2018-05-29 11:56:39 +02:00

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Raw Blame History

Name Description Homepage Star Updated Language License Author
awesome 😎 Curated list of awesome lists - 85773 today sindresorhus
moby Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems 49051 today Go Apache License 2.0 moby
kubernetes Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management 36893 today Go Apache License 2.0 kubernetes
awesome-selfhosted This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers. 23602 today JavaScript Other Kickball
etcd Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system 18523 today Go Apache License 2.0 coreos
dokku A docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications 15637 today Shell MIT License dokku
traefik Træfik, a modern reverse proxy 15443 today Go MIT License containous
drone Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go 14391 today Go Other drone
docker-cheat-sheet Docker Cheat Sheet - 13419 today wsargent
compose Define and run multi-container applications with Docker 12849 today Python Apache License 2.0 docker
awesome-docker 🐳 A curated list of Docker resources and projects 11336 today Other veggiemonk
faas OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple for Docker & Kubernetes 10237 today Go MIT License openfaas
glances Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative. 9967 today Python GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 nicolargo
rancher Complete container management platform 8607 today Go Apache License 2.0 rancher
istio An open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. 8288 today Go Apache License 2.0 istio
nginx-proxy Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen - 8151 today Python MIT License jwilder
portainer Simple management UI for Docker 8049 today HTML zlib License portainer
cadvisor Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. - 7430 today Go Other google
boot2docker Lightweight Linux for Docker - 7420 today Shell Apache License 2.0 boot2docker
ToolsOfTheTrade Tools of The Trade, from Hacker News. - 7191 2 days ago cjbarber
ctop Top-like interface for container metrics 7004 today Go MIT License bcicen
awesome-sysadmin A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources. - 6696 today Other n1trux
flynn A next generation open source platform as a service (PaaS) 6694 today Go BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License flynn
dockerfiles Various Dockerfiles I use on the desktop and on servers. 6229 1 day ago Shell MIT License jessfraz
dockerfiles Various Dockerfiles I use on the desktop and on servers. 6229 1 day ago Shell MIT License jessfraz
nvidia-docker Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs - 5806 today Makefile Other NVIDIA
swarm Swarm: a Docker-native clustering system - 5124 today Go Other docker
weave Simple, resilient multi-host Docker networking and more. 5101 today Go Apache License 2.0 weaveworks
bocker Docker implemented in around 100 lines of bash 4981 today Shell GNU General Public License v3.0 p8952
dockercraft Docker + Minecraft = Dockercraft - 4861 today Lua Apache License 2.0 docker
fabio Consul Load-Balancing made simple 4773 today Go MIT License fabiolb
machine Machine management for a container-centric world 4672 today Go Apache License 2.0 docker
docker-alpine Alpine Linux Docker image. Win at minimalism! 4466 today Shell BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License gliderlabs
docker-gc Docker garbage collection of containers and images - 4222 today Shell Apache License 2.0 spotify
distribution The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content - 3932 1 day ago Go Apache License 2.0 docker
mesos Mirror of Apache Mesos - 3717 today C++ Apache License 2.0 apache
docker-bench-security The Docker Bench for Security is a script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production. - 3711 today Shell Apache License 2.0 docker
marathon Deploy and manage containers (including Docker) on top of Apache Mesos at scale. 3667 today Scala Apache License 2.0 mesosphere
clair Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers - 3647 today Go Apache License 2.0 coreos
registrator Service registry bridge for Docker with pluggable adapters 3630 today Go MIT License gliderlabs
nomad Nomad is a flexible, enterprise-grade cluster scheduler designed to easily integrate into existing workflows. Nomad can run a diverse workload of micro-service, batch, containerized and non-containerized applications. Nomad is easy to operate and scale and integrates seamlessly with Consul and Vault. 3554 today Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 hashicorp
captainduckduck Automated Scalable Ready Webserver Package (automated Docker+nginx) - Heroku on Steroids 3253 today JavaScript MIT License githubsaturn
logspout Log routing for Docker container logs - 3233 today Go MIT License gliderlabs
incubator-openwhisk Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless event-based programming service and an Apache Incubator project. 3199 today Scala Apache License 2.0 apache
flannel flannel is a network fabric for containers, designed for Kubernetes - 3100 today Go Other coreos
mantl Mantl is a modern platform for rapidly deploying globally distributed services 3028 today Python Apache License 2.0 mantl
docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion LetsEncrypt companion container for nginx-proxy - 2941 today Shell MIT License JrCs
docker-gen Generate files from docker container meta-data - 2833 today Go MIT License jwilder
tsuru Open source, extensible and Docker-based Platform as a Service (PaaS). 2779 today Go BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License tsuru
official-images Primary source of truth for the Docker "Official Images" program 2766 today Shell Apache License 2.0 docker-library
docker-jumpstart A quick introduction to Docker 2748 8 days ago CSS Other odewahn
OctoLinker OctoLinker Available on Chrome, Firefox and Opera 2727 today JavaScript MIT License OctoLinker
awesome-kubernetes A curated list for awesome kubernetes sources 🚢🎉 2696 today Makefile Other ramitsurana
landscape Static Cloud Native Landscapes and Interactive Landscape that filters and sorts hundreds of cloud native projects and products, and shows details including GitHub stars, funding or market cap, first and last commits, contributor counts, headquarters location, and recent tweets. 2660 today JavaScript Apache License 2.0 cncf
DockerCheatSheet 🐋 Docker Cheat Sheet 🐋 2445 today eon01
empire A PaaS built on top of Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) - 2409 today Go BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License remind101
dlite The simplest way to use Docker on OS X - 2403 2 days ago Go MIT License nlf
goss Quick and Easy server testing/validation 2288 today Go Apache License 2.0 aelsabbahy
docker-lambda Docker images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment - 2243 1 day ago JavaScript MIT License lambci
docker-swarm-visualizer A visualizer for Docker Swarm Mode using the Docker Remote API, Node.JS, and D3 - 2209 today JavaScript Apache License 2.0 dockersamples
functions IronFunctions - the serverless microservices platform by 2195 today Go Apache License 2.0 iron-io
gosu Simple Go-based setuid+setgid+setgroups+exec - 2190 today Go GNU General Public License v3.0 tianon
now-cli The command-line interface for Now 2092 today JavaScript Apache License 2.0 zeit
watchtower Automatically update running Docker containers - 2048 today Go Apache License 2.0 v2tec
nsenter - - 1960 today Shell Apache License 2.0 jpetazzo
helios Docker container orchestration platform - 1924 3 days ago Java Apache License 2.0 spotify
dockerize Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers - 1869 today Go jwilder
Portus Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2) 1855 today Ruby Apache License 2.0 SUSE
gitkube Gitkube: Build and deploy docker images to Kubernetes using git push. 1824 today Go Apache License 2.0 hasura
dockerode Docker + Node = Dockerode (Node.js module for Docker's Remote API) - 1801 today JavaScript Apache License 2.0 apocas
dinghy faster, friendlier Docker on OS X - 1782 2 days ago Ruby MIT License codekitchen
docker-sync Run your application at full speed while syncing your code for development, finally empowering you to utilize docker for development under OSX/Windows/*Linux - 1782 today Ruby GNU General Public License v3.0 EugenMayer
seagull Friendly Web UI to manage and monitor docker - 1736 today JavaScript Apache License 2.0 tobegit3hub
centurion A mass deployment tool for Docker fleets - 1707 today Ruby MIT License newrelic
container-diff container-diff: Diff your Docker containers - 1705 today Go Apache License 2.0 GoogleContainerTools
dotfiles My dotfiles. Buyer beware ;) - 1704 today Shell MIT License jessfraz
rack Open-source PaaS. Built entirely on AWS cloud services for maximum privacy and minimum upkeep. 1672 1 day ago Go Other convox
kaniko Build Container Images In Kubernetes - 1547 today Go Apache License 2.0 GoogleContainerTools
img Standalone, daemon-less, unprivileged Dockerfile and OCI compatible container image builder. 1503 today Go MIT License genuinetools
panamax-ui The Web GUI for Panamax 1455 2 days ago JavaScript Apache License 2.0 CenturyLinkLabs
docker-slim DockerSlim (docker-slim): Don't change anything in your Docker container image and minify it by up to 30x making it secure too! (free and open source) 1444 today Go Other docker-slim
docker-osx-dev A productive development environment with Docker on OS X 1440 2 days ago Shell MIT License brikis98
vagga Vagga is a containerization tool without daemons 1404 1 day ago Rust MIT License tailhook
notary Notary is a project that allows anyone to have trust over arbitrary collections of data - 1380 today Go Apache License 2.0 theupdateframework
kontena The developer friendly container and micro services platform. Works on any cloud, easy to setup, simple to use. 1352 today Ruby Apache License 2.0 kontena
go-dockerclient Go client for the Docker remote API. 1289 1 day ago Go Other fsouza
rocker Rocker breaks the limits of Dockerfile. - 1272 today Go Other grammarly
nanobox The ideal platform for developers 1230 1 day ago Go Other nanobox-io
inspec InSpec: Auditing and Testing Framework 1224 today Ruby Other inspec
rexray REX-Ray is a container storage orchestration engine enabling persistence for cloud native workloads 1203 today Go Apache License 2.0 rexray
workflow The open source PaaS for Kubernetes. 1135 5 days ago CSS MIT License deis
docker-consul Dockerized Consul - 1021 2 days ago Shell MIT License gliderlabs
dockly Immersive terminal interface for managing docker containers and services - 1003 today JavaScript MIT License lirantal
convoy A Docker volume plugin, managing persistent container volumes. - 986 1 day ago Go Apache License 2.0 rancher
hadolint Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell - 964 today Haskell GNU General Public License v3.0 hadolint
docker-clean A script that cleans docker containers, images, volumes, and networks. - 957 6 days ago Shell MIT License ZZROTDesign
dry dry - A Docker manager for the terminal @ 950 today Go MIT License moncho
pumba Chaos testing and network emulation tool for Docker. 900 today Go Apache License 2.0 alexei-led
dockerfiles 🐳 A collection of delicious docker recipes 895 today JavaScript vimagick
docker-maven-plugin Maven plugin for running and creating Docker images 862 today Java Apache License 2.0 fabric8io
azk azk is a lightweight open source development environment orchestration tool. Instantly & safely run any environment on your local machine. 854 1 day ago JavaScript Apache License 2.0 azukiapp
habitus A Build Flow Tool for Docker 823 today Go Apache License 2.0 cloud66
falco Sysdig Falco: Behavioral Activity Monitoring With Container Support - 803 1 day ago C++ Other draios
docker-registry-ui A web frontend/UI for easy private/local Docker Registry integration - 773 2 days ago Groovy GNU General Public License v3.0 squidnyan
lando You look absolutely beautiful! 766 today JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 lando
docker-mon Console-based Docker monitoring - 748 10 days ago JavaScript Apache License 2.0 icecrime
dockerfile-maven A set of Maven tools for dealing with Dockerfiles - 746 today Java Apache License 2.0 spotify
docker-machine-nfs Activates NFS on docker-machine - 725 9 days ago Shell MIT License adlogix
zabbix-docker-monitoring 🐳 Docker/Kubernetes/Mesos/Marathon/Chronos/LXC/LXD/Swarm container monitoring - Docker image, Zabbix template and C module 715 1 day ago C GNU General Public License v2.0 monitoringartist
crane Yet another control plane based on docker built-in swarmkit 715 2 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 Dataman-Cloud
calicoctl Calico CLI tool 705 today Go Apache License 2.0 projectcalico
container-structure-test validate the structure of your container images - 703 today Go Apache License 2.0 GoogleContainerTools
sen Terminal User Interface for docker engine - 693 2 days ago Python MIT License TomasTomecek
subuser Run programs on linux with selectively restricted permissions. 691 6 days ago Python GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 subuser-security
awesome-ciandcd continuous integration and continuous delivery 682 today GNU General Public License v2.0 ciandcd
dockerfile-examples Some example dockerfiles for use with Docker - 663 1 day ago Shell kstaken
docker-volume-netshare Docker NFS, AWS EFS, Ceph & Samba/CIFS Volume Plugin 660 2 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 ContainX
manageiq ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform 658 today Ruby Other ManageIQ
captain Captain - Convert your Git workflow to Docker 🐳 containers - 639 3 days ago Go MIT License harbur
maestro Container orchestration for Docker environments - 615 today Python MIT License toscanini
docket Docket - Custom docker registry that allows for lightning fast deploys through bittorrent - 615 8 days ago Go MIT License netvarun
docker-flow-proxy Docker Flow Proxy 612 4 days ago vfarcic
armhf interesting stuff about arm devices (Utilite, SolidRun, Odroid) - 600 4 days ago Shell umiddelb
binci 🐳 Containerize your development workflow. - 581 2 days ago JavaScript MIT License binci
wharfee A CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting for Docker commands. - 567 2 days ago Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License j-bennet
sbt-docker Create Docker images directly from sbt - 562 4 days ago Scala MIT License marcuslonnberg
bane Custom & better AppArmor profile generator for Docker containers. - 561 today Go MIT License genuinetools
awesome-linux-containers A curated list of awesome Linux Containers frameworks, libraries and software - 542 today Apache License 2.0 Friz-zy
grafeas Cloud artifact metadata CRUD API and resource specifications - 540 3 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 grafeas
cyclone A cloud native CI/CD platform built for container workflow - 539 1 day ago Go Apache License 2.0 caicloud
Docker.DotNet 🐳 .NET (C#) Client Library for Docker API 538 4 days ago C# Apache License 2.0 Microsoft
libcompose An experimental go library providing Compose-like functionality 515 today Go Apache License 2.0 docker
docker-cleanup Automatic Docker image, container and volume cleanup - 507 4 days ago Shell MIT License meltwater
awesome_bot Validate links in awesome projects - 486 6 days ago Ruby MIT License dkhamsing
Docker-Secure-Deployment-Guidelines Deployment checklist for securely deploying Docker - 485 9 days ago GDSSecurity
dvm Docker Version Manager 459 11 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 howtowhale
swarmpit Lightweight Docker Swarm management UI 456 1 day ago Clojure Eclipse Public License 1.0 swarmpit
reg Docker registry v2 command line client. - 444 2 days ago Go MIT License genuinetools
clocker Apache Brooklyn cloud native infrastructure blueprints - 427 5 days ago Shell Apache License 2.0 brooklyncentral
longshoreman Automated deployment with Docker. - 426 12 days ago JavaScript longshoreman
rocker-compose Docker composition tool with idempotency features for deploying apps composed of multiple containers. - 420 9 days ago Go Other grammarly
image-spec OCI Image Format 420 4 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 opencontainers
dockstation DockStation is developer-centric application to managing projects based on Docker. Instead of lots of CLI commands you can monitor, configure, and manage services and containers using just a GUI. 414 1 day ago Apache License 2.0 DockStation
su-exec switch user and group id and exec - 412 today C MIT License ncopa
supercronic Cron for containers - 405 3 days ago Go MIT License aptible
dockerfile-examples Dockerfile examples - 402 13 days ago Shell Apache License 2.0 komljen
atlantis Open Source PaaS Built on Docker - 375 8 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 ooyala
ctop A command line / text based Linux Containers monitoring tool that works just like you expect. 373 2 days ago Python MIT License yadutaf
dagda a tool to perform static analysis of known vulnerabilities, trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats in docker images/containers and to monitor the docker daemon and running docker containers for detecting anomalous activities - 364 4 days ago Python Apache License 2.0 eliasgranderubio
docker-monitoring Docker-Monitoring based on Cadvisor, InfluxDB, and Grafana - 364 7 days ago vegasbrianc
docker-plugin Jenkins Cloud Plugin for Docker 363 4 days ago Java MIT License jenkinsci
local-persist Create named local volumes that persist in the location(s) you want - 361 3 days ago Go MIT License CWSpear
mu A full-stack DevOps on AWS framework 358 today Go MIT License stelligent
dray An engine for managing the execution of container-based workflows. 342 19 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 CenturyLinkLabs
netshoot a Docker + Kubernetes network trouble-shooting swiss-army container - 338 today Shell nicolaka
amicontained Container introspection tool. Find out what container runtime is being used as well as features available. - 328 2 days ago Go MIT License genuinetools
atsd-use-cases Axibase Time Series Database: Usage Examples and Research Articles - 328 today Shell Apache License 2.0 axibase
openscap NIST Certified SCAP 1.2 toolkit 317 today XSLT GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 OpenSCAP
udocker A basic user tool to execute simple docker containers in batch or interactive systems without root privileges - 308 today Python Apache License 2.0 indigo-dc
docker-registry-web Web UI for private docker registry v2 307 1 day ago Groovy GNU General Public License v2.0 mkuchin
docker-it-scala Docker integration testing kit with Scala - 299 5 days ago Scala MIT License whisklabs
Dockerfiles Collection of Dockerfiles - 297 46 days ago Python crosbymichael
dexec 🐳 Command line interface for running code in many languages via Docker. 292 2 days ago Go MIT License docker-exec
dockeron Electron + Vue.js for Docker - 288 6 days ago Vue MIT License dockeron
anchore Legacy Anchore container analysis, inspection and control toolset. See for newer version that operates as a service with REST API instead of a cli tool. - 288 4 days ago Python Apache License 2.0 anchore
docker_monitoring_logging_alerting Docker host and container monitoring, logging and alerting out of the box using cAdvisor, Prometheus, Grafana for monitoring, Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logstash for logging and elastalert and Alertmanager for alerting. - 285 3 days ago Roff MIT License uschtwill
dockerfilelint An opinionated Dockerfile linter. 279 3 days ago JavaScript replicatedhq
gantryd Framework for easy management of docker-based components across machines - 274 24 days ago Python Apache License 2.0 DevTable
dockramp A Client Driven Docker Image Builder - 264 5 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 jlhawn
scar Serverless Container-aware ARchitectures (e.g. Docker in AWS Lambda) 263 4 days ago Python Apache License 2.0 grycap
docker.el Manage docker from Emacs. - 256 4 days ago Emacs Lisp Silex
Docker-PowerShell PowerShell Module for Docker - 256 9 days ago C# MIT License Microsoft
dockerfile-mode An emacs mode for handling Dockerfiles - 254 1 day ago Emacs Lisp Apache License 2.0 spotify
docker-ls Tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries. - 238 3 days ago Go MIT License mayflower
containership A simple container management platform 220 21 days ago JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 containership
box A Next-Generation Builder for Docker Images 220 2 days ago Go Other box-builder
dockerfile_lint - - 218 today JavaScript MIT License projectatomic
dockfmt Dockerfile format and parser. Like gofmt but for Dockerfiles. - 209 today Go MIT License jessfraz
derrick 🐳A tool to help you dockerizing application in seconds 206 today Python Apache License 2.0 alibaba
devstep Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks 200 99 days ago Shell MIT License fgrehm
dockly DSL and Gem for building ready-to-launch Docker images - 199 5 days ago Ruby MIT License swipely
logagent-js Extensible log shipper with input/output plugins, buffering, parsing, data masking, and small memory/CPU footprint 196 today JavaScript Apache License 2.0 sematext
docker-grand-ambassador - - 193 76 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 cpuguy83
dockerana Docker Monitoring with support for Grafana and Graphite 192 5 days ago Perl dockerana
docker-proxy Transparent proxy for docker containers, run in a docker container - 189 24 days ago Shell Apache License 2.0 silarsis
cloud-slang CloudSlang Language, CLI and Builder 180 6 days ago Java Other CloudSlang
zodiac A lightweight tool for easy deployment and rollback of dockerized applications. - 177 3 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 CenturyLinkLabs
docker-images Docker Images - 175 3 days ago Shell arun-gupta
lstags Manipulate Docker images across different registries - 173 7 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 ivanilves
skinnywhale Skinnywhale helps you make smaller (as in megabytes) Docker containers - 173 27 days ago Shell MIT License djosephsen
swarm-ingress-router Route DNS names to Swarm services based on labels - 172 47 days ago Go MIT License tpbowden
Beluga Beluga a CLI to deploy docker containers on a single server or low amount of servers. - 167 25 days ago Shell cortexmedia
docker-unison A docker data container using Unison for fast folder sync. An alternative to slow boot2docker volumes on OS X. - 164 2 days ago Shell GNU General Public License v3.0 leighmcculloch
haven-platform Haven is an open source Docker container management system. It integrates container, application, cluster, image, and registry management in one single place. - 161 17 days ago Java Apache License 2.0 codeabovelab
Docker Docker playground - 159 5 days ago Shell konstruktoid
percheron Organise your Docker containers with muscle and intelligence - 158 48 days ago Ruby MIT License ashmckenzie
muguet DNS Server & Reverse proxy for Docker - Compatible with docker-compose, boot2docker and docker-machine - 154 71 days ago JavaScript MIT License mattallty
dockerspec A small Ruby Gem to run RSpec and Serverspec, Infrataster and Capybara tests against Dockerfiles or Docker images easily. 151 5 days ago Ruby Apache License 2.0 zuazo
fugu Swiss Army knife for Docker - 140 92 days ago Go MIT License mattes
chaperone Lightweight process-tree manager for Docker-like containers - 137 8 days ago Python Other garywiz
runlike Given an existing docker container, prints the command line necessary to run a copy of it. - 136 today Python Other lavie
sematext-agent-docker Sematext Docker Agent - host + container metrics, logs & event collector 135 today JavaScript Apache License 2.0 sematext
swirl A web UI for Docker, focused on swarm cluster. - 135 2 days ago Go MIT License cuigh
docker-replay Generate docker run commands from running containers - 130 6 days ago Python MIT License bcicen
portainer Apache Mesos framework for building Docker images on a cluster of machines - 127 81 days ago Python MIT License duedil-ltd
composerize 🏃🎼 docker run asdlksjfksdf > docker-composerize up 126 today JavaScript magicmark
sbt-docker-compose Integrates Docker Compose functionality into sbt - 125 14 days ago Scala BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License Tapad
docker-continuous-deployment continuous deployment of a microservices application with Docker - 122 10 days ago HTML MIT License francescou
logjam a log shipping tool - 121 2 days ago Go MIT License gocardless
docker-quick-ref Docker: Printable Quick Reference - 119 7 days ago Makefile dimonomid
ahab Docker event handling with Python - 117 2 days ago Python ISC License instacart
sherdock Docker Image Manager - 111 151 days ago JavaScript rancher
cis-docker-benchmark CIS Docker Benchmark - InSpec Profile 109 2 days ago Ruby Apache License 2.0 dev-sec
dockit Do docker actions and Deploy gluster containers! - 103 6 days ago Python GNU General Public License v2.0 humblec
europa Puppet Container Registry 100 33 days ago Java Apache License 2.0 puppetlabs
conduit Deployment system for Docker - 98 6 days ago Go ehazlett
gocd-docker Deprecated. See: 98 89 days ago Apache License 2.0 gocd
whales 🐳 Tool to automatically dockerize your application. 96 16 days ago Ruby MIT License Gueils
vagrant-docker-example Example of basic vagrant docker provider usage - 94 5 days ago MIT License bubenkoff
docker-flow-swarm-listener Docker Flow Swarm Listener 91 4 days ago vfarcic
dockersql Query your docker via SQL - 85 6 days ago Go MIT License crosbymichael
lifeboat Docker Compose UI: Lifeboat is an easy way to launch projects with a graphical interface 81 today JavaScript jplhomer
forward2docker Utility to auto forward a port from localhost into ports on Docker containers running in a boot2docker or Docker Machine VM - 77 16 days ago Go bsideup
crowdr Crowdr is a tool for managing multiple Docker containers - 75 220 days ago Shell MIT License polonskiy
amp ** THIS PROJECT IS STOPPED ** An open source CaaS for Docker, batteries included. 74 25 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 appcelerator
rapid 🐳 A lightweight Docker Developer Interface for Docker Remote API - 72 2 days ago Java MIT License ozlerhakan
gradle-docker-plugin Gradle Docker plugin - 71 44 days ago Groovy Apache License 2.0 gesellix
blockbridge-docker-volume Blockbridge volume plugin for Docker - 71 8 days ago Ruby BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License blockbridge
dlayer Stats collector for Docker layers - 70 2 days ago Go wercker
bocker Write Dockerfile completely in Bash. Extensible and simple. 68 2 days ago Shell icy
athena An automation platform with a plugin architecture that allows you to easily create and share services. 67 6 days ago Shell Apache License 2.0 athena-oss
docker-make build,tag,and push a bunch of related docker images via a single command - 66 13 days ago Python Apache License 2.0 CtripCloud
learn-docker 🚢 Learn how to use containers to consistently deploy your apps on any infrastructure. - 66 22 days ago Nginx dwyl
docker-alertd Monitor docker stats and send alerts - 66 34 days ago Go MIT License deltaskelta
docker-fluentd Docker container to collect other docker container logs with Fluentd - 65 39 days ago kiyoto
docker-for-all Docker applied in development, devops, testing, product management etc. - 63 34 days ago Ruby MIT License machzqcq
docker-client A Docker client for Java written in Kotlin and Groovy 55 18 days ago Groovy Apache License 2.0 gesellix
container-factory container-factory produces Docker images from tarballs of application source code 54 82 days ago Go ISC License mutable
DoMonit A Deadly Simple Docker Monitoring Wrapper For Docker API 53 13 days ago Python MIT License eon01
is-docker Check if the process is running inside a Docker container - 52 18 days ago JavaScript MIT License sindresorhus
proxy lightweight nginx based load balancer self using service discovery provided by registrator. - 49 27 days ago HTML Other factorish
stacker-cli Docker Compose Templates - 48 52 days ago JavaScript MIT License stacker
captain Easily start and stop docker compose projects - 48 2 days ago Go jenssegers
docker-registry-browser 🐳 Web Interface for the Docker Registry HTTP API V2 written in Ruby on Rails. 47 2 days ago Ruby MIT License klausmeyer
draw-compose Render Docker compose files. - 47 2 days ago Python MIT License Alexis-benoist
deploy Git and Docker deployment tool. - 45 26 days ago JavaScript ttiny
chaperone-docker Docker base images which use the chaperone lightweight process manager. - 45 2 days ago JavaScript Other garywiz
autodock autodock is a Daemon for Docker Automation that helps to build automated Docker based infrastructure by integrating with Docker events 44 8 days ago Go Other prologic
platform Dockunit platform website. 43 35 days ago JavaScript dockunit
swarmci Swarm CI - Docker Swarm-based CI system or enhancement to existing systems. - 42 3 days ago Python Apache License 2.0 ghostsquad
docker-compose Docker Compose Sample - 42 108 days ago JavaScript awesome-startup
h2o-proxy Automated H2O reverse proxy for Docker containers. An alternative jwilder/nginx-proxy. 37 78 days ago MIT License zchee
elsy An opinionated, multi-language, build tool based on Docker and Docker Compose - 37 4 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 cisco
docker-flow-monitor - - 36 1 day ago Go MIT License docker-flow
docker-zabbix Add and monitor running docker containers in Zabbix Server - 34 11 days ago Python GNU General Public License v3.0 gomex
docker-vm A simple and transparent alternative to boot2docker (backed by Vagrant) - 33 299 days ago Shell shyiko
dockerfiles - - 33 37 days ago Ruby pandrew
proco Proco will help you to organise and manage Docker, Docker-Compose, Kubernetes projects of any complexity using simple YAML config files to shorten the route from finding your project to initialising it in your local environment. 33 2 days ago Python MIT License shiwaforce
docker-compose-graphviz Turn a docker-compose.yml files into Graphviz .dot files - 31 5 days ago Go abesto
whale-linter A simple non professional Dockerfile linter - 30 1 day ago Python MIT License jeromepin
minio Minio Cluster - S3 Compatible Object Storage - 30 5 days ago JavaScript jelastic-jps
tsaotun Tsaotun - Python based Assistance for Docker - 30 2 days ago Python Other qazbnm456
powerline-docker A Powerline segment for showing the status of your Docker containers - 30 52 days ago Python MIT License adrianmo
compose_plantuml Generate Plantuml graphs from docker-compose files - 29 68 days ago Python MIT License funkwerk
docker-garby Just another Docker maintenance script, managing garbage collection of Docker containers and images. - 28 150 days ago Shell Apache License 2.0 konstruktoid
scuba Simple Container-Utilizing Build Apparatus - 27 69 days ago Python MIT License JonathonReinhart
plash A container build and runtime system 22 today Python MIT License ihucos
Dockerfiles These are Dockerfiles I've created for programs without official docker image. - 22 today Shell ondrejmo
docker-companion squash and unpack Docker images, in Golang - 22 2 days ago Go GNU General Public License v3.0 mudler
TrivialRC A minimalistic RC system and process manager for containers and applications 22 196 days ago Shell MIT License vorakl
skipper Easily dockerize your Git repository - 21 21 days ago Python Apache License 2.0 Stratoscale
construi Use Docker to define your build environment. - 19 103 days ago Python Apache License 2.0 lstephen
clusterdock clusterdock is a framework for creating Docker-based container clusters 18 6 days ago Python Apache License 2.0 clusterdock
Docker-Arch Generate Web/CLI projects Dockerized development environments, from 1 simple YAML file. 18 4 days ago PHP MIT License Ph3nol
blimp Mechanism to easily move a container from one Docker host to another 17 227 days ago Perl tubesandlube
funker-example-voting-app An example app using Funker - 16 5 days ago JavaScript Apache License 2.0 bfirsh
capitan Capitan is a tool for managing multiple Docker containers - 16 349 days ago Go MIT License byrnedo
docker-do hassle-free docker run - 15 386 days ago Shell benzaita
cleanreg A small tool to clean up Docker Registries (v2). - 15 15 days ago Shell Apache License 2.0 hcguersoy
swarm-router A «zero config» service name based router for docker swarm mode with a fresh and more secure approach 15 23 days ago Go MIT License flavioaiello
dockerding-on-rails Simple Web-Interface for Docker with a lot of features - 13 234 days ago Ruby MIT License Electrofenster
turbo Simple and Powerfull Utility for Docker 12 136 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 ramitsurana
rescoyl Private Docker registry - 10 116 days ago Haskell Other noteed
docker-missing-tools Docker missing tools - 10 27 days ago Shell nandoquintana
caduc Event based Continuous Docker Cleaner - 9 3 days ago Python GNU General Public License v3.0 tjamet
copy-docker-image Copy a Docker image between registries without a full Docker installation - 9 102 days ago Go mdlavin
supdock What's Up, Dock(er)? - 8 12 days ago JavaScript segersniels
depcon Docker blue-green/deployment/management supporting Mesos/Marathon and Compose. THIS IS A FORK - SEE ORIGINAL REPO 7 243 days ago Go Apache License 2.0 gondor
alpine-cvecheck Code used to CVE check Alpine based images - 6 124 days ago Shell tomwillfixit
multidocker Creates a system where users are forced to login in dedicated independent docker containers. - 6 6 days ago Shell Apache License 2.0 marty90
EnvCLI Replace your local installation of Node, Go, ... with project-specific docker containers. If you have a new machine you just have to install docker and envcli to get started. - 5 2 days ago Go MIT License PhilippHeuer
dcw Docker Compose Wrapper (a poor man's PAAS management tool) - 5 237 days ago Shell pbertera
cargos-buildroot - 4 5 days ago Makefile GNU General Public License v2.0 RedCoolBeans
DockerSurfer A tool for browse and analyze Docker Registries 2 64 days ago JavaScript Simone-Erba
dext-docker-registry-plugin 🐳 Dext plugin to search the Docker Registry for Docker images. - 1 563 days ago JavaScript MIT License vutran