2022-03-14 12:44:14 -05:00
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< a href = "https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero" >
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2022-03-15 21:59:36 -05:00
2022-03-14 12:44:14 -05:00
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< h3 align = "center" >
A collection of Awesome resources for the < a href = "https://flipperzero.one" > Flipper Zero< / a > device.< br > < br >
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2022-03-14 09:29:24 -05:00
2022-03-15 21:59:36 -05:00
2022-03-15 22:05:17 -04:00
## Databases & Dumps
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`UberGuidoZ Playground` Large collection of dumps. ](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper )
- [`Flipper-IRDB` Many IR dumps for various appliances. ](https://github.com/logickworkshop/Flipper-IRDB )
- [`FlipperZero-TouchTunes` Dumps of TouchTune's remote. ](https://github.com/jimilinuxguy/flipperzero-touchtunes )
- [`Flipper Maker` Generate Flipper Zero files on the fly. ](https://flippermaker.github.io/ )
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`FlipperAmiibo` Bank vault of Amiibos to Flipper's format. ](https://github.com/Gioman101/FlipperAmiibo )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`FlipperMusicRTTTL` Collection of musics for FlipperZero Music Player. ](https://github.com/neverfa11ing/FlipperMusicRTTTL )
2022-03-18 22:27:41 -05:00
- [`BadUSB Payloads` Generic Duckyscript payloads. ](https://github.com/hak5/usbrubberducky-payloads )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`FlipperZero-Goodies` Intercom keys and other dumps. ](https://github.com/wetox-team/flipperzero-goodies )
2022-03-14 09:29:24 -05:00
2022-03-15 22:05:17 -04:00
## Applications & Plugins
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`Flipper-Plugin-Tutorial` Building a Custom "Hello world" plugin. ](https://github.com/DroomOne/Flipper-Plugin-Tutorial )
2022-05-05 19:16:36 -05:00
- [`Spectrum analyzer` Sub-GHz frequency spectrum analyzer. ](https://github.com/jolcese/flipperzero-firmware/tree/spectrum/applications/spectrum_analyzer )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`Tetris` A rudimentary Tetris game. ](https://github.com/jeffplang/flipperzero-firmware/tree/tetris_game/applications/tetris_game )
- [`Flappy Bird` The name says it all. ](https://github.com/DroomOne/flipperzero-firmware/tree/dev/applications%2Fflappy_bird )
- [`floopper-bloopper` LD#47 Game. ](https://github.com/glitchcore/floopper-bloopper )
2022-05-04 16:34:15 -05:00
2022-03-15 22:05:17 -04:00
## Firmwares & Tweaks
2022-05-04 16:34:15 -05:00
< table align = "right" >
< tr > < th > < strong > HEY YOU!< / strong > < / th > < / tr >
2022-05-05 19:16:36 -05:00
< tr > < td > 🔰 < em > < a href = "https://gist.github.com/djsime1/edb8f3a0ab77e563898d1c55f489bf96" > Click here< / a > for a feature< br > comparison of these firmwares!< / em > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-04 16:34:15 -05:00
< / table >
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`Firmware with plugins` Stock firmware with assorted community plugins. ](https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins )
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`Unleashed` Active firmware without legal limitations. ](https://github.com/Eng1n33r/flipperzero-firmware )
- [`Muddled Forks` Less-active firmware modifications. ](https://github.com/MuddledBox/flipperzero-firmware/tree/muddled_dev )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`Wetox` Very similar to the official branch, with a few small tweaks. ](https://github.com/wetox-team/flipperzero-firmware )
2022-03-14 13:05:26 -05:00
2022-03-15 22:05:17 -04:00
## Modules & Cases
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`FlipperZero-Hardware` 3D-Printable cases with custom iButton interface. ](https://github.com/s0ko1ex/FlipperZero-Hardware )
2022-03-15 22:06:53 -05:00
- [`Flipper Zero Cases` 3D-Printable case & cover models. ](https://github.com/MuddledBox/FlipperZeroCases )
2022-05-16 23:54:02 -05:00
- [`FlipperZero-Protoboards-Kicad` KiCad prototype boards. ](https://github.com/lomalkin/flipperzero-protoboards-kicad )
2022-03-15 22:05:17 -04:00
## Off-device & Debugging
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`OOK to .sub` Python script to generate Flipper RAW .sub files from OOK bitstreams. ](https://gist.github.com/jinschoi/f39dbd82e4e3d99d32ab6a9b8dfc2f55 )
2022-05-01 22:08:30 -05:00
- [`csv2ir` Script to convert IRDB CSV's to Flipper .ir files. ](https://github.com/Spexivus/csv2ir )
2022-03-14 13:05:26 -05:00
- [`flipperzero-sesproject` Segger Embedded Studio project. ](https://github.com/hedger/flipperzero-sesproject )
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`FlipperScripts` Modify the state and level of your dolphin. ](https://github.com/DroomOne/FlipperScripts )
2022-03-15 22:06:53 -05:00
- [`Viewing system logs` Dump system logs to serial CLI. ](https://gist.github.com/jaflo/50c35c46f3ecada7a18c9e5cc203a3f8 )
2022-04-30 13:35:59 -05:00
- [`AmiiboFlipperConverter` Script that converts Amiibo's to Flipper format. ](https://github.com/Lucaslhm/AmiiboFlipperConverter/ )
- [`CLI Tools` Python scripts to screenshot/stream screen. ](https://github.com/lomalkin/flipperzero-cli-tools )
2022-03-15 21:59:36 -05:00
2022-05-01 22:08:30 -05:00
## Notes & References
2022-05-04 16:34:15 -05:00
- [`FZ Firmware Comparisons` Comparison of custom firmwares listed in this repo. ](https://gist.github.com/djsime1/edb8f3a0ab77e563898d1c55f489bf96 )
2022-05-05 19:16:36 -05:00
- [`Reset forgotten PIN` How to reset your device's PIN code. ](https://gist.github.com/djsime1/18d73b981249859f17aab3e2bfd2b600 )
2022-05-01 22:08:30 -05:00
- [`Flipper Zero GPIO Pinout` Official GPIO pinouts. ](https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO_LaYYI=/?moveToWidget=3458764522696947614&cot=10 )
- [`Firmware roadmap` Official stock firmware roadmap. ](https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO_3D6xU=/?moveToWidget=3458764522498020058&cot=14 )
2022-05-05 19:16:36 -05:00
- [`Flipper Zero SW&HW keynote` (OUTDATED) Hardware & software architecture document. ](https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_l1XZfbw=/?moveToWidget=3458764514405659414&cot=14 )
2022-05-10 15:46:27 -08:00
- [`Unofficial Community Wiki` To help consolidate all things Flipper (official and unofficial) ](https://flipperzero.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page )
2022-05-01 22:08:30 -05:00
2022-03-15 21:59:36 -05:00
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2022-03-15 22:06:53 -05:00
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2022-03-15 21:59:36 -05:00
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