plugins and games. ](https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins )
2023-01-04 14:36:30 +01:00
- [`Xtreme` Official fork with cleaned up codebase, more module extensions and custom assets. ](https://github.com/ClaraCrazy/Flipper-Xtreme )
- [`Dexv` Xtreme fork; The "Will it blend?" of custom firmwares. ](https://github.com/DXVVAY/Dexvmaster0 )
2023-04-14 14:34:21 -05:00
- [`SquachWare` Fork of official firmware which adds custom graphics, community applications & files. ](https://github.com/skizzophrenic/SquachWare-CFW )
2022-11-24 14:13:18 -06:00
- [`v1nc flipper zero firmware` Unleashed fork with support for different Duckyscript keyboard layouts & community plugins. ](https://github.com/v1nc/flipperzero-firmware )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`Wetox` Very similar to the official branch, with a few small tweaks. ](https://github.com/wetox-team/flipperzero-firmware )
2022-08-02 23:06:29 -07:00
- [`Muddled Forks` Less-active firmware modifications. ](https://github.com/MuddledBox/flipperzero-firmware/tree/muddled_dev )
2022-07-09 23:04:33 -05:00
- [`OpenHaystack BLE mod` Very old PoC that makes Flipper behave like an AirTag. ](https://github.com/AlexStrNik/flipperzero-firmware )
2022-03-14 13:05:26 -05:00
2022-12-30 16:15:39 -08:00
## Graphics & Animations
- [`Talking Sasquach Animations` Literally wrote the book on making animations. ](https://github.com/skizzophrenic/Talking-Sasquach )
- [`Lab401 Animation Video` YouTube video with a step by step from Talking Sasquach. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq5DXhOMo5s )
- [`Kuronons Graphics` Custom animations, passport backgrounds & profile pictures. ](https://github.com/Kuronons/FZ_graphics )
- [`Flipper Zero Animation Process` Google Doc step by step from Talking Sasquach. ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR_nZRakD6iwJVQS8Pf4y7Wm4klcucrC7EKVO8m_DQV63To7e-alqD0yaoO3sTygjcChfcRo80Hdeet/pub )
- [`Flipper Animation Manager` Visualize and manage animations directly from your computer. ](https://github.com/Ooggle/FlipperAnimationManager )
- [`zip2Animation` Utility to assist in creating animations. ](https://github.com/CharlesTheGreat77/zip2Animation )
- [`Haseosama Animations` Great collection of custom animations. ](https://github.com/Haseosama/FZ_Animations )
- [`Animations by stopoxy` Another great custom animation collection. ](https://github.com/stopoxy/FZAnimations )
- [`Wr3nch Animations` Some custom animations and scripts. ](https://github.com/wrenchathome/flip0anims )
- [`Dexv Graphics` Custom animations and resources. ](https://github.com/DXVVAY/dexv-graphics )
- [`DoobTheGoober Animations` Custom animations from the creator of zip2Animation ](https://github.com/CharlesTheGreat77/FlipperZeroAnimation )
- [`UberGuidoZ Graphics` Brief description and links to resources, including PYX host. ](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/tree/main/Graphics )
2023-01-22 12:27:03 +02:00
- [`Animations by mnenkov` A dump with animations and manifest creator for batch files. ](https://github.com/mnenkov/flipper-zero-animations )
2022-12-30 16:15:39 -08:00
2022-03-15 22:05:17 -04:00
## Modules & Cases
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`FlipperZero-Hardware` 3D-Printable cases with custom iButton interface. ](https://github.com/s0ko1ex/FlipperZero-Hardware )
2022-03-15 22:06:53 -05:00
- [`Flipper Zero Cases` 3D-Printable case & cover models. ](https://github.com/MuddledBox/FlipperZeroCases )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`FlipperZero-Protoboards-Kicad` KiCad prototype boards. ](https://github.com/lomalkin/flipperzero-protoboards-kicad )
2022-05-18 05:43:51 -05:00
- [`Pelican case` Big case to hold Flipper and USB. ](https://www.printables.com/model/204882-flipper-zero-case )
- [`Hard case` Smaller than pelican case, but still bulky. ](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5387015 )
2022-07-04 01:42:56 -05:00
- [`WiFi Module v1 Case` Small cover for the WiFi dev board. ](https://www.printables.com/model/179910-case-for-flipper-zero-wi-fi-module-v1 )
2022-07-15 10:26:42 -05:00
- [`Flipper screen protector` An alternative screen protector for Flipper. ](https://www.photodon.com/p/2419-01.html )
2022-07-30 10:52:51 -05:00
- [`WiFi Scanner Module` Scans for WiFi networks via a custom Wemos module board. ](https://github.com/SequoiaSan/FlipperZero-WiFi-Scanner_Module )
2022-08-04 14:27:11 -05:00
- [`WiFi Scanner Module Flasher` Web flasher for module firmware above. ](https://sequoiasan.github.io/FlipperZero-WiFi-Scanner_Module/ )
2022-07-30 10:52:51 -05:00
- [`WiFi DSTIKE Deauther` Preforms WiFi deauth attacks via a custom ESP8266 module board. ](https://github.com/SequoiaSan/FlipperZero-Wifi-ESP8266-Deauther-Module )
2022-08-04 14:27:11 -05:00
- [`WiFi Deauther Module Flasher` Web flasher for module firmware above. ](https://sequoiasan.github.io/FlipperZero-Wifi-ESP8266-Deauther-Module/ )
2022-07-18 16:44:34 -05:00
- [`Skadis holder` Flipper Zero holder for Ikea Skadis. ](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5434476 )
2022-08-21 09:59:29 -04:00
- [`Flipper Zero Boards` ESP32 and NRF24 daughterboards for the Flipper. ](https://github.com/DrB0rk/Flipper-Zero-Boards )
2022-09-07 21:53:59 -05:00
- [`Flipper Zero Car Mount` Uses foam from the original box. ](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5464899 )
2022-09-16 07:35:58 -05:00
- [`Soft TPU cover` Similar to the official silicone case. ](https://www.printables.com/en/model/272676-soft-tpu-flipper-zero-cover )
2022-11-24 14:13:18 -06:00
- [`Flipper-Boy` Flipper Zero Case with 22mm Watch Strap Adapter. ](https://www.printables.com/model/304243-flipper-boy )
2022-12-04 20:20:44 -06:00
- [`WiFi Devboard Pelican Case` Top case that works with the 4mm FZ Pelican case. ](https://github.com/Z3BRO/Flipper-Zero-Pelican-Case-Wifi-Devboard )
2023-01-04 06:45:40 +03:00
- [`FlipperZero RGB backlight` Replacing stock backlight with RGB ](https://github.com/quen0n/flipperzero-firmware-rgb )
2023-04-14 14:34:21 -05:00
- [`The Mayhem Fin` ESP32 with WiFi, BT/BLE, Micro-SD, Camera, Flashlight, NRF24/CC1101, and more. ](https://github.com/eried/flipperzero-mayhem )
2022-03-15 22:05:17 -04:00
## Off-device & Debugging
2023-04-14 14:34:21 -05:00
- [`Official Web Interface` Web interface to interact with Flipper, including Paint and SUB/IR analyzer. ](https://lab.flipper.net/ )
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`OOK to .sub` Python script to generate Flipper RAW .sub files from OOK bitstreams. ](https://gist.github.com/jinschoi/f39dbd82e4e3d99d32ab6a9b8dfc2f55 )
2022-05-01 22:08:30 -05:00
- [`csv2ir` Script to convert IRDB CSV's to Flipper .ir files. ](https://github.com/Spexivus/csv2ir )
2022-03-14 13:05:26 -05:00
- [`flipperzero-sesproject` Segger Embedded Studio project. ](https://github.com/hedger/flipperzero-sesproject )
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`FlipperScripts` Modify the state and level of your dolphin. ](https://github.com/DroomOne/FlipperScripts )
2022-03-15 22:06:53 -05:00
- [`Viewing system logs` Dump system logs to serial CLI. ](https://gist.github.com/jaflo/50c35c46f3ecada7a18c9e5cc203a3f8 )
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`AmiiboFlipperConverter` Script that converts Amiibo's to Flipper format. ](https://github.com/Lucaslhm/AmiiboFlipperConverter/ )
- [`CLI Tools` Python scripts to screenshot/stream screen. ](https://github.com/lomalkin/flipperzero-cli-tools )
2022-07-04 01:42:56 -05:00
- [`Flipper File Toolbox` Scripts for generating Flipper data files. ](https://github.com/evilpete/flipper_toolbox )
2022-07-04 00:34:22 -05:00
- [`Marauder for Wifi Dev Board` See Flipper.bin in Releases by JustCallMeKoko. ](https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder )
2022-07-04 01:42:56 -05:00
- [`VertProntoIR2FlipperIR` Converts Vert Pronto IR codes to Flipper format. ](https://github.com/SkeletonMan03/VertProntoIR2FlipperIR )
2022-07-09 23:04:33 -05:00
- [`FlippMibo` Yet another Amiibo to Flipper conversion script. ](https://github.com/0xz00n/FlipMiibo )
2022-07-15 10:26:42 -05:00
- [`mfkey32v2` MFC key recovery reader attack. ](https://github.com/equipter/mfkey32v2 )
2022-07-30 10:52:51 -05:00
- [`Fztea` Connect to your Flipper's UI over serial or make it accessible via SSH. ](https://github.com/jon4hz/fztea )
2022-11-24 14:13:18 -06:00
- [`pyFlipper` Unofficial CLI wrapper writter in Python. ](https://github.com/wh00hw/pyFlipper )
2022-08-04 14:27:11 -05:00
- [`SUB Plotters / comparers` Python package to plot and compare multiple .sub files. ](https://github.com/ShotokanZH/flipper_sub_plotters_comparers )
2023-04-14 14:34:21 -05:00
- [`ClassicConverter` Converts Mifare Classic binary files to Flipper. ](https://github.com/equipter/ClassicConverter )
- [`ClassicConverterWeb` Converts between Mifare Classic binary and Flipper NFC file. ](https://micsen.github.io/flipperNfcToBin/ )
2022-08-09 22:56:34 +02:00
- [`musicxml2fmf` Converts MusicXML files to Flipper Music Format. ](https://github.com/white-gecko/musicxml2fmf )
2022-09-25 14:52:58 -05:00
- [`BadUSB keyboard converter` Payload converted for non-US keyboard layouts. ](http://helppox.com/badusbconvert.html )
2022-09-26 22:04:05 -05:00
- [`U2F SSH Keys` U2F ECDSA SSH Key Generation using Flipper Zero. ](https://gist.github.com/BlackPropaganda/44c40f7855a90e289a9477b654e54eb1 )
2022-10-26 17:12:04 -05:00
- [`flipper0` Rusty crate with safe interface to Flipper Firmware and autogen bindings underneath. ](https://crates.io/crates/flipper0 )
- [`flipperzero-rs` Hand-crafted bindings to Flipper Firmware with custom build tool. ](https://github.com/dcoles/flipperzero-rs )
2022-11-24 14:13:18 -06:00
- [`fzfs` Flipper Zero filesystem driver. ](https://github.com/dakhnod/fzfs )
2023-04-14 14:34:21 -05:00
- [`Pagger` Sub-GHz generators for restaurants/kiosks paging systems. ](https://meoker.github.io/pagger/ )
- [`FBT-AARCH64` A script that sets up FBT's toolchain on ARM devices. ](https://github.com/qqmajikpp/FBT-AARCH64 )
2022-03-15 21:59:36 -05:00
2022-05-01 22:08:30 -05:00
## Notes & References
2022-07-04 01:42:56 -05:00
- [`Official battery self-repair guide` How to troubleshoot battery issues. ](https://cdn.flipperzero.one/self-repair-guide.pdf )
- [`Official firmware recovery guide` How to troubleshoot firmware issues. ](https://docs.flipperzero.one/basics/firmware-update/firmware-recovery )
2022-07-09 23:04:33 -05:00
- [`FZ Firmware Comparisons` Comparison of custom firmwares listed in this repo. ](https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero/blob/main/Firmwares.md )
2022-05-27 10:56:38 -05:00
- [`Flipper Zero Hacking 101` Guides with screenshots, files, and general help. ](https://flipper.pingywon.com/ )
2022-05-05 19:16:36 -05:00
- [`Reset forgotten PIN` How to reset your device's PIN code. ](https://gist.github.com/djsime1/18d73b981249859f17aab3e2bfd2b600 )
2022-05-27 10:56:38 -05:00
- [`Atmanos Flipper Software Docs` Flipper development tutorials and information. ](https://flipper.atmanos.com/docs/overview/intro )
2022-05-01 22:08:30 -05:00
- [`Flipper Zero GPIO Pinout` Official GPIO pinouts. ](https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO_LaYYI=/?moveToWidget=3458764522696947614&cot=10 )
2022-11-24 14:13:18 -06:00
- [`Add-on Modules GPIO Pinouts` ESP32, ESP8266, ESP32-CAM, ESP32-WROOM, NRF24. ](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/tree/main/GPIO )
2022-05-01 22:08:30 -05:00
- [`Firmware roadmap` Official stock firmware roadmap. ](https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO_3D6xU=/?moveToWidget=3458764522498020058&cot=14 )
2022-05-05 19:16:36 -05:00
- [`Flipper Zero SW&HW keynote` (OUTDATED) Hardware & software architecture document. ](https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_l1XZfbw=/?moveToWidget=3458764514405659414&cot=14 )
2022-05-27 10:56:38 -05:00
- [`Unofficial Community Wiki` To help consolidate all things Flipper (official and unofficial). ](https://flipperzero.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page )
2022-07-09 23:04:33 -05:00
- [`Flipper Zero disassembly guide` Difficulty: Moderate, Time: 8-15 Minutes. ](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Flipper+Zero+Disassembly/151455 )
2022-07-04 01:42:56 -05:00
- [`Alternative disassembly video` Third-party video for disassembling the Flipper. ](https://youtu.be/38pHe7M4vl8 )
- [`ESP32 Marauder on WiFi dev board` Portable WiFi/Bluetooth pentesting. ](https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder/wiki/flipper-zero )
- [`ESP32 Marauder guide video` Companion video for the above link. ](https://youtu.be/_YLTpNo5xa0 )
2022-07-30 10:52:51 -05:00
- [`Flipper Skylanders` How to read a Skylanders figure with Flipper. ](https://github.com/V0lk3n/Flipper-Skylanders )
2022-10-13 15:38:41 -05:00
- [`Flipper Zero Dimensions` Basic info on screen and case dimensions. ](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/tree/main/FlipperZero_Dimensions )
2023-01-04 02:49:14 -06:00
- [`Application CI/CD Guide` A complete guide on how to adopt flipper application to regular API changes. ](https://gist.github.com/Th3Un1q3/233fa6900d13caa95c6383e53a92bed1 )
2022-12-04 20:20:44 -06:00
2022-03-15 21:59:36 -05:00
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You can < kbd > < a href = "https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero/edit/main/README.md" > Edit this file< / a > < / kbd > and open a Pull Request,
2022-03-15 22:06:53 -05:00
or < kbd > < a href = "https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero/discussions" > Start a discussion< / a > < / kbd > with your ideas.< br >
2022-09-20 09:11:44 -05:00
Read the < a href = "https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero/blob/main/FAQ.md #meta -" > Meta FAQ section</ a > for more info.
2022-03-15 21:59:36 -05:00
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