2017-03-30 18:20:52 -04:00

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Computer Science - Great Courses

This is a list of high-quality courses that, for one reason or another, didn't make it into the curriculum. The most common reasons are that the course isn't available often enough, or that there was an alternative that fit better into the curriculum.


Courses Duration Effort
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python 9 weeks 15 hours/week
Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science 10 weeks 15 hours/week
Introduction to Computer Science (Udacity) 7 weeks 10-20 hours/week
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1) 5 weeks -
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2) - -
Programming Basics 9 weeks 8 hours/week
Object-Oriented Programming 4 weeks 8 hours/week
Introduction to Programming with MATLAB - -
Introduction to Functional Programming 7 weeks 4-6 hours/week
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - -


Courses Duration Effort
Effective Thinking Through Mathematics 4 weeks 2 hours/week
Introduction to Probability and Data - -
Linear Algebra (Strang) - -


Courses Duration Effort
Computer Architecture - 5-8 hours/week
Operating System Engineering - -
Introduction to Operating Systems 8 weeks 5-8 hours/week
Advanced Operating Systems 5 weeks 5-8 hours/week
Computer Networking 12 weeks 5-8 hours/week


Courses Duration Effort
Algorithms, Part I 6 weeks 6-12 hours/week
Algorithms, Part II 6 weeks 6-12 hours/week
Analysis of Algorithms (Sedgewick) 6 weeks 6-8 hours/week
Analysis of Algorithms (Skiena) 15 weeks 6-8 hours/week
Programming Challenges (Skiena) 14 weeks 6-8 hours/week
Data Structures and Algorithms (Specialization) 25 weeks 3-10 hours/week
Algorithmic Thinking (Part 1) - -
Algorithmic Thinking (Part 2) - -
Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations - -
Approximation Algorithms Part I - -
Approximation Algorithms Part II - -


Courses Duration Effort
Using Databases with Python 5 weeks 2-3 hours/week
Database Systems - 27 hours
Database Management Essentials 7 weeks 4-6 hours/week
Intro to Artificial Intelligence 16 weeks 6-10 hours/week
Intro to Machine Learning 10 weeks 6-10 hours/week
Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics 5 weeks 7-10 hours/week
Processing Big Data with Azure HDInsight 5 weeks 3-4 hours/week
Big Data Science with the BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center 7 weeks 4-5 hours/week

Online Learning - Great Courses

Courses Duration Effort
Learning How to Learn 4 weeks 2 hours/week
Mindshift 4 weeks 2 hours/week