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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ If this list is not complete, you can [contribute][editREADME] to make it so.
#### *If you see a link here that is not (any longer) a good fit, please fix it by submitting a [pull request][editREADME] to improve this file. Thank you!*
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The creators and maintainers of this list do not receive and should not receive any forms of payment to accept a change made by any contributor. The goal of this repo is to index articles, learning materials and projects, not to advertise for profit. **All pull requests are merged by default** and removed if inappropriate or unavailable or fixed when necessary.
# What is Docker ?
@ -31,62 +31,64 @@ _Source:_ [What is Docker](https://www.docker.com/what-docker)
* [Install Docker Toolbox](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-toolbox) Docker Toolbox is an installer to quickly and easily install and setup a Docker environment on your computer. Available for both Windows and Mac, the Toolbox installs Docker Client, Machine, Compose (Mac only), Kitematic and VirtualBox.
* Check out: [Docker Cheat Sheet][docker-cheat-sheet] by [@wsargent][wsargent] __MUST SEE__
* [Project Web Dev][projwebdev] : (Article series) How to create your own website based on Docker
* [Docker Containers on the desktop][jessblog] by [@jfrazelle][jfrazelle]) The **funniest way** to
* [Docker Containers on the desktop][jessblog] by [@jfrazelle][jfrazelle]) The **funniest way** to
about docker! (Tips: checkout her [dotfiles][jfrazelledotfiles] and her [dockerfiles][jfrazelledockerfiles])
* [Container Hacks and Fun Images][jessvid] by [@jfrazelle][jfrazelle] @ DockerCon 2015 **MUST WATCH VIDEO** (38:50)
* [Learn Docker](https://github.com/dwyl/learn-docker) Full environment set up, screenshots, step-by-step tutorial and more resources (video, articles, cheat sheets) by [@dwyl](https://github.com/dwyl)
* [What is Docker ?](#what-is-docker-)
* [Where to start ?](#where-to-start-)
* [Useful Articles](#useful-articles)
* [Main Resources](#main-resources)
* [General Articles](#general-articles)
* [Deep Dive](#deep-dive)
* [Networking](#networking)
* [Metal](#metal)
* [Multi-Server](#multi-server)
* [Cloud Infrastructure](#cloud-infrastructure)
* [Good Tips](#good-tips)
* [Newsletter](#newsletter)
* [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration)
* [Optimizing Images](#optimizing-images)
* [Service Discovery](#service-discovery)
* [Security](#security)
* [Performances](#performances)
* [Raspberry Pi & ARM](#raspberry-pi--arm)
* [Other](#other)
* [Books](#books)
* [Tools](#tools)
* [Terminal User Interface TUI](#terminal-user-interface)
* [Dev Tools](#dev-tools)
* [Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery](#continuous-integration--continuous-delivery)
* [Deployment](#deployment)
* [Hosting for repositories (registries)](#hosting-for-repositories-registries)
* [Hosting for containers](#hosting-for-containers)
* [Reverse Proxy](#reverse-proxy)
* [Web Interface](#web-interface)
* [Local Container Manager](#local-container-manager)
* [Useful Images](#useful-images)
* [Dockerfile](#dockerfile)
* [Storing Images](#storing-images)
* [Monitoring](#monitoring)
* [Networking](#networking)
* [Logging](#logging)
* [Deployment and Infrastructure](#deployment-and-infrastructure)
* [PaaS](#paas)
* [Remote Container Manager / Orchestration](#remote-container-manager--orchestration)
* [Security](#security-1)
* [Service Discovery](#service-discovery-1)
* [Slides](#slides)
* [Videos](#videos)
* [Main Account](#main-account)
* [Useful videos](#useful-videos)
* [Interesting Twitter Accounts](#interesting-twitter-accounts)
- [What is Docker ?](#what-is-docker-)
- [Where to start ?](#where-to-start-)
- [MENU](#menu)
- [Useful Articles](#useful-articles)
- [Main Resources](#main-resources)
- [General Articles](#general-articles)
- [Deep Dive](#deep-dive)
- [Networking](#networking)
- [Metal](#metal)
- [Multi-Server](#multi-server)
- [Cloud Infrastructure](#cloud-infrastructure)
- [Good Tips](#good-tips)
- [Newsletter](#newsletter)
- [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration)
- [Optimizing Images](#optimizing-images)
- [Service Discovery](#service-discovery)
- [Security](#security)
- [Performances](#performances)
- [Raspberry Pi & ARM](#raspberry-pi-arm)
- [Other](#other)
- [Books](#books)
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Terminal User Interface](#terminal-user-interface)
- [Dev Tools](#dev-tools)
- [Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery](#continuous-integration-continuous-delivery)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
- [Hosting for repositories (registries)](#hosting-for-repositories-registries)
- [Hosting for containers](#hosting-for-containers)
- [Reverse Proxy](#reverse-proxy)
- [Web Interface](#web-interface)
- [Local Container Manager](#local-container-manager)
- [Volume management and plugins](#volume-management-and-plugins)
- [Useful Images](#useful-images)
- [Dockerfile](#dockerfile)
- [Storing Images](#storing-images)
- [Monitoring](#monitoring)
- [Networking](#networking)
- [Logging](#logging)
- [Deployment and Infrastructure](#deployment-and-infrastructure)
- [PaaS](#paas)
- [Remote Container Manager / Orchestration](#remote-container-manager-orchestration)
- [Security](#security)
- [Service Discovery](#service-discovery)
- [Slides](#slides)
- [Videos](#videos)
- [Main Account](#main-account)
- [Useful videos](#useful-videos)
- [Interesting Twitter Accounts](#interesting-twitter-accounts)
- [People](#people)
# Useful Articles
@ -111,8 +113,7 @@ about docker! (Tips: checkout her [dotfiles][jfrazelledotfiles] and her [dockerf
* [DockerOne](http://dockone.io/) Docker Community (in Chinese) by [@LiYingJie](http://dockone.io/people/%E6%9D%8E%E9%A2%96%E6%9D%B0)
* [Project Web Dev][projwebdev] : (Article series) How to create your own website based on Docker
* [Docker vs. VMs? Combining Both for Cloud Portability Nirvana](http://www.rightscale.com/blog/cloud-management-best-practices/docker-vs-vms-combining-both-cloud-portability-nirvana)
* [Docker Containers on the desktop][jessblog] by [@jfrazelle][jfrazelle] The **funniest way** to
* [Docker Containers on the desktop][jessblog] by [@jfrazelle][jfrazelle] The **funniest way** to learn
about docker! (Tips: checkout her [dotfiles][jfrazelledotfiles] and her [dockerfiles][jfrazelledockerfiles]))
* [Awesome Linux Container](https://github.com/Friz-zy/awesome-linux-containers) more general about container than this repo, by [@Friz-zy](https://github.com/Friz-zy).
@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ about docker! (Tips: checkout her [dotfiles][jfrazelledotfiles] and her [dockerf
* [Deploying NGINX with Docker](https://www.nginx.com/blog/deploying-nginx-nginx-plus-docker/)
* [Eight Docker Development Patterns](http://hokstad.com/docker/patterns)
* [Rails Development Environment for OS X using Docker](https://allenan.com/docker-rails-dev-environment-for-osx/)
* [Logging on Docker: What You Need to Know](https://dzone.com/articles/logging-docker-what-you-need) + see the
* [Logging on Docker: What You Need to Know](https://dzone.com/articles/logging-docker-what-you-need) + see the
[video][loggingDocker] (~50min)
* [Comparing Five Monitoring Options for Docker](http://rancher.com/comparing-monitoring-options-for-docker-deployments/)
* [Minimalistic data-only container for Docker Compose](http://dockermeetupsinbordeaux.github.io/docker-compose/data-container/2015/03/01/minimalistic-docker-data-container.html) (Written Mar 1, 2015)
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ about docker! (Tips: checkout her [dotfiles][jfrazelledotfiles] and her [dockerf
* [From Local Development to Remote Deployment with Docker Machine and Compose](https://developer.rackspace.com/blog/dev-to-deploy-with-docker-machine-and-compose/) (written 2 JUL 2015)
* [Docker: Build, Ship and Run Any App, Anywhere](http://delftswa.github.io/chapters/docker/index.html) by [Martijn Dwars](https://github.com/MartijnDwars), [Wiebe van Geest](https://github.com/wrvangeest), [Rik Nijessen](https://github.com/gewoonrik), and [Rick Wieman](https://github.com/RickWieman) from [Delft University of Technology](http://www.tudelft.nl/) (written 2 JUL 2015)
* [Joining the Docker Ship](http://thenewstack.io/joining-the-docker-ship-and-go/) Learn how to contribute to docker (written 9 JUL 2015)
* [Continuous Deployment with Gradle and Docker](https://github.com/gesellix/pipeline-with-gradle-and-docker/blob/master/README.md) Describes a complete pipeline from source to production deploy (includes a complete Spring Boot example project) by
* [Continuous Deployment with Gradle and Docker](https://github.com/gesellix/pipeline-with-gradle-and-docker/blob/master/README.md) Describes a complete pipeline from source to production deploy (includes a complete Spring Boot example project) by
* [Containerization and the PaaS Cloud](https://www.computer.org/cms/Computer.org/ComputingNow/issues/2015/09/mcd2015030024.pdf) -- This article discusses the requirements that arise from having to facilitate applications through distributed multicloud platforms.
* [Docker for Development: Common Problems and Solutions](https://medium.com/@rdsubhas/docker-for-development-common-problems-and-solutions-95b25cae41eb) by [@rdsubhas](https://github.com/rdsubhas)
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ about docker! (Tips: checkout her [dotfiles][jfrazelledotfiles] and her [dockerf
* [How to use Docker on Full Metal](http://blog.bigstep.com/big-data-performance/use-docker-full-metal-cloud/)
## Multi-Server
* [A Docker based mini-PaaS](http://shortcircuit.net.au/~prologic/blog/article/2015/03/24/a-docker-based-mini-paas/)
* [A Docker based mini-PaaS](http://shortcircuit.net.au/~prologic/blog/article/2015/03/24/a-docker-based-mini-paas/)
by [@prologic][prologic]
* [A multi-host scalable web services demo using Docker swarm, Docker compose, NGINX, and Blockbridge](https://www.blockbridge.com/a-scalable-web-services-demo-using-docker-swarm-compose-and-blockbridge/)
@ -312,13 +313,13 @@ by [@prologic][prologic]
* [forward2docker](https://github.com/bsideup/forward2docker) (Utility to auto forward a port from localhost into ports on Docker containers running in a boot2docker VM) by [@bsideup](https://github.com/bsideup)
* [dockramp](https://github.com/jlhawn/dockramp) (Proof of Concept: A Client Driven Docker Image Builder) by [@jlhawn](https://github.com/jlhawn)
* [portainer](https://github.com/duedil-ltd/portainer) (Apache Mesos framework for building Docker images) by [@tarnfeld](https://github.com/tarnfeld)
* [Gradle Docker plugin](https://github.com/gesellix/gradle-docker-plugin) a Docker remote api plugin for Gradle by
* [Gradle Docker plugin](https://github.com/gesellix/gradle-docker-plugin) a Docker remote api plugin for Gradle by
* [Docker client](https://github.com/gesellix/docker-client) a Docker remote api client library for the JVM, written in Groovy by [@gesellix][gesellix]
* [Dropdock](http://dropdock.io/) a framework designed for Drupal to build fast, isolated development environments using Docker.
* [Devstep](https://github.com/fgrehm/devstep) (Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks) by
* [Devstep](https://github.com/fgrehm/devstep) (Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks) by
* [Lorry](https://lorry.io/) (Lorry is a docker-compose.yml validator and composer) by
* [Lorry](https://lorry.io/) (Lorry is a docker-compose.yml validator and composer) by
* [Dray](http://dray.it/) (Dray is an engine for managing the execution of container-based workflows. Docker Workflow Engine - UNIX pipes for Docker) by [@CenturyLinkLabs][CenturyLinkLabs]
* [docker-do](https://github.com/benzaita/docker-do) hassle-free docker run, like `env` but for docker by [@benzaita](https://github.com/benzaita)
@ -346,7 +347,7 @@ by [@prologic][prologic]
* [GOCD-Docker](https://github.com/gocd/gocd-docker)Go Server and Agent in docker containers to provision.
* [IBM DevOps Services](https://hub.jazz.net) - Continuous delivery using a pipeline deployment onto IBM Containers on Bluemix.
* [Shippable](https://app.shippable.com/) - A SaaS platform for developers and DevOps teams that significantly reduces the time taken for code to be built, tested and deployed to production.
* [Watchtower](https://github.com/CenturyLinkLabs/watchtower) - Automatically update running Docker containers by
* [Watchtower](https://github.com/CenturyLinkLabs/watchtower) - Automatically update running Docker containers by
* [Microservices Continuous Deployment](https://github.com/francescou/docker-continuous-deployment) - continuous deployment of a microservices application
@ -390,7 +391,6 @@ Securely store your Docker images.
* [Docker Registry Web](https://github.com/atc-/docker-registry-ui) (A web UI for easy private/local Docker Registry integration) by [@atc-](https://github.com/atc-)
* [DockerUI](https://github.com/crosbymichael/dockerui) (DockerUI is a web interface to interact with the Remote API.) by [@crosbymichael][crosbymichael]
* [DockerBoard](https://github.com/dockerboard/dockerboard) (Simple dashboards, visualizations, managements for your dockers.) by [@dockerboard](https://github.com/dockerboard)
* [Portus](https://github.com/SUSE/Portus) (Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2)) by [@SUSE](https://github.com/SUSE)
* [dockering-on-rails](https://github.com/Electrofenster/dockerding-on-rails) Simple Web-Interface for Docker with a lot of features by [@Electrofenster](https://github.com/Electrofenster/)
* [Rapid Dashboard](https://github.com/ozlerhakan/rapid) (A simple query dashboard to use Docker Remote API) by [@ozlerhakan](https://github.com/ozlerhakan/)
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ Securely store your Docker images.
## Local Container Manager
* [Shutit](http://ianmiell.github.io/shutit/) (a tool for building and maintaining complex Docker deployments) by
* [Shutit](http://ianmiell.github.io/shutit/) (a tool for building and maintaining complex Docker deployments) by
* [FuGu](https://github.com/mattes/fugu) (a docker run wrapper without orchestration) by [@mattes](https://github.com/mattes)
* [Boot2Docker](https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker) (docker for OSX and Windows) -- http://boot2docker.io/
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ Securely store your Docker images.
* [Dusty](http://dusty.gc.com/) Managed Docker development environments on OS X
* [Beluga](https://github.com/cortexmedia/Beluga) Beluga a CLI to deploy docker containers on a single server or low amount of servers. By [@cortextmedia](https://github.com/cortexmedia)
* [libcompose](https://github.com/docker/libcompose) A Go library for Docker Compose.
* [DLite] (https://github.com/nlf/dlite) Simplest way to use Docker on OSX, no VM needed. **WIP** By [@nlf] (https://github.com/nlf)
* [DLite] (https://github.com/nlf/dlite) Simplest way to use Docker on OSX, no VM needed. **WIP** By [@nlf] (https://github.com/nlf)
## Volume management and plugins
* [Blockbridge](https://github.com/blockbridge/blockbridge-docker-volume) - The Blockbridge plugin is a volume plugin that provides access to an extensible set of container-based persistent storage options. It supports single and multi-host Docker environments with features that include tenant isolation, automated provisioning, encryption, secure deletion, snapshots and QoS. By [@blockbridge][blockbridge]
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ Securely store your Docker images.
* [Dockerfile Project](http://dockerfile.github.io/) : Trusted Automated Docker Builds. Dockerfile Project maintains a central repository of Dockerfile for various popular open source software services runnable on a Docker container.
* [Dockerfile Example](https://github.com/komljen/dockerfile-examples) by [@komljen](https://github.com/komljen)
* [Dockerfile Example 2](https://github.com/kstaken/dockerfile-examples) by [@kstaken](https://github.com/kstaken)
* [Dockerfile @jfrazelle][jfrazelledockerfiles] by [@jfrazelle][jfrazelle] **MUST SEE** for a fully containerized
* [Dockerfile @jfrazelle][jfrazelledockerfiles] by [@jfrazelle][jfrazelle] **MUST SEE** for a fully containerized
## Storing Images
@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ desktop!
[jfrazelle]: https://github.com/jfrazelle
[jfrazelledotfiles]: https://github.com/jfrazelle/dotfiles
[jfrazelledockerfiles]: https://github.com/jfrazelle/dockerfiles
[jessvid]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qlLUf7KtAw
[jessvid]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qlLUf7KtAw
[progrium]: https://github.com/progrium
[jwilder]: https://github.com/jwilder
[crosbymichael]: https://github.com/crosbymichael
@ -641,6 +641,6 @@ desktop!
[coreos]: https://github.com/coreos
[docker]: https://github.com/docker
[sematext]: https://twitter.com/sematext
[sebgoa]: https://twitter.com/sebgoa
[sebgoa]: https://twitter.com/sebgoa
[kartar]: https://twitter.com/kartar
[docker-compose]: https://docs.docker.com/compose/
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