2022-11-25 04:59:01 +00:00

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Tools Made of Shell

Type Name Description Star Tags Badges
Army-Knife axiom A dynamic infrastructure toolkit for red teamers and bug bounty hunters! infra linuxmacoswindowsShell
Recon reconftw reconFTW is a tool designed to perform automated recon on a target domain by running the best set of tools to perform scanning and finding out vulnerabilities linuxmacoswindowsShell
Recon megplus Automated reconnaissance wrapper — TomNomNom's meg on steroids. [DEPRECATED] linuxmacoswindowsShell
Recon lazyrecon This script is intended to automate your reconnaissance process in an organized fashion linuxmacoswindowsShell
Recon JSFScan.sh Automation for javascript recon in bug bounty. linuxmacoswindowsShell
Recon recon_profile Recon profile (bash profile) for bugbounty linuxmacoswindowsShell
Fuzzer crlfuzz A fast tool to scan CRLF vulnerability written in Go crlf linuxmacoswindowsShell
Fuzzer BruteX Automatically brute force all services running on a target. linuxmacoswindowsShell
Scanner testssl.sh Testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port ssl linuxmacoswindowsShell
Scanner findom-xss A fast DOM based XSS vulnerability scanner with simplicity. xss linuxmacoswindowsShell
Scanner web_cache_poison web cache poison - Top 1 web hacking technique of 2019 cache-vuln linuxmacoswindowsShell
Exploit Sn1per Automated pentest framework for offensive security experts linuxmacoswindowsShell
Utils pwncat pwncat - netcat on steroids with Firewall, IDS/IPS evasion, bind and reverse shell, self-injecting shell and port forwarding magic - and its fully scriptable with Python (PSE) linuxmacoswindowsShell
Utils Findsploit Find exploits in local and online databases instantly exploit linuxmacoswindowsShell
Utils ob_hacky_slack Hacky Slack - a bash script that sends beautiful messages to Slack notify linuxmacoswindowsShell
Utils bountyplz Automated security reporting from markdown templates (HackerOne and Bugcrowd are currently the platforms supported) report linuxmacoswindowsShell