Inspired by [@sindresorhus](' [awesome][sindresorhus] and improved by these **[amazing contributors](**.
It's now a GitHub project because it's considerably easier for other people to edit, fix and expand on Docker using GitHub. Just click [][editREADME] to submit a [pull request][editREADME].
> **Please**, help organize these resources so that they are _easy to find_ and _understand_ for new comers. See how to **[Contribute](** for tips!
#### *If you see a link here that is not (any longer) a good fit, you can fix it by submitting a [pull request][editREADME] to improve this file. Thank you!*
The creators and maintainers of this list do not receive and should not receive any form of payment to accept a change made by any contributor. The goal of this repo is to index articles, learning materials and projects, not to advertise for profit. **All pull requests are merged by default** and removed if inappropriate or unavailable, or fixed when necessary.
All the links are monitored and tested with [awesome_bot]( made by [@dkhamsing](
> Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications. Consisting of Docker Engine, a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool, and Docker Hub, a cloud service for sharing applications and automating workflows, Docker enables apps to be quickly assembled from components and eliminates the friction between development, QA, and production environments. As a result, IT can ship faster and run the same app, unchanged, on laptops, data center VMs, and any cloud.
* [Docker Curriculum]( A comprehensive tutorial for getting started with Docker. Teaches how to use Docker and deploy dockerized apps on AWS with Elastic Beanstalk and Elastic Container Service.
* [Install Docker Toolbox]( Docker Toolbox is an installer to quickly and easily install and setup a Docker environment on your computer. Available for both Windows and Mac, the Toolbox installs Docker Client, Machine, Compose (Mac only), Kitematic and VirtualBox.
* [Learn Docker]( Full environment set up, screenshots, step-by-step tutorial and more resources (video, articles, cheat sheets) by [@dwyl](
* [Docker Caveats]( What You Should Know About Running Docker In Production (written 11 APRIL 2016) __MUST SEE__
* [Docker Ecosystem]( (PDF) __MUST SEE__ find it on [blog]( by Bryzgalov Peter.
* [Docker vs. VMs? Combining Both for Cloud Portability Nirvana](
* [Awesome Linux Container]( more general about container than this repo, by [@Friz-zy](
* [Getting Started with Docker]( by [@fideloper]( -- [Servers For Hackers]( is valuable resource. At some point, every programmer finds themselves needing to know their way around a server.
* [Dockerizing Flask With Compose and Machine - From Localhost to the Cloud]( -- [GitHub]( Learn how to deploy an application using Docker Compose and Docker Machine (written 17 April 2015)
* [Why and How to use Docker for Development]( (written 28 APR 2015)
* [From Local Development to Remote Deployment with Docker Machine and Compose]( (written 2 JUL 2015)
* [Docker: Build, Ship and Run Any App, Anywhere]( by [Martijn Dwars](, [Wiebe van Geest](, [Rik Nijessen](, and [Rick Wieman]( from [Delft University of Technology]( (written 2 JUL 2015)
* [Continuous Deployment with Gradle and Docker]( Describes a complete pipeline from source to production deploy (includes a complete Spring Boot example project) by
* [Containerization and the PaaS Cloud]( -- This article discusses the requirements that arise from having to facilitate applications through distributed multicloud platforms.
* [Docker for Development: Common Problems and Solutions]( by [@rdsubhas](
* [Docker Adoption Data]( A study by Datadog on the real world Docker usage stastics and deployment patterns.
* [Using Ansible with Docker Machine to Bootstrap Host Nodes]( by [@nathanleclaire](
* [Swarm v. Fleet v. Kubernetes v. Mesos]( Comparing different orchestration tools. (written OCT 2015)
* [The Shortlist of Docker Hosting]( There are so many specialized and optimized Docker hosting services available, it’s high time for a review to see what’s on offer (by Chris Ward).
* [Creating containers - Part 1]( This is part one of a series of blog posts detailing how docker creates containers. By [@crosbymichael][crosbymichael]
* [How to Route Traffic through a Tor Docker container]( by [@jfrazelle][jfrazelle] (writtent 20 JUN 2015)
* [A multi-host scalable web services demo using Docker swarm, Docker compose, NGINX, and Blockbridge](
* [Dealing with linked containers dependency in docker-compose]( by [@rochacbruno](
* [Docker Tips]( by [@jmervine](
* [Docker on Windows behind a firewall]( by [@kaitoedter](
* [Pulling Git into a Docker image without leaving SSH keys behind]( by [@khash](
* [6 Million Ways To Log In Docker]( by [@raychaser](
* [Running Production Hadoop Clusters in Docker Containers](
* [Container Best Practices]( - Red Hat's Project Atomic created a Container Best Practices guide which applies to everything and is updated regurlary.
* [Production Meteor and Node Using Docker, Part I]( by [@projectricochet](
* [Resource Management in Docker]( by [@marekgoldmann](
* [Docker and Phoenix: How to Make Your Continuous Integration More Awesome](
* [Pushing to ECR Using Jenkins Pipeline Plugin]( by [@mikesir87](
* [Building Docker Images for Static Go Binaries]( by [@kelseyhightower](
* [Automatic Docker Service Announcement with Registrator](
* [Docker Security: Are Your Containers Tightly Secured to the Ship? SlideShare](
* [Tuning Docker with the newest security enhancements](
* [Understanding Docker security and best practices]( (written 5 MAY 2015)
* [Performance Analysis of Docker on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7](
* [Distrubuted JMeter testing using Docker](
* [nsinit: per-container resource monitoring of Docker containers on RHEL/Fedora](
* [Docker Pirates ARMed with explosive stuff]( Huge resource on clustering, swarm, docker, pre-installed image for SD card on Raspberry Pi
* [Fool-Proof Recipe: Docker on the Raspberry Pi]( Same article as above but more opinionated.
* [Get Docker up and running on the RaspberryPi in three steps](
* [Installing, running, using Docker on armhf (ARMv7) devices](,-running,-using-docker-on-armhf-(ARMv7)-devices)
* [Docker in Practice]( by Ian Miell ([@ianmiell][ianmiell]) and Aidan Hobson Sayers ([@aidanhs]( ==> [Website](
* [Docker Up & Running]( by [Karl Matthias]( and [Sean P. Kane](
* [Using Docker]( by Adrian Mouat ([@adrianmouat]( (Publisher: O'Reilly)
* [Docker Security]( by Adrian Mouat ([@adrianmouat]( (Publisher: O'Reilly)
* [Kubernetes]( by [David Rensin]( (Publisher: O'Reilly)
* [Docker in Production: Lessons from the Trenches]( by Joe Johnston (Author), John Fiedler (Author), Milos Gajdos (Author), Antoni Batchelli (Author), Justin Cormack (Author)
* [Mastering Docker]( by Scott Gallagher (Publisher: Packt)
* [Learning Docker]( by Pethuru Raj, Jeeva S. Chelladhurai and Vinod Singh (Publisher: Packt)
* [Troubleshooting Docker]( by John Wooten, Navid Shaikh (Publisher: Packt)
* [Orchestrating Docker]( by Shrikrishna Holla (Publisher: Packt)
* [Extending Docker]( by Russ McKendrick (Publisher: Packt)
* [Securing Docker]( by Scott Gallagher (Publisher: Packt)
* [Learning Docker Networking]( by Rajdeep Dua, Vaibhav Kohli and Santosh Kumar Konduri (Publisher: Packt)
* [Docker High Performance]( by Allan Espinosa (Publisher: Packt)
* [Kubernetes Up and Running: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure]( by Kelsey Hightower ([@kelseyhightower]( (Publisher: O'Reilly)
## Chinese
* [Docker Container and Container Cloud](图书/dp/B014ETH1IG) (Chinese) by [Harry Zhang]( & Jianbo Sun & Zhejiang University SEL Laboratory
## German
* [Docker: Container-Infrastruktur für Microservices]( by Peter Roßbach ([@PRossbach](
## Portuguese
* [Containers com Docker do desenvolvimento à produção]( by Daniel Romero ([@infoslack](
* [Aprendendo Docker: Do básico à orquestração de contêineres]( by Wellington F. Silva ([@_wsilva]( (Publisher: Editora Novatec)
* [Docker para Desenvolvedores]( by Rafael Gomes ([@kelseyhightower]( (Publisher: Leanpub) - 55% finished
* [sen]( - Terminal user interface for docker engine, by [@TomasTomecek](
* [wharfee]( - Autocompletion and syntax highlighting for Docker commands.) by [@j-bennet](
* [ctop]( - A command line / text based Linux Containers monitoring tool that works just like you expect by [@yadutaf](
* [dry]( - An interactive CLI for Docker containers by [@moncho](
* [dockercraft]( - Docker + Minecraft = Dockercraft by [@docker][docker]
* [draw-compose]( - Utility to draw a schema of a docker compose by [@Alexis-benoist](
* [GoSu]( - Run this specific application as this specific user and get out of the pipeline (entrypoint script tool) by [@tianon](
* [Chaperone]( - A single PID1 process designed for docker containers. Does user management, log management, startup, zombie reaping, all in one small package. by [@garywiz](
* [Dockly]( (Dockly is a gem made to ease the pain of packaging an application in Docker.) by [@swipely](
* [dockerfile_lint]( (A rule-based 'linter' for Dockerfiles) by [@redhataccess](
* [Vagga]( (Vagga is a containerisation tool without daemons. It is a fully-userspace container engine inspired by Vagrant and Docker, specialized for development environments.) by [@tailhook](
* [Docker.DotNet]( (C#/.NET HTTP client for the Docker remote API) by [@ahmetalpbalkan](
* [container-factory]( - Produces Docker images from tarballs of application source code by [@lsqio](
* [codelift]( - CodeLift is an automated Docker image build utility for 'dockerizing' services by [@BoozAllen](
* [percheron][percheron] - Organise your Docker containers with muscle and intelligence by [@ashmckenzie](
* [crane]( - Lift containers with ease. Easy orchestration for images and containers by [@michaelsauter](
* [sherdock]( - Automatic GC of images based on regexp by [@rancher][rancher]
* [bocker]( (1) - Docker implemented in 100 lines of bash by [p8952](
* [bocker]( (2) - Write Dockerfile completely in Bash. Extensible and simple. --> Reusable by [@icy](
* [docker-gc]( - A cron job that will delete old stopped containers and unused images by [@spotify](
* [dlayer]( - Stats collector for Docker layers by [@wercker](
* [forward2docker]( - Utility to auto forward a port from localhost into ports on Docker containers running in a boot2docker VM by [@bsideup](
* [dockramp]( - Proof of Concept: A Client Driven Docker Image Builder by [@jlhawn](
* [portainer]( - Apache Mesos framework for building Docker images by [@tarnfeld](
* [Gradle Docker plugin]( - A Docker remote api plugin for Gradle by [@gesellix][gesellix]
* [Docker client]( - A Docker remote api client library for the JVM, written in Groovy by [@gesellix][gesellix]
* [Dropdock]( - A framework designed for Drupal to build fast, isolated development environments using Docker.
* [Devstep]( - Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks by [@fgrehm][fgrehm]
* [Lorry]( - Lorry is a docker-compose.yml validator and composer by [@CenturyLinkLabs][CenturyLinkLabs]
* [Dray]( - Dray is an engine for managing the execution of container-based workflows. Docker Workflow Engine - UNIX pipes for Docker by [@CenturyLinkLabs][CenturyLinkLabs]
* [docker-do]( - hassle-free docker run, like `env` but for docker by [@benzaita](
* [Docker osx dev]( - A productive development environment with Docker on OS X by [@brikis98](
* [rocker]( - Extended Dockerfile builder. Supports multiple FROMs, MOUNTS, templates, etc. by [grammarly](
* [dexec]( - Command line interface for running code with Docker Exec images. written in Go.
* [crowdr]( - Tool for managing multiple Docker containers (docker-compose alternative) by [@polonskiy](
* [ahab]( - Docker event handling with Python by [@instacart](
* [docker-garby]( - Docker garbage collection script by [@konstruktoid](
* [DevLab]( - Utility for running containerized development environments
* [is-docker]( - Check if the process is running inside a Docker container by [@sindresorhus][sindresorhus]
* [Docker meets the IDE]( - Integrating your favorite containers in the editor of your choice by [domeide](
* [DVM]( - Docker version manager by [@getcarina](
* [docker-ls]( - CLI tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries by [@mayflower](
* [habitus]( - A Build Flow Tool for Docker by [@cloud66](
* [Docker Clean]( - A script that cleans Docker containers, images and volumes by [@zzrotdesign](
* [Powerline-Docker]( - A Powerline segment for showing the status of Docker containers by [@adrianmo](
* [Docker-PowerShell]( - PowerShell Module for Docker
* [docker-compose-search]( - A search engine for Docker Compose application stacks by [@francescou](
* [docker-companion]( - A command line tool written in Golang to squash and unpack docker images by [@mudler](
* [Captain]( - Convert your Git workflow to Docker containers ready for Continuous Delivery by [@harbur](
* [CodeShip]( - Work with your established Docker workflows while automating your testing and deployment tasks with our hosted platform dedicated to speed and security.
* [Docker plugin for Jenkins]( - The aim of the docker plugin is to be able to use a docker host to dynamically provision a slave, run a single build, then tear-down that slave.
* [Dockunit]( - Docker based integration tests. A simple Node based utility for running Docker based unit tests. By [@dockunit](
* [Drone]( - Continuous integration server built on Docker and configured using YAML files.
* [GitLab CI]( - GitLab has integrated CI to test, build and deploy your code with the use of GitLab runners.
* [Shippable]( - A SaaS platform for developers and DevOps teams that significantly reduces the time taken for code to be built, tested and deployed to production.
* [depcon]( - Depcon is written in Go and allows you to easily deploy Docker containers to Apache Mesos/Marathon, Amazon ECS and Kubernetes. By [@gonodr][gondor]
* [dockit]( - Do docker actions and Deploy gluster containers!
* [rocker-compose]( - Docker composition tool with idempotency features for deploying apps composed of multiple containers.
* [Zodiac]( - A lightweight tool for easy deployment and rollback of dockerized applications. By [@CenturyLinkLabs][CenturyLinkLabs]
* [Google Container Engine]( - Docker containers on Google Cloud Computing powered by [Kubernetes][kubernetes].
* [OpenShift Dedicated]( - A hosted [OpenShift][openshift] cluster for running your Docker containers managed by Red Hat.
* [Orchard]( (part of Docker Inc) - Get a Docker host in the cloud, instantly.
* [Triton]( - Elastic container-native infrastructure by Joyent.
* [Let's Encrypt Nginx-proxy Companion]( - A lightweight companion container for the nginx-proxy. It allow the creation/renewal of Let's Encrypt certificates automatically. By [@JrCs](
* [h2o-proxy]( - Automated H2O reverse proxy for Docker containers. An alternative to [jwilder/nginx-proxy][nginxproxy] by [@zchee](
* [docker-proxy]( - Transparent proxy for docker containers, run in a docker container. By [@silarsis](
* [Træfɪk]( - Automated reverse proxy and load-balancer for Docker, Mesos, Consul, Etcd... By [@EmileVauge](
* [fabio]( - A fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying microservices managed by consul. By [@eBay](
* [Docker Registry Browser]( - Web Interface for the Docker Registry HTTP API v2 by [@klausmeyer](
* [Docker Registry UI]( - A web UI for easy private/local Docker Registry integration by [@atc-](
* [docker-registry-web]( - Web UI, authentication service and event recorder for private docker registry v2 by [@mkuchin](
* [dockering-on-rails]( - Simple Web-Interface for Docker with a lot of features by [@Electrofenster](
* [Rapid Dashboard]( - A simple query dashboard to use Docker Remote API by [@ozlerhakan](
* [FuGu]( - Docker run wrapper without orchestration by [@mattes](
* [Boot2Docker]( - Docker for OSX and Windows --
* [docker-vm]( - Simple and transparent alternative to boot2docker (backed by Vagrant) by [@shyiko](
* [Vessel]( - Automates the setup & use of dockerized development environments by [@awvessel](
* [subuser]( - Makes it easy to securely and portably run graphical desktop applications in Docker
* [OctoHost]( - Simple web focused Docker based mini-PaaS server. git push to deploy your websites as needed) by [@octohost](
* [Dokku][dokku] - Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash by [@progrium][progrium]
* [Vagrant - Docker provider]( - Good starting point is [vagrant-docker-example]( by [@bubenkoff](
* [Dray]( - An engine for managing the execution of container-based workflows. by [@CenturyLinkLabs][CenturyLinkLabs]
* [percheron][percheron] - Organise your Docker containers with muscle and intelligence by [@ashmckenzie](
* [Dusty]( - Managed Docker development environments on OS X
* [Beluga]( - CLI to deploy docker containers on a single server or low amount of servers. By [@cortextmedia](
* [libcompose]( - Go library for Docker Compose.
* [DLite]( - Simplest way to use Docker on OSX, no VM needed. By [@nlf](
* [Azk]( - Orchestrate development enviornments on your local machine by [@azukiapp](
* [Blockbridge]( - The Blockbridge plugin is a volume plugin that provides access to an extensible set of container-based persistent storage options. It supports single and multi-host Docker environments with features that include tenant isolation, automated provisioning, encryption, secure deletion, snapshots and QoS. By [@blockbridge][blockbridge]
* [Convoy]( - an open-source Docker volume driver that can snapshot, backup and restore Docker volumes anywhere. By [@rancher][rancher]
* [Azure Files Volume Driver]( - A Docker volume driver that allows you to mount persistent volumes backed by Microsoft Azure File Service. By [@ahmetalpbalkan][ahmetalpbalkan]
* [Docker Unison]( A docker volume container using Unison for fast two-way folder sync. Created as an alternative to slow boot2docker volumes on OS X. By [@leighmcculloch](
* [Netshare]( A Docker volume plugin written in Go that supports mounting NFS, AWS EFS & CIFS volumes within a container. By [@gondor][gondor]
* [Docker Machine NFS]( Activates NFS for an existing boot2docker box created through Docker Machine on OS X.
* [REX-Ray]( Vendor agnostic storage orchestration engine to provide persistent storage for Docker containers as well as Mesos frameworks and tasks.
* [Local Persist]( Specify a mountpoint for your local volumes (created via `docker volume create`) so that files will always persist and so you can mount to different directories in different containers.
* [passenger-docker]( (Docker base images for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor web apps) by [@phusion](
* [chaperone-docker]( (A set of images using the Chaperone process manager, including a lean Alpine image, LAMP, LEMP, and bare-bones base kits.)
* [Dockerfile Project]( : Trusted Automated Docker Builds. Dockerfile Project maintains a central repository of Dockerfile for various popular open source software services runnable on a Docker container.
* [Atomic Registry]( Red Hat Atomic Registry is an open source enterprise registry based on the Origin and Cockpit projects, enhancing the Docker registry library.
* [Axibase Time-Series Database]( (Long-term retention of container statistics and built-in dashboards for Docker. Collected with native Google cAdvisor storage driver.)
* [cAdvisor]( (Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. created by [@Google](
* [Datadog]( Datadog is a full-stack monitoring service for large-scale cloud environments that aggregates metrics/events from servers, databases, and applications. It includes support for Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos.
* [Glances] ( (A cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool written in Python) by [@nicolargo](
* [InfluxDB, cAdvisor, Grafana]( (InfluxDB Time series DB in combination with Grafana and cAdvisor) by [@vegasbrianc][vegasbrianc]
* [Ruxit]( Monitor containerized applications without installing agents or modifying your Run commands
* [Sysdig]( An open source troubleshooting tool that provides a rich set of real-time, system-level information. It has container-specific features and is very useful in Docker environments.
* [Zabbix Docker module]( Zabbix module that provides discovery of running containers, CPU/memory/blk IO/net container metrics. Systemd Docker and LXC execution driver is also supported. It's a dynamically linked shared object library, so its performance is (~10x) better, than any script solution.
* [SPM for Docker][spm] Monitoring of host and container metrics, Docker events and logs. Automatic log parser. Anomaly Detection and alerting for metrics and logs. [@sematext][sematext]
* [Grafana Docker Dashboard Template]( - A template for your Docker, Grafana and Prometheus stack [@vegasbrianc][vegasbrianc]
* [Calico-Docker]( - Calico is a pure layer 3 virtual network that allows containers over multiple docker-hosts to talk to each other.
* [Wagl]( - DNS Service Discovery for Docker Swarm (by [@ahmetalpbalkan][ahmetalpbalkan] )
* [Docker-Fluentd][fluentd]: (Docker container to Log Other Containers' Logs. One can aggregate the logs of Docker containers running on the same host using Fluentd.) by [@kiyoto][kiyoto]
* [LogJam]( (Logjam is a log forwarder designed to listen on a local port, receive log entries over UDP, and forward these messages on to a log collection server (such as logstash).) by [@gocardless](
* [Logsene for Docker][spm] Monitoring of Metrics, Events and Logs implemented in Node.js. Integrated [logagent-js]( to detect and parse various log formats. [@sematext][sematext]
* [Centurion]( Centurion is a mass deployment tool for Docker fleets. It takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on a fleet of hosts with the correct environment variables, host volume mappings, and port mappings. By [@newrelic](
* [Clocker]( Clocker creates and manages a Docker cloud infrastructure. Clocker supports single-click deployments and runtime management of multi-node applications that run as containers distributed across multiple hosts, on both Docker and Marathon. It leverages [Calico][calico] and [Weave][weave] for networking and [Brooklyn][brooklyn] for application blueprints. By [@brooklyncentral](
* [deploy]( - Git and Docker deployment tool. A middle ground between simple Docker composition tools and full blown cluster orchestration. Declarative configuration and short commands for managing (syncing, building, running) of infrastructures of more than a few services. Able to deploy whole preconfigured server or system of services with a single line (without having to scroll the line).
* [Docket]( Custom docker registry that allows for lightning fast deploys through bittorrent by [@netvarun](
* [Longshoreman]( Longshoreman automates application deployment using Docker. Just create a Docker repository (or use a service), configure the cluster using AWS or Digital Ocean (or whatever you like) and deploy applications using a Heroku-like CLI tool. By [longshoreman](
* [OpenShift][openshift] (An open source PaaS built on [Kubernetes][kubernetes] and optimized for Dockerized app development and deployment) by [Red Hat](
* [Tsuru]( (Tsuru is an extensible and open source Platform as a Service software) --
* [Convox Rack] ( Convox Rack is open source PaaS built on top of expert infrastructure automation and devops best practices.
* [Dcw]( Docker-compose SSH wrapper: a very poor man PaaS, exposing the docker-compose and custom-container commands defined in container labels.
* [autodock]( (Daemon for Docker Automation) by [@prologic][prologic]
* [blimp]( Uses Docker Machine to easily move a container from one Docker host to another, show containers running against all of your hosts, replicate a container across multiple hosts and more. By [@defermat]( and [@schvin](
* [Capitan] ( Composable docker orchestration with added scripting support by [@byrnedo](
* [Citadel]( (Citadel is a toolkit for scheduling containers on a Docker cluster) (unmaintained)
* [CloudSlang]( (CloudSlang is a workflow engine to create Docker process automation)
* [Decking]( (Decking aims to simplify the creation, organsation and running of clusters of Docker containers in a way which is familiar to developers)
* [Deploying a Containerized App on a Public Node with Mesos]( (Docker plus Mesosphere provides an easy way to automate and scale deployment of containers in a production environment)
* [Flocker]( (Flocker is a data volume manager and multi-host Docker cluster management tool) by [@ClusterHQ](
* [Gaudi]( (Gaudi allows to share multi-component applications, based on Docker, Go, and YAM) ~~ project discontinued.
* [Kubernetes][kubernetes] (Open source orchestration system for Docker containers by Google) -- [kubernetes] See Also [awesome-kubernetes]( by [@ramitsurana][ramitsurana]
* [Maestro]( (Maestro provides the ability to easily launch, orchestrate and manage mulitiple Docker containers as single unit) by [@tascanini](
* [Marathon]( (Marathon is a private PaaS built on Mesos. It automatically handles hardware or software failures and ensures that an app is "always on")
* [MCollective Docker Agent]( Uses MCollective to orchestrate your Docker containers and images -- [@m4ce](
* [Mantl]( Mantl is a modern platform for rapidly deploying globally distributed services [@ciscocloud](
* [docker-bench-security]( script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production. By [@docker][docker]
* [notary]( a server and a client for running and interacting with trusted collections. By [@docker][docker]
* [Twistlock]( Twistlock Security Suite detects vulnerabilities, hardens container images, and enforces security policies across the lifecycle of applications.
* [Clair]( Clair is an open source project for the static analysis of vulnerabilities in appc and docker containers. By [@coreos][CoreOS]
* [Docker Grand Ambassador]( This is a fully dynamic docker link ambassador. + [Article]( by [@cpuguy83][cpuguy83]
* [proxy]( lightweight nginx based load balancer self using service discovery provided by registrator. by [@factorish](
* [Hide your DEV ENV in a container]( by [@johanjanssen42](
* [Quoi d'neuf Docker]( **FRENCH** chronique vidéo sur Youtube proposant de courtes vidéos (maximum 15 minutes) sur la thématique "Docker et son écosystème" [Site Web](
* [Introduction to Docker and containers]( (3:09:00) by [@jpetazzo][jpetazzo]
* [Deploying and scaling applications with Docker, Swarm, and a tiny bit of Python magic]( (3:11:06) by [@jpetazzo][jpetazzo]